Topic: Cosmological Argument
Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:08 AM

After a long history of meeting psychologists and therapists, really think none of them would've noticed any of these 'so-called' disorders I have? Especially when I'm laying upside down to watch TV in the lobby in front of them?

So, one more response, before I totally consider you are just whipping out answers out your culo just for the simple sake of arguing.

the fact that you have a long history of meeting with psychologists and therapists suggest that I'm right ....

..for depression.

Not anger.
Not OCD.
Not Autism.

So, no, you are not right.

clearly your psychologists informed you that your depression may be a result of anger or OCD and/or Autism or something else, now you are truly grasping for breathe.


None of which you mentioned.

Of course, now you will make the illogical concept of linking them to three totally unrelated disorders and proclaim the logic behind it.

Regardless, we decimated enough of Bushido's awesome cosmo thread, so if you wish to continue this, start a new thread. If not, I win you lose. Everybody gets a cookie.

I got work to do.


I'm not trying to win anything simply pointing out what you posted ...and perhaps your psychologist and therapists aren't the best....all you have to do is look up the term "Autism Spectum Disorder/watching television upside down"

I don't need to look it up.

I know what it is.

However, to humor you, I did.

It repeatedly mention that you follow a routine of said action. Yet the times when I do it are very illogical and hold no true set pattern. Therefore, I would not be classified under it.

I have no other 'symptoms'.

So, therefore, your own words are now officially proving you wrong. is your reference.

Anything else?

..also it is referenced that kids with this show signs as early as 30 months, and also states it happens at young ages.

Do you consider 28 to be a child yet?

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:09 AM

Mental State?

Still, no.

That's an addiction, not a requirement.

You do NOT need any of those listed to SURVIVE.

Thus lies the major factoring difference.

lock yourself in a room with just food and water with no light ......then you will understand why "want" is "need" I'll understand why I really want other things.

I can survive for as long as my life can take on that which you mentioned.

I do not need anything else to survive, so long as air is getting into this room of darkness.

So, no, sorry, still you are not making a point.

and you saying that you can live without anything else but oxygen and food while typing on a computer that apparently you don't need ....clearly isn't making your point

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:15 AM

Mental State?

Still, no.

That's an addiction, not a requirement.

You do NOT need any of those listed to SURVIVE.

Thus lies the major factoring difference.

lock yourself in a room with just food and water with no light ......then you will understand why "want" is "need" I'll understand why I really want other things.

I can survive for as long as my life can take on that which you mentioned.

I do not need anything else to survive, so long as air is getting into this room of darkness.

So, no, sorry, still you are not making a point.

and you saying that you can live without anything else but oxygen and food while typing on a computer that apparently you don't need ....clearly isn't making your point

I can survive without anything else, yes. Precisely.


I want money.
I want a job to get money.
I want to work.




When are you going to get this?

This is 2nd grade stuff.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:19 AM
but anyway my aim was to show that you had a logical reason why you watched television upside down when you claim that you didn't

I engage you into debate because this would make you unknowingly reveal that logical reason as indicated in your post below

POSTED BY:Sin_and_Sorrow
I also know that watching TV upside gives you a head rush. I also know it can release the pressure of pain I get in my knee by changing the flowing of my own blood by transferring it the opposite direction. I also know that people in movie look hilarious upside down when they are serious. I also know it makes the news funnier and actually bearable to watch.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:22 AM

but anyway my aim was to show that you had a logical reason why you watched television upside down when you claim that you didn't

I engage you into debate because this would make you unknowingly reveal that logical reason as indicated in your post below

POSTED BY:Sin_and_Sorrow
I also know that watching TV upside gives you a head rush. I also know it can release the pressure of pain I get in my knee by changing the flowing of my own blood by transferring it the opposite direction. I also know that people in movie look hilarious upside down when they are serious. I also know it makes the news funnier and actually bearable to watch.

I know that' what you were aiming to do.
Sorry, you failed.

Those are other 'supposed' logical reasons.

Knowing something, doesn't mean I actually do it.

