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Topic: Coronavirus - part 2
no photo
Fri 05/21/21 12:28 AM
Tom this has just been posted .. thought you might be interested .... recent nz vaccination research results .....


Rock's photo
Fri 05/21/21 02:39 AM
For those of us who have been vaccinated...
We *may* need booster shots, as early as September
of this year.


NiceFitGuy's photo
Thu 06/03/21 09:13 PM
Why take an unproven emergency use authorization vaccine when there is a 99.7 recovery rate??

no photo
Fri 06/04/21 03:21 AM

Why take an unproven emergency use authorization vaccine when there is a 99.7 recovery rate??
Would you like to explain how you came up with that recovery rate pitchfork waving

Rock's photo
Fri 06/04/21 12:30 PM
Quote:"" *If this email proves what it seems to prove, then government officials all over the world KNEW this was, in fact, a bio-weapon, and ALL OF THEM CONCEALED THE TRUTH FROM THE PUBLIC*""


NiceFitGuy's photo
Fri 06/04/21 03:17 PM

Why take an unproven emergency use authorization vaccine when there is a 99.7 recovery rate??
Would you like to explain how you came up with that recovery rate pitchfork waving

I didn't, the CDC did.

"According to the CDC's own numbers, covid has a 99.74% survival rate."

no photo
Fri 06/04/21 03:25 PM

Quote:"" *If this email proves what it seems to prove, then government officials all over the world KNEW this was, in fact, a bio-weapon, and ALL OF THEM CONCEALED THE TRUTH FROM THE PUBLIC*""


seems it is another hoax rock and the man who posted may be the one subject to legal proceedings .


That said .. the origin of the virus is still elusive ... a released bioweapon has not conclusively been ruled out. waving

jaish's photo
Sun 06/06/21 08:04 PM
Meantime, in a zoo in Chennai, India ..

on 3rd of June, 2021, Anna Zoological Park, a 9 year old lioness, Neela succumbed to a disease with coronavirus like symptoms. As a precautionary measure, Government had closed all the zoos to visitors in the State since April 20th, 2021.

Samples from the 11 Asiatic lions were sent to a national lab NIHSAD, Bhopal for tests and further samples of tigers and other large mammals are also being sent for testing.

Duttoneer's photo
Mon 06/07/21 12:54 AM

Covid vaccine stickers come to dating apps in UK

"The idea of vaccine badges on dating apps was launched in the US in May."

"A recent YouGov poll of nearly 5,000 UK adults found that only 28% of those who responded said they would not date someone unvaccinated, with 2% saying they would not date someone who had received the jab."

Would you date the unjabbed? smile2

no photo
Tue 06/08/21 10:58 AM


Covid vaccine stickers come to dating apps in UK

"The idea of vaccine badges on dating apps was launched in the US in May."

"A recent YouGov poll of nearly 5,000 UK adults found that only 28% of those who responded said they would not date someone unvaccinated, with 2% saying they would not date someone who had received the jab."

Would you date the unjabbed? smile2

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl the unjabbed .. sounds like a scary movie title :wink:

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 06/08/21 11:40 AM


Covid vaccine stickers come to dating apps in UK

"The idea of vaccine badges on dating apps was launched in the US in May."

"A recent YouGov poll of nearly 5,000 UK adults found that only 28% of those who responded said they would not date someone unvaccinated, with 2% saying they would not date someone who had received the jab."

Would you date the unjabbed? smile2

I prefer to do my own date jabbing...any takers?

Duttoneer's photo
Tue 06/08/21 11:49 AM


Covid vaccine stickers come to dating apps in UK

"The idea of vaccine badges on dating apps was launched in the US in May."

"A recent YouGov poll of nearly 5,000 UK adults found that only 28% of those who responded said they would not date someone unvaccinated, with 2% saying they would not date someone who had received the jab."

Would you date the unjabbed? smile2

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl the unjabbed .. sounds like a scary movie title :wink:


Duttoneer's photo
Sat 06/12/21 01:54 AM
Edited by Duttoneer on Sat 06/12/21 01:55 AM
Covid: How should I protect myself from Covid now?

"People have been able to spend time indoors with friends and family they don't live with since mid-May. (In England at least)

But, as the Delta variant first identified in India spreads, the government is asking whether these freedoms should be extended or not.

