Community > Posts By > Tone_11

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 02:12 PM
seems more like victims to the political machinations of the catholic church. Life during those times you've indicated was generaly accompanied by acts of brutality and violence. The Dark Ages especially. How about the mongols, the magyars, the arabians, the turks, the macedonians, the romans, were all pretty brutal in there own right. Most of the first christian churches were in fact pagan temples that converted. The first 7 churches of the apocalypse were all former city-states of the Athenian in Asia Minor (modern day turkey). The fact that western civilazation didn't devolve into an illiterate society completely after the fall of the roman empire was probably due in large part to the work of the church. It was after all the only place to get a proper education during those times. Don't forget either that following the crusades was the black plague, must have been the scariest part of human history.

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 01:52 PM
so pray to god and obey god's laws and let those who pray to the iowa state government be offended by there decisions.

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 01:49 PM
I don't think life (well mine) is that hard, but would you want to live forever? You'd probably get bored after a while

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 01:45 PM
being by the water helps...swimming beaches, she's wearing a bathing suit you're half way there

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 01:42 PM
how much did you invest emotionally in this guy you met one time? Alcohol helps....

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 10:49 AM
A certain percentage of people are gonna use drugs, whether they're legal/illegal whatever. It's the world, so it would make sense not to lock people up simply for possession, there not hurting anyone but themselves in the end right?

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 10:46 AM
what exactly could they charge them with? There 11?

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:52 AM
Edited by Tone_11 on Thu 04/16/09 08:52 AM
oldest medicine is from snakes like the anti-venom thing.

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:25 AM
A Beautiful Mind....

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:24 AM
I think the woman from Britain's Got Talent Susan Boyle beats them all.

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:14 AM
for taking oxy's he was prescribed? For lying? God if everyone who lied on tv was doing time...

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:09 AM
Rush isn't exactly what I would classify as brave. He's not even a veteran (not that you have to be to be brave) but he shouldn't knock Obama for his lack of military service when he doesn't have any. He's got what close a billion dollars and he's funny in a political way.

Tone_11's photo
Wed 04/15/09 02:03 PM
The English Patient, Romeo+Juliet

Tone_11's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:27 AM
it's like an Anne Coulter special

Tone_11's photo
Wed 04/15/09 10:20 AM
There's alot of sharks off the coast of Somalia.

Tone_11's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:51 AM
you're getting paid alot more the prisoners do at there jobs i'm sure.

Tone_11's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:48 AM

Tone_11's photo
Wed 04/15/09 08:40 AM
how much of a seperation of church and state is there, every president was some kind of christian right? (maybe not the free-mason ones) There's freedom of religion here, which is different than say Iran or Pakistan, or Vatican City (yes it's a country) and that's enough. Why get married if your gay? You won't have kids the person, or is it for the tax benefits, in which case you'd be getting married for the financial benefits of it and that's not right either. To be honest though I couldn't care less if gay people get married or not. Oh by the way the entire structure of our government was based on Greco-Roman political philosophies. Athens invented democracy, the alphabet we use (from the greek letters alpha and beta) did you ever say a word that ends in ium, polis, os, etc. The founding fathers relied on philosophers from the "age of enlightenment" Locke, Hobbes, Voltaire, who in turn based there views more on the ancient greeks and romans than on anything else. Peace & chicken grease

Tone_11's photo
Tue 04/14/09 02:31 PM
Italy won the last world cup, ciao Italia~

Tone_11's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:09 PM
all i'm saying is they don't have the same career options as you, and I'm sure they are well fed if they do there "drug lords" bidding, which could be like hey you guys gotta go pirating. Pirates have been around since maritime civilization. I don't think they are humanitarians or anything, but since there goals seem purely financial, and are more likely to hold you ransom than outright murder you, I don't think they are pure evil either. It's the most lucrative opportunity for these people who would otherwise live in an impoverished life if a longer one. I guess pirates kinda know they live short lives, but it's not like the problem will ever go away?