Community > Posts By > Jess642

Jess642's photo
Mon 05/02/11 02:28 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Mon 05/02/11 02:32 AM

Jayzuz bloody kerrist on a pogo stick!!!!...and you are all happy?surprised

So......Al Queida and Islamic extemists just dissolved like the bad witch in Wizard of Oz???...with the death of Osama Bin Ladan???...are you seriously believing that?...he was an old man with over-zealous vicious ideas of what SHOULD be right in his world....same as you different... I have watched the inhumane slaughter of innocent people in your so-called War on terror..and you people allow calling it collateral damage?????

Are you all f *cking mad????.....

I'm floored with the craziness some of you are displaying,....

You do realise the giant red target is back....don't you?

Your people fight wars for 5 -10 years....the longest was Vietnam...and that was a p* ssing contest in comparison to what has been created.

The hornet's nest you have poked with a stick, fight wars for centuries...absolutely mercenary..vicious and without remorse.

Your children's children's children will still be looking over their shoulders.

I am apalled...and unfortunately we as Australians, are guilty by association...

awesome!slaphead we associate with zealots and insane people...whoa

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 03:04 PM
Ummmm....other than Josie and all live on the other side of the universe!

Sorry everyone....this lifeboat is gonna be rather empty....

I think Beachfarmer would meander over before the event....but no-one else would leave their computer screen, their flatscreen tvs and their happy little homes to brave the wilds of Australia..


Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 02:59 PM
Hmmm....if he is the biological father of the child...doesn't he have a right to get to know her...his wanting to participate in her life seems like a good thing.

Having said that....I would suggest he gets to spend time with her...whilst you AND another responsible adult is there...she is 5 weeks old!...also the 'other' responsible adult is an independent witness...for both of you.

I would seek legal advice first.

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 05:02 AM
hahaha!!! Listen to us two Josie!

Now if it was an orphaned joey...we would be right onto it!laugh

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 05:00 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 05/01/11 05:01 AM
Hot water bottle....tucked under their bedding, and wrapped in an old towel...and a wind up clock if you have it.

Also...remember you have to simulate washing their mother would...with a face flannel...warmed and slightly have to wash their little stimulates the wee kittens to defacate and urinate...

10 hours?....sheesh!...please try and feed them in shortened time periods prior to you going out, and as soon as you get home, feed and wash them...

while you are out...perhaps you can find a fluffy toy? will help them feel tucked in tight, and also keep them a little warmer.

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 04:51 AM
When I look at the pics of your Aaron on FB....I feel he and Ryan, my youngest boy, are dopplegangers of each other in looks...although Aaron has the protective nature of my eldest son, Kevin...

Jonathon....goodness!...he sounds like my Rhianna, in littlest one...she is full of curiosity...and wants it NOW!...whatever it is.

My Jo, the eldest girl...she is just a darling....there's a deep vein of steel that runs through her nature, although the warmth and nurturing soul that she is shines through above all else.

It's so rewarding, and we truly are the lucky ones Josie...:heart:

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 04:26 AM

Yes yes yes, thats it, you dont make me sound like a whimpy ,whinging clingy mentally sick person

rofl rofl rofl

Bwah hahahaha!!!!

I think from the responses to my post...I am the mentally sick person with attachment issues...laugh

that leaves you the sash with whimpy, whinging, clingy bit....if you want it....I don't see you that way.

I see you as the epitomy of 'female'...soft, gentle, kind, loving, supportive, nurturing and................special.

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 04:15 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 05/01/11 04:15 AM
I think I am understanding what you are saying Josie....correct the bits I get wrong.

You can SURVIVE on your own...but you are the best YOU when with the one you have given your heart to...

You feel that the two of you 'meld' together....his strengths support your vulnerabilities...and your strength supports his..

When you give your heart, it is soft, open, and very don't give it easily...but when you do, it is with complete faith he will never cause you harm...because he understands your vulnerabilities, and can protect you...

am I even close?laugh

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 04:08 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 05/01/11 04:10 AM
got it right the first time!laugh


Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 03:58 AM

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 03:22 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 05/01/11 03:26 AM
I had two sets of two Josie...

a boy and a girl travel through puberty together...the eldest two now 26 and 22...
and my youngest two a boy and a girl....are doing the same..they are 16 and almost 14...