Covid remains a risk, so what have we learned about how to stay safe?"


no photo
Sat 06/12/21 02:23 AM
My 19 years old son got vaccinated with the first shot of Astra Zeneca, and now in the light of new information I don't want to put my son at any risk.
Unfortunately, in Poland, he can't receive a second shot by Pfizer because they don't allow it and we don't have any choice even on my responsibility, I don't know what to do..
We have no choice...

Duttoneer's photo
Sat 06/12/21 11:41 AM

My 19 years old son got vaccinated with the first shot of Astra Zeneca, and now in the light of new information I don't want to put my son at any risk.
Unfortunately, in Poland, he can't receive a second shot by Pfizer because they don't allow it and we don't have any choice even on my responsibility, I don't know what to do..
We have no choice...

I have had my two Jabs of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, I am over 70 years old and had no after affects from the jabs, and here is my understanding. The second jab is really a booster to the first jab, increasing your protection against the Coronavirus. If you have had no after affects from the first jab, it is very unlikely you will have any after affects from the second jab, because I believe it is a smaller dose. Here in the UK, they are recommending those under the age of 30 to have the Pfizer vaccine if available, if not, then the Astra Zeneca vaccine, but above all else to be vaccinated, and have both jabs of the same vaccine.

I hope this helps you, but I must add that I am not a health care worker and this is only my personal experience and understanding of the information available to me here in England.

no photo
Sat 06/12/21 05:14 PM

My 19 years old son got vaccinated with the first shot of Astra Zeneca, and now in the light of new information I don't want to put my son at any risk.
Unfortunately, in Poland, he can't receive a second shot by Pfizer because they don't allow it and we don't have any choice even on my responsibility, I don't know what to do..
We have no choice...
hello Nicole waving

we are only using Pfizer in nz at this stage ..

our neighbour ., The Australian government provided the following advice ....

“Advice for people who have had their first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.....
Almost all of the cases of TTS reported to date have occurred after the first dose of the vaccine. People who have had their first dose without any serious side effects can be confident in getting their second dose.”

In contrast .....

“The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised that any remaining unvaccinated adults in phases 1 and 2 of the programme who are aged 18 to 29 years old and do not have an underlying health condition that puts them at higher risk from serious COVID-19, should be offered an ALTERNATIVE vaccine, IF AVAILABLE , AND WHERE NO SUBSTANTIAL DELAY OR BARRIER TO VACCINATION WOULD ARISE .

As far as mixing vaccine platforms and efficacy of dosing .. this article provides some interesting information. ..


A couple of questions Nicole ..

How long ago did your son have his first dose ? How did he tolerate it ? Does he have any health concerns ?

If I have understood you correctly ., Poland is not offering an alternative vaccine .. the only option is AstraZeneca . Is that correct ?

Is your son exposed to active covid infections where you live ?

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 12:31 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 06/13/21 12:47 AM

My 19 years old son got vaccinated with the first shot of Astra Zeneca, and now in the light of new information I don't want to put my son at any risk.
Unfortunately, in Poland, he can't receive a second shot by Pfizer because they don't allow it and we don't have any choice even on my responsibility, I don't know what to do..
We have no choice...
hello Nicole waving

we are only using Pfizer in nz at this stage ..

our neighbour ., The Australian government provided the following advice ....

“Advice for people who have had their first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.....
Almost all of the cases of TTS reported to date have occurred after the first dose of the vaccine. People who have had their first dose without any serious side effects can be confident in getting their second dose.”

In contrast .....

“The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised that any remaining unvaccinated adults in phases 1 and 2 of the programme who are aged 18 to 29 years old and do not have an underlying health condition that puts them at higher risk from serious COVID-19, should be offered an ALTERNATIVE vaccine, IF AVAILABLE , AND WHERE NO SUBSTANTIAL DELAY OR BARRIER TO VACCINATION WOULD ARISE .

As far as mixing vaccine platforms and efficacy of dosing .. this article provides some interesting information. ..


A couple of questions Nicole ..

How long ago did your son have his first dose ? How did he tolerate it ? Does he have any health concerns ?

If I have understood you correctly ., Poland is not offering an alternative vaccine .. the only option is AstraZeneca . Is that correct ?

Is your son exposed to active covid infections where you live?

Hello Blondey111,

It is a long story...

I send my great admiration, respect, and gratitude to all medical staff in the world for caring for us. They rescue our lives and they have beautiful hearts.

Unfortunately, the medical care here is on a very low level.
Now I am pretty sure I can't trust them here, it is so sad but I can tell this from my experiences which are connected with my son and me.
When I was pregnant, they made the first mistake, another when I was born my son, another when he was a baby and for all our lives were so many medical mistakes.

