Community > Posts By > YouAndImake1

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Wed 05/20/09 09:31 AM

aaaah roll you up a fattie it'll be ok! smokin drinker

A "fattie" would last me years...

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Wed 05/20/09 09:28 AM
I'd wish for cancer to be irradicated...

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Wed 05/20/09 09:26 AM

My thought is they could be called firesticks for a reason. Any way hope your mum feels better soon.

Yup, when diving they warn you about fire coral.
Think I'll go throw myself on some and see why they call it fire coral...
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

All seriousness though, good to hear she'll be ok and you know, I'd pick on her too
-walk like a pegleg-
-say Arrr a lot-
-ask her where her parrot flew off to-
-yo ho ho and a bottle of rum-

She'd probably get even before she got the patch off,,, laugh

no photo
Wed 05/20/09 09:12 AM
the claim of righteousness of someone who drinks like a fish at times yet, if someone mentions they've smoked weed (a couple years ago) they're to be chastised...

W T H?

It's ok to damage your liver, brain cells and kidneys but because marijuana is "illegal", you're suddenly a horrible person?
Society is amazing in what's deemed acceptable because the gov't makes something illegal. I find it amusing when people are clueless as to why some things are illegal while others aren't...

Tobacco is legal, alcohol is legal, drugs which are deemed later to cause birth defects are legal (until someone has to answer to repeated numerous public outcries)...

-taking a deep breath-

So, I smoked part of a joint new years eve 2006 and again in January of 2007. Prior to that, I did basically the same thing on new years eve. I have been alcohol free for 19 years, 20 this fall.
Now I'm bad, while the one throwing the dart contacts me late at night when I ask not to and initial contact was at 3 in the morning.

Please, help me out here, is this person just covering what she might think I'll find out later or is she really that much of a hypocrit???

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Wed 05/20/09 07:47 AM
NEW ULM, Minn. – Authorities nationwide were on the lookout Wednesday for a mother and her 13-year-old cancer-stricken son who fled after refusing the chemotherapy that doctors say could save the boy's life.

Colleen Hauser and her son, Daniel, who has Hodgkin's lymphoma, apparently left their southern Minnesota home sometime after a doctor's appointment and court-ordered X-ray on Monday showed his tumor had grown.

Brown County District Judge John Rodenberg, who had ruled last week that Daniel's parents were medically neglecting him, issued an arrest warrant Tuesday for Colleen Hauser and ruled her in contempt of court. Rodenberg also ordered that Daniel be placed in foster care and immediately evaluated by a cancer specialist for treatment.

The family belongs to a religious group that believes in "natural" healing methods. Daniel has testified he believed chemotherapy would kill him and told the judge that if anyone tried to force him to take it, "I'd fight it. I'd punch them and I'd kick them."

The boy's father, Anthony Hauser, testified he didn't know where his wife and son were but had made no attempt to find them. He testified he last saw his son Monday morning, and he saw his wife only briefly that evening when she said she was leaving "for a time."

As of Wednesday morning, the mother and son still had not been found, said Carl Rolloff, a sheriff's dispatcher.

Officials distributed the arrest warrant nationwide. Brown County Sheriff Rich Hoffman said Tuesday that investigators were following some leads locally, but declined to elaborate.

"It's absolutely crazy. It's very disappointing," James Olson, the attorney representing Brown County Family Services. "We're trying to do what's right for this young man."

Then get him the treatment that has a better percentage rate of shrinking and eliminating the tumor...

A message left at the Hauser home in Sleepy Eye early Wednesday wasn't immediately returned. But in an interview in Wednesday's editions of the Star Tribune of Minneapolis, Anthony Hauser said he knew places where his wife might have gone though he did not know where she was.

He said he and his wife had a plan for Tuesday's hearing and he was a "bit disappointed" she didn't follow it. "We were going to present a treatment plan to the court. If they didn't go with it, we would appeal it," he told the newspaper.

"I know many people around here who have had cancer, they did the chemo, it would come back," Hauser told the newspaper. "They did the chemo again and again and they are all in the grave. Chemo isn't foolproof."

Daniel's Hodgkin's lymphoma is considered highly curable with chemotherapy and radiation, but the boy quit chemo after a single treatment.

The judge has said Daniel, who has a learning disability and cannot read, did not understand the risks and benefits of chemotherapy and didn't believe he was ill.

The Hausers are Roman Catholic and also believe in the "do no harm" philosophy of the Nemenhah Band, a Missouri-based religious group that believes in natural healing methods advocated by some American Indians. Colleen Hauser testified earlier that she had been treating his cancer with herbal supplements, vitamins, ionized water and other natural alternatives.

