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Topic: Depression support - part 2
creationsfire's photo
Tue 02/05/08 04:12 PM
ok, so I have posted pics of my work, so everyone can stop asking hahahaha

(((Jax))) good luck with the tooth. I know it sucks to have to go, but you will feel so much better when it is all said and done.

Roy! Go buy another dryer!

Classyjeff's photo
Tue 02/05/08 09:38 PM

Jeff, you found another job and you didn't like it and complained about the one you have now but when you were back to it saying how much you missed it and the friends yopu made there, all you wanted to do was go back to where you are now..........you confuze me

I don't know what i want
i just want to feel safe and be able to support myself and it feels like im never gonna be able to od it. plus my boss is being more of a pain lately and it looks like she is trying to get rid of anyone including me...

i just wish i knew what to do with my life

creationsfire's photo
Tue 02/05/08 09:49 PM

Jeff, you found another job and you didn't like it and complained about the one you have now but when you were back to it saying how much you missed it and the friends yopu made there, all you wanted to do was go back to where you are now..........you confuze me

I don't know what i want
i just want to feel safe and be able to support myself and it feels like im never gonna be able to od it. plus my boss is being more of a pain lately and it looks like she is trying to get rid of anyone including me...

i just wish i knew what to do with my life

Jeff, Hon, I'm only saying this for your own good. The best way for any of us to find out something like that is to talk to someone, or get counceling........they can help us to find our way. You seemed to be going in the right direction when you got that other job and couldn't wait to get away from where you are now. Then you said you missed it, now you're back and said you were up for a promotion and now your boss is out for blood.......it just gets confusing Hon. I really think you should talk to someone. I've run out of things to suggest, which doesn't mean a damned thing cuz Im pretty much in the same boat as you. But a coucelor or maybe someone else here might have ideas....but you have to find a way to come out of your shell.

Marie55's photo
Tue 02/05/08 11:19 PM
Karen - hope you feel better soon. Get some rest and drink lots of fluids. Don't let your cold turn into pneumonia.

Jax - I know you hate the dentist, but I always feel so much better when I am done with it and the tooth is fixed, figure it is worth getting it over with. Always thought it was funny, used to avoid them until I was in so much pain I could barely stand it, then would go and they would work on the tooth or even pull it if it was too far gone. Then they would give me pain meds. Funny thing, after they fixed the tooth, the pain was so much less than I had been putting up with, I never needed to take the pain meds, so I just go and get it done before it gets bad now. Good luck.

Roy - I know what you mean about tires and gas - damn things will break us. I bought 3 tires last night - geez, Les Schwab has the free beef thing going, I got a package of steak with them, was going to make a smart azz remark about a pack of 2 steak for $400 worth of tires but kept my mouth shut. Heck, costs $50 or so to fill up the van. Need to get the transmission checked and oil changed yet, will probably change the transmission fluid. Need to take dad to my aunt's memorial on March 1st, don't know if I will use the van or maybe rent one, just to be sure we have a reliable vehicle. The van has been running a little rough and has over 197,000 miles on it, I think I might feel safer in a rental, and my cousin wants to ride along too, so might just rent one and not worry about something blowing halfway there. It is about 5 or so hours to drive there one way.

Jeff - I agree with Karen. I even suggested counseling to help you decide what you want, sort through your feelings. Church pastors do counseling for free, mental health agencies offer it on a sliding fee scale usually. You have to take the first step. Everything in life involves taking a risk, your happiness may be around that next corner, but if you don't take the first step, you are staying stuck in the mud. I really think you should talk to someone and have them help sort out your feelings, get some ideas on where to go in your life, what you want to do with your life.