Ooooo, snap, you got played.

Try to outsmart me?

Those are just various things I discovered from doing; not why I originally started to do it.


Have a nice day.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:27 AM

but anyway my aim was to show that you had a logical reason why you watched television upside down when you claim that you didn't

I engage you into debate because this would make you unknowingly reveal that logical reason as indicated in your post below

POSTED BY:Sin_and_Sorrow
I also know that watching TV upside gives you a head rush. I also know it can release the pressure of pain I get in my knee by changing the flowing of my own blood by transferring it the opposite direction. I also know that people in movie look hilarious upside down when they are serious. I also know it makes the news funnier and actually bearable to watch.

I know that' what you were aiming to do.
Sorry, you failed.

Those are other 'supposed' logical reasons.

Knowing something, doesn't mean I actually do it.

Ooooo, snap, you got played.

Try to outsmart me?

Those are just various things I discovered from doing; not why I originally started to do it.


Have a nice day.

you stated that you do so to ease the pain in your knees you now consider that easing your pain isn't logical or a logical reason? wonder you are depress

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:38 AM

but anyway my aim was to show that you had a logical reason why you watched television upside down when you claim that you didn't

I engage you into debate because this would make you unknowingly reveal that logical reason as indicated in your post below

POSTED BY:Sin_and_Sorrow
I also know that watching TV upside gives you a head rush. I also know it can release the pressure of pain I get in my knee by changing the flowing of my own blood by transferring it the opposite direction. I also know that people in movie look hilarious upside down when they are serious. I also know it makes the news funnier and actually bearable to watch.

I know that' what you were aiming to do.
Sorry, you failed.

Those are other 'supposed' logical reasons.

Knowing something, doesn't mean I actually do it.

Ooooo, snap, you got played.

Try to outsmart me?

Those are just various things I discovered from doing; not why I originally started to do it.


Have a nice day.

you stated that you do so to ease the pain in your knees you now consider that easing your pain isn't logical or a logical reason? wonder you are depress where was that logic before the pain in my knees arose?

Knee issue is recent.

Upside, 3 years old.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:43 AM

but anyway my aim was to show that you had a logical reason why you watched television upside down when you claim that you didn't

I engage you into debate because this would make you unknowingly reveal that logical reason as indicated in your post below

POSTED BY:Sin_and_Sorrow
I also know that watching TV upside gives you a head rush. I also know it can release the pressure of pain I get in my knee by changing the flowing of my own blood by transferring it the opposite direction. I also know that people in movie look hilarious upside down when they are serious. I also know it makes the news funnier and actually bearable to watch.

I know that' what you were aiming to do.
Sorry, you failed.

Those are other 'supposed' logical reasons.

Knowing something, doesn't mean I actually do it.

Ooooo, snap, you got played.

Try to outsmart me?

Those are just various things I discovered from doing; not why I originally started to do it.


Have a nice day.

you stated that you do so to ease the pain in your knees you now consider that easing your pain isn't logical or a logical reason? wonder you are depress where was that logic before the pain in my knees arose?

Knee issue is recent.

Upside, 3 years old.

you had Autism Spectum Disorder...due to the effect the lights from the television had on your brain it would cause you to have the need to watch it upside down to compensate

it would also explain your depression

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:51 AM

but anyway my aim was to show that you had a logical reason why you watched television upside down when you claim that you didn't

I engage you into debate because this would make you unknowingly reveal that logical reason as indicated in your post below

POSTED BY:Sin_and_Sorrow
I also know that watching TV upside gives you a head rush. I also know it can release the pressure of pain I get in my knee by changing the flowing of my own blood by transferring it the opposite direction. I also know that people in movie look hilarious upside down when they are serious. I also know it makes the news funnier and actually bearable to watch.

I know that' what you were aiming to do.
Sorry, you failed.

Those are other 'supposed' logical reasons.

Knowing something, doesn't mean I actually do it.

Ooooo, snap, you got played.

Try to outsmart me?

Those are just various things I discovered from doing; not why I originally started to do it.


