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The Rally
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Sun 10/31/10 03:55 PM
(testing testing, my pics won't paste...egads!) |
The Rally
are you going to carry a "9-11 was an inside job" sign? That would be so totally awesome dude.. stick it to the man... far out.. No, we plan on having 2" X 2" signs attached to toothpicks...mine will say (in size 12 font) "I like being T-bagged"...she's still working on her line... We're here! |
OOOOOPS!! Looks like H will be a no-show at Stewart's Rally. With a Charlie Sheen type twirl of the finger. Moment of Zen - Obama Will Not Be at the Rally No one (except Herr Beck) said he was attending...pfft. |
Sexist? Vote Democrat.
"O'Donnell argued that local school districts should have the choice to teach intelligent design if they choose. "
ID? Really? The woman is an idiot. |
The Rally
"As of Wednesday evening, more than 223,000 people indicated they plan to attend. Fans who can't make it have set up at least 20 satellite "Sanity" rallies in cities such as Austin, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, Honolulu and Boise. lists more than 1,100 watch parties." Wow, maybe we'll get 300K...500? Far out man! I cannot wait to get there...glad we got a room. We'll bring back a few pics for you guys! |
"Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves," the posting reads. "The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin." Arkansas school official accused of anti-gay screed "LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A member of a northern Arkansas school board, commenting on a campaign to get people to wear purple to show support for bullied gay and lesbian youth, purportedly posted on Facebook that the only way he would wear purple is "if they all commit suicide." While I, for one, do not support abuse or murder of gays & lesbians. Nor do I endorse the idea of their resorting to suicide. I reserve judgement toward the school official's use of the term "sin" which is not indicative of his religious beliefs. The article doesn't label or mention him as being religious. The term "sin" nowadays is used rather loosely ... seeing that few acknowledge it's presence in a Biblical sense...It's surprising to see that the term was highlighted at all, except for propaganda purposes. [ Thesaurus ] sin (n) --crime, misdemeanor, transgression, misdeed (formal), wrongdoing, lapse antonym: good deed --wickedness, iniquity, depravity, immorality, debauchery, evil, turpitude (formal or literary) antonym: goodness Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The campaigners refuse to accept any other view besides their own. This is forced allegience. Far from "liberty... for all" So "sin" was not a religious word he used in the context of demonizing gays? Yeah okay...keep trying to worm your way in protecting religion from owning up to it's influences that discriminate against people for they way they are born. |
Letters from the "Front"
These comments were recently take from a White Supremacists website. It's a good look into the minds of the lowest forms of life in this country.
~~~ “When does it get through to you that their goal is the EXTERMINATION OF THE WHITE RACE? “ Title: “Jon Stewart, the arch-liberal US news satirist, is planning a "Rally to Restore Sanity" in Washington next month to draw voters to an anti-extremism demonstration sold on witty irony. He's calling it the Million Moderate March. “ On the rally: “I predict this rally will be much smaller than Glenn Beck's worship of MLK rally.” [“Originally Posted by NationalCrusader14: I think most of the people who went to that rally thought it was more a Tea Party rally than anything in regards to King. Glenn Beck has hinted at Obama's parents being a couple of Communists.] “Using sillyness and ridicule as a propaganda tool is a jewish trademark. This reminds of the jewish anti war activist Abby Hoffman staging his famous demostration at the pentagon in the sixtys. His plan was to surround the building with thousands of his drug addled goyim stooges who would then concentrate and attempt to lift it with their minds” “Is anybody going to do this? If I were in the area I would take the time to document this, maybe even using public access equipment to film it in high quality and edit it appropriately, making sure to get footage of bad behavior and the trash left over from the idiotic lemmings pigs after the event. “ On Jon Stewart: “He's a typical Jew --liberal, pro-Gay, pro-illegal alien and anti-gun. He supports everything that normal White Americans oppose. “ “Jon Stewart is a fraud, phony, liar and Stewart is not even his real name. His real name is Jon Liebowitz. Has this EVER been mentioned on TV. Why does the media LIE and not Fact check? This is why Dr. David Duke is taken more seriously than the media. “ “Ugly Jew Jon Leibowitz has an even uglier Jew brother named Lawrence Leibowitz who is the COO of NYSE Euronext:” “If all goes as planned by this jewish court jester and his bed wetting college audience that uses dope and leeches off the taxpayers, there will be a multitude of garbage to clean up after the event, unlike the Glenn Beck event. People need to catch as much on film as possible. It will definitely be of service to right thinking people. “ “"Rally to Restore Sanity" - at which point Jon Stewart will encourage all jews to follow his lead and go home and hang himself. “ Other Comments: “When the pressure is too great to bare, they will come into our camp without having to recruit them. Then the balance can be restored and the country can be set right. “ ““Anti-extremism? you have got to be kidding me! what on earth is extremist about the Tea Party? it is a bunch of ordinary and decent Americans who are unhappy with the direction in which the country is being lead. It seems the biggest issue the elites have with the Tea Party is that it is majority White. Perish the thought of Whites banding together and advocating for what is in their best interests. “ “Beck's restoring honor rally attracted a huge crowd of salt of the earth types. It is impossible Stewart's (Leibowitz) event could attract even a fraction of the number which Beck's did. The make up of the crowd will be a stark contrast as well. A bunch of spoiled college kids who would not know what a Negro was even if it popped up in their organic corn flakes” “This is the state of modern liberalism. Cruel, abusive and dumb downed. Any type of disagreement with their view is made fun of and ridiculed. The last few days I have seen very strange and mean things said about Christine O'Donnell. I don't know much about her but she has made the jews angry and they will not stop attacking her. They hate white women to begin with but their attacks have been over the top.” |
Sexist? Vote Democrat.
