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Topic: Do You Have The Right To Believe
no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:04 PM

The Bible does NOT say not to KILL.
It says NOT to MURDER.

explain how someone can murder without killing

After you explain how someone can speak without thinking...

reacting instintively to an unexpected stimuli resulting in a vocal outburst or speech

Gotcha, so you just react to unexpected stimuli. (void of thought, again...)

That stimuli wouldn't have been my rib, would it?

sorry Peter_Pan...but the crap you post is not unexpected .....

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:07 PM

The Bible does NOT say not to KILL.
It says NOT to MURDER.

explain how someone can murder without killing

After you explain how someone can speak without thinking...

reacting instintively to an unexpected stimuli resulting in a vocal outburst or speech

Gotcha, so you just react to unexpected stimuli. (void of thought, again...)

That stimuli wouldn't have been my rib, would it?

sorry Peter_Pan...but the crap you post is not unexpected .....

I love it, when you get flustered your speech is so simple...

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:08 PM

The Bible does NOT say not to KILL.
It says NOT to MURDER.

explain how someone can murder without killing


explain how someone can steal without taking

but taking is not a crime


If I take the camera out of my desk, that is not illegal
if I take YOUR camera, without your permission, that is illegal
and called 'stealing'

if you kill in self defense, that is not illegal
if you kill without justification , that is illegal and called MURDER

MsHarmony...I didn't ask for the definition or the legalise...I asked how do you murder someone without killing them

NO, you asked: "explain how someone can murder without killing "

Answer: funches murders logic, yet logic still lives...

Peter_Pan ...Yahweh has inspire me to tell you if you insist on posting silly stuff to remove his name off your avatar so no one will associate you to him ...

would Yahweh not expect this from you? ....

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:09 PM

The Bible does NOT say not to KILL.
It says NOT to MURDER.

explain how someone can murder without killing


explain how someone can steal without taking

but taking is not a crime


If I take the camera out of my desk, that is not illegal
if I take YOUR camera, without your permission, that is illegal
and called 'stealing'

if you kill in self defense, that is not illegal
if you kill without justification , that is illegal and called MURDER

MsHarmony...I didn't ask for the definition or the legalise...I asked how do you murder someone without killing them

NO, you asked: "explain how someone can murder without killing "

Answer: funches murders logic, yet logic still lives...

Peter_Pan ...Yahweh has inspire me to tell you if you insist on posting silly stuff to remove his name off your avatar so no one will associate you to him ...

would Yahweh not expect this from you? ....

Now you murder the English language and grammer?

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:11 PM

The Bible does NOT say not to KILL.
It says NOT to MURDER.

explain how someone can murder without killing


explain how someone can steal without taking

but taking is not a crime


If I take the camera out of my desk, that is not illegal
if I take YOUR camera, without your permission, that is illegal
and called 'stealing'

if you kill in self defense, that is not illegal
if you kill without justification , that is illegal and called MURDER

MsHarmony...I didn't ask for the definition or the legalise...I asked how do you murder someone without killing them

NO, you asked: "explain how someone can murder without killing "

Answer: funches murders logic, yet logic still lives...

Peter_Pan ...Yahweh has inspire me to tell you if you insist on posting silly stuff to remove his name off your avatar so no one will associate you to him ...

would Yahweh not expect this from you? ....

Now you murder the English language and grammer?

I figured you were British

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:12 PM

Peter_Pan said:

NO, you asked: "explain how someone can murder without killing "

Answer: funches murders logic, yet logic still lives...

Where is the corpse then ? :thumbsup: glasses

As I know murder and killing always left a dead body shadessurprised

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:15 PM
so Peter_Pan... are you not going to do as Yahweh has inspired and remove his name from your avatar ....do you not have respect for Yahweh...is Yahweh not Great to you?

no wonder Yahweh Grieved

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:19 PM

Peter_Pan said:

NO, you asked: "explain how someone can murder without killing "

Answer: funches murders logic, yet logic still lives...

Where is the corpse then ? :thumbsup: glasses

As I know murder and killing always left a dead body shadessurprised

it appears that MsHarmony and Peter_Pan, Cowboy and a host of others believe that you can murder people but not kill them.....unfortunately they can't explain how to accomplish this feat

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:20 PM

so Peter_Pan... are you not going to do as Yahweh has inspired and remove his name from your avatar ....do you not have respect for Yahweh...is Yahweh not Great to you?

no wonder Yahweh Grieved

You have to first prove that your delusion is anything more than a delusion.

YHWH did inspire me to tell you not to worry, junior HS isn't that hard...

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:25 PM

so Peter_Pan... are you not going to do as Yahweh has inspired and remove his name from your avatar ....do you not have respect for Yahweh...is Yahweh not Great to you?

no wonder Yahweh Grieved

You have to first prove that your delusion is anything more than a delusion.

