Community > Posts By > Tone_11

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:17 PM
turns out i love you but I'm not "in love" with you.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 12:49 PM

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 12:44 PM
what would you do if your choices were starve to death or go pirating?

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 09:19 AM
You get plenty of help cause you live in America, and you should be grateful that you had the oppurtunities you had here. I feel your pain, but I'm 26, and I'm totally on my own, I work for a newspaper, and I get no fs, no medicaid, and cash that I don't work for. But I'm not complaining, I have a place, a car, a job (4 now), and I know things could be alot worse. America's a spoiled country and we really don't know what poverty is here or I guess it's just a relative thing. Now the octomom, that's a different stry.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 09:12 AM
Just saying Happy Easter

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 09:10 AM
you shouldn't use either one, on, off, monitor off, if you are downloading huge files, and then ur laptop should be plugged in.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 09:07 AM
Ahh the flaws of the two-party system. huh

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 09:05 AM

Homeless people and food stamps

If you are homeless you can still get food stamps even if you do not have an address, a place to stay or a place to cook meals. You are considered homeless if you do not have a fixed regular nighttime residence or your primary nighttime residence is a temporary accommodation in:

* A supervised shelter;
* A halfway house;
* The residence of another person; or
* A place not designed for regular sleeping, such as a hallway, bus station or lobby

from winx flowerforyou flowerforyou posted link

Foodstamps are a State program, and differ accordingly.

actually that site is social security administration site so it is a state ran federal guided program as is medicaid

i would suggest googling medicaid for the homeless if you want an answer about such a situation

How much foodstamps and who qualifies for medicaid vary from state to state. I live in NY and the minimum monthly foodstamp income guidelines are higher here, as is there awards than almost any other state. Minimum wage is also higher, as it's 7.15 an hr. and has been since 2005. Where does illegal immigration fit in to all this? Isn't that why they have a minimum wage to protect people from getting paid peanuts. And if you get paid less than minimum wage but get state funded benefits you could get without a job why even work...where's the incentive? It seems like it would cost the gov't and therefor taxpayers money so that employers can "rape" there employees for high profits, while the state picks up the tab? What's up with that?

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:50 AM
More live action movies to look out for....Akira and Ghost in the Shell. 2009 and 2010 respectively

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:41 AM

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:35 AM
more of a great moment than a "play"

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:34 AM

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:28 AM
I would say that when one person starts wanting/loving the other person more than the other, that's when all the "fun" starts>

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:26 AM
prodding it even rhymes

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:25 AM
well Georgey boy bought the yanks for 10 mil. and now there worth 1.3 billion, and I think the new yankee stadium was something like over a billion dollars. And the league is worth alot more disproportionate to inflation, hell a beer is over 10 dollars at most ballparks. I haven't been to a game at the new yankee stadium but I'm going May 1st. to see them battle the Angels. I guess we live in a more expensive world (at least for the average person).

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:18 AM
I liked the love story in Forrest Gump, but ya know dif. of opinion that's all. The english patient was a great movie, I think the love story was one of the best of all time, and it had a good soundtrack :)

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:11 AM
I'm not saying Titanic was a bad movie, it was really good, and the most commercially successful film of all time (which it did in 1997-1998 theater run) something I doubt we'll ever see again until ticket prices are 20 dollars. But it was 1500 people who died in the North Atlantic not 1200, but I just didn't like the whole love story part of it I thought it was a bit on the cheesy side that's all.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:49 AM

Well I guess they won best picture for a reason. Obviously it doesn't gel with your opinion, but hey, you can't always be right can ya'?

I happen to love The Sound of Music, and the songs therein were sung many of times to my young children. My daughter is working on one of them with her vocal coach currently, it's great to learn the basics.

Why would you watch something you think is sickening anyhow?
:smile: i have seen many movies over many years and i consider myself well versed in the art of film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" is another sickeningly nice movie be seeing you

But Jessica Rabbit bigsmile no one mentions Titanic?

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:44 AM
Well I didn't vote for Obama (I don't belive in voting) I think he's doing alright economically. I'd probably be pissed if I was making over a mil. a year but I'm not so I don't care. I'm not losing EITC, and the dow hit over 8000 a few times. I really don't think you can judge his body of work after 4 to 5 months in office. That said I worry about him bowing down to the saudi gov't but I believe he's just not that experienced of a politician. that can be a good or bad thing. He inherited the worst mess since FDR (and that took nearly a decade to fix and a world war) so I mean no one held 9/11 against Bush (at least at first) so until you see how some of Obama's plans are going to work out in the long run (yrs. not mos.) it's difficult to form an opinion that's not based on speculation. I don't feel cheated cause I don't vote, as I believe all elections are determined by the previous party in power and how much they screw things up, or by the electoral college, and dems always win NY state so why bother?

Tone_11's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:50 PM
I was in the infantry in the marines and shooting someone in combat is never easy, takes training, timing, breathing, and you don't have time to think about any of it. @ 725 yards with iron sights or the M4's ****ty little scope is difficult. I doubt the bullet went in his ass or hit him at all if it detonated the bomb it must have hit it directly or went through his arm, even a .50 cal won't go through someones whole torso at point blank range and come out with enough power to detonate an IED.