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Topic: he 935 Lies Of George W. Bush
Mac60's photo
Thu 02/07/08 10:06 AM

Mac60...... copied/pasted part of your post,

ok..so now you can't even go to school where you want without having a label placed on you. And don't tell me you would have turned down a scholarship to Harvard.


Actually, I would have since the University of Pennsylvania gave me a free ride. Harvard is too far from my family and friends. Penn is only 20 miles away.

OK, so you got me on that one. Penn ,huh? We have Ivy leaguers amongst us. I'm just a small state school guy. I'll have to bring my A-game when debating you.

Chazster's photo
Thu 02/07/08 11:17 AM

I love George Bush.
I hate illegal immigrants.
I hate gays.
Abortion is murder.
Everybody needs guns.
If you want healthcare, buy it.
I love the war in Iraq. I hope it goes on forever.
I hate all Muslims.
I worship Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
Screw the environment. Drill everywhere.
No minimum wage.
I could go on.

Do I fit into your narrow little world now, Lindy?

Wow are these describing your views?drinker

mnhiker's photo
Fri 02/08/08 10:40 AM


You are correct, Jesus did die for all of our sins, but there is an exception - you must accept him as your Lord and Savior. John 3:16 (New Testament) "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son so that whosoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but have life eternal."

God gave us all a free will, He will never force Himself on us. He allows us to chose to believe in Him or not to.

True Christians do not use their faith to throw it in peoples faces; on the contrary, Christianity is constantly being bashed by those who do not want to have any part of God.
It is what is called spiritual warfare. There is a constant battle between Christians who have the Holy Spirit abiding in their life and those who have their secular spirit and reject Jesus, and when the two paths cross, a battle begins.

If you note, there are 3 people who have come straight out and denied that there is a God or state that they do not belive in God. Which is their right. But, what I am saying is, I have been under constant warfare by these people, they simply hate me because I am an outspoken Christian, which is fine by me. Just proves they recognize the fact that I am, indeed, a Christian.

The same theory applies to President Bush. He is very upfront about his faith in God and Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If you look at the people who despise him you will find the are not Christians.

Did you know that when he was alive, Pope John Paul II was one of 2 men who were hated for the very same reason? President Bush is the other person. They are/were hated because of their outspoken belief in God.

God became a part of this topic that madisonman started about the alleged 935 lies of President Bush. When he saw that there were Christians defending President Bush, Christianity started getting bashed in this topic. madisonman came straight out and said that there is no God. Thus, that is how God got into this topic.


It's interesting you mentioned John Paul II.

Did you know that he was against the Iraq War
from the start?


Maybe President Bush should have listened to him.

I have no beef with people who are Christian
and are sincere in their belief.

What I don't understand is their support of
this President.

They say they're for unborn life, yet have no
problems sending our young men and women to
Iraq to get killed.

Unborn life? What about the ones who are already here?

Southern Christians who voted for Bush because
they thought he upheld their Christian beliefs
voted against their own paychecks, since Bush
clearly favors the wealthy against the
middle-class, giving them tax breaks
while corporations continue to lay off
workers and move overseas.

Bankruptcies have been at an all-time
high under his administration, spending
has gone through the roof (so much for
fiscal conservatism), foreign policy
is at an all-time low, the list of
failures of this administration
is long.

Bush says he's a Christian, but
much of what he does in un-Christian.

HealthyLifestyle's photo
Fri 02/08/08 11:35 AM
I agree with what you say here.

Actions speak louder than words. Faith without works is dead.

It should not be too hard to figure out, that the Shrub is lying when he states he is a Christian... He bears NO fruit at all, of being a Christian.

Bush is a member of Skull and Bones, a part of the Illuminatti. They worship a great big Owl... see Bohemian Grove. Many politicians are part of this, worldwide, not just the ones from America. So are the leaders of the Largest Corporations.

To those who dispute this yet have never researched it and read on the subjects. You are a clanging gong, noise maker, and your opinion holds NO WEIGHT here!

Lindyy's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:36 PM

Gee, I bet you all forgot that even Satan can quote scripture!

So if "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread" and I am an Angel, what does that make you?

Lindyy's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:54 PM
Ah, my dear, but what you so conveniently forget is that NOTHING gets passed, NOTHING gets spent unless the House and Senate BOTH agree. And, now I know this will come as a shock to you, so perhaps you should be sitting down, the House and Senate are controlled by the Democrats now,or did you miss the last election? And, just yesterday it was reported that President Bush's approval rating is 30%, BUT the House and Senate approval rating is 22% So much for democrat Nancy Pelosi's great leadership!