A short story about our vaccination.

First I consulted with a professor who knows my son from birth and me too. She told me that we should not be afraid to get a vaccination from Astra Zeneca. Of course, she knew about our contraindications.

I was waiting for the first shot and they didn't inform us about possibilities even at a time when the vaccines were. I called and I received the information that we have only one term on Astra Zeneca. On a day of vaccination, I received a call that they have a one-term on Pfizer but in the time when in a city where we live ( 200K citizens city ) now by all week we didn't have warm water.

( it is three times in spring and summertime by every year that for all week we don't have warm water because they build a road or pa pipes, doesn't matter pandemic time and the fact that people don't care about hygiene in this time ).

We don't have another term because they vaccination now children above 12 and we have to wait for the next few months, even if vaccines are wasting.
That's why I called this professor and ask her about medical advice considering our health condition and she told: "don't worry".

After the first shot, we still have muscle and joint pain. My son had only three times in his life a fever when he had a cold. Now he had a fever and he is still feeling bad and faint, he had another symptom too.

Now we only have to possibly receive a second shot by Astra Zeneca even if we both know that we have contraindications.
They don't agree to mixed vaccines and the same I have to resign for this second shot. This is insane for me that I can't decide for myself.
I have no choice, and I don't want to put my son and me in danger to life, especially when in Italy died a young 18 girl because of comorbidities after receiving Astra.

They have a Pfizer but no one can't agree to give us the second shot by Pfizer.
They know that people resign from the second shot of Astra but they don't care about it.

I have to wait now 84 days and I don't know what happens because after this time I should have a possibility to get a new shot from the first dose but I know that here it is impossible.

What important we don't have full protection because we don't have a chance to receive a second boost from Pfizer.
( what is curious they cut the term of the second shot in Astra Zeneca from 12 weeks to 35 days because they want to vaccine all people who received the first shot of Astra Zeneca no matter the age like my son. )

What important to, now they only vaccination by Astra Zeneca the people who got the first shot by Astra, and they stopped now give Astra from the first shot other people, other people got vaccinations on Pfizer and J&J.

Unfortunately, my son is exposed now to active SARS-COV-2 infections where we live.
All this situation is for me so sad and I was thinking why I have to fight for everything.

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 12:55 AM
I have had my two Jabs of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, I am over 70 years old and had no after affects from the jabs, and here is my understanding. The second jab is really a booster to the first jab, increasing your protection against the Coronavirus. If you have had no after affects from the first jab, it is very unlikely you will have any after affects from the second jab, because I believe it is a smaller dose. Here in the UK, they are recommending those under the age of 30 to have the Pfizer vaccine if available, if not, then the Astra Zeneca vaccine, but above all else to be vaccinated, and have both jabs of the same vaccine.

I hope this helps you, but I must add that I am not a health care worker and this is only my personal experience and understanding of the information available to me here in England.

Hello Duttoneer,

Thank you so much for your kind answer.
Not always it is so simple like we would like.

Have a beautiful day :blossom:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 06/13/21 02:21 AM
Maybe consider not having the 2nd shot?
If it's only a booster...

There was a woman a few weeks back on a FB group I'm in and she almost died from the 1st shot due to a severe allergic reaction. She was not allowed a 2nd of course and she was told it wasn't necessary, you didn't need it.
Something along those lines. So maybe not getting it is okay? Unless he needs his proof for something.

Difficult decision if you believe in getting the vaccinations.
Wishing him good luck!

no photo
Sun 06/13/21 04:04 AM

My 19 years old son got vaccinated with the first shot of Astra Zeneca, and now in the light of new information I don't want to put my son at any risk.
Unfortunately, in Poland, he can't receive a second shot by Pfizer because they don't allow it and we don't have any choice even on my responsibility, I don't know what to do..
We have no choice...
hello Nicole waving

we are only using Pfizer in nz at this stage ..

our neighbour ., The Australian government provided the following advice ....

“Advice for people who have had their first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.....
Almost all of the cases of TTS reported to date have occurred after the first dose of the vaccine. People who have had their first dose without any serious side effects can be confident in getting their second dose.”

In contrast .....

“The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised that any remaining unvaccinated adults in phases 1 and 2 of the programme who are aged 18 to 29 years old and do not have an underlying health condition that puts them at higher risk from serious COVID-19, should be offered an ALTERNATIVE vaccine, IF AVAILABLE , AND WHERE NO SUBSTANTIAL DELAY OR BARRIER TO VACCINATION WOULD ARISE .

