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More Tea Party Hilarity
No, we'll be better off without stupid.
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Thu 10/21/10 05:38 PM
Now, these are his words...I certainly would not want to offend anyone here...heh. "To The Tea Party: Go Screw Yourself Yes, I mean it. Here's a "reprint" of my interview with Dylan Ratigan last night: I, and FedUpUSA, ought to sue anyone using this moniker for their so-called "political affiliation" for defamation. Yeah, that's a joke. But so are you. All of you. Especially Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, and douchebag groups such as the "Tea Party Patriots." Let's look at their mission statement: •Fiscal Responsibility •Constitutionally Limited Government •Free Markets Really? That sounds pretty good. But did you read "Free Markets"? Free Markets: A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. The founders believed that personal and economic freedom were indivisible, as do we. Our current government's interference distorts the free market and inhibits the pursuit of individual and economic liberty. Therefore, we support a return to the free market principles on which this nation was founded and oppose government intervention into the operations of private business. Oh, oppose government intervention eh? You mean, you oppose stringing up the people who break the law and steal people's homes and wealth? Private business is only private up until it rips someone off. Notice what's missing from this mission statement and principles: Any mention of why I and others led people to mail tea bags to Congress and our President in the first place: rampant theft of over taxpayer money propping up FAILED private businesses. Then look at what's over at TeaParty.Org: you'll find the usual pablum. Guns, gays, God. Heh, I like talking about Guns, Gays and God too. Let's talk about all of them within the context of The Constitution, which is what the Tea Party was supposed to be about. In short: •Guns. What part of "shall not be infringed" didn't you bother to read? That one's simple. And yes, this means that under The Bill of Rights there should be no Brady Law nor any bar on a convicted felon who has served his time buying or owning a weapon! I know what the current law says and I understand the reasoning behind it. But you can't square it with the clear language in the Second Amendment. Our entire system of criminal justice rests on the premise that if you are convicted of a crime and serve the time for it, your debt to society is paid. If said convicted criminal is still dangerous to society (and thus shouldn't have a right to self-defense) why are we letting him out so he can victimize other people? Sentences should reflect this; you should not be released until you are no longer a danger to society - period. Prison is often debated as to whether it's about rehabilitation or punishment - I argue it is neither, it is and should be about removing those who harm others from society until they are no longer a threat to others. •Gays. What part of "what you do in your bedroom is none of my damn business" didn't you bother with? You can find that in the 4th Amendment as well as elsewhere. In terms of public space what is your private sexual preference and life doing in the public space in the first place? 200 years ago we called such people perverts and stuck them in the stocks. You want to address this problem? It's simple: That's a gay (or straight) person's private life and its none of anyone else's damn business what two or more consenting adults do behind a closed door on private property. •God. What part of the Establishment Clause didn't you bother to read? "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" You want prayer in the schools? Not unless I can lead a prayer to Allah should I so choose; it is not Constitutional to favor one religion over another. Therefore, you either keep it all out or you keep none of it out, and my preference is to keep all of it out, although I'll settle for none - either position is Constitutional. No other position is, and that's the beginning and end of it. The same applies to any other publicly-run and funded space. What people do on their own private property with regard to how they worship is none of your damn business. Now that we've dispensed with Guns, Gays and God in the context of what one of the founders of the Tea Party Movement believes, I'll deal with the rest. The Tea Party was initiated as a political protest against the unlawful and in fact unconstitutional usurpation of power from the Congress and The People in the form of extortion-led bailouts of enterprises that had engaged in acts that I, and many others, believe were at least civilly actionable and in many cases crossed the line into criminal activity. This indictment is not limited to the nation's large banks, although it certainly starts there. The corruption of our economic and monetary systems runs the gamut from Fannie and Freddie through their ties to Congress (including literal sexual encounters in some cases), banking interests selling trash securities to everyone from pension funds on down, judges who don't judge but rather protect monied interests on Wall Street, The Federal Reserve intentionally debasing our currency and monetizing government debt, government spending that is running 40% above revenues and much more. In short, The Tea Party was and is about the the corruption of American Politics and the blatant and outrageous theft from all Americans that has resulted. It is about personal responsibility and enforcement of the law against those who have robbed, financially ****d and pillaged the nation. Yet today we hear literally nothing about these issues among the so-called "Tea Party" candidates and their backers. Sarah Palin has not said one word about locking up the banksters that brought up on the housing bubble and economic collapse. Not one word about Bernanke's out-of-control Fed and the arguably unlawful monetization of Fannie and Freddie paper, not to mention the