burieD alivE And Dying
despite hope I am broke an arrow in mid flight shot down been there dream't that nothing found suppressed by the depressed undergone painjuries over there sympathy hovers here pain and injuries merged good times kicked to the curb despite broke I am hope ![]() ![]() |
Thanks for the uplift, it's hard sometimes though...
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I wake up every morning while the sun is still asleep I hit the ground running, before the alarm clock even beeps off to drop off little one, one last hug and then I'm done on to work for 9 hours a day, shake hands with the setting sun I come through the door, job two begins, for I'm a full time mom and dad to a four year old - my home it is not calm she does not understand that I am one, and one alone am I sometimes it gets to be too much and I raise my eyes to the sky I pray for wisdom, patience and peace. And ask how can it be right? to be alone again it seems, day after day and night after night... darkness falls, at last some quiet. Alone time to sit and think to search for this missing part, my heart's missing link I love my life and every part but sometimes the nights are to long my heart remembers the days gone by and the melody of that song that played the night that our eyes met and the moment that I knew that you were the man I loved, and you told me that you loved me too Alone I crawl into my bed and I think my thoughts of you these are where my dreams come from, the pictures that I drew inside my head of days gone by, of laughter, smiles and touch and I fall into a restless sleep - for sometimes it is too much Until the day we meet again I will carry on with my head held high until then, I will look for you, in the darkness of the nights. for darkness falls and dreams play out - I can almost feel you there that is where my love for you I can finally share... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Very good, Fear! You portray the addict very nicely, the wants and needs and excuses. "WooHoo!"
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A Trip To The Dark Side
I think Fusion is saying "Welcome to the dark side" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You Put Love On My Mind
You Put Love on My Mind M.E. Martin It all started with a word here a laugh there A look a touch the sparks began to fly You smiled and my heart started to race You put love on my mind just like that As quick as a wink my knees felt shaky My hand started to tremble and I blushed You knew what I was thinking and you winked My blush got deeper and my skin got warmer You said my name and I swooned You caressed my cheek and my pulse accelerated You kissed my lips and created a fever in my blood You pulled me into your arms and the world faded Just like that love was the only thing I could think of Your body pressed to mine my heartbeat tuned with yours Bated breath with anticipation being the name of this tune Hearts rejoicing while the room is spinning Just like that you put love on my mind…. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Part 1. My soul story
Here it is as I had said I would write. If you think part 2 might be worth reading, just a yes will do. Thanks. Introduction: Central of the state of Wyoming November 3, 1970 Woman gives birth to a healthy 9.7lb. boy. 2 floors down in the same hospital, 3 family members of the woman giving birth are in critical condition from a car wreck and eventually pass away that same day. November 3, 1971 Little boy’s Aunt and uncle killed in a head on collision November 3, 1972 Little boy’s great grandmother passes away from old age November 3, 1973 Little boy’s cousin is fatally shot by hunting riffle November 2, 1978 Little boys Great grandfather passes away November 3, 1979 Little boys grandfather passes away November 1, 1980 Little boys grandmother passes away As a little boy, it became quit natural for me to see mixed emotions come around my birthday. If there wasn’t a death in the family, well a funeral might be getting planned. Not much attention was given to me around those days. Sure I would get a present and a cake, but family members never came for the parties. Had other rememberings to go to. I974 was a tough year on my family. My older brother was diagnosed with a kidney disease and required a lot of attention. 1975 I found out through a “punishment session” that I wasn’t even supposed to have been born a boy. My parents had already picked out the settings for my room and even given me the name of Amy Marie. An Anthony wasn’t what they had expected. I had an old dresser armoire that had just a single cabinet door on it. Inside it was big enough for me to sit and soon became safe haven. My secret location. Inside of this armoire, I was to find myself. Everytime I was in trouble and sent to my room with out dinner, or I got a punishment, that’s where I would go. Inside I could close my eyes and smell the fresh scent of pine wood. Inside I could close my eyes and not be where I was. As time went on, I got too big for my secret place. No where to go after the belt was given or a broom handle to the head. I was alone. I had been alone for a long time. Sure, there where people around me. Kids at school, after school playtime. I had no shortage of friends. But yet I was alone. Since I couldn’t go into the armoire anymore and close my eyes and imagine I was going to a land filled with dinosaurs and volcanoes, I had to find another way. This is when my real adventure took place, but it was only the start. I Learned the power of what an imagination could be! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
A Trip To The Dark Side
Edited by
Tue 08/18/09 01:25 PM
I am bound by chains Mouth stuffed To muffle my sound My life inflicts pain I push I pull But in vain I see blood on the window That metalic smell Intoxicating I fall limp on the floor Among the lies Among lucifers laughter Among the insanity Reminding me I am left behind I choke back words But I am strong I move along Tammy ![]() ![]() |
There ya go, much more subtle yet the point is unmistakable, good job! ![]() ![]() |
"sucked into some honeybees"
![]() Well damn, good for you ME, I wasn't thinking as much as mmmmmm rem-mmmmm-inis-cing! ![]() |
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I'm gonna try to go dark for awhile I'm so pollyana. Haha ![]() Yours gets me going!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"sucked into some honeybees"
Some days it feels like everyone wants a piece of you...I can dig what you were saying with this one... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Rights to life.
