Topic: Cosmological Argument
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Wed 01/25/12 09:32 AM


I was literally taken against my will...

I didn't want to go.
I didn't need to go.

that would explain the anger issues you have with your mother

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:32 AM

..why are you so insistent on linking my totally random action into logic and somehow going to link that to a need over a want?

isn't that what your psychologists and therapists do? ...


Am I a psychologist? No.
Am I a therapist? No.

So, what's your point?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:33 AM


I was literally taken against my will...

I didn't want to go.
I didn't need to go.

that would explain the anger issues you have with your mother

She didn't force me to go..

For the love of...

Stop grasping for straws dude, seriously.

If anything, that would explain my anger against the school district, which, what do you know.. I don't have any.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:34 AM

..why are you so insistent on linking my totally random action into logic and somehow going to link that to a need over a want?

isn't that what your psychologists and therapists do? ...


Am I a psychologist? No.
Am I a therapist? No.

So, what's your point?

wouldn't that be why you go to them ...there has to be a logical reason why your parents kidnapped you and forced you to go

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:36 AM


I was literally taken against my will...

I didn't want to go.
I didn't need to go.

that would explain the anger issues you have with your mother

So, apparently I have to break this down for you to.

Grades slipped.
Became slightly anti-social.
Then I just started skipping school.

It was either expulsion or see a shrink.

My mom asked if I'd go, I said no.
She told the school district, they literally sent two officers to my house and drug me to the shrink.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:36 AM


I was literally taken against my will...

I didn't want to go.
I didn't need to go.

that would explain the anger issues you have with your mother

She didn't force me to go..

For the love of...

Stop grasping for straws dude, seriously.

If anything, that would explain my anger against the school district, which, what do you know.. I don't have any.

in case you didn't know...being taken against your will means that you were "forced" ...

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:40 AM


I was literally taken against my will...

I didn't want to go.
I didn't need to go.

that would explain the anger issues you have with your mother

So, apparently I have to break this down for you to.

Grades slipped.
Became slightly anti-social.
Then I just started skipping school.

It was either expulsion or see a shrink.

My mom asked if I'd go, I said no.
She told the school district, they literally sent two officers to my house and drug me to the shrink.

your mother allowed someone to drag you to the shrink... but yet you believe you have no unresolved anger about this?


do you now feel that she was justified in allowing it to happen

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:42 AM


I was literally taken against my will...

I didn't want to go.
I didn't need to go.

that would explain the anger issues you have with your mother

So, apparently I have to break this down for you to.

Grades slipped.
Became slightly anti-social.
Then I just started skipping school.

It was either expulsion or see a shrink.

My mom asked if I'd go, I said no.
She told the school district, they literally sent two officers to my house and drug me to the shrink.

your mother allowed someone to drag you to the shrink... but yet you believe you have no unresolved anger about this?


do you now feel that she was justified in allowing it to happen


..why would I be angry at her?

If she didn't, she'd be in jail. Simple as that.

I don't even hate the cops. Why?

They just did their job.

I don't hate the school. Why?

They were concerned, and that makes me feel special since they showed they cared. Dr. where is all of this going?

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 11:19 AM
Edited by funches on Wed 01/25/12 11:19 AM


..why would I be angry at her?

If she didn't, she'd be in jail. Simple as that

the fact that you had to be dragged off to a shrink indicates that you didn't care if your Mother went to jail you believe this is not anger

I don't even hate the cops. Why?

They just did their job.

I'm pretty sure as they were dragging you off to the shrink you weren't thinking that

I don't hate the school. Why?

right you loved the school so much that you decided not to go anymore

They were concerned, and that makes me feel special since they showed they cared.

so is you having to feel special a "want or a "need"? .... Dr. where is all of this going?

that going to a psychologist or therapist wasn't included on your lists of "Needs"...but it's apparent that they should have been

but anyway the point is that your "want" lies in the same realm as "need" and that it's impossible to do anything without a logical reason and a logical need to do it

and this is why I've asked for a logical reason as to why a God with no needs is being accuse of having them ....

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 10:51 PM


..why would I be angry at her?

If she didn't, she'd be in jail. Simple as that

the fact that you had to be dragged off to a shrink indicates that you didn't care if your Mother went to jail you believe this is not anger

I don't even hate the cops. Why?