Have a nice day.

you stated that you do so to ease the pain in your knees you now consider that easing your pain isn't logical or a logical reason? wonder you are depress where was that logic before the pain in my knees arose?

Knee issue is recent.

Upside, 3 years old.

you had Autism Spectum Disorder...due to the effect the lights from the television had on your brain it would cause you to have the need to watch it upside down to compensate

it would also explain your depression

Now that is an even further stretch.

My depression began when I was 11.

If I did have it, and it did effect my brain; why in the smack would I only do it occasionally and not self-therapeutically?

..your desperate attempt to link an illogical action to logic is getting rather sad, just for the record.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:58 AM

1. Television.
2. Jewelry
3. Cars
4. Laptops
5. Matchbox Cars

1. Oxygen.
2. Water.
3. Food.

A want is something you want, but don't need in order to survive.

A need is the exact opposite.

oxygen, food and water, are the needs/requirements for survival for ones physical state, but the other things you mention under "wants" may be a requirement/need for ones mental state
That really glosses over the distinction of needs vs wants. Every want would be a need for a given mental state.

This is exactly what I was referring to earlier. If each snap shot brain state is its own reference, then all of the factors that lead to that snap shot are requisites for that snap shot.

Not really profound and I cant really see how it adds anything to speak to the needs of a the person as a whole.

So what happens to your brain state when you dont have that matchbox car . . . it will change to a different brain state, perhaps one that includes tapping a pen on the desk from boredom.

I just dont see the need to justify needs with the reference being flexible brain states. You have to take snap shots in order to use it as a reference and it ignores any transitional characteristics and it ignores the being as a whole in favor of a singular brain state.

.ie you really need to stick to the standard definitions of needs/wants the more you fuzzy up the picture with references individual snap shot brain states, you just toss away any usefulness the distinction between needs and wants and really gain nothing in exchange.

PS: this would be a great topic in its own thread about cognitive functions, but when it comes to the cosmo argument it really is way off topic.

Think differently, yes.
Perceive differently, yes.

However, without that car, TV, or toy..

You will not die.

That is the major, significant, difference between a want and a need.

One is a necessity.
One is not.

Tell you the truth..
I'm not even sure how we got this far off topic...
I agree, so if you misplace your reference, from the whole, to a singular brain state, then you can see what funches means.

However that is a mistake. It is comparing apples to oranges isn't it?

Needs reference survival of the being as a whole, not any given brain state. As if a brain states survival was meaningful to being with . . .

Wants reference brain states directly, not the being as a whole.

Apples meet Oranges.

does the Brain not control the body as a whole ...unless you are trying to claim that God lack consciousness...then I'm really don't see the point you are trying to make

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:03 AM

1. Television.
2. Jewelry
3. Cars
4. Laptops
5. Matchbox Cars

1. Oxygen.
2. Water.
3. Food.

A want is something you want, but don't need in order to survive.

A need is the exact opposite.

oxygen, food and water, are the needs/requirements for survival for ones physical state, but the other things you mention under "wants" may be a requirement/need for ones mental state
That really glosses over the distinction of needs vs wants. Every want would be a need for a given mental state.

This is exactly what I was referring to earlier. If each snap shot brain state is its own reference, then all of the factors that lead to that snap shot are requisites for that snap shot.

Not really profound and I cant really see how it adds anything to speak to the needs of a the person as a whole.

So what happens to your brain state when you dont have that matchbox car . . . it will change to a different brain state, perhaps one that includes tapping a pen on the desk from boredom.

I just dont see the need to justify needs with the reference being flexible brain states. You have to take snap shots in order to use it as a reference and it ignores any transitional characteristics and it ignores the being as a whole in favor of a singular brain state.

.ie you really need to stick to the standard definitions of needs/wants the more you fuzzy up the picture with references individual snap shot brain states, you just toss away any usefulness the distinction between needs and wants and really gain nothing in exchange.

PS: this would be a great topic in its own thread about cognitive functions, but when it comes to the cosmo argument it really is way off topic.