monetization of the Federal Debt. Not one word about throwing judges such as this one: in the dock - although that, ladies and gentlemen, is a statement of felony judicial corruption. If you as an investor run into trouble with a commodity or futures trade and sue you will not get your day in court - a literal "green light" to rob the people by the big banks with official judicial sanction. And you wonder how Hillary Clinton managed to "win" in her Cattle Futures trades eh? Wonder no more. Tea Party my ***. This was nothing other than The Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with The Republican Party's own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money! You want me to support The Tea Party as it is currently constituted? Do all of the above, do it now, and apologize for attempting to perpetuate the financial **** of this nation. Publicize the following as your LEAD: STOP THE LOOTING AND START PROSECUTING And finally, one more: ALL FIVE OF THE LARGEST BANKS ARE RESOLVED AS OUR FIRST ACT IN CONGRESS. They caused it, they pay for it. Period." |
More Tea Party Hilarity
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Thu 10/21/10 05:15 PM
I remember the reporter on one of those videos at a tea party party and he was asking each of them what they did for work and all of them were either "not currently employed" (on unemployment) or they were getting Social security with socialized medical coverage (medicaid and or medicare) So they were biting off their nose to spite their face. Not necessarily... I get disability. I am fully aware that the political goals I am pursuing (shrinking this government) will at some point lead to the cutting of my benifits. It is necessary to rid this current government of the dross that is choking my country. I am willing to sacrafice my disability to benifit my grandchildren. And yours. The GOP's agenda is to create jobs by creating wars, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq....Iran? All to employ contracted security (mercenaries) as well as increase arms know that Homeland Security was the Dippic's largest employment program as well. It's kinda like...obvious. ~~~ "I am willing to sacrafice my disability to benifit my grandchildren." You are an American right? Then you deserve to get help if you need it. But take a look at this: When we stop feeding illegal and un-needed wars then maybe we can recover so your G-kids will have a chance to prosper. |
SPLC version of this story: "New Report Examines “Tea Party Nationalism,” Charts Groups’ History and Extremist Ties" "Back in July, the NAACP publicly called upon Tea Party leaders to repudiate extremists and racist individuals within their ranks. Although the presence of such elements in Tea Party circles had been evident for some time, movement figures tended to be dismissive and defensive in their response. Such denials may be a little harder to make following today’s release of “Tea Party Nationalism: A Critical Examination of the Tea Party Movement and the Size, Scope, and Focus of Its National Factions.” The report, published by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, is the first in-depth analysis of the main Tea Party groups and their various connections to extremist groups and individuals with past and present activities in hate groups. The full report is available at, with running updates to follow. “Tea Party Nationalism” examines the leaderships, histories, and activities of six national organizational networks at the core of the Tea Party movement: FreedomWorks Tea Party, 1776 Tea Party, Tea Party Nation, Tea Party Patriots, ResistNet, and Tea Party Express. In each case, with the exception of FreedomWorks, the authors found associations between Tea Party organizations and extremists spanning from anti-immigration activists to militia leaders to white nationalists. Groups with known anti-Semitic agendas come up often and prominently in the report’s 94 pages, which also catalog numerous vitriolic attacks by Tea Party members using anti-Muslim and Islamophobic rhetoric." More... |
this whole post is pointless... you are again...ya must be part of the rewirting of history that's going on to save these low life POS's legacies. i never liked cheney or bush...i just think this is a pointless post.. would your life be any different if he did apologize? would you be able to sleep at nights then? Oh, I'd sleep fine either way...I guess I wonder how HE can Dead Eye has to plug himself into the wall like a cell phone when he sleeps. You know he has no heartbeat right? It's still alive! |
In case anyone wants to know the source for this or why a source was not referenced:
Jewish World News contributor Bob Tyrrell "R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. is the founder and editor-in-chief of the American Spectator and an adjunct scholar at the Hudson Institute. His new book is "After the Hangover: The Conservatives' Road to Recovery" (Thomas Nelson, 2010)." Was this Stormfront approved? I'm gonna tell! Tyrrell even dissed the Birthers as a conservative leaning writer. |
You know things are desparate when Oblowme has to go on a so-called comedy show to try to save his career!! Oh, but wait!!...he's batting for his homies that are going to lose!! Obviously you don't watch the Daily Show. Stewart is funny and has a better take on the news than Fox. He's a comedian, actor and reads his lines well. That doesn't make for knowledge or comprehension. LOL, knowledge and comprehension are what makes a comedian..egads, again the RW don't get humour..uh...they don't comprehend it. Ever notice that there are no good conservative comedians? Even if they watched the Daily Show they'd be clueless...probably due to lack of knowledge and/or comprehension. |
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Thu 10/21/10 02:11 PM
Aside from the cryptic spin to justify hate and ignorance I recalled a situation that happened that I now view differently. Of course as a hobby I expose GOP hypocrisy but lately with all the bullying I myself have a different view of the situation below.