BYE now.

madisonman's photo
Fri 02/08/08 05:45 PM

Ah, my dear, but what you so conveniently forget is that NOTHING gets passed, NOTHING gets spent unless the House and Senate BOTH agree. And, now I know this will come as a shock to you, so perhaps you should be sitting down, the House and Senate are controlled by the Democrats now,or did you miss the last election? And, just yesterday it was reported that President Bush's approval rating is 30%, BUT the House and Senate approval rating is 22% So much for democrat Nancy Pelosi's great leadership!

BYE now.
the approvale rateing for the senate is so low because they are aiding and abetting the bush mafia. the ywere elected as an opposition party not as collaborators

Dragoness's photo
Fri 02/08/08 06:04 PM

Ah, my dear, but what you so conveniently forget is that NOTHING gets passed, NOTHING gets spent unless the House and Senate BOTH agree. And, now I know this will come as a shock to you, so perhaps you should be sitting down, the House and Senate are controlled by the Democrats now,or did you miss the last election? And, just yesterday it was reported that President Bush's approval rating is 30%, BUT the House and Senate approval rating is 22% So much for democrat Nancy Pelosi's great leadership!

BYE now.
the approvale rateing for the senate is so low because they are aiding and abetting the bush mafia. the ywere elected as an opposition party not as collaborators

Congressional disapproval is down for two main reasons, one we did not get enough democrats in the congress to impose the will of the people. The American people showed their disapproval of bush, his agenda and all his cronies by voting democrat. Second, Congress was not willing to impeach bush which was a disappointment for many of us and then they were not able to stop the war which was a hope of all of us sane Americans. So that is Congressional disapproval, we expected more dems in and more of the peoples voices heard. It did not happen.

Mac60's photo
Fri 02/08/08 06:37 PM
Edited by Mac60 on Fri 02/08/08 06:38 PM
My dear Lindy,

You seem very well versed on politics and the ways of Washington. I am sure you are aware that 60 votes are needed in the Senate to cut off debate and force a vote. The last I checked, the Senate was 51-49 Democrat if you count Lieberman as a Dem. Also consider that Lieberman votes with the Republicans on anything to do with Iraq. So that would make it 50-50. Then consider that Tim Johnson, Democrat from South Dakota only returned to the Senate in Oct. or Nov, after suffering some sort of brain trauma. So for much of the time since the '06 election, the natural balance has been 50-49 in favor of the Republicans.

So when you want to know why nothing gets passed, there's your answer. The Republican roadblock in the Senate.

Lindyy's photo
Mon 02/11/08 12:42 PM

What type of bread do you want to go with your baloney?

Just the mood I am in today.


mnhiker's photo
Mon 02/11/08 02:19 PM
Edited by mnhiker on Mon 02/11/08 02:19 PM

Ah, my dear, but what you so conveniently forget is that NOTHING gets passed, NOTHING gets spent unless the House and Senate BOTH agree. And, now I know this will come as a shock to you, so perhaps you should be sitting down, the House and Senate are controlled by the Democrats now,or did you miss the last election? And, just yesterday it was reported that President Bush's approval rating is 30%, BUT the House and Senate approval rating is 22% So much for democrat Nancy Pelosi's great leadership!

BYE now.
the approvale rateing for the senate is so low because they are aiding and abetting the bush mafia. the ywere elected as an opposition party not as collaborators

Congressional disapproval is down for two main reasons, one we did not get enough democrats in the congress to impose the will of the people. The American people showed their disapproval of bush, his agenda and all his cronies by voting democrat. Second, Congress was not willing to impeach bush which was a disappointment for many of us and then they were not able to stop the war which was a hope of all of us sane Americans. So that is Congressional disapproval, we expected more dems in and more of the peoples voices heard. It did not happen.

Right. Not too mention that the REPUBLICANS
were in control of Congress prior to the Democrats.

They just sat on their hands and DID NOTHING like
the worthless bunch of freeloaders they are.


Mac60's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:15 AM


What type of bread do you want to go with your baloney?

Just the mood I am in today.


I like a hearty Italian bread myself. But please dear, tell me where I'm wrong.

Lindyy's photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:40 AM
My Dear Mac60:

Does it really matter?

I am tired of all the hate. Ever since President Bush got elected, there has been nothing but bashing of him and Christians.