My eldest was M.O.T.H....(man of the household) his eyes... from 14 onwards....he still thinks he is....

makes me laugh....

it was painful...the first two...gawd!!!! the power struggles!

I sat them both down and said...'Right!...This is how it is!...I earn the money... I cook and clean...I pay the rent...I AM THE BOSS.'

'And as I am the BOSS...YOU both get to do what I say....don't like it? Tough!....if I hear you bossing around your sister like you are more than her...then I will have to take you outside and show you that you are not!'

I picked up the boxing gloves, and said...'come on...outside...'

he went white!laugh

I said...'hmmm....don't want to hurt me?...can't hit a female?....that's what you are doing to your sister, with your words, EVERY time you boss her round, and make her feel less'

'We all bleed the same...we are all equals in this house...except I am more equal, cause I am the BOSS.'laugh

I reminded them how much they would hurt if they lost each other...and reminded them how much we have shared together...

I also spent a lot of time in Boxing training with my son...who went on to semi professional boxing..I apologised to him...for not having a father...and for me being a poor substitute as a dad...we used to spar a the ring...and he was surprised...

The younger two don't feel threatened in having to share the first two did...they had to always come second to the littlies, in my day to day would always squabble for any scrap of their mother's attention...( Kids spell love...T.I.M.E)

Kids, as they mature into puberty are supposed to move away from their parents emotionally, and be thinner skinned...even when they don't know it.

I am going to ask a personal question, which you don't have to answer here...but have a your girl menstruating/cycling? her moodiness more prevalent at a certain time each month?

Even if she isn't cycling yet.... I wonder if she is moving towards it...and a quick check on the calender each month...(or outside at the moon...we all cycle close to the moon phases...either full or new moon)...will help you figure out where her emotions are taking her.

I also wonder if the kids are unconsciously a little anxious about sharing you with your man, and his boy...I know they are excited....but maybe deep down a little unsure about how it is going to look?

I promise...although this is the wildest ride, that no theme park could invent...

you will get through..:heart:

I don't know if any of my rambling would take me sixteen pages to say it all...and I know I should just call you...but worry about intruding on your work/family/man time.

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 03:00 AM
For me, because I still have hope....

because they can use the incredible wealth and power they wield over every country in their Commonwealth for good....for the people.

There is something quite wonderful in witnessing a young couple move into an expected outcome (marriage and children)...their direct contrast to William's mother and father..who had The Firm manage every aspect of their marriage and lives.

Elizabeth is my Queen...I like having the Monarchy a backup to our governing...we get it wrong with our government...and the Governor General, acting on the Queen's decision, can sack our government..

it's like hitting a reset switch...

and the Monarchy is what stops us ever having a Dictator as a leader.

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 02:46 AM
Re-write the ending,
change the script around.

Re-paint the scenery
shift the place around.

Re-create the characters
move them all around.

Twist the plot completely
strangle all the words.
Take the message seriously
there's nothing more absurd.

Scramble up the ladder
do what others say,
Keep the faith of madness
'cause no-one wants to play.

Re-create the ending
change the script around.

Re-paint the scenery
shift the place around.

Re-create the character
move them all around.

....just daubing up the dabbling.bigsmile

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 02:33 AM
I don't see why there is this immense requirement for justification....and a whole heap of 'supporting evidence' to bolster one's opinion..

Isn't it quite a simple thing?

If over 6 billion people consume 'x'..(which is rapidly increasing in direct correlataion to the number of people) of all the planet's resources 'y'....(which are a finite amount)

how long until there are more 'x' than 'y'...?

how long until there is no 'y' for 'x'...?