I often ripped on GOP Senator Larry Craig for his hypocrisy. Remember him? Here's his police photo from being caught engaging in a homosexual act at a Minneapolis Airport. This pic was circulating around after it happened. Well, I now feel bad for him. He grew up in a religious and insisting society in regards to "normal" sexuality. All those years he had to hide his sexual ID from friends and family...constituents etc...he was relegated to bathroom stalls because of this status as a Republican and a Christian. Even if he's been "cured" he's still gay or bisexual. So now I apologize to him for the things I, not to the GOP but him personally. I feel bad that he was not able to be who he is and still achieve his status as a Senator in the Republican Party. I am thankful he did not kill himself and I hope him happiness. I am sure some people here would have hoped he'd have killed himself. |
The USA does not belong to the people anymore. It belongs to the CORPORATIONS. They are brainwashing people to be their servants to spread propaganda. Yup, they proved that when they made Big Corp "people". Now they can even buy our elections... |
this whole post is pointless... you are again...ya must be part of the rewirting of history that's going on to save these low life POS's legacies. |
I see the RW religious nutbaggery admit over and over again their ignorances...then deny the damage they do for being so ignorant. It's all part of that bizarro world some religious people live in...their "norm". What ignorance? Instead of insulting me like a child, why don't you address what I said. If the normal gender identity for humans is straight, nobody would have to make a decision to be straight, right? How is that logic flawed? What have I said that is ignorant? Nature is like a big salad, you never know what could be in it... (now I have said it in a way even a child could understand it.) |
Neal Bortz has a good way to prove that no one chooses to be a homosexual. If it's a choice, simply ask a straight person at what point in their life did they deceide to be straight. If one can't deceide to be straight, one can't deceide to be gay, either. And seriously, does anyone really think some teenage boy wakes up one day and says to himself, "Penis! I think I'll try some penis. That's what I should do today. Try some penis."? If the norm is Hetero, then only homosexuals would need to make a choice to change from the norm. So Neal Bortz hasn't thought too deeply on the subject. I see the RW religious nutbaggery admit over and over again their ignorances...then deny the damage they do for being so ignorant. It's all part of that bizarro world some religious people live in...their "norm". |
The Top Ten Atheist Myths.
The Top Ten Atheist Myths
"We all know that many theists are so closed-minded about us that they won't even talk to us, let alone try to understand us. This is usually not their fault, as they are told terrible things about us by people they trust, their preachers, whose whole livelihood depends on their parishioners staying in the flock. It is this prejudice and conflict which is one of the main factors keeping atheists in the closet and theists in ignorance. With dialogue, not prejudice, both sides will benefit and the country will become a freer place. In this article I will therefore mention many of the myths about atheists that are popular among theists, as well as my usual responses. With any luck, this will prepare atheists for future confrontations and therefore make them more confident to announce themselves, as well as allow theist readers to better understand the atheist mentality. Myth 1 ~ "Atheists are all the same" -- You can understand why theists believe this, after being told this over and over by their preachers. This belief is reinforced by the fact that believers must be bound by much more than a simple belief in God. For example, Catholics must also have the same stances on abortion, contraception, and homosexuality in order to be called a "good Catholic." It only goes to follow that atheism must be similar. However, atheism is not a religion, rather the absence of religion. As such, we are bound only by our atheism. We are republicans and democrats, men and women, gays and straights, blacks and whites. We accept every person as they are as equals, and delight in our diversity (not many religions can say that). We disagree with each other on many issues, and discussion is encouraged and common. Above all, atheists demand the right to disagree, even if it means with each other. Myth 2 ~ "Atheists have no morals, since they don't believe in God" - What a sad world it is when people can seriously say that humans need to fear eternal damnation in order to do good. It is the one statement which at the same time stirs both anger and pity in most atheists; anger because it is a bigoted, prejudicial statement which serves no purpose except to promote intolerance, and pity because it highlights the speaker's ignorance and willingness to accept such crap without question. At the risk of validating the question, a reply needs to be made in order to expose the speaker to the idea that what they've heard is wrong on so many dimensions. It must not be answered with anger, but with compassion. Humans have the idea of right and wrong imbedded in them by their own brains, as well as their upbringing and society. Atheists do good, not out of fear of reprisal, but because it's the right thing to do. We value family, society, culture, and, of course, freedom. Many of us will - and have - defended these values with our lives. Examples: 1) Many Catholics make judgement calls on moral decisions against their church. For example, some use birth control or have abortions, despite what their church preaches. If these people can make moral decisions despite what their church preaches, then atheists can make similar choices without a church altogether. 