How many trees did you plant this year? I planted 20 trees. That's my contribution to CO2. So far about 80 in the past 7 months, I have another 10 arriving this week...but I am greedy....each tree is either edible by humans,insects or animals, or create habitat for all.. I also have a huge carbon footprint to compensate for, in the moving of this house, the renovations...each element of I am not some altruistic saint, far from it!...I greedily want food forests, and to somehow tread a little lighter on the planet. |
Mother....the constant..the gentle touch, the soft stroke, the straightening of clothes, the favourite meals, the endless making of dressup costumes from almost nothing at the last minute...the fear as the child strides out into the world...the silent tear as the little hand is released on the first day of school..the bust your heart wide open with pride at their achievements.
I didn't have a lot of that growing up with the familial mother...however, in my lifetime I have had many mothers.. Some appearing in hand knitted cardigans, on a train, sharing their wisdom,others sharing a soft touch and a quiet smile, still others carrying to my door a home made soup when I have been ill.. Mother to me is the gentleness in this world, the nurture and the strength of wisdom... |
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Sat 05/07/11 04:58 PM
...with mother's day here in some countries, and just around the corner for many others....what makes a mother for you?
What special qualities does she have, or does/did yours? Or what qualities of Motherhood, have you discovered becoming one yourself? My children taught me patience, they taught me to be selfless, when they were tiny and helpless, they taught me kindness and compassion, how to be fully present in the moment, and to live in that moment...they reminded me of the world at my feet...the almost invisible world going on around us. They taught me expansion of my heart to infinite dimensions, they taught me flexibility, how to laugh at myself, and how to love without condition....they are my greatest teachers, and without them, I would not be the person I am today...I am incredibly blessed to have them call me mother. I am drawn to the quiet, calm mothers...the gentle and serene mothers...I have learnt through other mothers, humour, and a selflessness that was inconceivable before I became one myself. What does mother mean to you? |
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Sat 05/07/11 06:38 AM
Would it be fairer to say, that fidelity is unique to each of us, and how we view it, and what we require of a partner?
That many people are simply weak, uncaring, or selfish, and others may find themselves in a torturous predicament, duty bound to a committed relationship...but deeply attracted, perhaps even in love with another? I feel underlying everything is if you, (generalising) carry yourself with respect for your partner, and your self...then being honest BEFORE the act...or the intent of the act, is the kindest way to behave. |
While I love women my own age I'm attracted to much younger women as well. Obviously there's a physical factor, but I also like spending time with someone who's fun, confident, intelligent and excited about the future. Men who date younger women and women who date younger men are fairly visible and accepted, but I don't see a lot of information or recognition about women in my situation. I don't know if it's not something that's talked about or if it's just rare .... maybe there aren't a whole lot of girls in their 20s interested in older women. What do you think? Is my attraction to younger women pervy or acceptable? Do girls want to have anything to do with older women? Am I the only middle-aged, suburban lesbian trying to meet girls half her age? Do I stand any chance of finding someone or should I just throw in the towel and stop wasting my time? Firstly, welcome Jeanne Also, I wonder if you met a woman say 5 years older than you, who was fun, intelligent, confident and excited about the future, would you find her attractive?...or interesting enough to catch your attention? I wonder if it is age related, or merely the energy, and the apparent freedom of younger women.. I also feel, statistically, you are dealing with a smaller group of same sex relationship orientated people, so it may appear to be a more difficult challenge to find your ideal partner. In having said that, I don't think at all it is impossible, nor do I find your attraction to younger women at all are drawn for whatever reasons, to whomever you are drawn to....same as all of us. I am sure, somewhere there is a woman who will find you her perfect partner, as you will her...and I can't wait for the giggles over age ending up being completely irrelevant... and I have $5AU on her being older... |
I really love your attitude here because you are right - people are idiots in these situations. It is best to just say what it is and quit making a wasteland of everyone's lives as much as possible sometimes I think people drag it out because of guilt and children - but the sooner the better(when possible) means less guilt - more time to adjust - more time to heal and enough youth left to make a life I wish I had had more of my youth when I became single again Thankyou....but to be fair...I do wonder if, at the time, had he chosen I would have felt...and also he had no idea she was pregnant...she didn't want to 'trap' him into a decision, especially when he was married with two children and one on the way... I saw that as incredible sacrifice...she was a single mother with two children already...she chose to keep the pregnancy...(abortion doesn't have as huge a drama here in Australia)...and to raise that child child support, nothing. I have a great deal of admiration for her, as a woman...and as a mother...and as I said in my prior post, people can't help who they fall in love with...and we had all known each other, (her ex was my children's father's best friend, and she, mine)...since we were quite young. I feel sad for is very possible that if during their first dalliance, they had come to me, and fessed up...(in a really strange twist, their first and only dalliance for years, was the night my first child was born, they were both support persons at the incredibly emotional time spent together, and I often wonder if it was a human contact thing, after witnessing something so mind boggling, primal, and beautiful....hospitals ejected fathers and birth support persons quite quickly after a birth in those days, I wonder if they simply needed comfort and closeness)...I would have certainly have wished them well.. Understanding of course, I had fairly simplistic ideals of what attachment is, and was..and really never saw love, and parenthood as a life-binding experience between in they were stuck with each other for a lifetime. I have also been thinking about Scorpio's comments on anyone truly monogomous...? In it's purest form....we would all only ever have one love partner, one sex partner....for life, and past their death, if we as a species were monogomous..hence my statement of I don't believe we are monogomous as a species...we don't mate for life...or there would be no dating sites... I know I fall in love often...with different people...some part of them resonates within it their writing, their ideals, their music...their art, their purpose... However, I choose, and only I can...on how I conduct myself with the person....and I prefer an open and respectful honesty with an intimate romantic partner. |