YHWH did inspire me to tell you not to worry, junior HS isn't that hard...

so those that claim to have been inspired by Yahweh according to you may be suffering from Delusions?

clearly this is disrepecting Yahweh

now do you understand why you should remove his Great name from your avatar ....if you loved Yahweh you would do this

Peter_Pan...prove your love for Yahweh

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:36 PM

so Peter_Pan... are you not going to do as Yahweh has inspired and remove his name from your avatar ....do you not have respect for Yahweh...is Yahweh not Great to you?

no wonder Yahweh Grieved

You have to first prove that your delusion is anything more than a delusion.

YHWH did inspire me to tell you not to worry, junior HS isn't that hard...

so those that claim to have been inspired by Yahweh according to you may be suffering from Delusions?

clearly this is disrepecting Yahweh

now do you understand why you should remove his Great name from your avatar ....if you loved Yahweh you would do this

Peter_Pan...prove your love for Yahweh

funchees, prove you're delusional.. Ah nevermind, proven well...

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 02:55 PM

so Peter_Pan... are you not going to do as Yahweh has inspired and remove his name from your avatar ....do you not have respect for Yahweh...is Yahweh not Great to you?

no wonder Yahweh Grieved

You have to first prove that your delusion is anything more than a delusion.

YHWH did inspire me to tell you not to worry, junior HS isn't that hard...

so those that claim to have been inspired by Yahweh according to you may be suffering from Delusions?

clearly this is disrepecting Yahweh

now do you understand why you should remove his Great name from your avatar ....if you loved Yahweh you would do this

Peter_Pan...prove your love for Yahweh

funchees, prove you're delusional.. Ah nevermind, proven well...

so you're not going to remove Yahweh name from your avatar?

poor Yahweh ....no wonder he's an Atheist

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/04/12 05:46 PM

Peter_Pan said:

NO, you asked: "explain how someone can murder without killing "

Answer: funches murders logic, yet logic still lives...

Where is the corpse then ? :thumbsup: glasses

As I know murder and killing always left a dead body shadessurprised

it appears that MsHarmony and Peter_Pan, Cowboy and a host of others believe that you can murder people but not kill them.....unfortunately they can't explain how to accomplish this feat

no need to explain what noone but you has posted

the issue is whether the bible says not to murder or not to kill
the issue of whether murdering involves killing is a distraction

and irrelevant , as you CAN kill without murdering,,,

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 06:49 PM

no need to explain what noone but you has posted

the issue is whether the bible says not to murder or not to kill
the issue of whether murdering involves killing is a distraction

and irrelevant , as you CAN kill without murdering,,,

you deem it irrelevant only because you couldn't explain how someone can murder without killing

the same as you wouldn't be able to explain how someone can kill without murdering... murder and killing is the same ....even if one commit suicide they have both murder and killed theirself, even if someone ask you to kill them they are in fact asking you to murder them

you can't do one without doing the other

this is why the bible states "Thou Shalt Not Kill" ..if not then you will have people out there doing the same exact thing that is taking place in this forum... making excuses and trying to find legal ways or terminolgy so they can kill and justify it as not being murder

no photo
Sun 03/04/12 06:58 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sun 03/04/12 07:08 PM
Question: "Why is 'You shall not murder' in the Ten Commandments?"

Answer: Simply stated, the sixth of the Ten Commandments forbids the

unjustified taking of a human life. However, the commandment itself

has a couple of interesting elements that bear mentioning. First

and foremost, different Bible translations give the appearance of

different meanings, and there is potential for misunderstanding the

actual meaning of the verse. Second, man was never created for the

act of murdering another, and there needs to be an explanation for

such a violent and final act towards another human being. Third,

because of the translational challenge, we need to understand the

difference between “murder” and “killing.” And last but not least,

how does God view murder? To God, murder is NOT JUST PHYSICAL in


There are two different Hebrew words (ratsakh, mut) and two Greek

words (phoneuo, apokteino) for “murder” and “killing.” One

means “to put to death,” and the other means “to murder.” The latter

one is the one prohibited by the Ten Commandments, not the former.

In fact, ratsakh has a broader definition than the English

word “murder.” Ratsakh also covers deaths due to carelessness or

neglect but is never used when describing killing during wartime.

That is why most modern translations render the sixth

commandment “You shall not murder” rather than “You shall not kill.”

However, a very large issue can arise depending on which translation

one studies. The ever-popular King James Version renders the verse

as “Thou shalt not kill,” therefore opening the door to

misinterpreting the verse altogether. If the intended meaning

of “Thou shalt not kill” was just that—no killing—it would render

all of the God-endorsed bloodletting done by the nation of Israel a

violation of God’s own commandment (Deuteronomy 20). But God does

NOT break His own commandments, so, clearly, the verse does not

call for a complete moratorium on the taking of another human life.

Why does man murder? We know that we were created in God’s image

(Genesis 1:27) and we were made to live in harmony with God and

with our fellow man. This harmony became impossible once sin

entered into the picture (Genesis 3). With sin came the propensity

for acting violently against one another. Anger, jealousy, pride

and hatred can fuel man’s evil bent towards life-ending aggression.

The first recorded act of murder was when Cain killed his brother

Abel (Genesis 4:8). From that moment on, taking the life of another

has been commonplace and, in some circles of society, acceptable.

However, to God every life is important, and since God knew that

man was sinful and evil and had become “lawless,” He enacted

guidelines that would seek to modify man’s behavior (1 John 3:4).

