Topic: Bush Renews Call for offshore Oil Drilling - AOL News. | |
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Wed 06/18/08 02:06 PM
Bush Renews Call for Offshore Oil Drilling
By H. JOSEF HEBERT,AP Posted: 2008-06-18 16:51:16 Filed Under: Nation News, Politics News WASHINGTON (June 18) - With gasoline topping $4 a gallon, President Bush urged Congress on Wednesday to lift its long-standing ban on offshore oil and gas drilling, saying the United States needs to increase its energy production. Democrats quickly rejected the idea. "There is no excuse for delay," the president said in a statement in the Rose Garden. With the presidential election just months away, Bush made a pointed attack on Democrats, accusing them of obstructing his energy proposals and blaming them for high gasoline costs. His proposal echoed a call by Republican presidential candidate John McCain to open the Continental Shelf for exploration President Bush called on Congress to end a 27-year ban on oil and gas drilling along American coasts, saying lawmakers should act now to take a bite out of rising fuel costs. "There is no excuse for delay," he said. "Families across the country are looking to Washington for a response." "Families across the country are looking to Washington for a response," Bush said. Congressional Democrats were quick to reject the push for lifting the drilling moratorium, saying oil companies already have 68 million acres offshore waters under lease that are not being developed. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called Bush's proposals "another page from (an)... energy policy that was literally written by the oil industry — give away more public resources." Sen. Barack Obama, the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee, rejected lifting the drilling moratorium that has been supported by a succession of presidents for nearly two decades. "This is not something that's going to give consumers short-term relief and it is not a long-term solution to our problems with fossil fuels generally and oil in particular," said Obama. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, lumping Bush with McCain, accused them of staging a "cynical campaign ploy" that won't help lower energy prices. "Despite what President Bush, John McCain and their friends in the oil industry claim, we cannot drill our way out of this problem," Reid said. "The math is simple: America has just three percent of the world's oil reserves, but Americans use a quarter of its oil." White House spokesman Tony Fratto retorted: "Anyone out there saying that something can be done overnight, or in a matter of months, to deal with high gasoline prices is trying to fool people. There is no tool in the toolbox out there that will lower gas prices overnight, or in weeks, or probably not even in months." Bush said offshore drilling could yield up to 18 billion barrels of oil over time, although it would take years for production to start. Bush also said offshore drilling would take pressure off prices over time. There are two prohibitions on offshore drilling, one imposed by Congress and another by executive order signed by Bush's father in 1990. Bush's brother, Jeb, fiercely opposed offshore drilling when he was governor of Florida. What the president now proposes would rescind his father's decision — but the president took the position that Congress has to act first and then he would follow behind. Asked why Bush doesn't act first and lift the ban, Keith Hennessey, the director of the president's economic council, said: "He thinks that probably the most productive way to work with this Congress is to try to do it in tandem." Before Bush spoke, the House Appropriations Committee postponed a vote it had scheduled for Wednesday on legislation doing the opposite of what the president asked — extending Congress' ban on offshore drilling. Lawmakers said they wanted to focus on a disaster relief bill for the battered Midwest. Bush also proposed opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling, lifting restrictions on oil shale leasing in the Green River Basin of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming and easing the regulatory process to expand oil refining capacity. With Americans deeply pessimistic about the economy, Bush tried to put on the onus on Congress. He acknowledged that his new proposals would take years to have a full effect, hardly the type of news that will help drivers at the gas stations now. The White House says no quick fix exists. Still, Bush said Congress was obstructing progress — and directly contributing to consumers' pain at the pump. "I know the Democratic leaders have opposed some of these policies in the past," Bush said. "Now that their opposition has helped drive gas prices to record levels, I ask them to reconsider their positions." Bush said that if congressional leaders head home for their July 4 recess without taking action, they will need to explain why "$4 a gallon gasoline is not enough incentive for them to act. And Americans will rightly ask how high gas prices have to rise before the Democratic-controlled Congress will do something about it." Bush said restrictions on offshore drilling have become "outdated and counterproductive." In a nod to the environmental arguments against drilling, Bush said technology has come a long way. These days, he said, oil exploration off the coastline can be done in a way that "is out of sight, protects coral reefs and habitats, and protects against oil spills." Congressional Democrats, joined by some GOP lawmakers from coastal states, have opposed lifting the prohibition that has barred energy companies from waters along both the East and West coasts and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico for 27 years. On Monday, McCain made lifting the federal ban on offshore oil and gas development a key part of his energy plan. McCain said states should be allowed to pursue energy exploration in waters near their coasts and get some of the royalty revenue. Obama retorted that the Arizona senator had flip-flopped on that issue. Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL. 2008-06-18 09:32:08 Credit: Sorry, I think was posted but noting like this one that I know of. |
Edited by
Wed 06/18/08 03:43 PM
"Among other things, the Democrats called for the government to own refineries so it could better control the flow of the oil supply." -,2008-06-18
Copying Venezuela? Government seizing control of private enterprise? Whoa. Nationalization. Marxist policies brought to you by the Democratic controlled Congress. CHANGE. |
Three years ago Bush made the same proposals when gas was $2.24 a gallon and nobody listened........