Hope everyone has a great week. Take care.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 02/06/08 06:33 AM
Started work last night and the nurse said she was on her period and her bra strap was bothering her. Told three people had already call in and said it was just up to us because the the other nurse was going to have to work all three floors. Then she asked me if we were cool. I said everything was okay then told her I found the brief and oxygen key then she starting laughing. Then she went bought me pop and shared her chili with me because she said if she was hard to deal with later. Of the scheduled aides that were supposed to be on our floor last night one had called in and the other one had to cover another floor because of the missing aide. Found out that the storms that had hit last night in our area were really bad a county away. Was listening to the radio before coming home and was hearing about the Salvation Army asking for help because of how hard the tornado had hit. Found out why some aides couldn't come in because some roads were closed down so people could pick up the debris the tornado had left. We got to watch the funnel cloud on the tv while tornado was in effect. So far only one fatality but what we were hearing it did some real damage. Salvation Army guy was saying where things like this happen the cell phones are the first thing to go but amateur radio is still operational. Nice to be home.

no photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:03 AM









does anyone suffer with this?? Last night i had it the worst i ever have, and when i was able to move i went to the bathroom, and my legs gave way on me and i fell straight to the ground and hurt me bum lol.

For the people who dont know, sleep paralysis is when you wake up and you cant move,the signals from my brain havnt told my legs or arms or anything to move. im normally able to move after a few minutes but sometimes longer. Im a bit concerned as my legs have never got numb and totally gave way on me before.

Does anyone know anything about this?


flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:04 AM

SharonM45458's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:15 PM
Zolpidem is the same as Ambien. That's a pretty strong sleep-aid. Have you talked to your Dr. about the problem?

SharonM45458's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:17 PM
What do ya do when u just don't want to get out of bed, don't wanna go to work, school, or just go outside in general? I've forced myself to do this stuff for so long, but then a time comes when I just can't even do that.

no photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:58 PM

Zolpidem is the same as Ambien. That's a pretty strong sleep-aid. Have you talked to your Dr. about the problem?

yes ive spoke to doctors, and ive had a EEG which was normal, they did say there was medication for it, but its very strong, and im on enough medication so i said no. Yes zolpidem is ambien and i have 10mg's, and sometime si have 20mg, so it could be that causing the sleep parayisis, or making it worse.

no photo
Wed 02/06/08 01:18 PM

What do ya do when u just don't want to get out of bed, don't wanna go to work, school, or just go outside in general? I've forced myself to do this stuff for so long, but then a time comes when I just can't even do that.

a few months back i had some bad news, i was told i most likely have addisons, i didnt get out of bed for about 2 weeks apart from going to the bathroom. i didnt eat in total for over 3 weeks, and i felt awful. in the end i just pulled myself together and started doing things again, and slowly started eating again, but it is really hard when you feel that depressed. I also stopped the treatment for addisons, which could have easily killed me, as i could have had a addisons crisis, which ive had before, and neally killed me. My advice to you is just start doing little things and dont push yourself to hard. I hope you feel better soon. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Wed 02/06/08 09:17 PM
There has been research showing the Ambien has caused people to do things while they were not awake, like get up, get ready for work and even drive their car, and they were actually still asleep, so doctors are using it with caution.

It sounds like you are on a lot of meds, and some heavy duty ones. I would go to your doc, or maybe another doc for a second opinion and have them look at your meds and make sure they are compatible with each other. Ambien is a hypnotic type drug, and Valium is too. Demerol is a pain killer and you mention another pain killer. I haven't heard of some of them. I would be really careful with these, if they are paralyzing your body, I would worry about getting too much in your system and having them affect the part of your brain that causes you to breathe and your heart to beat. I seriously would go back to your doctor or another and have them look closely at the meds and how they interact. This is a serious condition - my God - what if your house caught on fire - and you couldn't move. You need to have your doctor correct your meds and soon. This is a really scary condition. It sounds to me like you are over-medicated and your brain is waiting for the effects of some of them to wear off before your legs and arms can move. Please get checked out and soon. Take care.

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:30 AM
Really had a good night last night. It didn't start that way. Little old lady woke up crying. I answered her call light and asked her what was wrong. She asked me why her folks didn't come to see her and asked me what she did wrong. I held her hand until she could go back to sleep. I told her I was there if she needed me. There is so much love at the home. Last night was just one of the many reasons I love my job.flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 11:13 AM
Things have got worse.

