sierra locos.
Edited by
Fri 05/20/11 06:07 PM
Learning Lara Lee
The news arrived the other day of a daughter for a son. The elder sang, the elder wept her heart was all undone. They asked this girl child wrapped inside who she's meant to be She crept into her mother's dreams and whispered, 'I be Lara Lee'. The legacies abound through her, in warrior and healer. The strengths that flow from all around in love, we all can feel her. Lara Lee will teach us, she's stolen all our hearts. She has the hope, the joy, the faith she's the keeper of the parts. |
Two questions
1. am I just ugly? why do i only get hit on when girls come in to my job drunk? 2. Why is it the last 2 girls i have been with are nuts or want to kill themselves? 1a.....only you know if you have an ugly outlook. actually isn't about could be anyone at 3 am to a drunk person. 2.....because you are a rescuer, you are drawn to the lame ducks, somewhere in it all, you feel powerful, the 'hero'...and then you flip and want the emotional support, find it isn't there, and come unstuck. Do the internal work, and you will draw to you, your own herd. |
I thought it was a joke.....
It is your tomorrow, here, already, has been for almost 11 hours....and unless he's travelling a big white bus, with a blue canoe on the roof, (parked outside my house)...
it ain't happening today. |
healthy lifestyle
2 am. nope not ice cream, if I am up then its vegemite sandwiches and coffee. french toast and tea at midnight last night!!!...two wanted melted cheese on their french toast...and wrinkled their noses at my cinnamon sugar... |
Mods I am putting it in general because it covers all relationships. I have noticed that it is almost always unknown assumptions and unknown expectations that seem to be the cause of most problems in all relationships. Unknown usually because the person expects the other person to know it without having said it. Of course, this also indicates a breakdown of communications. What do you think? yea or nay Fear....wrapped in vulnerability, insecurity, and deception...fear is what strips relationships to the bone, dries up the rich marrow and leaves it decomposing. No expectations, No in truth and cause no intentional harm to self or how to have alive-ness in all relationships. I can agree. I don't do fear or vulnerability well at all. I try to analyze why I feel fear always because it is usually some outdated old residual auto reaction from times gone by or a taught reaction that needs to go bye bye. Vulnerability is something I am still working on allowing myself. Obligations, I try to limit to just what I have to do for myself. What I do for others is not an obligation, it is a gift from me to them given freely with no expectations. I have found in the last week, so many opportunities to speak my be quietly honest, and speak an open heart who was wanting to listen. We found when they were sat between us...they lost their power, he was not responsible for my fears, I was not responsible for his...but laid out bare, between us, we could gently acknowledge the pasts, and let them go....not carry or burden each other with trickery, no smoke and mirror games... I am obligated to myself ONLY to be my authentic self....flawed and yet perfect, for me. |
Dear Diary,
I waved adeiu to the Spirit cat and the Heart thief today, as they boarded their White Rhino for northern sights. I forgot one's heart could tear so brutally, and that one's spirit can fly so far... until then, beauties....I will hold you both from here. |
Drawing Down The Moon
The moon drew us up to her...
Scorpio moon rides high, with her mother-love casting, Heartbeat matches the boom of foam-kissed breakers, She-oaks dance in winter breezes, as two spirits circle. Pony-tailed nakedness slips into the quicksilver and sheds his skin. Awakening the goddess heat and blends with his essence. Sky clad, moon bathed, one breath breathing, two hearts beating.. UNION of soul, entangled, blended, melded. |
sierra locos.
Edited by
Thu 05/19/11 09:25 PM
Spirit Cat and Heart Thief rode the white rhino away,
My heart stretches northwards as I hold them in my wide open arms. There's a little less craziness in the Asylum today, Cool ashes witness to the fires that blazed, Curly tailed kittens and rumbly puppies ask me where they went... 'They're here' I say... tucked in my spirit, safe and close. I ache for you. |
sierra locos.
Scorpio moon rides high, with her mother-love casting,
Heartbeat matches the boom of foam-kissed breakers, She-oaks dance in winter breezes, as two spirits circle. Pony-tailed nakedness slips into the quicksilver and sheds his skin. Awakening the goddess heat and blends with his essence. Sky clad, moon bathed, one breath breathing, two hearts beating.. UNION of soul, entangled, blended, melded. |
Mods I am putting it in general because it covers all relationships. I have noticed that it is almost always unknown assumptions and unknown expectations that seem to be the cause of most problems in all relationships. Unknown usually because the person expects the other person to know it without having said it. Of course, this also indicates a breakdown of communications. What do you think? yea or nay Fear....wrapped in vulnerability, insecurity, and deception...fear is what strips relationships to the bone, dries up the rich marrow and leaves it decomposing. No expectations, No in truth and cause no intentional harm to self or how to have alive-ness in all relationships. |
Edited by
Sun 05/15/11 11:04 PM
A choice of perversion with no coercion? no immersion, complete diversion..(and with a Scorpio moon on the rise...perhaps mischievious pervesion) |
I love the Who of people not the What...
(hope it answers your question Josie.. ) |
Undone....breath, heart, spirit, soul.
I sense a diversion. I am having an immersion in a diversion!! |
Dear Diary....have had a couple of absolute crackers the past few days!
Campfires with some of the yummiest musicians on the planet, beside my favourite beach in the whole UNI-verse, singing, laughing, discussing the depths of anything and everything... midwife to Babe, the unmarried mumma cat who moved into Asylum with us...6 kittens! Sat at the 1770 Headland with the woman who keeps my heart, under a perfect winter sky....met a man who has completely blown me away............ talk about grace under fire!...and he aint skeered one widdle bit! ...and more of the same tomorrow... |
I don't really have an aversion to perversion.
I do have a real perversion to aversion, though. |
What would you do?
i have always suspected that you had sex more than once!! it it interesting about the bubblegum and cheating at school though! ...It wasn't ME!!! sex more than once?...errrm...aaah.....weeell... |
Apparently someone likes them, if they can keep breeding! Men are not born weak. They are made that way by their mothers. Mom teaches them a bunch of BS about women and how they should be treated and these young men take it to extremes. They become "nice guys" that treat women like goddesses and many women abuse them at every opportunity. Young men NEED a truly strong, masculine man in their life to show them how to be men. Without it they either become bullies or wimps. Are you a weak man?...then how would you know it is made them that way by their mothers... what a crock of shite!... I have two incredibly weak willed brothers....and they were made that way by our stick your bias where the sun don't shine, shweetheart. |
What would you do?
HIV positive? secrets allowed. Been incarcerated as a child sexual abuser? secrets allowed. Been incarcerated for anything? secrets allowed. Stole bubblegum when you were six?....secret. Cheated on your homework in grade 4?...secret. Has had sex more than once?....secret. Mental health issues? secret allowed. ...that's how I roll, anyways. |
It IS an evocative question. As far as ageism and relationships, I hold steadfast to 2 criteria.. -consenting -adults Yet as far as innocently and publicly recognizing the beauty of the 18-19yo "Belle of the Ball"....I certainly hesitate in the interest of propriety. Did you type all that with your pinky fingers raised??? |