Hey Bushido,
Interesting questions. If such a perfect world existed, then there would be perfect(ed) morals and ethics but is this stagnation or the pinnacle of perfection? I beleive that we can advance that far, but the time it'll take.... |
Rights to life.
Hi Fusion, This thread goes on to discuss more dinifitive difinition and differences between morals and ethics. Eventually, how far we expand our moral thinking or our ethical behavior will be discussed. You are correct that we are capable of greater food production than ever in history, but at what cost? Animals have feelings, both physical and emotional. Animals, as others will go on to say, have individual personalities and those that live in groups are also socialized by that group. From ants and bees to big cats and wolves. Herd animals and those that are easily domesticated are also socialized but even domesticated animals if given sufficient opportunity can return to the wild. Instead we enslave them for our purposes which may not be a bad thing if they are still allowed to live contentedly, in other words if they are provided the same basic types of necessities that humans think are necessary for happy, productive and fulfilling lives. Yet we do not consider the physical and emotional needs of these animals beyond what is necessary to serve us. Now consider that slavery, as it was in the United States, consisted of the mindset that black people were some sub-standard species, no more than any other domesticated animal. Keep that in mind. A bond formed between a male and female and a baby is conceived. The pregnant black animal was a new commoditiy and might fetch a good price. Or the child that is born is a male and the mother and father are large and strong workers, that child could fetch a good price and a better price if several years prove the strength and worthiness of that child. These people were branded and sometimes pierced and the only medical attention was to keep a worker working. Little regard was given to physical and emotional well-being. We were able to do this because, as a society we were desesitized to the similarities of black people to whites. We were socialized to recognize color with an animal mentality. Imagine if we had respect for animals. If we recognized they do have emotions, feel pain and even have personalities, would we ever have that kind of slavery? If we should ever encounter another life form as old as humanity quite different, perhaps a human equivalent of bees or cows, will we try to communicate, try to learn from them? Or will be subjugate them, see them as a commodity without realizing that the echosystem of their planet depended on thier very being? The morality that surrounds life and what are the basic needs and expectations of that life must be extended to all life or we begin to thing in slave mentality. Animals serve a puprose in and of themselves, not strictly as a means to an end for any other life. Though we see several species subsist at the expense of another life, we cannot stop looking beyond that expense. There is an interconnectedness in nature. Herd animals are many and those that prey on them are few but they keep the herd from over population. The herd animal grazes keeping fields from becoming jungles and thus other animals can exist. It goes on and on, but it does not end or begin with humans, we are part of the connection. Someone mentioned that personal choice must play a role, yes it does. Some see the treatment of animals and cannot take part in preserving it and others make choices that are different and there are a variaty of reasons, but no matter the reason if we allow the horrer we inflict on other life to continue we are setting the stage for other horrors in the future of other life and endangering the echosystem for us all. I'm a little confused as to your first statement: Are others expounding upon these definitions or are you? As to the statements of what "will be discussed", I don't seee this in your post. Bushido's original "mission statement" dealt with the morality of killing a cow or the morality of a cow killing a human. There was much more to his statement, but I chose to focus on his original question about the cow. Please clarify these statements. There is ALWAYS a cost for progress, this is just the way of the cannot stop this. You can raise a voice, write your congressman or boycott a company, but in the end if the majority wants it, they get it. I realise the cost you are speaking of: deforesting, greenhouse gases, soil runoff, fertilizer contamination of the water supplies and so on. Humans learn best by making mistakes and we've made quite a few. But I don't think it's time to throw in our towel yet. I really wish you hadn't brought up the slavery point, it's quite a thorny patch. But, I'll try....ouch! scratched my hand! ![]() ![]() Was this an acceptable practice? NO Were the slaves merely animals? NO But the parallel you are trying to draw seems as stretched as an old whip.....and I honeslty can't entertain it any longer. ![]() ![]() |
"sucked into some honeybees"
It's not that I don't get it It makes me feel so many different things Acceptance Being different Trying to fit in It's causing a stir me ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Compliment For a ROGUE, a Knave, a Scoundrel: "So, here's your present, what you'd asked for, what I'm only too glad to send... I said what I meant, how lies and your lies harden my trusting heart like cement... So, here's your gift, what you'd asked for, what I'm only too glad to miss... I said I was honest, how lonely and alone I once again felt when half-truths made me throw away you, "My Fondest." So, here's your prize, what you'd asked for, what I'm only too glad to loan to Despise.... I said what was truly in my heart, how pissed and pissy I soon became when I found out your betrayel from the start So, here's your reward, what you really asked for, what a relief, I'm just too glad this settles our score." |
Oh So Well
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"sucked into some honeybees"
Thanks Mirror, you seem to be the only one who really "got" this one!!
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