Community > Posts By > DDejon

DDejon's photo
Thu 07/14/11 05:19 PM
OK, here is the situation. I had a bad relationship that went on for a long time and then I just got tired of paying her bills when she would not do anything for me. I stopped taking her calls because I wanted to break up with her and she would not go away; or change. So today I checked my bank statement on a whim and I see that she paid her sprint phone bill with my credit card. So now I have to go 10 days without plastic as my new card comes in the mail and in order to get my 111$ back I have to file a police report and press charges; putting her in jail. What should I do? Eat the money or put her in jail? Bear in mind she has cost much more and done much less then any woman that I have ever been with.

DDejon's photo
Tue 07/05/11 03:16 AM
Sir, you are probably right. Who knows who is really carrying what? Maybe I should be ok with the fact that he is a law abiding citizen and that even if he has a temper maybe that has nothing to do with gun ownership. Maybe it would be unreasonable to insist that everyone share my viewpoints political and otherwise; maybe I am over reacting. However even with your viewpoints you must admit that I had a reason to be concerned about deadly force and its immediate availability in the workplace. Maybe it is time to relax those concerns as there seems to be nothing I can do. They asked me to go special forces at the end of my first enlistment; but after the DMZ I hate guns. Maybe I should be tolerant of gun owners as they are people too. Still no guns for me, after years US Army I am finished with guns.

DDejon's photo
Tue 07/05/11 01:49 AM
I would hope so very much; only thing is that we do not work at a police station.

DDejon's photo
Sun 07/03/11 11:29 PM
So here is the situation; I have a great job. I found out that my boss is bringing one of his guns to work where he keeps it in his car. He has a concealed weapons permit and a terrible temper. He never smiles ever. I spoke with all of my co workers and they all said that I have to say something so I spoke with management; they say that it is legal if he has a permit but I say that anyone who is not a police officer or paid security guard should be terminated for bringing a gun to work and I do not feel safe knowing that my boss is armed. What should I do?

DDejon's photo
Tue 07/27/10 05:29 PM
All of this knowledge is very welcome.

DDejon's photo
Fri 07/16/10 01:35 PM
There seems to be a belief in this country that the USA is a "Christian Nation"; and that the "Founding Fathers" were Christians led by GOD for the establishment of the USA. Is any of this true?

DDejon's photo
Mon 05/10/10 02:29 PM
No, I would not press the button. This story was originally aired in the second generation (of 3) of the Twillight Zone way back in the 80s.
They were told that if they pushed the button they would receive a fortune in cash; but someone who they absolutely positively did not know would die as a result. In that episode the lady and her husband pushed the button and got the money. The next day the box was picked up and the cash dropped off; they were told that the box would be given to someone who absolutely positively would did not know them.

DDejon's photo
Sun 03/07/10 01:17 PM
I work out almost every single day, I ride my bike 3000 miles a year, I still get carded at clubs bars and liquor stores, and I still play basketball and give more then I get. I am in my early 40s, good job, living in Hollywood. It is not possible for me to slow down and "act my age"; this is my age. I am stuck on 28.

DDejon's photo
Wed 01/13/10 12:21 AM
If she ever tells me that I play guitar too much; she can leave right then.

DDejon's photo
Mon 01/11/10 09:32 AM
I used to be a religious fanatic. I survived Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple, and after that I bounced around from group to group for a number of years. Most cases of religious fanaticism last about 5 years, during which time the individual identity could potentially suffer so much damage that the person is irrevocably altered and the person will not have all of the tools that he was born with; for example the ability to question leadership. When I come across fanatics sometimes I feel empathy for them, many of them are trapped in a belief system that has turned them into merchandise. I still believe but I do not attend church or watch religious programing, also I do not feel that everyone has to agree with me.

DDejon's photo
Sun 01/10/10 09:29 PM
Last night a girlfriend came by to visit. She stayed the night, talked about her sick dog all night too. In the morning I told her that I did not want to see her anymore. In the future I will not date women with dogs. BTW, she was always drawing the line; "If you want to be with me, you have to be with my dog too since we are a team."

DDejon's photo
Wed 09/09/09 02:07 PM
Who shot JFK? Was it Oswald? Has there been a cover up; and if so has it persisted until today? Why was he assassinated? I ask the people on Mingle 2 to finally answer this question.

DDejon's photo
Fri 08/14/09 01:51 PM
Are UFOs real? There seems to be no end to the people who claim to have seen one, photographed or filmed one, or been kidnapped by one. These people claim that there is in place an organized conspiracy in place to debunk all claims of UFO type phenomenon. So here we go, are UFOs real? Has anyone actually seen one?

DDejon's photo
Wed 08/12/09 01:38 PM
Did we really land on the moon? I had no questions in my mind until I found that there is a segment of the population that vehemently denies that a moon landing was possible or ever took place; they have a ton of evidence to support their opinion. So now I ask the scholars at Mingle2; did we ever really land on the moon or was the whole thing faked in a television studio?

DDejon's photo
Wed 08/05/09 12:22 PM
Is bigfoot real? Could there be a creature that huge that we have no evidence of? Are the people who claim to have seen bigfoot just looking for attention? Is bigfoot a hoax perpetuated by locals for reasons unknown and will we ever know for sure?

DDejon's photo
Mon 08/03/09 05:12 PM
Kareemy, if you were in Hollywood with me I would be honored if you would have a cup of coffee with me. That being said, I think that you will have plenty of opportunity to meet someone being as fine as you are. If you are ever down in Hollywood, I would be happy to take you out for lunch.

DDejon's photo
Mon 07/27/09 03:45 AM
Younger men are sometimes into more mature ladies, and younger ladies have been keeping me busy for years. Opposites attract.

DDejon's photo
Mon 07/27/09 03:42 AM
Windows, I love the feeling of the air blowing through my windows.

DDejon's photo
Sat 07/25/09 10:04 PM
So I am told, but did you know that 18,000 people die in the USA every year as a result of not being able to afford health care?

DDejon's photo
Sat 07/25/09 09:56 PM
It is hard to give advice to strangers but I would say that an innocent message is the way to go; it is not wise to overplay your hand.

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