Community > Posts By > shrxfn68

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Sun 02/23/14 06:05 PM

shoot I missed the first 4 minutes.

OMG. you missed a major j/k:tongue:

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Sun 02/23/14 06:02 PM

ok back the bus up.. the babies not dead?????. what the hey did I miss..!!!
I cheered out loud when Tyrese turned around revealing the baby!

I almost kicked my TV when I saw that. I call shenanigans...haha

Right Shrxfn! Should be interesting tonight indeed! I wonder why they titled this one "Claimed" ?? excited!!:banana:

You can call me

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Sun 02/23/14 01:06 PM

ok back the bus up.. the babies not dead?????. what the hey did I miss..!!!
I cheered out loud when Tyrese turned around revealing the baby!

I almost kicked my TV when I saw that. I call shenanigans...haha

no photo
Sun 02/23/14 01:05 PM

Well, the Gov did have a bullet in his

I think things will get interesting with Abraham. Love his character as well as the actor playing him.

Still waiting for this ''DARK'' atmosphere they mentioned. Of course that will be probably be the cliffhanger in the last episode of this season.

Bring on the Hunters, Saviors, and the communities etc.

Kill off Judith, Lizzie, Mika, Tyreese,Daryl, Maggie and Beth. Of course Glen will soon meet his demise, in which case I will be very happy:)

Yes Abraham is gonna be a badass!!
What dark atmosphere?? Its all dark!! laugh
Season 4 is starting off AWESOME!!

Judith??? Noooo :heart: ...even though she dies way in earlier in the comics (so I heard)...eventually I am going to get a hold of the comics :smile:

...and not Glen!! I love Glen!! sad
from the ads, I dont see much of Abraham thats interesting. Of course, they didnt show much, but dayam, throw me a crumb so I give a poo. I do love all the other characters tho, and the writers rarely let me down so I continue to be obsessed.

May be spoiling, so read carefully. In the books, Abraham is Ricks right hand man. So, I dont know what will happen with Daryl etc. It should be quite interesting:)

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Sun 02/23/14 12:07 PM
Vikings, Justified, The Blacklist, and TWD. ''Reality'' shows can take a flying leap of a tall cliff.

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Sun 02/23/14 12:03 PM
Enough experience has lead me to find out that most young ones can't keep up with my lifestyle, or like the things I like. I would much rather have an older woman in my age range. One that has experienced a lot of life so far. I dont wanna be 24 again. Besides, I was celibate throughout my 20' Boring ...

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Sun 02/23/14 11:57 AM
It's so funny that you choose engineers or doctors.

The worst partner of all is someone who is married to their job and money. I've seen it in many of my friends marriages where they do the happy front in public, on FB during the anniversary or birthday, but that is it. Inside she/he is suffering. Needless to say, those that I speak of are all divorced and decided they are more content in a an apartment instead of a 4,000 sq ft house.

And if you think the almighty actors, doctors, and engineers have it tough, try being a DFT, which I am and travel 9 months out of the year. I do love it. Been all over the world, but damn it's hard when you have no one to talk to on the road during what little downtime I have.

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Fri 02/21/14 07:51 PM

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Fri 02/21/14 03:48 PM

it depends ,, some men have busy jobs, and busy lives, and they may not be the 'checking in' type

I think a good morning or good night regularly is not asking too much, but there may even be periods where it doesn't happen EVERY DAY

as long as that's the exception and not the norm,,,,i wouldn't take issue

As soon as you perfect human cloning. Make me one of you:smile:

no photo
Fri 02/21/14 09:05 AM
Go team Canada! :smile:

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Fri 02/21/14 09:04 AM

I think they do as long as you respect one another, set boundaries and be honest I will never lie to you if you ask me, with that being said Be prepared for the answer you get ;-)

Well saiddrinker. With that being what it is, it doesn't usually progress too far unless they're willing to have an open mind. I do love watching the faces when I answer a question though:)

no photo
Fri 02/21/14 07:45 AM
Edited by shrxfn68 on Fri 02/21/14 07:46 AM

Well, the Gov did have a bullet in his

I think things will get interesting with Abraham. Love his character as well as the actor playing him.

