Community > Posts By > Thorb

Thorb's photo
Wed 08/18/10 03:54 PM
^^^ isn't that the devil's second coming?

reverse one of those 12's and you get the end of the Myan Calendar ...

oh well ... I'm thinking if not now ... then never.
[because tomorrow never comes and its always now]

Thorb's photo
Wed 08/18/10 02:56 PM
lol ... its good to flex the imagination now and then.

keeps us young and healthy.

Thorb's photo
Wed 08/18/10 02:54 PM
lol .... just sayin'... men don't have the exclusive on being psychotic.pitchfork

Thorb's photo
Wed 08/18/10 02:50 PM
My big dream was this all encompassing event was happening where everyone in the world was running around aimlessly looking for the solution to a quandry that seems to have appeared with the sun going missing and the stars moving closer and closer every time anyone looked up. I was sitting on the fire escape of a brown stone with a couple of pals smoking something smooth. We had these fresh mugs of coffee-moche that our lady friends had made and were wondering through subtle looks at eachother, if the frenzy in the street was contageous.

I'm thinking that since I awoke and the sun came up that each day the dream is actually getting further away in temporal time but will always be there as long as my memory holds.

Thorb's photo
Wed 08/18/10 02:39 PM
And the truth is ....

How does he know you don't have a gun in your bag and some rope and might not just leave him tied upside down to a tree overhanging some canyon... then drive his car into the slums and leave the keys in it while you take the subway home.

Thorb's photo
Fri 08/13/10 05:22 PM
mistakes create opportunity
don't blame Mulroney

Thorb's photo
Fri 08/13/10 05:05 PM
more Huey Heffner B.S. me thinks.

it only works if you date twins.

Thorb's photo
Fri 08/13/10 04:32 PM
Edited by Thorb on Fri 08/13/10 04:42 PM

Fear or laziness?


most universal human characteristic is walking upright and sweating.

fear and laziness are taught conditions.

Thorb's photo
Mon 08/09/10 07:28 AM

I'm trying to figure out if this is bragging or soliciting or boredom.

it don't really matter though.

Thorb's photo
Mon 08/09/10 07:19 AM
I'm generally quite expensive.

but I would rather be free .... than cheap.

Thorb's photo
Mon 08/09/10 07:01 AM
Edited by Thorb on Mon 08/09/10 07:15 AM
define abused ... lol.
I would say ... out of context and wrong meaning would be abuse of a word.

Love is used a lot , misunderstood more than abused.

the F word is abused more often in general conversation ... just not in print.

A**hole is another word that may be abused often ... maybe not ... the meaning may fit the use.

Bîtch for sure is abused ... for it is not used at all or rarely in its real meaning ... to me that is the strongest type of abuse of a word.
Gay ... fits into this situation ... the meaning has been stolen from the word and what is now the general meaning is not what the meaning of the word was in the 60's or prior to that.
It had nothing to do with sexual orientation. It had to do with a man who was jolly and enjoying his life all the time ...
listen to the song "They are Coming to Take Me Away" from the 60's ... ..line ..."where people are happy and gay" ... has nothing to do with homosexuals. ... the word was perverted in the 70's.
[now that's gay. ... and not in a good way. lol]

Love ... at least people try to use it right.

Truth ... is abused way too much .... and so is ..... Fact

and then there is the abuse of ... Statistics.

Its a hard call...

in another forum ... Hate .... falls into this idea too.

I hate that .... but really I only dislike it ....
used as much as love in similar ways.

guess it depends where you live.

Thorb's photo
Mon 08/09/10 06:53 AM
trying to break the thread Hijack ...

American Wearwolf in London for total entertainment value

for public and social shock on the largest scale ... Exorcist
for social content shock factor ... Joe or Deer Hunter

as a kid in the 60's ... original House on Haunted Hill

sci-fi horror ... Phase 1V and Preditor and Scanners

satire ... Rocky Horror Picture Show

Thorb's photo
Sun 08/08/10 07:04 PM

nice comeback.
ya it's prolly exactly where he went toolaugh

I wish ... as long as I can fill in the *** myself laugh

our other popular saying was ...
peace on you too.rofl

Thorb's photo
Sun 08/08/10 05:43 PM
frustrated i can't really say I hate anything other than severe pain and I think that is just a serious case of annoyed frustration with lack of control.

I do think hate ... like love ... its supposed opposite
is way over used in modern society
generally misunderstood and exploited.

I kinda dislike on a big scale the use of " I hate ... "frustrated

Thorb's photo
Sun 08/08/10 05:33 PM
a firm gentle hand ... but now its not a secret.

Thorb's photo
Sun 08/08/10 11:03 AM
Well now that we know what Wolf really looks like .....

I doubt many would choose the word .... like.

Thorb's photo
Fri 08/06/10 06:35 PM
Such a lovely topic ...

now ... peace off.

Thorb's photo
Thu 08/05/10 11:41 PM

Does anyone else here write at the Writers Cafe online?

Never heard of the place ... is there a dot com involved?

Thorb's photo
Wed 08/04/10 02:42 PM

obsession is NOT cute,,,lol

I would have to agree with that ... and sure ...
stalkers are funny ... after they die ...
but that's it.

I still go for the original phrase that this header was distorted from ...

"immitation is the sincerest form of flattery"

Thorb's photo
Wed 08/04/10 02:32 PM
Edited by Thorb on Wed 08/04/10 02:33 PM

All laws need to be regularly reviewed and brought to the attention of the general public .... not just gun laws.

the general public is quite ignorant of many of the laws and needs to be reminded and needs to be consulted.

Might be a much easier task if there weren't quite so many laws...

true enough ... that is another of my pet peeves ...
every new law or addition to a law should only be allowed if two laws are repealed or two subtractions are made ... until we get to a point where there are a managable number of laws that the general population can understand and easily work inside of.

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