So, is there a difference between murder and killing? First, it is

important to note that not all killing is wrong. For instance, the

apostle Paul talks about the right of the state to take the lives

of evildoers (Romans 13:1-7). This relates to what is commonly

referred to as capital punishment. Most countries have consequences

for murder.

In some cases this requires the life of the perpetrator and a

suitable means of putting one to death is chosen and administered

(Matthew 5:21; Exodus 21:14). Another instance of

acceptable “killing” is that which is done during times of war and

at the command of superiors. There were quite a few instances in

Scripture where God endorsed and allowed the taking of other lives

(1 Samuel 11; Judges 6–7). And finally, although far from

acceptable, manslaughter is yet another form of killing someone.

This unintentional act apparently happened so often in biblical

times that cities of refuge were designated for the manslayer to

seek refuge in (Exodus 21:13; Joshua 20). Again, it was never God’s

intent to have to use such a drastic measure as taking one’s life to

rectify a situation. So, God does make exceptions for the taking of

another’s life as long as it lines up with His will. However,

premeditated murder of an individual is never God’s will.

What is murder in God’s eyes? From the human perspective, murder is

the physical act of taking another’s life. However, we also must

consider that God defines murder as any thought or feeling of deep-

seated hatred or malice against another person. In other words, it

is more than just a physical act that constitutes murder to God,

who tells us that “everyone who hates his brother is a murderer,

and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” (1

John 3:15 ESV). When we harbor hatred in our hearts for another, we

have committed the sin of murder in God’s eyes. The disdain towards

another person never has to be demonstrated outwardly because God

looks upon the heart for the truth (1 Samuel 16:7; Matthew 15:19).

As Christians and as human beings, we know that unjustified killing

is wrong. God’s Word is very clear on this point: “You shall not

murder.” And what God says we must obey, or we face the

consequences on judgment day.



no photo
Sun 03/04/12 07:14 PM

Question: "Why is 'You shall not murder' in the Ten Commandments?"

so MorningSong,can you reveal which bible you personally follow"


no photo
Sun 03/04/12 07:48 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Sun 03/04/12 08:18 PM

One can go thru all versions (legit ones) and do a comparative study.

( Although I like the NIV and KJV the best .)

Funches..one can cross reference them all ,and gleem an even

better understanding of God's Word that way.flowerforyou

And it is good to study the original texts as well.:heart:

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/05/12 12:02 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 03/05/12 12:09 AM

no need to explain what noone but you has posted

the issue is whether the bible says not to murder or not to kill
the issue of whether murdering involves killing is a distraction

and irrelevant , as you CAN kill without murdering,,,

you deem it irrelevant only because you couldn't explain how someone can murder without killing

the same as you wouldn't be able to explain how someone can kill without murdering... murder and killing is the same ....even if one commit suicide they have both murder and killed theirself, even if someone ask you to kill them they are in fact asking you to murder them

you can't do one without doing the other

this is why the bible states "Thou Shalt Not Kill" ..if not then you will have people out there doing the same exact thing that is taking place in this forum... making excuses and trying to find legal ways or terminolgy so they can kill and justify it as not being murder

you can kill without murdering,, just as you can take without stealing

the same way you can have sex, or fondle, or kiss, without RAPING(although you cannot rape without doing one of those things)

the same way you can take money from the bank without ROBBING it(although you cannot rob without taking money)

the bible says not to steal, but it does not say not to ever TAKE
the law says we cannot rape someone, but it does not say we cannot have sex

these are different degrees of an action, its not about excusing, its about looking at things in a balanced and realistic way

we kill for food, we kill in defense, BOTH are justified in the bible so therefore would be foolish to say not to 'kill'

murder refers to 'unlawful' killing

wux's photo
Mon 03/05/12 12:15 AM

you see/read it all the time that people have the right to have or to practice their religious beliefs and/or Faith


so what if your religious belief was child molestation, I use this example because it cuts to the quick and clearly shows that "no" you do not have the right to practice your religious beliefs

Yes, everyone has a right to molestational faith.

God did away his own son using a painful, horrible death.

But what really makes it palatable, is that a religious charitable tax advantage is given only if the upstart church uses a scripture that has been written arms-length away from the new church's self-interest.

This means that unless you can find a scripture that on one hand advocates child molestation, and on the other, has been written by person or persons who are completely unknown to you, and on the third hand, it is verifyably a word of god, as inspired to the scribes, then yes, please be our guest, and use that scripture to advocate child molestation.

wux's photo
Mon 03/05/12 12:23 AM

You can kill without murdering.

You cannot murder without killing.

------Murder is verboten.

------killing is kosher.

You don't murder then, and you can still kill (if you've got good skill with skillets to god's will in bill hill fill drill mill) at the same time.

But you can kill and not murder at the same time and in the same respect. It is not a problem at all.

You can't murder while avoiding killing. So what. Murder is not allowed, but killing is -- do your killing in those circumstances when it's not a murder. then say slam, bam, thank-you lam.

Funches, I am all for your logic, but this time you got the string to push the wagon.

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