2) Slavery was not only acceptable 200 years ago, it was considered a good deed by many, and defended using the bible. The bible was also used to justify the Holocaust, the Crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition. Why is this relevant? Because it shows that the bible can be used to defend even the most immoral and unethical ideals, and is therefore not an adequate yardstick to measure moral or ethical behavior. 3) Finally, mention bad religious people. Remember that Hitler was a religious Catholic, and that Jeffrey Dahmer said grace before he ate his victims.* Mention also that one need only open a newspaper to find yet another story about allegations against priests for sexual misconduct, often with children. Don't forget our good friends Jim Bakker (who swindled millions from his flock) and Jimmy Swaggart (asked for forgiveness only after being caught using prostitutes). 4) Always couple these statements with the fact that, while atheists make up 8-10% of the population at large, we only make up 1% of the population in prison. I mean, think of it, what if 8-10% of the population (on top of all the religious criminals) decided it was OK to steal, rape, and murder? We'd have chaos! These will serve to prove that religion and ethical behavior are not even slightly related. Expect these statements to piss off the theists, and this is where you must mention that what you said is verifiable and that their statement is openly prejudicial against 50 million Americans. This is the opportunity to open their eyes to the fact that just because we're different from them doesn't make us inherently bad." More to come: * |
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Thu 10/21/10 11:49 AM
Look at how silly this fable truly is! John.14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. No one can get to the Father but by Jesus, but no one can get to Jesus buy by the Father. So clearly humans have no choice in the matter. You can't get to Jesus by choice like the Christians have claimed. Their very own fable rejects this notion. The only thing you can do is wait to be drawn in by the Father. Jesus taught this in other verses as well when he spoke about lost sheep. He said that he would go out looking for his lost sheep, he never suggested that he expects them to come looking for him. Of course, we can't truly say that Jesus taught any of this because we have nothing from Jesus. All we have to go by is these convoluted rumors written by other men. Men who often disagree with each other, and even contradict their very own claims. The mere fact that Jesus did not agree with the teachings of the Torah is really all the evidence that we truly need to conclude that Jesus could not possibly have been the son of the God of Abraham. So we can reject those rumors right off the bat. If we can connect the teachings of Jesus with anything, the closest philosophy that was popular in those day would have been Mahayana Buddhism. Just compare the moral teachings that were attributed to Jesus in the gospels with the moral teachings of Mahayana Buddhism including their concept of a Bodhisattva and it's clear that Jesus was far more likely a Buddhist than he was the demigod of the God of Abraham. It's really that simple. Which reminds me of a funny joke. What did the Taoist say to the hotdog vender? Make me one with everything. just a bit of levity in an otherwise humorless forum.. STOP THAT! I was instructed here that there is no HUMOUR in religion...and they prove that every day...and the line is: "make me one with all" |
They say ignorance is bliss. There is no law requiring anyone to make a PUBLIC apology for something like this. When you can find something with Whittington actually saying Cheney didn't apologize to him then you may have a story. Until then the whole post and negativity towards Cheney is just rediculas. If you don't like the man post a story of TRUTH. A person of integrity would apologize...but I would not expect DICK to do the right thing...since he's a traitor to this country anyway. Oct. 15, 2010 "In Dick Cheney's book, love -- or friendship, for that matter -- means never having to say you're sorry. Harry Whittington is still waiting for an apology after being shot by the 69-year-old former vice-president on a duck-hunting trip in 2006. Whittington, an 82-year-old Texas lawyer, took 30 rounds of metal birdshot and landed in intensive care, where he had a mild heart attack and collapsed lung. No Cheney Apology Due: Whittington Already Did It Researchers Say Victims Are 'Blind' When it Comes to Sincerity, But Outsiders Are Not "Don't you remember his friend apologized for being in the way," said comedian Harry Shearer, who is the voice of multiple characters on television's "The Simpsons," and podcasts "Apology of the Weak" on NPR's "Le Show." "A guy apologizes for being shot in the face? I think Dick is off the hook for that," he said. "There's only one apology per incident." "It's one of the top five apologies of all time: 'Please do it again," said Shearer. "Hurt me some more, Dick.'" |
This should be good...See yall in DC! October 30th at the Rally To Restore Sanity.