They just did their job.

I'm pretty sure as they were dragging you off to the shrink you weren't thinking that

I don't hate the school. Why?

right you loved the school so much that you decided not to go anymore

They were concerned, and that makes me feel special since they showed they cared.

so is you having to feel special a "want or a "need"? .... Dr. where is all of this going?

that going to a psychologist or therapist wasn't included on your lists of "Needs"...but it's apparent that they should have been

but anyway the point is that your "want" lies in the same realm as "need" and that it's impossible to do anything without a logical reason and a logical need to do it

and this is why I've asked for a logical reason as to why a God with no needs is being accuse of having them ....

Yes, you have it all figured out.

Because you are just infinitely right.

Because you have the 'need' to be right.
Even if you aren't.

You have the 'need' to associate something unrelated with something entirely different.

You have the 'need' to deflect and dig for a logic that doesn't actually exist or have any place.

So, go ahead, believe you are right.

Cause I'm tired of going in circles with you.


We are talking 16 years ago.
You are linking that to a three year old event.
You state that is a suppressed anger.

I had, at that moment, a desire not to go.
I stopped going to school, for reasons unclear to you.
But your way of thinking create the delusion of what you logically assess I went through, even if you are entirely off base.
At that moment, as I just stated, I had no desire to go.
It didn't take me five minutes to assess the situation differently.
It took me a few years; and then, and now, I no longer hold any hostilities, especially having my own son.


As you still have not proven.

A need.
Is not.
A want.

A need.
Is a necessity to live and is something that ALL humans, not just myself need to survive individually.

Air, Water, Food.

A want.
Is anything else we deem we want to fulfill our lives; yet still we can live without them thus, it is NOT a need, it is a want.

Sex is a want, it is not a need.
Monks, Priests, Maidens - Died virgins. (more older days then now)
But if a group can live without out it; it is no longer a need it is a want.

Possessions, not matter what they are, are also wants.

Exceptions to this would be life-saving medications that they would perish or met irreversible consequences had they not taken them.

Back to your autism idea.

Even if you are right, and I grew 'autism' afterwards.
There till is absolutely NO logic into why I did it the first time.
There was no NEED for me to do it, I just did.
Every time I've done it since, it was because I WANTED to, not because my mind or anything else DEMANDS or NEEDS me to do it.
If such was the case, it would be far more logical that I did it every time, not just whenever I feel like it at totally random times.

Which now takes us alllllll the way back to where we started.

He created the universe, because he wanted to; period.

He had no need to, he just wanted to.
As I specified, a want does not equal a need.

Therefore, according to your logic, and fitting the requirements of your three views which somehow you try to take the side of the man on the fence; it fits perfectly.

There is no vulnerability, he was not weak, and it was just a random occurrence.

He randomly decided to do it; foresaw what would happen, and all in itself cannot find a source of logic, because the concepts were ALL illogical and more random than anything.

Now that I satisfied all three of your stands...

I'm hungry.

So I NEED food.

..then I think I WANT to play some Skyrim.

So, catch you later.

no photo
Thu 01/26/12 05:12 AM

We are talking 16 years ago.
You are linking that to a three year old event.
You state that is a suppressed anger.

you kicking a cat off your bed and not seeing this as abuse is why I said that you have repress anger ....would you also kick a child off the bed too ...

so now explain the major differences in you "wanting" to kick the cat and you "needing" to kick the cat

and what is generally the logical reason that people's out of anger

which is why a perfect God that "wants" or "needs" to create plugins that the God can later abuse or allow abuse would constitute as being an Angry God...and anger would be "first cause" and the logical reason if God is to be blame for creating the Universe

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/26/12 05:31 AM

We are talking 16 years ago.
You are linking that to a three year old event.
You state that is a suppressed anger.

you kicking a cat off your bed and not seeing this as abuse is why I said that you have repress anger ....would you also kick a child off the bed too ...

so now explain the major differences in you "wanting" to kick the cat and you "needing" to kick the cat

and what is generally the logical reason that people's out of anger

which is why a perfect God that "wants" or "needs" to create plugins that the God can later abuse or allow abuse would constitute as being an Angry God...and anger would be "first cause" and the logical reason if God is to be blame for creating the Universe


You can't compare a cat to a child. One can listen if asked to get off the bed, the other is oblivious because we do not speak the same language; unless you believe if I hissed or meowed he'd understand?