Three years ago Bush made the same proposals when gas was $2.24 a gallon and nobody listened........ I never heard that one, but I wouldn't doubt it. Bush has the worst environmental record of any President in 50 yrs. He should have been supporting finding a renewable energy source instead of killing them all. McCain is nothing more than a repeat of Bush! |
Three years ago Bush made the same proposals when gas was $2.24 a gallon and nobody listened........ I never heard that one, but I wouldn't doubt it. Bush has the worst environmental record of any President in 50 yrs. He should have been supporting finding a renewable energy source instead of killing them all. McCain is nothing more than a repeat of Bush! On the contrary, The Senate just this past Tuesday failed again to renew tax credits that expire at the end of the year for renewable energies like solar and wind.The credit is regarded by many to be the key to lowering carbon emissions through the growth of renewable energies. In another three years when gas is over the projected $8 a gallon don't blame Bush or McCain. |
Bush does have the worst environmental record. I havent seen the bill you're talking about or heard about it, but I do know Bush's environmental record and I believe everyone else does too.
Tax credits isnt going near far enough to count for anything and I wouldn't blame congress for not giving an inch to him on anything. Why should they, he vetoes everything that crosses his desk unless its what he has decided is best for the country. Hes lucky Nancy Pelosi has kept him from being impeached! |
Bush's environmental record is soooo bad I dont really know where to start!
Here goes a bit, and I mean bit of it! Global Warming During his campaign, Bush pledged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. After assuming office, he reneged and pulled the U.S. out of the 1997 international Kyoto Treaty to reduce emissions that contribute to global warming, despite strong memos from EPA Administrator Whitman urging him to not abandon his pledge. He lied to the American people. (Ultimately, 178 other countries did sign the Treaty.) If he had been honest with voters, he would not be in the President's office. More recently, Bush belittled his own EPA report showing that Global Warming was indeed a real threat. He dismissed the report as a product of "the bureaucracy." Energy Plan Bush is a former oil company owner and executive. Vice President Cheney, former CEO of Halliburton Industries, a major oil corporation, has spearheaded a national energy plan obsessed with promoting the oil and gas industry. (During the 2000 campaign, Cheney denied that Halliburton had a business relationship with Saddam Hussein. The Washington Post has since revealed that two Halliburton subsidiaries were doing business with Iraq.) Cheney is also at the center of a scandal due to his hundreds of secret meetings with energy corporations (such as Enron) and his refusal to meet with any environmental representatives. The Bush Administration has refused to release the records from those meetings. Not surprisingly, the resulting Bush Energy Plan promotes expanded oil and gas exploration, and coal-fired and nuclear power, instead of conservation, efficiency and renewable sources. At the same time, Bush cut funding for research into renewable energy sources by 50%. Kenneth Lay, of Enron fame, used his close relationship with Bush to pressure the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to speed up energy deregulation, and provided Bush with a list of preferred candidates for key commission posts. Bush and Cheney relied on Lay for advice; some administration appointees had first to be "interviewed" by Lay before getting the job. Many former Enron employees now work in key federal positions. Vehicle Gas Mileage Standards Bush opposed improved gas mileage standards for vehicles when this was before Congress, and cut funding for research into cleaner, more efficient cars and trucks by 28%. Bush also cancelled the 2004 deadline for auto makers to develop prototype high-mileage cars. Appliance Efficiency Standards Bush grabbed headlines for not rescinding Clinton's order to improve energy efficiency standards for washing machines and water heaters, but several news articles failed to mention that Bush DID block Clinton's rule mandating such improvements for air conditioners. Air conditioners are heavy and often wasteful energy users, especially during peak summer demand periods which lead to the need for new power plants. Offshore Drilling Bush proposed new off-shore drilling projects at coastal sites around the country. Sites off Florida's eastern shore were about to be auctioned off, but the proposal was dropped instantly when Bush's brother Jeb (Florida's Governor) objected. Other states also objected, but Bush has continued to push for drilling in politically weaker (and most Democratic) areas. