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Thu 09/16/10 11:06 AM
![]() Finally a Porsche that can fit all the camera and lighting gear needed for a commercial shoot. It also has the ULEV rating because the engine shuts down at red lights ![]() ![]() |
The Expendables
When I first saw the trailer, I was pretty much impressed with the all star cast. But when I watched the movie, I thought the plot is sometimes questionable and the direction and editing not as coherent as Stallone's prior two films, but at least it's got some muscle, including that most emotional one. There's a genuine sense of camaraderie that you can actually feel within the group. As an action film, it has everything. An insane amount of guns, explosives, muscles and the highest possible decibel levels. However one may feel about the story, I don't think anyone will be able to sleep through it. My favorite part was when Stallone, Willis and Schwarzenegger met in the church to begin the negotiations for the assignment. Stallone's jibe to Arnie was priceless, in my opinion. Arnie seemed to walk like he just had his hip replaced... did you notice that? The CGI used for the strafing run of the dock was incredible ![]() |
I'd be willing to overlook the top of her head...
I wouldn't date a chick over 6' tall |
Riddle me this......
1. How could the 22nd and 24th U.S. Presidents have the same parents, but weren't brothers? ANSWER: The 22nd and 24th president was Chester A. Arther, the same person. Ron You better check you answer or lose your Green Card ![]() |
The psychology today article was insightful and well written.
One comment from that article rings true is "Fashion is clothes and Style is character" |
master degrees,phds..doctors
How can you discount a person's goal to earn a degree in their chosen field of study?
I applaud their sacrifice and dedication to achieving their goal. ![]() |
master degrees,phds..doctors
I am having a hard enough time of finding a date now. Are you telling me that once I get my degree I am done for as far as dating goes? Well that stinks. Be cool...stay in school |
I think he does the casual thing pretty well, but he looks a little uncomfortable in the suits. And, that's NOT how you wear a bow tie. And the preppy look is still alive and well. ![]() That looks gay. Sorry...unless you are gay..get something else. This isn't the preppy look as much as it is the "MetroSexual" look. |
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Wed 09/15/10 08:44 PM
Are internet people real
<----14/f/Cali IRL
True Evil of Halloween
Another viewpoint:
(read with the voice of Reverend Timothy Lovejoy from the Simpsons) The Hidden Evil . . . .
How can any True Believer justify the camouflaging of innocent children (as a bandit would wear a disguise), and the implanting (into innocent minds) of the Concept of Extortion through Intimidation or Coercion. Do you Not remember how easy that concept was taught to you by saying over and over again, and again, "Trick or Treat"? Remember how easy it was (for some) in the Dark of Night to Punish those who didn't produce the demanded Treat under the threat of a Trick? Is this Destructive negative behavior what we want to teach our children? As a society we allow our school systems, mass media, churches, and merchants to Predispose Our Children to Violence, and Extortion by teaching them, through "Acting Out", and "By Example", that Evil is Fun and Rewarding? I for one cannot see any real difference between 'Halloween's Trick Or Treat' and the "BIG Kid who takes the small kid's lunch money under threat of violence'. |
True Evil of Halloween
Does anyone buy extra candy of their favorite type then eat it with the excuse that it wasn't given away at Halloween? I do! ![]() Hey, nice to bump into you here again! wait...we are supposed to hand out candy to others? I thought I just ate it all plus whatever the kids brought home angel
I think Halloween is a ploy to make adults have an excuse to consume large amounts of candy. ![]() I wonder who came up with the concept to disguise their children and send them out at night to beg for candy. Well, you asked. ![]() Immigrants flooded America in the second half of the 1800s, especially Irish immigrants fleeing their country’s potato famine who popularized Halloween nationally. Taking from both Irish and English traditions, Americans began to dress up in costumes and go from door-to-door asking for food or money, a practice now known as trick-or-treating. At this time, young women believed they could prophesize their future husband’s appearance by doing tricks with yarn and mirrors. By the late 1800s, Americans tried to mold Halloween into a holiday more about community than about ghosts, pranks and witchcraft, making parties for adults and children the norm. As a result, the holiday lost most of its superstitious and religious ties. By the 1920s and 30s, Halloween had become completely community-centered with parades and parties for the whole town. Vandalism also began to disrupt Halloween celebrations. That trend slowed in the 1950s and the holiday began to focus on the young due to the baby boom of the time. Trick-or-treating was revived as a way for the community to celebrate and a new American tradition was born. Silly Americans |
True Evil of Halloween
Does anyone buy extra candy of their favorite type then eat it with the excuse that it wasn't given away at Halloween? I do! ![]() Hey, nice to bump into you here again! wait...we are supposed to hand out candy to others? I thought I just ate it all plus whatever the kids brought home angel
I think Halloween is a ploy to make adults have an excuse to consume large amounts of candy. ![]() I wonder who came up with the concept to disguise their children and send them out at night to beg for candy. |
Suppose everyone should be a lot more choosey about who they marry? Yeah especially because people never change, and everyone marries with the intent to get divorced anyways ![]() Did you marry someone who changed and then divorced you? Did you get...uh stung? |
I have never known anyone that signed a prenuptial agreement.
I know they make for great plot twists in dramatic storylines. Weren't prenups designed to force everyone to do the right thing when dissolving a marriage? You can't take that SOB for everything he's got and he can't kick you to the curb. Suppose everyone should be a lot more choosey about who they marry? |
What's stopping you?
I think if there is a moral to be learned it would be about every woman having her own personality, life experiences, socio-economic situation, etc.
When your social interaction with women on a dating site boils down to the same result then you must see the common's you. Maybe if you related to each individual woman that you interact with in a unique way specific to her then your results might change. |
The preppy look isn't all bad. In fact, it's another timeless look when done right. ![]() I like the RayBan Wayfarers but the rest looks like a thrift store ensemble although the designer labels would put it over $500 Maybe if the sweater was a dark blue cable knit merino wool it would work for me. |
My fashion sense is business casual with comfortable shoes. Jeans and T's are fine for being incognito and blending into the human landscape.
BTW I've been known to peg the right leg of my sweatpants so they don't get caught in the chain of my mountain bike. |
What do you want?
Well Goof, all I want is a cupcake can I have it? I would even share. ![]() Of course you can. For $4.99 plus s/h. No sharing needed. ![]() If I call in the next ten mintues will you double the offer too ![]() just pay separate shipping and handling |
why is it that every time i meet someone they seam to think that its ok to date like 3 or 4 people at the same time how can you find that one you are trying to find if your not giving 100% to it How about you just go ahead and tell her how you feel about her dating other guys while you're dating her. She will either respect your request and stop dating other guys at the same time or tell you something polite like she's not ready for an exclusive relationship. |