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Topic: Cosmological Argument
Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/31/12 09:51 PM

it appears that you're still having hallcinations

..ah, so when you feel intellectually inferior, that person is hallucinating? Interesting.

but I guess someone such as yourself that is capable of placing their Mother in jail simply because "they wanted to" wouldn't understand the concept of empathy or why God would be a sociopath so I guess I'll have to explain it in another context

Right, cause somewhere along the line I had actually said the words 'I want my mom in jail'. I understand empathy perfectly; I'm not the one who is taking some words by their exact definition and not others.

imagine if the gods of mingle2 deleted everyone's profile from the site including the advertisers ...and they did it for no logical reason or any need but simply because "they wanted to"

..Yes, because mass genocide and a free dating website are a great comparison.
That's easy to imagine. They wanted to start over, or perhaps grew sick of maintaining it and wanted change.

the fact that this was done without informing the members would constitute as a lack of empathy and on a business standpoint would be insane

If you say so...

the same with God, God just decided for no logical reason or need to Flood the entire planet and drown everyone but a couple of dung shovelers on Noah's Ark, and this is why God is a sociopath

He did have a reason. Change. To start fresh but not completely obliterate them. Had Noah refused to do it, then we may be talking about Jonah's Ark, or Billy's Ark.

But again, you are humanizing God.. so, I'll not bother stating this over again..

a sociopath would create a Universe that it can abuse it creations without conscious without empathy

..Yes, because what he did was far worse then what we were already doing.

When Americans killed a nest full of terrorists they weren't considered sociopaths for doing it.

England did the same thing; again, not deemed Sociopaths.

I can assure you neither held much grounds in the ways of empathy.

God saw us all like 'terrorists' thus, wa-lah.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 01/31/12 11:25 PM
"the same with God, God just decided for no logical reason or need to Flood the entire planet and drown everyone but a couple of dung shovelers on Noah's Ark, and this is why God is a sociopath"

Did God Flood the planet?

Or did he simply try to warn us that Climate Change was comming? (the earth has cycles as does the sun).


followed by mankind assuming that we was BAD and therefore had failed to please god....

Rather than face the truth...

and adjust.

As it is now.

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:13 AM

Right, cause somewhere along the line I had actually said the words 'I want my mom in jail'. I understand empathy perfectly; I'm not the one who is taking some words by their exact definition and not others.

committing actions that you knew would send your Mother to jail is the same as stating that you "want" her in jail and the same as you personally putting her in jail yourself

you also stated that you had no anger towards your Mother but yet did things that you knew would place her in jail and this is an indication that you lacked any form of Empathy for her...

therefore there were no logical reason or need to place her in jail...it was the end result from something that you just "wanted to do"

the same with God....there is no logical reason or need for him to create The Universe...which is why if he did create it, there is no need to care anything about it....and this is why "first cause" for a lack of a better word would be sociopath-ism

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:21 AM

"the same with God, God just decided for no logical reason or need to Flood the entire planet and drown everyone but a couple of dung shovelers on Noah's Ark, and this is why God is a sociopath"

Did God Flood the planet?

Or did he simply try to warn us that Climate Change was comming? (the earth has cycles as does the sun).


followed by mankind assuming that we was BAD and therefore had failed to please god....

Rather than face the truth...

and adjust.

As it is now.

according to Genesis 6:11....God caused the flood because he saw the world as corrupt...not because he was training to be a weather forecaster or accidently left the water on in the bath tub ...it was his intentions to kill

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:46 AM

committing actions that you knew would send your Mother to jail is the same as stating that you "want" her in jail and the same as you personally putting her in jail yourself

Who said I knew she would go to jail?
There a logical reason you keep placing additional words in my mouth?

I knew after the fact, not during.

you also stated that you had no anger towards your Mother but yet did things that you knew would place her in jail and this is an indication that you lacked any form of Empathy for her...

Right, because somewhere in there they mentioned, 'If you don't change your ways, we're going to throw your mom in jail.'

They said that to her; not me. As I said above and before; I was oblivious to this knowledge at the time.

therefore there were no logical reason or need to place her in jail...it was the end result from something that you just "wanted to do"

Strike three! You're out!!

..Aww c'mon man, at least make contact!

Freedom from the system of pill pushers, isn't a logical reason?


the same with God....there is no logical reason or need for him to create The Universe...which is why if he did create it, there is no need to care anything about it....and this is why "first cause" for a lack of a better word would be sociopath-ism

That doesn't even make sense...
So, let's try this one more time.

God created the universe because he wanted to, not because (obviously) his life depended on it.

Originally, we'll just say, his intention were devised as to not 'care' for the creations; however, who's to say he didn't care, just a little, over time?

I mean we're talking thousands upon thousands of years between the arrival of Adam to the Flood and Noah.

And again, you call it 'killing'.. when in reality, it was cleansing. A purification of his creation, because being the 'all-knowing' visage he is; who are we to say he didn't see us turning into the savage beasts we are now; way back then, and that was his concept of how to justify it.

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:54 AM

Who said I knew she would go to jail?
There a logical reason you keep placing additional words in my mouth?

I knew after the fact, not during.

see now you are not telling the truth

you and your Mother had to be inform before the fact...

an indication of this is why your Mother had police officers drag you to the shrink

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 07:56 AM

Freedom from the system of pill pushers, isn't a logical reason?

you always claim there were no logical reason or need....are you now admitting that you were wrong?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:06 AM

see now you are not telling the truth

you and your Mother had to be inform before the fact...

an indication of this is why your Mother had police officers drag you to the shrink

Says you.

