image: two small, frail pink flowers
image: she wore them for the view of every passerby image: his smile for a never possible future image: hats and backs of every passerby image: twisted face the moment you forget them image: two small, frail pink flowers image: they hide from view of every passerby image: his smile cuz that's just the way image: a gentle breeze across their backs image: I know that look, don't tell me you forgot them image: a violent head shake, "No, they're always inside." a dealing with simple concepts, it's the best way to get you there forget that old arguement, the one of I SEE IT ALL THE TIME but I see them sometimes in slumber or at ever-present blunders? now a dealing with question concepts, it's not the best way to get some of you here: sleepingintreesloudcrashesandscreams constantchurnofinsectburnsohhowthestomachturns aremnantofnucleardepressionnowisntthisheaven dreamsofflowersandsunhavelongpastawinter awinterthatbitestheskinaworldfrozenlostintime andtheicewillmeltjusthavefaithinthe...... catcallsandboosstonesflyfromallarounddeathtothem tothosethatvoicedissensionfitthemoldordie buttheicedidstarttomeltandsodidthedespairfora timebutthenthesleepingdiseaseshitkillingbythebillions noconsequenceofopinionstoppeditsoitwas Oh, forget that old arguement, you've never seen this all the time. -Here's the question concepts, they are a little hard to read ![]() sleeping in trees, loud crashes and screams constant churn of insect burns,Oh how the stomach turns a remnant of nuclear depression, now isn't this heaven? dreams of flowers and sun have long past a winter a winter that bites the skin, a world lost, frozen in time "And the ice will melt, just have faith in the......" catcalls and boos, stones fly from all around, death to them, to those that voice dissension, fit the mold or die! but the ice did start to melt, and so did the despair, for a time, but then the sleeping diseases hit, killing by the billions No consquence of opinion stopped it, so it was. - |
Rights to life.
Do I prefer our ethics about rape, murder and slavery as opposed to other cultures? Would I change my ethics if society's changed, "go with the flow" so to speak? Do I think popular opinion is a good place to start when developing an ethical system?
How is it that society's ethical views change is a question I have for you. I'll try and answer myself: A society's ethical system changes as a result of a small group in that society that wants to change the current system. You use slavery as your example. How is it that our country's views changed from the "popular opinion"? Small changes over a long period of time eradicatd this practice & it really did take a long time. Did I prefer this "popular opinion"? No. I have my own ethical system that developed over my lifetime but it started with what my parents, peers and other adults in my life felt was the right thing to do, or in other words "popular opinion." Would I change if someone showed me a better viewpoint than what I was used to looking at? Sure, it's not wrong to change, it is my right. Do you feel it is wrong to "switch sides" so to speak? I can evaluate a position of a person and come up with my own views on if it is ethical or not either by personnal repulsion or by personnal admiration. So, to your first question, I don't prefer some of the ethical views of my country, because it is my choice and right, and I can't really knock another cultures because that is their right. Their ethical views are what are acceptable to their culture, I can try to change their views, but they really don't have to listen. Ethical views are ingrained in childhood, only being "sanded" away as one becomes more mature. So, as to my substitute, I would require that it provides me with all the nutritional needs for my diet. Nutrionists aren't even sure what these needs are, but they have some guidelines. I say that it would be wrong because then I wouldn't need to kill the animal for food, it can be as happy as it wants. But the animals in question now wouldn't be alive if we hadn't modified them for ourselves. Does this mean I'm changing my views to "fit in"? Yes, it does in some sense, who wants to be the odd man out? ![]() Now this next part always ends up as a thread killer, but I'll chug ahead. I am homosexual and I have been called abomination, sinner, monster and the list would go on to fill 3 more pages. I've had many a conversation with these people and you are right, I can't change their ethical and religous views because they are so engrained in their personality. They don't want to be seen as not having followed the "popular opinion." So, yes it strikes me as wrong because I am the target of their discriminations, but I was just "creationism" as a point. I'll get back to this later, I got a call. ![]() |
Great Job!
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"Black Ice Heart"
Well pissss! I agree go for the A's. But hey, their loss is our gain, let that you-ness shine here both y'all!!!!! We get their you-ness ![]() We get their you-ness ![]() What she said... ![]() ![]() |
Can time or movement stop?
