Topic: he 935 Lies Of George W. Bush
wiley's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:34 AM
I'm good thanks. You?

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:35 AM
Good heading to the poll today to vote in the primary ...

wiley's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:36 AM
Well have fun with that. Not really anybody I feel like voting for at this point...

Lindyy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:38 AM

Well, this thread was started by madisonman titled 935 lies of Bush. So, these posts are directed to that subject. It is not Democrat v. Republican, but conservative v. liberalism, anti-American individuals posting their hatred for President Bush and his supporters and their hatred for Christianity.

But, I do understand your concerns. You still have time to do some research on the Internet to see what each candidate on each political party stands for. Democrats have their website, as do the Republicans. So, for a start, go there and see who fits your views and opinions the best.

Basically, I can tell you Republicans stand for "small government, we do not want Uncle Sam running our lives" and low taxes, we believe we should be able to keep the profit we make and spend it in a way we deem fit and proper. The Republican party basically is of conservative values - pro life, family values, homeland security, free trade, capitalism - meaning you have the right to build your own business as big as you want and make a profit, you have the right to be as successful as you want and not have to turn over your profit to "Big Brother." (the government).

I cannot honestly say too much about the Democrat party other than they stand for big, and I mean big, government and high taxes to pay for socialistic programs. Both Clinton and Obama are pro abortion, gay rights, let's sit and chat with the terrorists, cut and run and leave Iraq before they can basically stand on their own building a democracy. Again, check each one out to see who fits your needs best.

Best of wishes for your researching.


Dragoness's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:39 AM
To be patriotic and American is to expect from our citizens and leaders to be right and just. So far those who claim to be unliberal are showing a very animalistic desire for unjustified blood for 9/11. This makes you less American not more. If ANY arabic blood will do for the crime of 9/11 and not the correct blood or vindication then you make us the same as terrorists.

We are American and should be better than terrorists. We should be requiring of ourselves and our leaders that they stay just and right in their persuits of the perpetrators of 9/11.

The fact that you cannot object to the unjustness of the situation and the obvious deceptions of baby shrub make you less patriotic and more part of the problem than the solution.

So spout off all you like about liberals but if liberals are the only ones requiring our government to do the right thing and stop killing Iraqis for the crime of 9/11 then this country needs more liberals. I do not call myself a liberal so either way it doesn't matter to me the name calling. I want our country to stand for the right and just causes and Saddam and Iraq have paid illegally for the crime of 9/11. I want the perpetrator of 9/11 to pay for his crimes against our country as should all of us.

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:40 AM
well it feels like I am always choosing the lesser of all the evil .. but I do get out there and excercise my right to vote regaurdless of the outcome at least I tried

Lindyy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:43 AM
I am in one of my moods today, I cannot resist this one. The saying is 'That is the POT calling the KETTLE Black."

Hey, if you people can be tacky, then I am allowed to be tacky.
But, it is typical of liberals to twist things around, take things out of context to suit their own self-serving ways.


wiley's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:45 AM
I never do tire of the lame attempts at moral equivalence with the terrorists.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:47 AM
I would like to remind eveyone once again that attacking others for there opinion is not allowed on this site. You make have a healthy debat but one does not attack the messeger. Does not matter if there facts are right or wrong the correct way is to debat it with your own facts and prove the other wrong. Opinions are just that facts are facts. So please take the time if you chose to post on anothers threads and not attack anyone elses opinion but instead dispute there opinion with the facts instead. If for some reason that can not be done then please past that post up.

Thank You
Site Mod

Dragoness's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:49 AM


Well, this thread was started by madisonman titled 935 lies of Bush. So, these posts are directed to that subject. It is not Democrat v. Republican, but conservative v. liberalism, anti-American individuals posting their hatred for President Bush and his supporters and their hatred for Christianity.

But, I do understand your concerns. You still have time to do some research on the Internet to see what each candidate on each political party stands for. Democrats have their website, as do the Republicans. So, for a start, go there and see who fits your views and opinions the best.

Basically, I can tell you Republicans stand for "small government, we do not want Uncle Sam running our lives" and low taxes, we believe we should be able to keep the profit we make and spend it in a way we deem fit and proper. The Republican party basically is of conservative values - pro life, family values, homeland security, free trade, capitalism - meaning you have the right to build your own business as big as you want and make a profit, you have the right to be as successful as you want and not have to turn over your profit to "Big Brother." (the government).