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Sat 05/07/11 05:28 AM
What is this deal about humans not being monogamous by nature?? Once I find a partner, I have absolutely no desire or motivation to continue to hunt for another. If it is offered to me, I turn it down. I am repulsed at the idea of having more than one partner. I don't understand the appeal, and you mean to tell me that I am the odd one out for sticking to what I was raised to believe are the values of a normal, respectable person? I thought cheaters were supposed to be looked down upon as a disgrace to the community and cast aside for thier incompetence. Instead polygyny and polyandry are accepted as normal?? Wtf?? Oh dear!....big reaction woman makes a statement as to her own beliefs....that's all that woman, who does not believe that humans are essentially woman who has not been raised in your country with your beliefs....that's all that happened... I was never told, not made to believe that infidelity is looked down upon as a disgrace, nor to be cast aside.. Neither are many European countries, like France, Italy, Spain, for example....a mistress or lover is quite acceptable societally.. Perhaps it is a more American thing, I don't know...??? |
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Fri 05/06/11 04:18 AM
My children's father found himself distracted twice by the same woman over a 9 year period....the first had been an extremely emotional night for all of us...(she was my closest childhood friend).
They both appeared to be remorseful in the unspoken language of their I let it rest. The second time was 9 years later, and they had developed a relationship whilst he worked away from home...she asked him to choose...and he did....unbeknownst to me. Four years later we parted...for reasons unrelated to his attraction to my then friend....which time and distance...(and I learnt after, their affair)...had cooled our friendship and we had become very remote. I found a card from her to him, a xmas card....and I noticed another child's name added to her I rang her to ask after Tamara...not knowing much of could have scraped my jaw off the floor!!!...seems there is a fifth child of his about....only 3 months younger than my youngest son. How did this affect me?....I was gobsmacked....but not angry...I knew on some level, of their attraction, I had known of their one night dalliance 14 years earlier..I explained to her that both her and him had wasted 14 years of their lives...14 years of my life...if they cared that deeply for each other, they had only needed to fess up...and would have been free to pursue a life together. I believe people can't help who they fall in love with...they can help what they choose to do about it...and being honourable and honest is the most respectful way to go about it. I don't have trust issues regarding I don't see humans as essentially monogomous...I don't have any expectations...and not because I am jaded or so damaged, etc etc etc... My way of getting about in an intimate romantic relationship is quite different from many others, the incapacity for sexual monogomy is not a deal breaker for me... But denying one's self their own truth is not being honest and respectful. |
Mother's day
it's Mother's Day here in Australia also...
I'll be doing what mothers do...making breakfast for a tribe of 14 year old girls, washing up...feeding the animals, then going to work. |
The Dream
i do, otherwise i wouldn't be having this conversation A gypsy artist in your backyard???...on family roadtrips? Can you be one when your kids are all grown up? Could it be a delayed gratification dream?...the oldest gypsy artist backpacker in Europe? |
The Dream
i feel like i'm wasting something sometimes..that i'm missing the point because logic and responsibility for past actions takes precedence over the time i have everything done i've no energy left it seems. I mean i can't very well run off and be a gypsy artist in europe, now can i? Ummm....if you don't have dependent could! |
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Thu 05/05/11 05:42 PM
Can someone please explain to me how it is that for months on end, after 9/11, the tragedy that took place was replayed over and over of the death, gore, and violence on worldwide tv, of the suffering of those AMERICAN citizens, and that was "somehow", okay? Yet, now Bin Laden is supposedly killed and there's video, yet this is "somehow" not fit for tv? I, for one, would like undeniable proof, and not someone's say so on it. If I sound suspicious, I am, dammit! How many times has the story already changed, anyway?.....and the excuses! Give me a break! We are already in over our heads...who gives a rat's *** if other extremists are offended! We, as americans, deserve better. Bry, I can only share my thoughts from an outside perspective...and in some way I hope they help... With 9/11....the footage was shown globally for days, and the world was horrified....terrified...and saddened. Is it possible the footage shown of the Twin Towers falling, and the carnage that ensued, was about firstly, informing, secondly creating an empathy, around the world?...did that not happen, even if not intentionally? Is it fair to say what came from the visual information was an almost immediate 'call to arms' for the US, and many countries to support the US? both practical, and then military? A unification, of many countries, and at the time, an emotional, graphic desire to stand beside the US? I don't feel the sharing of the footage of the death of Osama would have the same emotional reaction, for other it possible this is part of the reason it has been decided to not show it? The expediency, and the finality of it feels more like a job that had to be done...and an almost quiet dignity in not plastering the media with it. I understand many in the US have an almost insatiable need to view the they can then find some form of closure... I do wonder if it was the wider world views, the perception of concerns of justice versus vengeance...(no trial, no having the criminal held to accoutability, diminished in the witness box, to nothing more than an insane, vicious old man).... over a fast expedient death..... that have been a part of not sharing this footage. |
The Dream
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Thu 05/05/11 04:20 PM
I've had dreams....and some of them I have lived...