christine o'donnell is nothing but a dr.laura schlessinger trapped in a politicians body So because you don't like her politics, she should be demeaned and dismissed? Let me step in here...this woman is an idiot! That's not "sexist" to say either. It's that she IS an idiot. She has no knowledge of the Constitution: "Republican Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell today challenged her Democratic opponent Chris Coons on his statement that the Constitution disallowed the integration of religion into the federal government, asking, "Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?" The exchange, which prompted laughs from the studio audience, came during a debate this morning at Delaware's Widener School of Law, which was aired by WDEL radio. In a discussion over the whether or not public schools should be allowed to integrate religion-based ideas into science curricula, O'Donnell argued that local school districts should have the choice to teach intelligent design if they choose. When asked point blank by Coons if she believed in evolution, however, O'Donnell reiterated that her personal beliefs were not germane. "What I think about the theory of evolution is irrelevant," she emphasized, adding later that the school of thought was "not a fact but a theory." She obviously has no concept of scientific "theory" And if yall watch the video for when the crowd laughs at her you'd see that SHE thinks she got the upper hand..and even later admitted that she and her staff though her ignorance of the Constitution was a win. This woman is an idiot! |
TRENDING: Rove: Palin lacks 'gravitas'
"(CNN) – If Sarah Palin is looking for a top political strategist to help navigate the waters of her political future, Karl Rove may not be the guy. The former top Bush aide says the former Alaska governor has not proven to have the “gravitas” to sit in the Oval Office – and, says Rove, her upcoming reality television show is only going to make things worse. “With all due candor, appearing on your own reality show on the Discovery Channel, I am not certain how that fits in the American calculus of 'that helps me see you in the Oval Office,’” Rove told London’s The Daily Telegraph in an interview published Wednesday night. The senior GOP strategist, who, like Palin, is a contributor to Fox News, added that one of Palin’s comments in the preview of her new show is particularly harmful to future political ambitions. “I would rather be doing this than in some stuffy old political office!" Palin is seen proclaiming in between scenes of kayaking and dog-sled excursions. “There are high standards that the American people have for it [the presidency] and they require a certain level of gravitas," said Rove, "and they want to look at the candidate and say 'that candidate is doing things that gives me confidence that they are up to the most demanding job in the world.’” The comments amount to a rare ding of Palin from Rove, who has usually praised the Alaska governor’s political talents in the past when asked about her role in the Republican Party going forward. Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation last Sunday, Rove called the former Alaska governor “formidable,” though he dodged direct questions on her qualifications to be president. But Rove himself has walked a treacherous tightrope when it comes to his relationship with Palin and other upstart Republicans with little political experience. It was just earlier this month when he found himself the object of Tea Party rage after declaring the movement “not sophisticated.” And he also took heat from none other than Palin when he questioned surprise GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell’s chances of winning in Delaware. “Bless his heart,” Palin said of Rove. “We love our friends, they're in the machine, the expert politicos. But my message to those who say that the GOP nominee is not electable, or that they're not even going to try, well I say, 'buck up!'" |
"Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves," the posting reads. "The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin."