Still waiting for this ''DARK'' atmosphere they mentioned. Of course that will be probably be the cliffhanger in the last episode of this season.

Bring on the Hunters, Saviors, and the communities etc.

Kill off Judith, Lizzie, Mika, Tyreese,Daryl, Maggie and Beth. Of course Glen will soon meet his demise, in which case I will be very happy:)

Yes Abraham is gonna be a badass!!
What dark atmosphere?? Its all dark!! laugh
Season 4 is starting off AWESOME!!

Judith??? Noooo :heart: ...even though she dies way in earlier in the comics (so I heard)...eventually I am going to get a hold of the comics :smile:

...and not Glen!! I love Glen!! sad

Im sure you won't like Negan too much

no photo
Thu 02/20/14 11:04 AM
Well, the Gov did have a bullet in his

I think things will get interesting with Abraham. Love his character as well as the actor playing him.

Still waiting for this ''DARK'' atmosphere they mentioned. Of course that will be probably be the cliffhanger in the last episode of this season.

Bring on the Hunters, Saviors, and the communities etc.

Kill off Judith, Lizzie, Mika, Tyreese,Daryl, Maggie and Beth. Of course Glen will soon meet his demise, in which case I will be very happy:)

no photo
Thu 02/20/14 10:35 AM
Last night watching My Dog Skip. Ugh...haha

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Wed 12/04/13 08:58 AM
Witnessing the various uses and mystical powers of breasts. They honestly just look like they’re a great deal of fun to have. I’d use them as shelves, stress balls, persuasion mechanisms, or whatever else felt right in the moment.

Then again. there are men with womb and vagina envy. I wish I had a vagina just once to see how it is to play with myself differentlysmokin

no photo
Wed 12/04/13 08:47 AM
Stubborn as a Marine should be, very hard headed, and set in my ways:) But, I'll always admit when I'm wrong. I have no problem swallowing my pride when it comes to admitting I was wrong or F'd upbigsmile

no photo
Wed 12/04/13 08:43 AM

Season 1 has ended. Boohooo ...
I really hope they're not going to cancel the show!

1 of 3 shows I watch. Absolutely love it! 2nd season has been ordered. 22 episodes for fall of 2014-2015:)

Last night was just a mid season finale. Jan 13th returns with 3 new episodes. Then again after the winter Olympics.

Can wait:banana:

Cool, didn't know that! Thanks :)
It's also one of my fave shows. 22 episodes, that's more like it!

Your welcome CF:)

no photo
Tue 12/03/13 06:50 PM

Season 1 has ended. Boohooo ...
I really hope they're not going to cancel the show!

1 of 3 shows I watch. Absolutely love it! 2nd season has been ordered. 22 episodes for fall of 2014-2015:)

Last night was just a mid season finale. Jan 13th returns with 3 new episodes. Then again after the winter Olympics.

Can wait:banana:

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Sun 10/27/13 09:53 AM
The best therapy I found if you were head over heels is... SHOP:) I did this when it happened to me. Is also topped being a pushover and settling for anything less than what I need. Took a long trip. Then I got rid of anything she ever gave me. Bought new sheets, pillow cases, and comforters. Worked like a charmhappy

no photo
Sat 10/26/13 09:32 AM

I wholeheartedly agree with a time and a place for everything

I don't quite get twitter, I don't have a desire for people to know I'm going to my bathroom or brushing my hair, and I have no interest in knowing if someone is walking through the mall

I Think there is too much CYBER connection and not enough real life,,,

just my opinion

I agree with you with the time and place part, although everytime a question gets asked or if there's a concern I will speak my mind, or thoughts on the subject. If its interesting to me.

I tried Twitter for 3 days. UGH. To me, that was the biggest waste of time. Especially the fanboys/girls that follow celebs/people and act like they give a

Too much cyber is a bad thing, which explains why I'm of here for 8 months sometimes. I got fresh air to take in, people to look at, and sights to see:)

...and workgrumble

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