As far as mixing vaccine platforms and efficacy of dosing .. this article provides some interesting information. ..


A couple of questions Nicole ..

How long ago did your son have his first dose ? How did he tolerate it ? Does he have any health concerns ?

If I have understood you correctly ., Poland is not offering an alternative vaccine .. the only option is AstraZeneca . Is that correct ?

Is your son exposed to active covid infections where you live?

Hello Blondey111,

It is a long story...

I send my great admiration, respect, and gratitude to all medical staff in the world for caring for us. They rescue our lives and they have beautiful hearts.

Unfortunately, the medical care here is on a very low level.
Now I am pretty sure I can't trust them here, it is so sad but I can tell this from my experiences which are connected with my son and me.
When I was pregnant, they made the first mistake, another when I was born my son, another when he was a baby and for all our lives were so many medical mistakes.

A short story about our vaccination.

First I consulted with a professor who knows my son from birth and me too. She told me that we should not be afraid to get a vaccination from Astra Zeneca. Of course, she knew about our contraindications.

I was waiting for the first shot and they didn't inform us about possibilities even at a time when the vaccines were. I called and I received the information that we have only one term on Astra Zeneca. On a day of vaccination, I received a call that they have a one-term on Pfizer but in the time when in a city where we live ( 200K citizens city ) now by all week we didn't have warm water.

( it is three times in spring and summertime by every year that for all week we don't have warm water because they build a road or pa pipes, doesn't matter pandemic time and the fact that people don't care about hygiene in this time ).

We don't have another term because they vaccination now children above 12 and we have to wait for the next few months, even if vaccines are wasting.
That's why I called this professor and ask her about medical advice considering our health condition and she told: "don't worry".

After the first shot, we still have muscle and joint pain. My son had only three times in his life a fever when he had a cold. Now he had a fever and he is still feeling bad and faint, he had another symptom too.

Now we only have to possibly receive a second shot by Astra Zeneca even if we both know that we have contraindications.
They don't agree to mixed vaccines and the same I have to resign for this second shot. This is insane for me that I can't decide for myself.
I have no choice, and I don't want to put my son and me in danger to life, especially when in Italy died a young 18 girl because of comorbidities after receiving Astra.

They have a Pfizer but no one can't agree to give us the second shot by Pfizer.
They know that people resign from the second shot of Astra but they don't care about it.

I have to wait now 84 days and I don't know what happens because after this time I should have a possibility to get a new shot from the first dose but I know that here it is impossible.

What important we don't have full protection because we don't have a chance to receive a second boost from Pfizer.
( what is curious they cut the term of the second shot in Astra Zeneca from 12 weeks to 35 days because they want to vaccine all people who received the first shot of Astra Zeneca no matter the age like my son. )

What important to, now they only vaccination by Astra Zeneca the people who got the first shot by Astra, and they stopped now give Astra from the first shot other people, other people got vaccinations on Pfizer and J&J.

Unfortunately, my son is exposed now to active SARS-COV-2 infections where we live.
All this situation is for me so sad and I was thinking why I have to fight for everything.

Hi Nicole .. it is sad and alarming to read about your experience . You must be very worried . I hope both you and your son stay well xox

The original AstraZeneca clinical trial showed that the vaccine was more effective when the second dose was given at 12 weeks (84 days) rather than when it was given earlier . So do not worry about the delay . It will give you time to plan and feel confident about your next decision .

The symptoms you and your son experienced are “common”vaccine related symptoms that mean your immune system has been activated (that is good news) . . Symptoms will resolve , so do not let that deter you from having a second dose , if that is what you decide .

The first dose .. will elicit a cellular response involving Tcells ... so you will both have some immunity . ( I have a report detailing anticipated immunity after the first and second dose and will post a link later when I can access that report )... As your son is only 19 he should have a stronger immune response than you .

It is important to note that Oxford (AstraZeneca ) have recently halted a paediatric trial (6 to 17year olds ) pending a review by MHRA (Britain’s medication regulators ) . The outcome and recommendations of this review is expected shortly (before your next dose is due ) . No doubt any country using AstraZeneca will be interested in the outcome also. http://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/oxford-pauses-dosing-in-trial-of-astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine-in-children-teenagers-11617729303

Canadian health authorities /national advisory have released advice about vaccine mixing which you may be able to show your health provider . Here is the link ...


sorry ... I didn’t quite understand what you meant by resign . Do you mean you are forced to have the vaccines as a condition of work ??

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