Could it be possible that time or movement stops as we know it. Yes we know on Earth or even this universe perhaps not but what about other parts of the galaxies? Or is this impossible? What is your conclusion? Or perhaps time and movement really doesn't exist. What do you think? At absolute zero,that's -459.67 degrees Farenheit, all molecular and atomic motion CEASES. We can almost achieve this temperature, but not quite. This law says that if we could or a system could achieve Absolute 0, then the entropy (the disorder of a system) will reach a minimal value or a value near zero. Hope this helps. ![]() |
For FaithfulOne78
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The emotions running through me get the best of me. The pain is almost unbearable, it hurts physical to be without you. Time heals all, so I am told. Leaving you behind was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I wish I could go back to that moment. The moment we said goodbye, that moments haunts me. Knowing that I may never see you, never feel your embrace. Everything about you calls to me, I know we were meant to be. How can you not see it? Do you care about me like you did before? Move on with your life, forget about me. I am nothing to you! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thank you guys, but I can't take any credit. I was crying when I wrote this, I hope it gets better for Faithful78.
Hey that graphic is from "OH, Super Milk Chan" I BLEEPING love that cartoon.
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Rights to life.
Fusion, thank you for elaborating on your point of view. I don't like to bicker over semantics, but sometimes its the best route to mutual understanding; and I'm still not conivinced that 'meant' is the best word for your meaning, as it suggests predestination and intention, with an implication of 'ought' and 'should'. According to, I think you mean: "To design, intend, or destine for a certain purpose or end" I agree we have an omnivore structure to our bodies, and omnivore capacity. I don't agree we are 'meant' to eat meat - and this is not because I am currently eating a vegan diet, nor because I am displeased by factory farming. In fact, in some ways I support hunting and farms managed with compassion. In general, I think the whole notion that we are 'meant' for anything based on our bodies structure or capacity is completely flawed, and a terrible basis for asking 'what should I do' ? Basically, I'm trying to say, like you, that just because you can do something doesn't mean you "should".
Now you are talking about capacity, rather than intention or predestination. So why say we are 'meant' to eat meat? Why not say that we 'can' eat meat? This use of the word 'meant' reminds me also of arguments that were made long ago (well... not that long ago) for why women were the 'inferior' sex and why people of different skin colors were appropriately treated in different ways. Different kind of people were 'meant' for different things. This has nothing to do with veganism, and everything to do with what is implied by the word meant. On the other hand, this is who we are.
Omnivore structure is part of who we are. Omnivore habits? You are saying this is an inherant, undeniable aspect of being a homo sapiens? Again this same kind of argument has been used & abused a great deal to rationalise things we now recognize as immoral in the past. Sexism, rape, slavery, the list goes on. This is what I was talking about when you mentioned that proteins from animals "sparked" our advancement and allowed our brains and bodies to grow better then what they were doing when we merely ate fruits and tubers.
I accept this suggestion about the distant past. Today, we have refridgerators and blenders and ovens and distribution systems and most people in industrialized nations are getting too many calories and probably too many meat-based fats. If you are starving or meat is your choice of food, then that is what is one your mind, not: "Is this right what I'm doing, am I wrong for killing this animal?"
This is a bit of a tangent, but there are rare individuals who will ask themself this question, even as they are starving. A reliable friend told me his relative (in India) decided he was ready to die, and willfully fasted himself to death - in other words, he had that level of control, intention, choice. Most people are victim to their own unexamined and not-understood drives. Maybe in the future we can break away from this practice of raising animals with advances in science, like turning inorganic into organic "foodstuffs". If this does happen, then I would argue that it is wrong to kill for food
Why??? I understand the point you were making with your size being larger than a woman and does that mean you "should" rape. Earlier in our history, this is exactly what men would do. You are bigger, you desire something, take it. But morally, this is wrong and damages personality or self. But are we damaged as people because we eat animals, I really don't think so.
