Community > Posts By > Tone_11

Tone_11's photo
Mon 06/29/09 02:27 PM
Maybe you need to change your approach a bit. I figure nothing happens if you don't go out and try. I go with the volume approach, I mean if you ask enough girls out a few are bound to say yes. Then just go from there. You shouldn't meet someone and then bam expect to be in a relationship with them. Circulate, women hate insecurity, for some reason *prolly cause alot of them are insecure themselves* so be confident and remember asking a girl out you risk being a fool for 5 minutes...say nothing your a fool for ever

Tone_11's photo
Fri 06/26/09 07:34 AM
I think if you're genuine and confident, you should have problems getting girls. Just speak your mind be yourself, say hi you seem you like an interesting person and your so cute, introduce yourself....what do you have to loose anyways?

Tone_11's photo
Mon 06/22/09 01:41 PM
Edited by Tone_11 on Mon 06/22/09 01:42 PM
Sig SP2022 .40 S&W, and an Armalite AR15 with a forged aluminum barrel. Oh and it's concertina wire common mistake.

Tone_11's photo
Mon 06/22/09 06:06 AM
what about makeup sex, kinda hard to have that if you're not in a committed relationship.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 06/21/09 07:45 AM
Did everyone 4get about Tory Spelling, it looks like she has a stage mask on with her face painted over it.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 06/21/09 07:05 AM
I liked Baldur's Gate 2, Zelda A link to the past, Super Mario World. Castlevania Symphony of the Night (Dracula X in Japan) for the PS1. Oh and GoldenEye 007 for N64 surprised no one said that.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 06/21/09 06:58 AM
I don't see any musicians on the brink of starving to death because of illegal downloading. Sure the days of multiple diamond albums are probably over, but that's probably more due to itunes and what not. It's just another case of corporate greed gone to far. Are any record labels in danger of closing? no they are not. And as for more obscure musicians and what not, illegal downloading is actually beneficial to them, as there cd's, songs, are usually not available to some people commercially, and thus they gain more recognition.

Tone_11's photo
Sun 06/21/09 06:52 AM
Alcohol kills just about as many people as cigarettes yet it's on bilboards and tv commercials. Here in NY they have a policy of raising the price of cigarettes until smoking impoverishes them. The problem with that is that if you charge more for something will people really do it less. I remember gas 4 dollars a gallon. I didn't see a million people riding bikes to the grocery store. Yes cigarettes need more warnings...despite the fact that currently on every pack of cigarettes the surgeon general says all the bad stuff that can happen. If you think this will make a difference it's silly. If I told you the sandwich your about to eat has 40grams of fat....200 mg of cholesteral....I doubt you'd put it down and not eat and go make a tuna sandwich on wheat toast now would you. If you thought cigarettes weren't bad for you before this bill passed then you're clueless. Why doesn't the government stay focused on **** they can actually affect. Or if it's health stuff there worried about, why do we seem to have the laziest most out of shape kids and adults in the world.

Tone_11's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:18 AM
When you're the best it's not arrogant, it's just a fact.

Tone_11's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:11 AM
Depends on the games really, I think girls would be less inclined to play say Call of Duty 4, than World of Warcraft or Wii Fit games. I remember DDR (Dance Revolution), lots of girls used to play that.

Tone_11's photo
Sat 06/13/09 07:00 AM
it's like when they take your tax return cause of unpaid student loans.

Tone_11's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:57 AM
maybe if you knock her up you'll get a gauranteed 9 months or so, then who knows.

Tone_11's photo
Sat 06/13/09 06:53 AM
I don't think Obama would want gas prices to go up, even for some green agenda thing, cause higher gas prices...yes you guessed it....hurt the economy. I do think it's funny though how the oil prices love making excuses for why they make billions and billions of dollars at everyone else's expense.

Tone_11's photo
Fri 06/12/09 07:06 AM
Ahh, well I woulda complimented you anyways...

Tone_11's photo
Fri 06/12/09 07:03 AM
1999 Movie about domestic terrorism. I thought it was really good. Scary, not in that it's frightening but just how it turns out.

Tone_11's photo
Fri 06/12/09 07:01 AM
Rose your so sexy, I'm sure you'll be just fine.

Tone_11's photo
Fri 06/12/09 06:36 AM
I think since women are usually the more "loving" partner in a relationship, there more likely to forgive---but not forget. Especially women with low self esteem. Also I think sometimes a woman would rather be with a man even if he cheats on her than be single ( I think its another self esteem thing)

Tone_11's photo
Fri 06/12/09 06:27 AM

Crazy Palin my god this is america after all but if you want to believe, man, dinos and cows and all that walked the earth together thats fine.............. you can think that......... but you cant be a presidentlaugh

You have to admit that is no crazier than believing in a god that no one can prove exists. And we have had presidents that do believe a god exists even if they can't prove it. Yet we don't even question that...

Maybe we should question the sanity of the country when we elect people that believe in things we can't see. Ok OK offtopic oops

We never had an atheist president, yet through different types of radioactive dating they know exactly how old the earth is (proven scientifically) exactly how old the oldest and newest dinosaur fossils are and if anyone running for president came out and said I'm an atheist, they're probably not going to win the election; Regardless of how they feel personally. Palin's problem isn't so much her stupidity as her lack of charisma, and her relative lack of experience in politics in Washington.

Tone_11's photo
Tue 06/09/09 02:06 PM
Dr. No with Ursula Andress, though did you know her voice was dubbed over, cause she had a heavy swiss accent or something like that.

Tone_11's photo
Mon 06/08/09 11:19 AM
I guess that's one way Obama will assure himself a second term. Palin's a moron, she has no charisma, she's not smart, she probably cost McCain more votes than she brought him. But she's experienced in foreign relations cause she can see Russia....

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