I have had one solid dream since I was live on the land, grow food, create food forests, have animals around me...and in an old timber house...included in that, was a table...with many seats either side...and lots of laughter, and joyful faces around it...a whatever form that took...I have all of it now. I dreamed a life....and now I live my dream. My purpose?...I didn't know for many years....until I held my first born...then it seemed I dropped into my skin, I fit it...and became fully aware of my be a love with a ferocity and depth I had not know existed. |
Osama Bin Laden WON
Jesse, everybody on this board knows that you are have the best heart and the strength of your convictions. Your comments seem judgmental at times. That's not a criticism. We all judge. We decide who we want to endear ourselves to, we decide who we don't mind alienating. There's always time to back-track. You may be an Aussie, but in the broader view, we are all Aussie-Americans. We take these arguments so personally. Thankyou Artlo....and I agree, quite often I do make judgement calls...I am judging...weighing, measuring, and as we all do, from our own perceptions. I wonder how it would be for a couple of posters from here to visit an Australian site...where the predominant posters are Australian....and enter into the frey..what that would look like...then those couple of US posters stay on that site for a few years... I wonder if they would feel as lost as I do at times....when attempting to make comparisons is virtually my point of reference is quite 'foreign' to the topics I read. and just to let you know....I took no offence whatsover from your post...if anything I appreciated your honesty. |
40 things....
I'm wondering if it wouldn't also be helpful for a mature woman to know exactly the same things?
I read down the list and was ticking them off for myself... |
Osama Bin Laden WON
You can hold any opinion you want of any individual on earth but I don't think you should apply your opinions to 'Americans in general' referring to them as "you people...." I meant to add....I try to use YOUR people..YOUR country...etc a way of acknowledging I am from a different country...and generalising about the WHOLE... If I have written YOU people, usually I am referring to the posters in the thread.... if I haven't, then I do apologise, it was not my intent at the time of typing.. |
Osama Bin Laden WON
Jess asked:
So you are completely happy and content with every single thing in your country? Blissed out by every single scrap of anything that happens in your country? Fascinating. mightymoe asked: so what is your point here? Jess: Is that your response to the questions?......even more fascinating... You know, Jess642, it seems like you are sitting there passing judgement on others, and you seem bothered when someone says they are proud to be an American. I too would ask what your point is too. Do you think you are above everyone else? Mightymoe, artio, dragoness and vivian2981, I am sure have all been in many disagreements with others including me on this club, and it seems like you are passing judgement on everyone for who they are and what they say to each other. Are you? I believe in celebrating diversity. I think everyone has something to contribute whether I agree with them or not. You can hold any opinion you want of any individual on earth but I don't think you should apply your opinions to 'Americans in general' referring to them as "you people...." It just seems like you are looking down your nose. Perhaps I am...perhaps wrapped up in all of it, is trying to understand the common man of the US...the overview....and are you not doing the same with me with your perceptions? What I asked of mightymoe was why he felt justified in supporting one person's opinion, of if you aren't happy with it...then leave...or kwitchabytching....when he at times has expressed his displeasure. I'm not bothered by people being proud of their origins... it's watching the complete condemnation of others that has me trying to figure out what is what. I am not superior....and like all have my own views and opinions..and get told to butt out as I am not an American and therefore have no validity. I appreciate that you have little time for my opinions on the boards JB....and understand that it is the differences which show the uniqueness of each other. I do try to be specific...and also show generalisations...where they are... You are most certainly entitled to your views of me...and there are times where perhaps I do appear look down my nose at PEOPLE.....irrespective of their country of I have witnessed you do the same. |
Who are......
Because he thinks we are soooooo wonderful |
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