"President Barack Obama is taking his campaign message to "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart. "White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer says Obama is taping an appearance on Oct. 27, just days before the Nov. 2 elections. Stewart is coming to Washington next week for the "Rally to Restore Sanity" he is holding three days later on Saturday, Oct. 30, on the National Mall. The host of the Comedy Central show says the rally is for people who think the loudest voices shouldn't be the only ones people hear. Obama recently endorsed Stewart's event. It will be Obama's first appearance as president on Stewart's program" |
Oh great, yet another E-lie. I guess it's beyond a posterchild's ability to vet a story before posting nonsenses....spin...lies.
"Are congressional Democrats talking about confiscating IRA and 401(k) investment accounts? My mother has recently brought up a rumor that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid endorse a plan for the goverment to take people's 401Ks to make up tax dollars. Is this true and where did my mother get the information? (she can't tell me). A: No. There's no plan to seize these accounts. One House witness at a committee hearing proposed to allow some people to trade their old accounts for a new type that would be less risky. "We've had many queries about this doozy. They all lead back to a Nov. 4 report posted by the Carolina Journal, a publication of the conservative John Locke Foundation of Raleigh, N.C. Its headline proclaimed, "Dems Target Private Retirement Accounts: Democratic leaders in the U.S. House discuss confiscating 401(k)s, IRAs." The report is wrong. There's been no such discussion. What has been discussed is changing 401(k) and Individual Retirement Accounts in the future by limiting the deductibility of donations, and offering as an alternative a $600 tax credit and a new type of account with an annual return guaranteed by the government. That's a controversial idea to be sure, but it's a far cry from proposing that the government seize retirement assets that investors have already salted away in 401(k)s or IRAs. Nobody we know of is proposing anything like that. The Carolina Journal report claims that Democrats on the House Education and Labor Committee held hearings Oct. 7 on "proposals to confiscate workers’ personal retirement accounts." The report describes in particular the testimony of Teresa Ghilarducci, a professor at the New School for Social Research in New York City. We've reviewed Ghilarducci's written testimony and a video recording of the entire hearing, both of which are posted on the committee's official Web site and are available to anybody who cares to read or listen. Contrary to the Carolina Journal report, nobody at the hearing talked about confiscating or seizing accounts. We also contacted Ghilarducci independently and asked if she's expressed support for confiscation. She told us in an e-mail message that she hasn't: Teresa Ghilarducci, Nov. 18: It is utterly ridiculous [to suppose] that I advocate seizing 401k assets." More.... |
Great song...I saw Donovan open for YES...uh, a while back. What a great songwriter.
I recall he sang this one: |
Why do Christians give money to this man to represent them? I know a few Christians who are now embarrassed by him. I wonder why more aren't? Not even an acknowledgement or *gasp*: an apology. Thumpers tend to believe that everything happens for a reason..."god's will" so they are constantly forgiven and only have to answer to "god" for their actions. Screw their fellow humans. Sometimes it's not their actions but their ignoring of events and things said...this silence is almost as bad or worse. When Thumpers stop supporting these morons then these morons will be ignored. |
1. Lack of knowledge 2. Lack of ability to reason 3. Fear of death 4. Peer pressure 5. Cultural bias 6. Natural stupidity 7. Willingness to follow a leader 8. Unwillingness to think for one's self 9. Lazyness 10. likes being part of the "in" crowd I gotta hand you the brevity award. The Bible is the stupidest mythology on Earth and there isn't a sane reason to believe that it's anything more than superstition. It's a shame that the Christians feel such a need to try to sell this crap to other people. If they could just learn to keep it to themselves they'd be much happier. They call this the "General Religion" forums, but no one ever gets to truly discuss religion in general because it's always nothing but the constant proselytizing of Christianity. It's the most selfish religion on Earth. Save for maybe the other two Abrahamic religions. |