The founder of Nemenhah, Philip Cloudpiler Landis, said it was a bad idea for Colleen Hauser to flee with her son.

"She should have gone to court," Landis said. "It's how we work these things out. You don't solve anything by disregarding the order of the judge."

Anthony Hauser now agrees that Daniel needs to be taken back to a doctor for re-evaluation for the best treatment, said Calvin Johnson, an attorney for the parents.

The family's doctor, James Joyce, testified by telephone that he examined Daniel on Monday, and that an X-ray showed his tumor had grown to the size it was when he was first diagnosed.

"He had basically gotten back all the trouble he had in January," the doctor said.

Joyce testified that he offered to make appointments for Daniel with oncologists, but the Hausers declined. He also said he tried to give Daniel more information about lymphoma but the boy, his mother and lawyer Susan Daya left in a rush.

Misinformation to confirm their beliefs to an innocent child who has learning disabilities... gotta love these parents...

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:48 PM

before you read this remember im pregnant.

i had a craving for some yellow rice. i went to the store and bought some yellow rice. came home and cooked the yellow rice and i was standing by the stove waiting for my yellow rice to hurry up and cook. as soon as i place the yellow rice on my plate and sat down. i didnt want the yellow rice. i had a new craving for strawberries. i can tell now that me and baby arent seeing eye to eye

Next time the little sh*t changes it's mind, feed it habeneros...

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:45 PM

should I watch The Factor at 8 or 11? be seeing you

Go to your "lovers" house and watch it with her husband after having sex with her..
sex at 8, Factor at 11

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 04:35 PM

Good luck!!! Go be a hero!!!

Don't be a hero, let the enemy go home in a body bag as one...

no photo
Tue 05/19/09 06:38 AM
last night on the phone during a "getting acquainted" phone call. I believe it's the longest and deepest conversation I've ever had with a stranger. While I haven't met her, she isn't quite a stranger any more...

What's the longest you've spent on the phone with someone during the "getting acquainted" call?

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 08:22 PM
Is there a Pizza delivery guy?

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 11:53 AM

Checking in really quick,,,
time to go to sleep....

Don't forget about the nastyazz crackhead for me, please....?

:laughing: She is a riley one ....stuffing her in a crate as we speak!:laughing:

-rubbing my hands together and laughing maniacally

Tazz pack toilet tissue that guys is a real ... Well YouandI ...know

Yeah,,, my aim's off a little in my old age

You! I was nice to you for a long time...Weeks I haven't bugged you once....Did you miss me?

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 09:15 AM

Checking in really quick,,,
time to go to sleep....

Don't forget about the nastyazz crackhead for me, please....?

:laughing: She is a riley one ....stuffing her in a crate as we speak!:laughing:

-rubbing my hands together and laughing maniacally

Tazz pack toilet tissue that guys is a real ... Well YouandI ...know

no photo
Mon 05/18/09 09:07 AM
When I go through a period of frustration, I put up the blurry one I have up now. Get tired of emails that say they like the other pics but have no other real content, or, they contact me when I am out of their settings for email range or they say they don't like smokers...
I figure this way, they might actually read the profile...

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 08:18 PM
Checking in really quick,,,
time to go to sleep....

Don't forget about the nastyazz crackhead for me, please....?

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 08:16 PM

FACE #1:
Girls are just as bad as the guys.

Me and my friends were talking about this at lunch..

So ladies or guys, do you agree or disagree?

Hmmm, how about this
both are humans and humans are capable of many things whether they be good or bad...

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 08:15 PM

bigsmile Tweedly Deebigsmile

happy Tweedly Dumhappy

love Look out babylove

:heart: Cause here I come:heart:

Get ready

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 08:10 PM
Edited by YouAndImake1 on Sun 05/17/09 08:12 PM
Dude, where've you been?
I remember you.
You're the one who took their picture in a public restroom...

I'll send you some money for a bathroom mirror
better yet
MirrorMirror is a sweetheart and might give you one...

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 08:05 PM
An old couple holding hands
a little old lady shaking her finger at me

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 08:00 PM

Yes. He's looking for someone to move in and doesn't care if he doesn't even know her... she's looking to move in and doesn't care if she even knows him... let the crazies be together.

The more the crazies are together, the less crazies for me to sort through.

Maybe they shouldn't be hooked up?

Isn't this how children like Manson and Dalmer were conceived?

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 12:55 PM
Welcome to the machine

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