I cannot honestly say too much about the Democrat party other than they stand for big, and I mean big, government and high taxes to pay for socialistic programs. Both Clinton and Obama are pro abortion, gay rights, let's sit and chat with the terrorists, cut and run and leave Iraq before they can basically stand on their own building a democracy. Again, check each one out to see who fits your needs best.

Best of wishes for your researching.


Shoes, believe you not the rhetoric of this post. Look at all the repubs in trouble for pedifilia and gay pedifilia at that. The great baby shrub is the ultimate repub and you see what he has done to this great country of ours. Repubs are nortorious for racism, bigotry, big business corruption, false religious rightness, warmongering, hate mongering, etc.....

If you are researching make sure that you look at the liberal sites and the neocon sites so you can form your own opinions. Be very prepared for the slimely hate projecting from the repub or "right" sites. You will need a shower after they slime you with their hatefulness but it is a necessity to get the full spectrum of views. I actually watch their hateful dance so I can be sure of my opinions also.

The hatefulness of the posters here should give you a small taste of what you are in for. Enjoybigsmile

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/05/08 07:52 AM

shoes4rhon:Lindy but this is where I get confused , I am a christian and the teaching of Jesus that I follow are based on love therefore I would not want anyone to be treated any differently based of race color creed or sexual preferance. The bible may say things against this but I feel oppression and shame never did any good for anyone.. So I love everyone and pray for them ... The abortion issue is a complicated one has well but I am so sorry that there are woman in the country who are faced with that horrible choice.. young old poor but instead of standing in judgement again I must just love them and try to help give them alternatives to the bad choice they have already made .. shame never brought about change in anyone that I am aware of .. The homeless population that has exploded since Regan cut back the mental healh programs worry me has well but noone seems to want these people camping in their yards and many have mental illnesses and no resources to get treatment I can speak on this because I routinely go to shanty towns passing out food and blankets that I collect from members of my church.. if you feel the republicans don't want big goverment then why are they always talking about censorship and passing more laws ?? The on off button on my television and the fact that has a parent I feel it is my responsibilty to monitor what my child watches not yours or anyone elses .. does that make me a bad parent ?? I am not understanding.. I own a small business so trust me I pay more then my share for taxes and such ..and my self insurance that I carry just about breaks me but I still can't turn my back on those in need.. my Jesus just wouldn't go for that ...

Well, this thread was started by madisonman titled 935 lies of Bush. So, these posts are directed to that subject. It is not Democrat v. Republican, but conservative v. liberalism, anti-American individuals posting their hatred for President Bush and his supporters and their hatred for Christianity.

But, I do understand your concerns. You still have time to do some research on the Internet to see what each candidate on each political party stands for. Democrats have their website, as do the Republicans. So, for a start, go there and see who fits your views and opinions the best.

Basically, I can tell you Republicans stand for "small government, we do not want Uncle Sam running our lives" and low taxes, we believe we should be able to keep the profit we make and spend it in a way we deem fit and proper. The Republican party basically is of conservative values - pro life, family values, homeland security, free trade, capitalism - meaning you have the right to build your own business as big as you want and make a profit, you have the right to be as successful as you want and not have to turn over your profit to "Big Brother." (the government).

I cannot honestly say too much about the Democrat party other than they stand for big, and I mean big, government and high taxes to pay for socialistic programs. Both Clinton and Obama are pro abortion, gay rights, let's sit and chat with the terrorists, cut and run and leave Iraq before they can basically stand on their own building a democracy. Again, check each one out to see who fits your needs best.

Best of wishes for your researching.


shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/05/08 08:06 AM
Wow and since when did disagreeing with a president make some one anti american ?? This great country was founded on people that rocked the status quo and wasn't Jesus himself the ultimate rebel rouser so how is that anti christian .. I am thinking I must be reading a different new testament

Dragoness's photo
Tue 02/05/08 08:14 AM

Wow and since when did disagreeing with a president make some one anti american ?? This great country was founded on people that rocked the status quo and wasn't Jesus himself the ultimate rebel rouser so how is that anti christian .. I am thinking I must be reading a different new testament

You are very smart. You will do just fineflowerforyou

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/05/08 08:16 AM

Wow and since when did disagreeing with a president make some one anti american ?? This great country was founded on people that rocked the status quo and wasn't Jesus himself the ultimate rebel rouser so how is that anti christian .. I am thinking I must be reading a different new testament

You are very smart. You will do just fineflowerforyou

thank dragoness I just actually listen to people when they talk I don't just repeat what I learn in church or the media and I try to apply it in my life ..