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge This is a well-known issue. Last year, Bush grabbed headlines by pledging that he would not pursue drilling in the refuge, then he reversed himself and became the leading champion of this boondoggle project. Luckily, Congress has voted so far to block the project, but it keeps appearing as a rider on other legislation. Citizens must stay vigilant. National Forest Drilling Bush has announced plans to allow oil drilling in Montana's Lewis and Clark National Forest. Arsenic A well-known fiasco. Bush was more concerned about costs than public health, and was lobbied by local officials equally warped. The media often reported Bush's decision as an arsenic "reduction" when it was actually an increase over Clinton's directive. Eventually, public pressure and media attention forced Bush to accept the healthier (but still not fully protective) Clinton standard. Superfund Bush cut in half the number of toxic waste sites to be cleaned up across the country. At the same time, Republican's have consistently blocked the law's funding source, a surcharge on chemical feedstocks and petroleum (the usual sources of hazardous waste), so the fund is running dry. The loss of the tax forces general taxpayers to pay to cleanup corporate mistakes, and eliminates a lot of the legal leverage the EPA has over polluters. Now that polluters know the agency is cash poor, they'll be more willing to fight against cleanups and attack Superfund Law as "too slow" (because it's out of money.) Negotiated cleanups will be much weaker and cheaper. Neighbors of sites without identifiable polluters will continue to be poisoned because no money is available. Bad Actors Bush revoked rules strengthening government authority to deny contracts to companies that violate federal laws, environmental laws, and workplace safety standards. Land and Water Conservation Fund During his campaign, Bush pledged to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which purchases development rights or land in environmentally sensitive areas. Last year, Bush received glowing media tributes for announcing he was increasing LWCF funds. Full funding requires $900 million a year (split between the feds and states), and Bush claims they've provided $911 million, but conservationists argue only $486 million of that $911 million would go toward LWCF purposes. The rest would go to other existing programs that Bush renamed as part of the LWCF. He also eliminated traditional LWCF programs, including an important wildlife grant program and a program to protect urban parkland. Diesel Emissions Bush got media attention for not rescinding Clinton's directive requiring manufacturers of heavy-duty trucks and buses to reduce diesel emissions by more than 90 percent and refiners to reduce sulfur in diesel fuel by 97 percent, to 15 ppm. (In this case, the rule had the support of the powerful automobile industry.) In other words, Bush got credit for not doing anything. Endangered Species In a major precedent-setting move, Bush flagrantly abandoned his responsibilities under the Endangered Species Act and cut protections for fish habitat protections in 4 states, as part of a legal settlement with the National Association of Home Builders and other groups. This will result in critical habitat destruction for 19 species of threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead trout in California, Oregon, Idaho and Washington. Numerous other species will also be affected. "Critical habitat" has been identified by government scientists as essential for the survival of the species. The Bush Administration said they "wanted a chance to devise new habitat designations after revisiting some key issues." They deemed the Clinton-era economic analysis "less than acceptable." Bush also blocked efforts to breach four old dams on the Snake River in Idaho, which biologists have shown block the migrations and breeding of several economically important salmon and steelhead species. The Army Corps of Engineers promises instead to improve the fish-ladders, but those have already proven inadequate and bound to fail. Rain Forests Bush broke his campaign promise to invest $100 million per year in rain forest conservation. Everglades Bush brags about his leadership in Everglades restoration, but draft rules for Everglades restoration issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in December attempted to fudge what the actual goals will be for measuring the project's success, fail to set timetables for those goals, and do not specify the amount of water dedicated to Everglades restoration. Interior Secy. Norton also shut down the federal office for Everglades restoration. I'm telling you this is only the tip of the ice berg! See the rest here, |
Three years ago Bush made the same proposals when gas was $2.24 a gallon and nobody listened........ I never heard that one, but I wouldn't doubt it. Bush has the worst environmental record of any President in 50 yrs. He should have been supporting finding a renewable energy source instead of killing them all. McCain is nothing more than a repeat of Bush! OH BULLSH*T - Get your head out of your politics and use a little common sense. It's the enviromental policies that's partly to blame. We can't expand refinieries because of enviromental laws, can't drill for oil because of enviromantal laws, the mean time CHINA is drilling for oil 50 miles off the coast of Florida. 50 FREAKIN' MILES. But we won't....this is insane. We need to explore alternative energy - but when we find a viable alternative - how long and at what cost will it take to convert all the gas engines in this country. Right now we need oil - and we are sitting on a ton of it - but our own stupidity keeps us from getting to it. And you rant about enviromental policies..... |
Dioxin Report Stifled Bush has continued the years of delay in releasing important health information about dioxin. The assessment was started at the request of industry and a first draft was released in 1985. But they were unhappy with the results and called for a reassessment in 1994, which provided even more proof of harm, so they called for another reassessment which they've successfully blocked for several years. Due to widespread dioxin contamination in meats, the report was expected to advise reduced meat and dairy consumption. The chemical, livestock and meatpacking industries gave $1,171,000 to Bush's campaign.