Factor in the unstable and non predictable optimum growing patterns of weather...'z'...

then soon x will consume y divided by z...and equal 0

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 02:20 AM

not buying it - that kind of detachment is not healthy - if you can be that remote emotionally then you really just don't care (or at least that is how it seems by what you've posted)

that doesn't mean we shouldn't control our emotions - MOST DEF we must do that - outbursts and manipulations are offensive

and we are responsible for each other as well as for ourselves. if we have behaved badly someone should hold us accountable and not in a parent like way but just by stating hey - the sun doesn't revolve only around you

I KNOW I love unconditionally and it has been put to the test more times than I deserve, just because I call someone on the carpet doesn't mean my love is unconditional. what it means is that not only is my love unconditional for you but is for myself as well and I will not be treated thusly (whatever it was). I love you & always will but you aren't getting away with ...whatever...

we always have expectations- it's how we handle them that is important

You butter your bread from left to right...I butter mine by dipping it in...

I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt I am fully and completely emotionally ENGAGED with the person I love...

I am NOT remotely holding them accountable for my emotions...

There is no-one inside here but there is no-one who can affect me, but me....

What the one I hold as Beloved his choice...his path....his life.... I love him to the point my heart hurts thinking of him no longer walking this earth...

BUT his actions are not my actions...they are his...

Detached is a word you the opposite of attached...

I am fully engaged....completely.... with to energy...mind to mind...heart to heart..

but he owes me I owe him obligations.

we may never ever share the same room again...the same space I love him less?


I adore every single thing about him.

Even his immense flaws...because they are his.

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 02:10 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 05/01/11 02:12 AM

Toilet seat!!!...Find it down??? then put it down, after you use it!!!

Channel surfers!!!....just watch the bloody show...ok????

Empty toilet rolls...when there is a basket of full ones right there!...lean down, pick a full on eup...take the empty one off..drop empty one...put new one on!!!

Wet towels left on the bed!!...I am NOT sleeping in the wet patch!!!

Sand in the bed!!!...if I wanted to sleep on the beach, I would walk down the road!!!

wow... I have heaps...noway laugh

jess do you have my children there, cause it sure sounds like they have visited your place.noway

Only if you have mine at your house Josie....

I have more...


DON'T kick them off in the doorway...walk one step in and one step to the right and kick them's like tripping over a caterpillar's hundred thousand pairs of shoes!

Almost empty milk/juice bottles! is grateful you left them exactly 3 drops in the bottle in the fridge.

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/30/11 06:31 AM
"......Extreme weather events will become more frequent and worse. In particular, storms with more intense rainfall are liable to bring worse floods....."

In light of our summer, with Cyclone Yasi and the flooding we are still experiencing here...

it ain't rocket science.

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/30/11 06:18 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sat 04/30/11 06:21 AM
Toilet seat!!!...Find it down??? then put it down, after you use it!!!

Channel surfers!!!....just watch the bloody show...ok????

Empty toilet rolls...when there is a basket of full ones right there!...lean down, pick a full on eup...take the empty one off..drop empty one...put new one on!!!

Wet towels left on the bed!!...I am NOT sleeping in the wet patch!!!

Sand in the bed!!!...if I wanted to sleep on the beach, I would walk down the road!!!

wow... I have heaps...noway laugh

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/30/11 06:14 AM

thanks everyone.. i feel alot better now.. now for the next question.. after someone ignores ur texts, and doesnt contact u for a while.. wat do you do if that person tries to contact you?? do you reply as if nothing happened? or chew them out.. or let them know they hurt you.. or just ignore them right back? (not thinking this particular person will contact me.. this is just good to know in case it happens in the future)

What I do?....if they call...then I answer...say hello...and wait...for whatever comes next...

somewhere in that conversation I will explain that their sudden absence from communication left me wondering...

then I wait......

and usually there is an explanation.

One simple rule though...if it took 2 seconds to text me when they wanted to...before they didn't respond to mine...nor answer my emails...if it only took 2 seconds BEFORE...

they have exactly 2 seconds now.

Then they are dust.

But I am a harsh person...and not very 'nice'.

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/30/11 02:18 AM
You into red beards and beanies Josie???noway

tongue2 laugh