I got warned I may be forced to see a shrink with my mothers approval.

..my mom told me she didn't want me in the system.

She was threatened.
Her position changed.

I was never informed of what would happen to her, until I start cussing out profanities at her for letting this happen.

It was then I was informed.

NOT to mention, she wasn't even told it would be the police who would come to our door, she was told a psychiatrist was going to do an at-home visit.

..furthermore.. since you wish to proclaim falseness to that which you obviously know nothing of.

For how they acted and treated me and lied to her; she sued the School District.. and won.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:09 AM

Freedom from the system of pill pushers, isn't a logical reason?

you always claim there were no logical reason or need....are you now admitting that you were wrong?

I claim there is no 'need'.
Logic, for some things, yes.

I stand by my claim there was no need nor logic behind sitting upside down, pushing the cat off the bed, etc.

Logic, however, is apparent in some cases; which I've never argued logic, I've argued 'need'.

This goes back to how I keep stating that you take some words to the core of their definition yet blatantly ignore others.

Logic can and does exist without NEED.

That's what I've been arguing.

Not that there is no logic in any and everything.

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:14 AM

I got warned I may be forced to see a shrink with my mothers approval.

oh..so you you did know before the fact ...so you were lying

dude...quit making excuses and go hug your mother and find out why you have anger and anger towards her

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:19 AM

Logic can and does exist without NEED.

that statement is delusional

to prove it isn't...simply tell of something that you need for no logic reason

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:22 AM

I got warned I may be forced to see a shrink with my mothers approval.

oh..so you you did know before the fact ...so you were lying

dude...quit making excuses and go hug your mother and find out why you have anger and anger towards her

Dude, stop being a flipping moron and READ EVERYTHING!

Warned about seeing a psych, NOT about my mom going to jail.


I'm surprised you can type without losing focus.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:25 AM

Logic can and does exist without NEED.

that statement is delusional

to prove it isn't...simply tell of something that you need for no logic reason

No, you're delusional for believing 'need' is 'logic'.

That's the most retarded sense of thinking.

I turned on the TV. I was bored. Logic says I turned on the TV because I was bored. Holy crap, there is no 'need' in that.

I turned off the lights. I was tired. Logic says I turned off the lights to go to sleep. Holy crap, again, no 'need'.

I got my laundry out of the dryer. Logic says that I wanted to wash my clothes instead of wearing them dirty.

Dude, I could do this all day, mister delusional.


no photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:27 AM

I got warned I may be forced to see a shrink with my mothers approval.

oh..so you you did know before the fact ...so you were lying

dude...quit making excuses and go hug your mother and find out why you have anger and anger towards her

Dude, stop being a flipping moron and READ EVERYTHING!

Warned about seeing a psych, NOT about my mom going to jail.


I'm surprised you can type without losing focus.

you claimed that you had a history with psychologists and therapists which is an indication that you visit many of them which means you now claiming that you only have to be dragged to the shrink once can not be the truth

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:29 AM

I got warned I may be forced to see a shrink with my mothers approval.

oh..so you you did know before the fact ...so you were lying

dude...quit making excuses and go hug your mother and find out why you have anger and anger towards her

Dude, stop being a flipping moron and READ EVERYTHING!

Warned about seeing a psych, NOT about my mom going to jail.


I'm surprised you can type without losing focus.

you claimed that you had a history with psychologists and therapists which is an indication that you visit many of them which means you now claiming that you only have to be dragged to the shrink once can not be the truth

Yes, it can be the truth.

Because logically that would have been the first time. Since logically I would have grasped the consequences if I did not after the first time already took place.

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:30 AM

I got warned I may be forced to see a shrink with my mothers approval.

oh..so you you did know before the fact ...so you were lying

dude...quit making excuses and go hug your mother and find out why you have anger and anger towards her

Dude, stop being a flipping moron and READ EVERYTHING!

Warned about seeing a psych, NOT about my mom going to jail.


I'm surprised you can type without losing focus.

so when you did find out that your mother could go to jail if you didn't go to a shrink...then what did you do ...did you go voluntarily......or did you play bruce lee with the police officers to keep from going .....

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:32 AM

so when you did find out that your mother could go to jail if you didn't go to a shrink...then what did you do ...did you go voluntarily......or did you play bruce lee with the police officers to keep from going .....


READ everything first before you make yourself sound like a ********.

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:35 AM


dude calm down....before I had to call those officers to take you back to the shrink

but anyway...since murderers rapists and abusers are all concentrated in the jail...then your Mother going to jail would constitute as being a life threathening situation

even so why would it not be a problem for you if your mother is locked in a cage due to your actions

no photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:35 AM
Edited by funches on Wed 02/01/12 08:36 AM

so when you did find out that your mother could go to jail if you didn't go to a shrink...then what did you do ...did you go voluntarily......or did you play bruce lee with the police officers to keep from going .....


READ everything first before you make yourself sound like a ********.

I'm curious...is the cat in your picture the same cat you kicked off your bed ...because it looks like it is about to attack you...and the little puppy is holding it back

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 02/01/12 08:42 AM

I'm curious...is the cat in your picture the same cat you kicked off your bed ...because it looks like it is about to attack you...and the little puppy is holding it back

My cat is orange.
I don't have a dog anymore.
She passed away. It was a white, fluffy, Chow-chow.

Here's another piece of logic.

The child felt stupid and didn't know what to say. Logic says that he would want to find something to make fun of that belonged to his better.

Look at it, still there is no need.

Amazing concept isn't it?

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