Last night at 3 in the morning, my mom heard a bang, and she found me on the floor asleep, totally out of it. So now ive injured myself twice. Im getting migraines every day, i dont know whether its related. im worried frown

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 11:15 AM

There has been research showing the Ambien has caused people to do things while they were not awake, like get up, get ready for work and even drive their car, and they were actually still asleep, so doctors are using it with caution.

It sounds like you are on a lot of meds, and some heavy duty ones. I would go to your doc, or maybe another doc for a second opinion and have them look at your meds and make sure they are compatible with each other. Ambien is a hypnotic type drug, and Valium is too. Demerol is a pain killer and you mention another pain killer. I haven't heard of some of them. I would be really careful with these, if they are paralyzing your body, I would worry about getting too much in your system and having them affect the part of your brain that causes you to breathe and your heart to beat. I seriously would go back to your doctor or another and have them look closely at the meds and how they interact. This is a serious condition - my God - what if your house caught on fire - and you couldn't move. You need to have your doctor correct your meds and soon. This is a really scary condition. It sounds to me like you are over-medicated and your brain is waiting for the effects of some of them to wear off before your legs and arms can move. Please get checked out and soon. Take care.

Thats interesting, i didnt think of that. Im going to see my doctor next week, ill speak to him. My pulse is always high around 125 beats per minute, but my blood pressure is normally ok. Thanks for that information. flowerforyou flowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 02/07/08 02:57 PM
Hope it gets better for you, Debbie. Saying a prayer you.


Amberdee29045's photo
Thu 02/07/08 05:30 PM
finally got my abilify y'all i'm so relieved.........told my therapist what was going on and he straightened things out for me.bigsmile

creationsfire's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:17 PM
hi debbie, I second going to the dr.......at one time they had me on a ton of meds then added 400mg od seroquel.....wayyyyy too much and I was barely waking up to cough since my body was regurgitating the contents of my stomach. I was choking in my sleep. Pretty scarey stuff when you wake up and cant breathe...choking and live alone. Glad to hear you are going to talk to the dr about this.

Amber, glad to hear you got what you need.......

Roy, that was one of the most touching things Ive heard in forever. One of my fav stories is the soldier who came to the hospital to see his dad. He asked where he was and they took him to this room with this old man there. He couldn't see, but asked the soldier to hold his hand. The slodier held his hand all day and all night. Never let go. The man passed away and the nurse said Im sorry for your loss........the soldier said thank you but this isn't my dad. The nurse asked then why did you hold his hand the whole time like that. The soldier said, because he needed me to. You are that soldier and God has put you right where you need to be.

((((((((Marie)))))))) how are you doing? Always so concerned about others....you have a heart of gold and I am so glad you have been here to help all of us through good times and bad. You are the heart of this thread........weather you knowit or not. I hope things go smoothly for you with the passsing of your aunt.

To everyone I may have missed.........love and God speed to you.


RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 02/07/08 06:54 PM
So true, Karen. At the meetings I go to one of the things we read is the, "Why am I here?" preamble. It can seem like a dumb thing to ask but where I work it makes sense in a personal way. I can relate with the lonliness and the despair. During the night it can get mechanical because I pretty much do the same thing every night. It is a job but it is more than that. Sometimes I can forget that my higher power put me in the place I am and that is more than just a paycheck. I try to tell the residents that they aren't keeping me from doing my job but they are my job. It is so much different dealing with the public than dealing with just manufacturing a part. Lately, I have become more knowledgeable of that. I have noticed aides spending time with residents and I am trying to incorporate that into what I do. I have noticed when I do that it actually becomes less of a job or a duty and actually helps me. Which is kind of weird because I am there to help them. It is such a win-win type of thing and can be hard to describe at times.

no photo
Thu 02/07/08 08:00 PM
I think one of the best ways to fight depression is to read a joke per day. Please check my profile and add yourself as a friend. I guarantee you that it is worth it and hopefully it will make that sad face into a laugh.

My name is John and I approve this message. lol

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