Think differently, yes.
Perceive differently, yes.

However, without that car, TV, or toy..

You will not die.

That is the major, significant, difference between a want and a need.

One is a necessity.
One is not.

Tell you the truth..
I'm not even sure how we got this far off topic...
I agree, so if you misplace your reference, from the whole, to a singular brain state, then you can see what funches means.

However that is a mistake. It is comparing apples to oranges isn't it?

Needs reference survival of the being as a whole, not any given brain state. As if a brain states survival was meaningful to being with . . .

Wants reference brain states directly, not the being as a whole.

Apples meet Oranges.

does the Brain not control the body as a whole ...unless you are trying to claim that God lack consciousness...then I'm really don't see the point you are trying to make far as I know you just brought into a conversation in which 3 people do not truly 'believe' in God.

Of course, I cannot speak on Bushido's behalf.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:03 AM

Now that is an even further stretch.

My depression began when I was 11.

If I did have it, and it did effect my brain; why in the smack would I only do it occasionally and not self-therapeutically?

..your desperate attempt to link an illogical action to logic is getting rather sad, just for the record.

you yourself just claimed that your depre4ssion "started" at age 11 ...depression do not just pop out of nothingness it is the end result of something else

so to keep in line with the topic....what would be "first cause" for your depression

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:07 AM

Now that is an even further stretch.

My depression began when I was 11.

If I did have it, and it did effect my brain; why in the smack would I only do it occasionally and not self-therapeutically?

..your desperate attempt to link an illogical action to logic is getting rather sad, just for the record.

you yourself just claimed that your depre4ssion "started" at age 11 ...depression do not just pop out of nothingness it is the end result of something else

so to keep in line with the topic....what would be "first cause" for your depression

..irrelevant as it may be.

Because it will still not justify that a need and a want are the same..

..and furthermore, I actually already stated why it began.


no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:11 AM far as I know you just brought into a conversation in which 3 people do not truly 'believe' in God.

Of course, I cannot speak on Bushido's behalf.

since the existence of the Universe is not in dispute by the religious nor the non-religious...then the cosmological argument can only be about the existence of God...

which is why the argument is actually an agnostic belief to spread their belief

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:16 AM

..irrelevant as it may be.

Because it will still not justify that a need and a want are the same..

..and furthermore, I actually already stated why it began.


did you... "want" or did you "need"... to go to psychologists and therapists?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:16 AM

..irrelevant as it may be.

Because it will still not justify that a need and a want are the same..

..and furthermore, I actually already stated why it began.


did you... "want" or did you "need"... to go to psychologists and therapists?

Definitely neither, lmao..

More like drug.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:20 AM

..irrelevant as it may be.

Because it will still not justify that a need and a want are the same..

..and furthermore, I actually already stated why it began.


did you... "want" or did you "need"... to go to psychologists and therapists?

Definitely neither, lmao..

More like drug.

ahhhh see how you are trying to deflect....

it's either want or need......pick one

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:25 AM
..why are you so insistent on linking my totally random action into logic and somehow going to link that to a need over a want?

Anyway you look at it, I won't accept your condition; because it will still not be classified as a need, but it will a want.


I'll tell you why I did it.


I don't know.

That's what you are aiming for.

One day, literally, I just decided to watch NCIS upside down.

That's it.

Just a random action with no logic or thinking involved.

I just did it.

Because I decided to.

Which ultimately leads us to where we begin.

He created the universe simply because he did.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:26 AM

..irrelevant as it may be.

Because it will still not justify that a need and a want are the same..

..and furthermore, I actually already stated why it began.


did you... "want" or did you "need"... to go to psychologists and therapists?

Definitely neither, lmao..

More like drug.

ahhhh see how you are trying to deflect....

it's either want or need......pick one


I was literally taken against my will...

I didn't want to go.
I didn't need to go.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 09:28 AM
Edited by funches on Wed 01/25/12 09:28 AM

..why are you so insistent on linking my totally random action into logic and somehow going to link that to a need over a want?

isn't that what your psychologists and therapists do? ...