Arkansas school official accused of anti-gay screed "LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A member of a northern Arkansas school board, commenting on a campaign to get people to wear purple to show support for bullied gay and lesbian youth, purportedly posted on Facebook that the only way he would wear purple is "if they all commit suicide." |
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Wed 10/27/10 07:24 PM
"On April 20, 1939, Archbishop Orsenigo celebrated Hitler's birthday. The celebrations, initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) became a tradition. Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany" and added with "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars." (Source: Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, by John Cornwell) But it's all moot either way, you see Hitler had already gained power and did not need Rome...he probably would have executed them after he conquered the world. If Hitler had not gone into Russia too early who knows. Just like today when Christians vote their values they usually vote GOP (and now T-bagger) and then we get people like Hitler...that's how it happened to the German people...they got sucked into religion and it almost costs of even more that the 57 million that died in WWII. SSDD |
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Wed 10/27/10 06:35 PM
That show aired on, Jun 15, 2010. He is an actor who makes his network big bucks. He will play what gets him and his stockholders the biggest buck. He and Glen are entertainment. That and nothing more. The next time H flops, he'll be right in there feeding off the corpse just like Mr Beck. Oh how clever! You must be on Karl Rove's email list. |
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Wed 10/27/10 06:31 PM
I know people of religion must LOVE nostalgia so: "Nazi Christmas (Some people seem to think that Hitler banned Christmas, but at no time did he ever ban Christmas or any other Christian holiday.)" Great site! This just shows how much you really know... X-mas is not a Christian holiday, it's Pagan. Sheesh, use your brain for once. So that'd mean that only Pagans will get Dec 25th off? LOLOLOL |
Most Bizarre Bible Quotes
Mercy "Blessed are the merciful" [Matthew 5:7] "Leave alive nothing that breathes. Show them no mercy." [Deut. 7:2] "The Lord hardened their hearts... that they might receive no mercy." [Joshua 11:20] "I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the Lord: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed." [Jer. 13:14; 48:10]" >>>>>>> Deut7:2 <<<<<<< "And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:" v2. "...Thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them." Those who think that there was cruelty in this command, usurp too great authority in respect to Him who is the judge of all. The objection is specious that the people of God were unreasonably imbued with inhumanity, so that, advancing with murderous atrocity, they should spare neither sex nor age. But we must first remember what we shall see hereafter, i.e., that when God had destined the land for His people, He was at liberty utterly to destroy the former inhabitants, so that its possession might be free for them. We must then go further, and say that He desired the just demonstration of His vengeance to appear upon these nations. Four hundred years before He had justly punished their many sins, yet had He suspended His sentence and patiently borne with them, if haply they might repent. That sentence is well known, "The iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full." (Genesis 15:16.) After God had shewn His mercy for four centuries, and this clemency had increased both their audacity and madness, so that they had not ceased to provoke His wrath, surely it was no act of cruelty to compensate for the delay by the grievousness of the punishment. And hence appears the foul and detestable perversity of the human intellect. We are indignant if He does not smile at once; if He delays punishment our zeal accuses Him of slackness and want of energy; yet, when He comes forth as the avenger of guilt, we either call Him cruel, or at least complain of His severity. Yet His justice will always absolve Him; and our calumnies and detractions will recoil upon our own heads. He commanded seven nations to be utterly destroyed; that is to say, after they had added sin to sin for 400 years, so that their accumulation was immense, and experience had taught that they were obstinate and incurable. It will therefore be said elsewhere, that the land "spewed them out," (Leviticus 18:28,) as if it had eased itself, when burdened by their filthiness. If impiety is intolerable to the lifeless element, why should we wonder that God in His character of Judge exercised extreme severity? But if God's wrath was just, He might surely choose whatever ministers and executioners of it He pleased; and when He had given this commission to His people, it was not unreasonable that He should forbid them to pity those whom He had appointed for destruction. For what can be more preposterous than for men to vie with God in clemency? and when it pleases the Master to be severe, for the servants to assume to themselves the right of shewing mercy? Therefore God often reproves the Israelites for being improperly merciful. And hence it came to pass that the people, whom they ought to have destroyed, became as thorns and briars to prick them. (Joshua 23:13, and throughout the book of Judges.) Away, then, with all temerity, whereby we would presumptuously restrict God's power to the puny measure of our reason; and rather let us learn reverently to regard those works of His, whose cause is concealed from us, than wantonly criticise them. Especially when He declares to us the just grounds of His vengeance, let us learn to subscribe to His decrees with the humility and modesty that becomes us, rather than to oppose them in vain, and indeed to our own confusion. NONE of that crap post negates anything. Why is your religion so cruel and "evil"? "usurp too great authority in respect to Him" Really? Seriously? |
I know people of religion must LOVE nostalgia so:
"Nazi Christmas (Some people seem to think that Hitler banned Christmas, but at no time did he ever ban Christmas or any other Christian holiday.)" Great site! |
He's dead.
Well, the show has not been broadcasted yet...but I'd ask tough questions on the wars and other issues as well. Nobody's happy but this disaster we're digging out of will take time to undo...
...electing T-baggers is not going to help that cause. I'll give President Barack Hussein Obama a few more years before I call him a miserable failure like the last guy was. |
The Top Ten Atheist Myths.
"Myth 6 ~ "Atheists are so closed-minded, they can't see that miracles happen every day!" - Some people look for miracles where none exist (they never do). Allow me to put things in perspective: Someone's cancer going into remission is no miracle, but we can talk when disease suddenly disappears from the face of the earth overnight without help from medical science. Food getting through to a hungry village: human perseverance. Starvation vanishing from earth without a reason overnight: Miracle. One more time: A child is born - science; The spontaneous end of birth defects - Miracle. Got it?
Note: only good things are miracles, so volcanoes, tornadoes, and hurricanes don't count." |
"BTW, i do take insult to the paper pope comments. If it continues you will be referred to as the paper satan."