Dioxin Report Stifled Bush has continued the years of delay in releasing important health information about dioxin. The assessment was started at the request of industry and a first draft was released in 1985. But they were unhappy with the results and called for a reassessment in 1994, which provided even more proof of harm, so they called for another reassessment which they've successfully blocked for several years. Due to widespread dioxin contamination in meats, the report was expected to advise reduced meat and dairy consumption. The chemical, livestock and meatpacking industries gave $1,171,000 to Bush's campaign. What the heck does this have to do with offshore drilling?????? |
International Coastal Boundaries only extend 12 nautical miles from any countries coast! The US doesn't have jurisdiction beyond that. Therefore anyone can drill for oil there. US companies as well as foreign countries. Those are not the waters that are being debated and most of the time they are too deep to even be welled! So your assessment is uninformed irrelevant BS!! Besides if you are going to make such blatant claims how about a link to substantiate your fodder! |
Dioxin Report Stifled Bush has continued the years of delay in releasing important health information about dioxin. The assessment was started at the request of industry and a first draft was released in 1985. But they were unhappy with the results and called for a reassessment in 1994, which provided even more proof of harm, so they called for another reassessment which they've successfully blocked for several years. Due to widespread dioxin contamination in meats, the report was expected to advise reduced meat and dairy consumption. The chemical, livestock and meatpacking industries gave $1,171,000 to Bush's campaign. What the heck does this have to do with offshore drilling?????? Its Bush's environmental record! It sucks and proves he doesnt care about the environment! All he cares about is what benefits him. Drilling for oil off the coast wont benefit you, me, or anyone else. Thats for sure! |
My "uninformed irrelevant fodder..." is such to you because it does not fit in your world. But take care - I am not uninformed...
Edited by
Fri 06/20/08 09:24 PM
Show me!!!
50 miles is not our waters. If its able to be drilled (most likely its too deep for drilling) and the Chinese beat the US oil companies to it so what. How is that relevant to anything discussed here. Maybe they signed a contract with the country who's water it is! It's not my responsibility to back up your rants! |
Is this what you were talking about? Vice President **** Cheney's office acknowledged on Thursday that he was mistaken when he asserted that China, at Cuba's behest, is drilling for oil in waters 60 miles from the Florida coast. In a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Cheney said on Wednesday that waters in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, long off limits to oil companies, should be opened to drilling because China is already there pumping oil. "Oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida," the vice president said. "We're not doing it, the Chinese are, in cooperation with the Cuban government. Even the communists have figured out that a good answer to high prices is more supply." He cited his source as columnist George Will, who last week wrote: "Drilling is under way 60 miles off Florida. The drilling is being done by China, in cooperation with Cuba, which is drilling closer to South Florida than U.S. companies are." Congressional Democrats pounced on the vice president's remarks and were backed up by independent energy experts, who called the assertion hyperbole at best and a falsehood at worst. Cheney's office said in a statement to The Associated Press that the vice president had erred. |
OOpps!!! |
Three years ago Bush made the same proposals when gas was $2.24 a gallon and nobody listened........ I never heard that one, but I wouldn't doubt it. Bush has the worst environmental record of any President in 50 yrs. He should have been supporting finding a renewable energy source instead of killing them all. McCain is nothing more than a repeat of Bush! Fanta, the issue of becoming independent from the mid east oil suppliers has been a MAJOR issue with President Bush from day one. WHERE have you been? That man has fought congress tooth and nail to get offshore drilling, Anwar, etc. Time after time the damocrats struck President Bush's request down. You are in the minority here Fanta, people out my way are screaming for offshore drilling, Anwar, etc. We have the oil right in our own country and the "oh the poor polar bears might have to move in a foot" in the Anwar area, a section comparable to the size of a postage stamp in Alaska. AND PLEASE LET ME ADVISE/REMIND