Community > Posts By > YouAndImake1

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Sun 05/17/09 09:57 AM

well, i hope you come back bi_curious. i don't think your
question was out of line. most people like to think that
they would try to always stay in a reasonably happy situation
even if someone really attractive even a soulmate came along.

in reality, it is hard to define "reasonably happy" and it all
varies. people on here for a while have seen many many of these
discussions already. i don't think most of the posters on this
thread were trying to be nasty. i certainly wasn't - i just
could not resist teasing them a little...

but almost everybody on here has either felt like they had to
leave an unhappy situation or has had a mate/gf/bf run off so
it can be an emotionally charged subject.

not one which has any easy resolution either as the high
divorce rate and the current dating trends seem to suggest...


so, best wishes out there wherever you are!

we're nice. really we are. well lots of us are. ok at least a few.
or not that bad at any rate.


Well, I only kick a kitten or push over a little old lady about once a month these days...
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 09:49 AM

I tried to quit smoking at the beginning of this year. I only last 3 days. Kinda hard to quit since I am used to smoking after I drink a cup of coffee. And I can't quit drinking coffee because I happen to work 12 hours a day!!!
try it, you can smoke indoors because it wont smell or hurt anyone, is safe and is just like smoking a cigarette, I felt the same way you did, and that worked.

Does it still hurt the smoker?

I've never heard of this.

no, is just vapor, water vapor with some nicotine,
you can control the amount of nicotine, look it up online and read it
is so cool, I quit I tell ya!! and hate the smell of cigarettes

Someone's going to market liquid THC
it figures,,, I quit smoking weed a couple years ago

no photo
Sun 05/17/09 09:41 AM
Picked up a quick pick on Hoosier and Powerball (won a whole $8, woot woot)
Played a game of pool down the street
Went to watch Karoake, nobody sang, so I
came home
came here
talked (emailed with some new nut and found her to be deep and entertaining)
read a short story
played a quick video game
went to bed

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 09:29 PM

never ... mind.. deleted topic.

I know what you meant by the question.
Life is unknown and makes it worth living.
If everything was preordained, it would be boring.

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 09:09 PM
Edited by YouAndImake1 on Sat 05/16/09 09:12 PM

i've made more enemies than friends thanks to this damn post....i think that's y i left diary sites a long time ago cuz everyone's a freakin' asshole these days...mad :angry: grumble BTW, i'm more adult than any of you people on here. I live in an 80 year old body and been through more than any of you will ever experience, and quite frankly it's people like you that make me hate this f*cking world. rant

Like I said before
It's nothing like that...

Better yet, do as you will...
I'm done

I take that back
You're angry about more than this posting and replies that went with it...
There's other forums if you would like to express your frustrations or vent.
Do NOT hate the #^$&ing world...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 09:06 PM
Edited by YouAndImake1 on Sat 05/16/09 09:07 PM

:heart: What is most the romantic thing someone has ever said to you?:heart:

"I want us to have a baby"

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 09:00 PM

I've been aware of life for about 10 years (long story, some of you know already), and in that 10 years it has been me as I've never been close enough to anyone else to actually be concerned about them. I have that now, and in an odd way I appreciate caring enough about someone other than me to actually worry about their well-being...but at the same time it is an odd feeling and one I'm not at all familiar with.

Hopefully I don't screw this up, because I actually like it.

Sorry, just had to let some feelings out.smokin

Welcome to the human race friend...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:59 PM

scared to look in your Email?


rofl laugh rofl laugh rofl

Go on!!!! I dare yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!laugh rofl

-Puts on a bomb squad suit-
-gets out tweezers-
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:53 PM

not me, the only problem i have is when i approach a woman, she starts walking away from me

Dude, I saw this show on non lethal submission systems. You spray the "perp" with a sticky foam that keeps them basically motionless when it sets.
You could use that until you could charm the pants off of her...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:51 PM

i ask to give him head :D

noway rofl

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:46 PM
Edited by YouAndImake1 on Sat 05/16/09 08:47 PM

I am ne thing but closed minded don't even know me....mad

relax and read youngin',,, relax
better yet
-throws in old people slogan-
Wait until you get older...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:45 PM

Maybe if you all knew what I was even asking you'd actually understand. I wasn't asking you to give up your recent family for something new. I was asking you to consider the fact that what if there was more than one person out there for you. I have been hurt more than any of you could possibly imagine and it was just a topic I threw out there, hoping to get people to open their minds to the "what ifs?" It wasn't an easy question, no. It deserved thought. But it also deserved an open-minded answer instead of, "well my soulmate would be the man I'm with" or "why would I even consider leaving my family" or "wouldn't that be cheating"? Can't you think outside the box for one single moment? Yes, you'll get hurt. Yes, we've all been hurt. But what if all of that hurt were worth it in the end? And then again, what if it wasn't? I was just trying to get opinions on a topic without trying to make it shallow. That's all.

Here is where the definition of open minded needs to be understood.... Open mined means that you are open to listen to others thoughts NOT that you agree with them and go off on a tangent of "what if's" and fantasies.... We read what you wrote and then wrote what we thought/felt, etc.... being closed minded is not giving us credit for even reading and responding...

That's BS and I want to...
-reads what she typed-
yeah, what she said...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:44 PM

Maybe if you all knew what I was even asking you'd actually understand. I wasn't asking you to give up your recent family for something new. I was asking you to consider the fact that what if there was more than one person out there for you. I have been hurt more than any of you could possibly imagine and it was just a topic I threw out there, hoping to get people to open their minds to the "what ifs?" It wasn't an easy question, no. It deserved thought. But it also deserved an open-minded answer instead of, "well my soulmate would be the man I'm with" or "why would I even consider leaving my family" or "wouldn't that be cheating"? Can't you think outside the box for one single moment? Yes, you'll get hurt. Yes, we've all been hurt. But what if all of that hurt were worth it in the end? And then again, what if it wasn't? I was just trying to get opinions on a topic without trying to make it shallow. That's all. huh

You received opinions...
It appears that they were not to your liking...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:38 PM
scared to look in your Email?


no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:36 PM
Hey durty?
I'm figuring that stockpile of lollipops worked well for you, umm
Watcha gonna do with them now?
Care to give me a good price on 'em?

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:33 PM

:heart: Can you really tell when you have met "The One"?:heart:

Sometimes this is hard...
but I can usually tell when I've met the NOT the One.

LOL,,, hell yes...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:25 PM

It was just a question that obviously too many people cannot be open minded to frustrated whoa grumble

Maybe we're more openminded than you think?
There is more to life than just a fleeting "tingling" now and then. As I've gotten older, I've decided to relish trusting someone and enjoying the "whole picture".
When it's weighed against something that is an unknown "whole picture", the choice becomes more obvious....

"just an old person talking"

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:14 PM

:heart: Can you really tell when you have met "The One"?:heart:

Nope, but I can tell if she's fallen into the parameters of the few...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:13 PM
Edited by YouAndImake1 on Sat 05/16/09 08:13 PM

I have been getting them lately.

Join the club,,, it's spring time.
Take mental notes when talking and be cautious when hearing a contradiction. I'm finally getting "tuned in" at my age. Regretfully late but maybe not too late...

no photo
Sat 05/16/09 08:08 PM

:laughing: That's not how it works, Odie!!!!:laughing:
Sweetie, you need to read the rules on the first page and keep posting so that the Match Maker can match you with several

Whoa, "several"?
All I want is ONE mean b*tch that smells bad, doesn't speak English, smokes crack, drinks like a fish and lives 2000 miles away...

:x Ill be quiet!

Aw, come on sweetpea...

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