The person who did the raping was not damaged (in certain cultures). This development of ethics prohibiting rape is not preservation of self! Think about this. (1a) You identify women as part of your 'group' worthy of protection from the harm of rape. (1b) The raper did not. (2a) Some people identify non-human animals as enough of 'part of their group' as to be worthy of protection from certain kinds of abuse. (2b) Some people do not. How broad, how encompassing is our caring? Speaking of which: Bushido & Red I didn't have net access earlier, but I really appreciate the spirit and ideas you guys are putting forward in this thread! (I'm off to an all you can eat salad bar!) ![]() I see the point on the definition of "meant". But you give my arguement credibility when you say the definition: "predestined, destined, designed." Now, I'm an atheist, so I can't use creationism for support or religous sentiments. If I wanted to cheat, I could say "Well, the higher power already had us all planned out and knew the structure of our bodies and what it would need, so there ya go!" But that is the easy way out. I can turn to genetics and say that as we evolved, our DNA, RNA and chromosones responded to proteins and other acids that came from animals. With this route, I might be able to say that we are indeed "meant" to consume animals because that is what our genetics is telling us to do. I realize there have been several other views on genetics in this thread, so this is my little spin on it. Bees are meant to consume nectar from flowers and create in their bodies honey and royal jelly. Do they really have achoice in this? No, not really. But they do this to survive, they do this to raise their young. Now I know we will get into instinct and the "hardwiring" of a species to perform certain tasks. I feel that we are "hardwired" in the same way, we just have the ability to sit back and wonder about it. ![]() As for your question of "WHY???", I think that if we advance far enough socially as well as scientifically, our ethics and morals will become more evolved, more perfected and we will truly view all life as something precious. This is not an uncommon view today, but as you see from my comments, bring on the Beef!. If there was another choice of a protein substitute that had all the perks of cows, I'd be down for it and I wouldn't eat another cow. There are soy proteins and I eat those after a workout, but they just don't compare. This is very revealing about how selfish I really am. ![]() Now to the rape issues. Is not fear, fear of harm and pain, fear of "losing" self an arguement for preserving self? Women are not the only part of our "group" that need protecting from rape. Men have been raped, children (both sexes) and GASP, even animals. I argue that the development of the ethics prohibiting rape stems to preserve the collective self as well as individual self. Can't wait to hear from you! ![]() |
-This isn't my usual style, but I know this pain and I have to extend a hand-
"Please take my hand, as I walk down this path, as we walk down this path. Please understand, I've been here before, I want to show you a way to a door. Pleae take my hand, as I wipe the tears, that fall down my face, your face, as I remember your fears. Please understand, I've been here before, I have to show you this door. Please take my hand, as I offer you an embrace, I want to help your heart get back to a wonerful place. Please understand, I've been here before, Come with me, don't be afraid about what's behind this door. Please take my hand, as I put my arm around your shoulders, I want to take that weght, crushes like a boulder. Please understand, I've been here before, I'll help turn the knob, a smile is waiting behind the door." ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Art of Subtlety
Life is what you make of it. Yes it may be. However we all walk around daily and wonder why we cant get along with the people we meet. I am showing you why as we speak. It is because no one is subtle any more and everyone assumes that we mean one thing. The art of expression is meaningless and has no true queen. We all roam day to day wondering, "What, oh what did he or she say?" All of us want answers with no clue yet we all pray. My answer to this, is as simple as three letters. We all need to remember that honesty has no definition. We render its condition. Unfortunately in today's society we all expect so much that we have no sense of the subtle. Because life is out of touch. And that, is creative writing. In whatever sense "Mingle" wanted us to use this forum for unless we were writing poetry. My answer to the question was "spoken" but not written-- hence creative writing. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Black Ice Heart"
Well pissss! I agree go for the A's. But hey, their loss is our gain, let that you-ness shine here both y'all!!!!! We get their you-ness ![]() We get their you-ness ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Black Ice Heart"
nicely done... a lot to think about here ![]() ![]() ![]() |
death of a lover
it is the first time a lover has died on me. it was an entirely untimely death. this news coming in from a coincidental meeting and a removed source halted my breath and left my eyes to wander from the unknowing bearer sitting across from me. this person who once said peekaboo walking into a bathroom where i once dressed, this person who once sang his little rendition of the righteous brothers to me where i snuggled into his arms in a big, big bed, this person who one all summer long dumped ice in my shirt and threw me into a pool over and over, this person whose friends smiled slightly to me before i knew it was done.. my memories of him come softly then harshly. it's too strange to imagine. it must've been murder. he had so much and a big, big heart. i loved him never owning him. it was his way. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mind Games
Hey Different, I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end of this!
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Hey Smiles! Thanks for the encourgement! ![]() ![]() Thanks for reading my awful attempts on writing a poem ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Black Ice Heart"
Very nicely done my friend! ![]() ![]() ![]() One prof said I have to tone down my "me-ness" to give the facts in a way that doesn't display so much of my opinion. It should almost read like a research paper "just the facts ma'am". It's cool though I just turn me off for the length of the paper LOL ![]() ![]() |
"Black Ice Heart"
Very nicely done my friend! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey Smiles! Thanks for the encourgement!
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