you that the people of Alaska WANT THE DRILLING FOR OIL, SO WHO IS ANYONE TO TELL THEM THAT THIS CANNOT BE DONE???????????????? Why do you not just go to Florida and tell them they are not allowed to use their beaches for recreation and tourist attraction? Same thing, different resources. Use the resources God put here in the USA and offshore, why waste time and money conjuring up another source of fuel when there is a magnitude of it right in our own country NOT being used, being totally wasted? WHAT KIND of mentality do people have that do not want to use our own resources and pay to hell and back to obtain it from other countries? Oh, excuse me, I forgot, that is the damocrats' way of thinking, and we all know how resourceful and frugal the damocrats are. Cut me a break for the love of God Lindyy |
Bush does have the worst environmental record. I havent seen the bill you're talking about or heard about it, but I do know Bush's environmental record and I believe everyone else does too. Tax credits isnt going near far enough to count for anything and I wouldn't blame congress for not giving an inch to him on anything. Why should they, he vetoes everything that crosses his desk unless its what he has decided is best for the country. Hes lucky Nancy Pelosi has kept him from being impeached! IMPEACHED FOR WHAT??????????????????????????? Pelosi does not know her butt from a hole in the ground. Ever since she became Speaker of the House, she has done nothing but go on a revenge tyrant against the Republicans and President Bush. Please note Fanta, and I am sure you know this but do not want to admit, Congress has a lower approval rating that President Bush, under the wonderful, magnificent reign of terror of Pelosi. OMG, the stupid things that people want you to believe. Get off the HATE TRIP and try being a bipartisan citizen and try working with others instead of beating them down into the ground. |
Fanta im with u and u know it, Oil is old, outdated and is very destructive as a fuel source. Its use a energy source has this country stuck in the dark ages, and its disgusting to see. I personally have made biofuel in my garage using a formula that costs me about six cents a gallon to produce, and my 1979 mercedes gets about 28 miles a gallon with it. These gas prices are nothing short of extortion being portrade on the American People by our own goverment and these big buissness blowhards.
If we Americans wernt so damn lazy and stagnant, we would realize that there is something we can do about it, we just have to have the knowledge and the will power to do it!! By the way Lindy, he should be impeached for LIEING to the entire world about Iraq's nuclear weapons program and GROSS INEFIENCY and for simply being a Silver Spoon Fed Retard. The US congress impeached a President for lieing about getting his **** sucked by an intern but yet they refuse over lies about weapons of mass distruction and wasting precious lives in combat based on those lies? It just shows the moronic way of thinking that this country has, SEX is Evil but Violence is Permisable, I cant see ANY consistancy in these scenerios what so ever and that makes me sick!! |
Bush does have the worst environmental record. I havent seen the bill you're talking about or heard about it, but I do know Bush's environmental record and I believe everyone else does too. Tax credits isnt going near far enough to count for anything and I wouldn't blame congress for not giving an inch to him on anything. Why should they, he vetoes everything that crosses his desk unless its what he has decided is best for the country. Hes lucky Nancy Pelosi has kept him from being impeached! IMPEACHED FOR WHAT??????????????????????????? Pelosi does not know her butt from a hole in the ground. Ever since she became Speaker of the House, she has done nothing but go on a revenge tyrant against the Republicans and President Bush. Please note Fanta, and I am sure you know this but do not want to admit, Congress has a lower approval rating that President Bush, under the wonderful, magnificent reign of terror of Pelosi. OMG, the stupid things that people want you to believe. Get off the HATE TRIP and try being a bipartisan citizen and try working with others instead of beating them down into the ground. Lindy you never read any proof offered. You just close your eyes, and stick to the indoctrination manual. I could post the factual truth all day and have, but you just close your mind to it. You never offer anything but pre-Bush propaganda. By the way, the majority are the 71% that disapprove of the job Bush has done, not the 28% that refuse to face the facts even as the economy crashes around them! I'm an Independent. I voted for your precious Bush the first time, but unlike you I saw the lies way back when. |