Dragoness's photo
Tue 02/05/08 08:26 AM

Wow and since when did disagreeing with a president make some one anti american ?? This great country was founded on people that rocked the status quo and wasn't Jesus himself the ultimate rebel rouser so how is that anti christian .. I am thinking I must be reading a different new testament

You are very smart. You will do just fineflowerforyou

thank dragoness I just actually listen to people when they talk I don't just repeat what I learn in church or the media and I try to apply it in my life ..

That is very smart, I do the same. If you disregard the angry statements usually you can decipher some of the information. This debate I have been having with people since 2003. Bush furthered this debate by drawing a line stating that if you were not for the war you were unpatriotic and I am with you our country is built from those who do not follow blindly. This is what American is.

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/05/08 08:37 AM
and in the words of Bruce Springstein Blind faith in anyone will get you shot.. It makes me sick to see people use Christianity has a weapon ... a weapon that is causing mass destruction to the very faith base that it is suppose to attract.. I am a christian .. if you are not I respect that I might invite you to a soup dinner at my church and let you check it out if you are so inclined.. if you decline no problem is there anything I can help you with .. It seems like after we get done distroying that note then we move on to pick on minorities like homosexuals.. not too awful long ago it was the african americans , the irish ,woman,japanese the american indians haven't we learned anything ?? then after we have detroyed love and compassion then we start in on the war.. I can not support it though I support the men and woman that are doing their jobs I just wish they could come home.. Then I have to ask how many folks have you lost in this war and have you sent your children? No oh cause the ones that are there needed help with college or because the economy was bad joined to learn a skill , great ... So you support a war with others children how big of you ... I think that all the parties have good and bad points I think that big business is running the country and the little guy is getting chewed up ... okay I going to calm down lol

Foliel's photo
Tue 02/05/08 09:08 AM
I am not even sure I am voting this year, as I don't really care for any of them. I do not have a particular party either, I just vote for whoever I think is going to do a good job.

I'm still looking over where the candidates stand on various issue, the biggest being gay rights. Some people fail to realize that gay people are still human beings and should have the same rights everyone else has. It was not long ago, as was pointed out by shoes4rhon I believe, that women had no rights, and then other minorites fought for their rights.

Disagreeing with a president does not make you anti-american, it makes you human. If we are just going to let the president do whatever he/she wants, what is the point of a democracy? They are supposed to be serving the best interest of the united states not every other nation out there.

Just my POV.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 02/05/08 09:19 AM

and in the words of Bruce Springstein Blind faith in anyone will get you shot.. It makes me sick to see people use Christianity has a weapon ... a weapon that is causing mass destruction to the very faith base that it is suppose to attract.. I am a christian .. if you are not I respect that I might invite you to a soup dinner at my church and let you check it out if you are so inclined.. if you decline no problem is there anything I can help you with .. It seems like after we get done distroying that note then we move on to pick on minorities like homosexuals.. not too awful long ago it was the african americans , the irish ,woman,japanese the american indians haven't we learned anything ?? then after we have detroyed love and compassion then we start in on the war.. I can not support it though I support the men and woman that are doing their jobs I just wish they could come home.. Then I have to ask how many folks have you lost in this war and have you sent your children? No oh cause the ones that are there needed help with college or because the economy was bad joined to learn a skill , great ... So you support a war with others children how big of you ... I think that all the parties have good and bad points I think that big business is running the country and the little guy is getting chewed up ... okay I going to calm down lol

I agree with you on most of what you post. I too support our troops, it is not their fault that they were sent to fight in a spot that did not house bin laden, never did. Bush has bamboozled the American people on this note. He got everything he wanted, he wanted Saddam for threatening his daddy but what about the people he swore to serve when he was sworn into office?

You are also correct on the prejudice in this country. If we do not have a little guy to beat down, it doesn't seem that people are happy. Or maybe because they are so miserable they feel they have to beat down the little guy. I don't know either way it is wrong.