Since you want to take that word literally and no others; let's say 'push', since you denote the word 'kick' to beating the snot out of. So, back to the question, yes, if a child, like the cat, did not listen I would 'push' him off. Because the cat never listens.


Wanting the cat off - I want him off the bed, if you need the definition of want; I've explained it 64 times.

Needing the cat off - It would be a necessity, or a life-threatening position against my own survival. Therefore, for my to say I need him off the bed, he would in fact have to be threatening my own life by his presence on my bed; which seeing as how I am not allergic, isn't possible.

MAJOR difference.


We are now blaming him for our existence? Where'd that come from?
Since you are all so about the bible, let's put it like this, shall we?

God, according to the Bible, did try to get us to change our ways. We forsake him; thus he turn, he sent his son to try and convince us to change our ways; we killed him. Now, an 'angry' God, would have just turned us all to ash, so to speak; however, he didn't. Being the man of 'mercy' and not 'anger' he decided instead to let us live out our existences how we see fit.

Also, we've already established that if God did in fact exist, and you, who are miraculously taking three positions at once, would have to already agree with me that he wanted, not needed, to create this universe. Because Heaven forbid he would 'need' anything.

My question is simple.

Why do you keep making me remind you what the difference is between want and need when I've answered it 76 times over? Are you actually expecting me to change my view? Which, fyi, is a shared view with 300 billion people? Sorry, 299,999,999,999 people, since you can't accept this well known and rather common fact. Yes, I said fact.

no photo
Thu 01/26/12 05:56 AM

You can't compare a cat to a child. One can listen if asked to get off the bed, the other is oblivious because we do not speak the same language; unless you believe if I hissed or meowed he'd understand?

so let's say that the child understand Russian and not is it then ok for you to kick the child off the bed

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/26/12 05:59 AM

You can't compare a cat to a child. One can listen if asked to get off the bed, the other is oblivious because we do not speak the same language; unless you believe if I hissed or meowed he'd understand?

so let's say that the child understand Russian and not is it then ok for you to kick the child off the bed

My last post.

Under the bold print of the word Second .

I answered this.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/26/12 06:02 AM
It's rather humorous that earlier in this thread you were after Spider for picking and choosing which posts to respond to yet..

...that's what you've been doing.

no photo
Thu 01/26/12 06:05 AM

You can't compare a cat to a child. One can listen if asked to get off the bed, the other is oblivious because we do not speak the same language; unless you believe if I hissed or meowed he'd understand?

so let's say that the child understand Russian and not is it then ok for you to kick the child off the bed

My last post.

Under the bold print of the word Second .

I answered this.

so do you consider kicking a cat off the bed abuse or not?

no photo
Thu 01/26/12 06:08 AM

It's rather humorous that earlier in this thread you were after Spider for picking and choosing which posts to respond to yet..

...that's what you've been doing.

what's rather humorous is that you didn't have a clue that Spidecmb was referring to you in that post because you were the only one complaining you are doing now

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/26/12 06:10 AM

It's rather humorous that earlier in this thread you were after Spider for picking and choosing which posts to respond to yet..

...that's what you've been doing.

what's rather humorous is that you didn't have a clue that Spidecmb was referring to you in that post because you were the only one complaining you are doing now

..are you serious? LMAO

I wasn't even in the debate yet!


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/26/12 06:11 AM

You can't compare a cat to a child. One can listen if asked to get off the bed, the other is oblivious because we do not speak the same language; unless you believe if I hissed or meowed he'd understand?

so let's say that the child understand Russian and not is it then ok for you to kick the child off the bed

My last post.

Under the bold print of the word Second .

I answered this.

so do you consider kicking a cat off the bed abuse or not? can read right?

I'll speak slower.

I a n s w e r e d t h i s u n d e r t h e b o l d h e a d i n g m a r k e d a s S E C O N D .

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 01/26/12 06:13 AM

It's rather humorous that earlier in this thread you were after Spider for picking and choosing which posts to respond to yet..

...that's what you've been doing.

what's rather humorous is that you didn't have a clue that Spidecmb was referring to you in that post because you were the only one complaining you are doing now

..and for clarification; what exactly am I complaining about?