Do you want to talk dogs? I used to show and breed English Springer Spaniels. Two are pictured in my profile. Both out of the same litter. And, my Golden Retriever when she was a puppy.

Politics are in dog shows too. A lot has to do with who is at the other end of the lead. But, I cannot complain, I acquired a judge or two who favored my type of line of English Springers.

Or, we could talk about Freddie Mercury or Il Divo. I have their pictures in my profile.

See, how easily it is to get off the subject?

I am just so tired of hate, my Golden Retriever can teach people a few things about love.


Shaden's photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:51 AM
Not trying to come across as harsh and hope that I don't...this is a varied community so we all have different opinions. Let's
just all agree that one way of making the world a little better is by showing kindness to others. flowerforyou The flower for all of you.

By the way--politics have always been corrupt in my way of thinking. It's not, just Pres.Bush, Or Pres. Clinton.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 02/12/08 10:51 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 02/12/08 11:08 AM

My Dear Mac60:

Does it really matter?

I am tired of all the hate. Ever since President Bush got elected, there has been nothing but bashing of him and Christians.

Do you want to talk dogs? I used to show and breed English Springer Spaniels. Two are pictured in my profile. Both out of the same litter. And, my Golden Retriever when she was a puppy.

Politics are in dog shows too. A lot has to do with who is at the other end of the lead. But, I cannot complain, I acquired a judge or two who favored my type of line of English Springers.

Or, we could talk about Freddie Mercury or Il Divo. I have their pictures in my profile.

See, how easily it is to get off the subject?

I am just so tired of hate, my Golden Retriever can teach people a few things about love.


Isn't this funny, tired of the hatred of their kind but perpetrate hatred of those unlike them and think nothing of it.

Baby shrub has earned his disrespect. He was incompetent to be the president from get.

As for christians, if they would stay out of politics and keep their religion at home where it belongs there would be no problem. No one wants to persecute christians they just do not want it forced down there throat as if it is above all other religions or lack of religion.

I watch dog shows on occasion, and a springer or whatever could not teach me anything other than blind love, for they will love someone who beats them into the ground daily. Not proof of healthy love anyway, that is for sure.

Lindyy's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:04 AM
Dear People:

Now, why does this response not surprise me? :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: Especially when I said it was my GOLDEN RETRIEVER who could teach people a few things about love.:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Hey, is Mac60 out there? I think I was talking to him.

Oh, Tinkerbell just told me that she saw him taking a nap after his baloney sandwich with hearty Italian bread.

I guess we can converse later.


toastedoranges's photo
Tue 02/12/08 11:37 AM
i'm so not reading all of this...

but anyone who respects bush is off in their own little world. he and his people are to blame for 9/11. he does nothing but lie and give us his dumbass smirk.

reality, it calls you...join us

mnhiker's photo
Tue 02/12/08 12:58 PM

i'm so not reading all of this...

but anyone who respects bush is off in their own little world. he and his people are to blame for 9/11. he does nothing but lie and give us his dumbass smirk.

reality, it calls you...join us


Lindyy's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:02 PM

Name the top Herding group dog in the US
Name the top Working group dog in the US
Name the top Sporting group dog in the US
Name the top Hound group dog in the US
Name the top Terrior group dog in the US
Name the top Non Sporting group dog in the US
Name the top Toy Group dog in the US

Name the breed of dog from Switzerland that won the entitlement to compete in the Eukanuba World Challenge.

How many "Majors" is required to obtain a US Championship?
How many judges must a dog have been judged by to obtain a US Championship?

What breed of dog goes by the call name "Dallas"
What is the name of "Dallas'" daughter?
What breed of dog goes by the name of "Knobby"

Name 2 top judges qualified to judge the "Best In Show"

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 02/12/08 06:30 PM


Name the top Herding group dog in the US
Name the top Working group dog in the US
Name the top Sporting group dog in the US
Name the top Hound group dog in the US
Name the top Terrior group dog in the US
Name the top Non Sporting group dog in the US
Name the top Toy Group dog in the US

Name the breed of dog from Switzerland that won the entitlement to compete in the Eukanuba World Challenge.

How many "Majors" is required to obtain a US Championship?
How many judges must a dog have been judged by to obtain a US Championship?

What breed of dog goes by the call name "Dallas"
What is the name of "Dallas'" daughter?
What breed of dog goes by the name of "Knobby"

Name 2 top judges qualified to judge the "Best In Show"


Anyway arguing politics is useless, it's much like arguing organized religion...they have their views and opinions and they won't change no matter how many facts/opinions are brought to them.

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