As for the christianity. I was raised Christian but have since chosen a different road for myself. I debate my opinions on the debate threads but I have no problem with religion as long as it stays out of the government. Our government cannot be unpartial to any religion if there is a religion in it. I believe religion is personal and should be practiced at home. I would have no problem going to a church function with someone, do it on occasion. As long as they do not attempt to convert me I am comfortable.

As for madision who started this thread, I do not agree with everything he does but on some points he is correct. I do not believe it makes him Anti-American to see the mistakes we have made or are making, I believe that makes him more American to want us to be the best country we can be. To many have been following blindly and need a wake up call. Others are just hatemongers and warmongers and only like it if we are fighting or abusing someone other than them. These are the dangerous among us.

But I think you will do well and you do see the faults here and hopefully others like us will work to get these issues addressed and resolved.

As for voting, we are offered a bad lot to choose from. They are powerful and corrupt. We are always chosing the least of two evils when we vote. An average joe has no way of even getting to the ballot because of the money and power it takes to get there. So choose as wisely as you can. I always review the issues and their voting record, never their words for words are just that.

Okay, I wrote a book, but nice to meet you shoes. Enjoy the forums, I do. There are some awesome people on this site.flowerforyou

Lindyy's photo
Tue 02/05/08 09:41 AM

I myself am a devout Christian. I live my life each day trying to be the way Christ calls us to be. But remember, we are all sinners, no matter how hard we try, that is why our Saviour, Jesus Christ was sent to this earth, because we as humans just cannot be sinless. But, do not stray from the messages that the Lord has given us in His word, the Holy Bible. He directly points out the sin of homosexuality, etc. I am sure you have heard the saying "Hate the sin, but love the sinner." That is my basic attitude. When someone condones a sin, such as partial birth abortion, Jesus does NOT tell us to turn our heads the other way. We are called upon as Christians to exhort our brothers and sisters when they are deliberately committing a known sin that is an abomination to the Lord.

We as Christians are also called upon to "not be unequally yoked." Or, as stated in the gospels, we are not to associate with the deliberate, retalitory sinner, as that person will just bring you down and tear you away from following the Lord.

I too do what I can for the poor and homeless. (1)I donate to a chairty that houses and feeds the poor and homeless in my home area. (2) I sponsor a little girl in one of the worst crime ridden ghettos in Brooklyn, NY. My sponsorship helps ensure that she and her mother have food, clothing, medical help, supplies for school, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner and a Christmas present along with my own Christmas present for her. She is provided, along with her mother, transportation to and from church and special events for the children. (3) I donate to Samaritan's Purse asking them to put the donation wherever it is most needed. (4) I donate to In Touch Ministries. (5) I donate to the local Christian Television network here in Pittsburgh. And, needless to say, I donate to my own church. All that I do, I do in obedience to and love for the Lord.

I keep a journal - my prayer request journal. I am continually adding situations and people that I want to keep in prayer. As I see a prayer answered, I go to my journal and mark down the answered prayer, giving all the praise and glory to God.

One major prayer answered was for a friend of mine who was unjustly fired as chief of police of my hometown. I fought diligently for him, wrote tons of letters, attended council meetings and spoke out on his behalf, prayed continually every day for 2 solid years. He had filed a Federal Whistleblower lawsuit. He won, to the tune of 1.5 million dollars. The power of prayer is mighty.

May our Lord bless you in your walk with him.

Love in Christ,


no photo
Tue 02/05/08 10:17 AM

Wow and since when did disagreeing with a president make some one anti american ?? This great country was founded on people that rocked the status quo and wasn't Jesus himself the ultimate rebel rouser so how is that anti christian .. I am thinking I must be reading a different new testament

shoes..... There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with a president, but when one starts a thread entitled "The 935 Lies of President Bush," and does nothing but bash Bush, then that is anti-American. We all need to remember that George Bush is the President of the United States of America and deserves respect by virtue of the office he holds. Furthermore, this site is an internation site and there are people from Canada and Europe who participate in these threads. Bush bashers are so full of hatred that they come across as being anti-American, whether they mean it or not. Bush bashers make Americans appear to be angry, mean stupid people in the eyes of the world.

The moderators should not permit this thread to be entitled "The 935 Lies of Bush." That in itself tells everyone that this is an anti-American thread. It is okay to disagree with President Bush or any president, but why can't it be done in an agreeable way. Why does bashing the president have to be so vicious, mean and ugly. Again, the people who participate in this mean-spirited bashing of Bush are nothing but petty ignorant people who twist facts.