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Topic: Cosmological Argument
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Tue 01/24/12 06:10 AM

..i think mankind will eventually come to realize that he nothing more than just another organism .. and that he exist merely because the conditions are right...smokin

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 06:16 AM

but then again that goes right back to my previous question

to give a logical reason why a supposedly perfect God that supposedly need for naught have a need to create? ...


Does that not count as a logical reason?

loneliness and/or boredom is vulnerability perhaps even depression

1: the religious will not admit that their omnipotent God is bored or vulnerable in any way
2: the non religious will claim a lonely or bored God has "need" and therefore is not a perfect God or a God
3: agnostics will claim that no one can prove whether Gods exist or not let along know if they are lonely or bored


Fine. Even as ludicrous as that sounds to me..

How about he created it..
..because he could.

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Tue 01/24/12 06:34 AM
Edited by funches on Tue 01/24/12 06:34 AM


Fine. Even as ludicrous as that sounds to me..

saying something is ludicrous is easy to do...but let see if you can explain why it's ludicrous

explain why loneliness is not vulnerability without sounding ludicrous...

How about he created it..
..because he could.

or course he could....but for "first cause" you need a logical reason "why" he would "

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 06:43 AM
First, you have to explain to me how loneliness is vulnerability.

Then I will make that attempt.

Because he could. <---That is the logical reason.

It's like the fabric of a 'hero'.

He didn't have to run into that burning building, but he did, because he could.

Ok, maybe a bad example..

..and my lack of sleep isn't helping me conjure up a good analogy..

Heck, maybe he just wanted to decorate his infinite black space..
..and somehow, in the mix, we just 'happened'.

no photo
Tue 01/24/12 07:21 AM

First, you have to explain to me how loneliness is vulnerability.

Then I will make that attempt.

ok sure my pleasure

loneliness is a state of mind when one feels inadequate and feel the "need" for that other than oneself to feel complete...which means that at that point in time one is in a state of vulnerability

ok...now it's your turn to "attempt" to explain why loneliness is not vulnerability ...or course without sounding ludicrous

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Tue 01/24/12 07:30 AM

Because he could. <---That is the logical reason.

It's like the fabric of a 'hero'.

He didn't have to run into that burning building, but he did, because he could.

Ok, maybe a bad example..

..and my lack of sleep isn't helping me conjure up a good analogy..

Heck, maybe he just wanted to decorate his infinite black space..
..and somehow, in the mix, we just 'happened'.

"could" only means one may have the ability to carry out a function...it doesn't provide a logical reason why they should

also that God accidently created The Universe would mean that he wasn't all knowing and therefore lack omniscience

a requirement to be a God is omniscience...it's in their Union's Contract

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 07:48 AM

First, you have to explain to me how loneliness is vulnerability.

Then I will make that attempt.

ok sure my pleasure

loneliness is a state of mind when one feels inadequate and feel the "need" for that other than oneself to feel complete...which means that at that point in time one is in a state of vulnerability

ok...now it's your turn to "attempt" to explain why loneliness is not vulnerability ...or course without sounding ludicrous

..but isn't that 'our' definition of loneliness?

I mean.. Hmm.. how to put it.

Well.. take me for example.

I'm lonely.

Yet at the same time; I do not need someone around me, but the idea itself won't deter me from associating with someone else.

For example..

I have ALL this immense power. Yet no one can see my prowess.

Maybe I'll create someone to lay witness to my power.

That's 'lonely' yet not 'vulnerable' and there is no 'need' but more just of a desire to express my desire to show others what I am capable of.

I mean, come on, you are the only being in a massively expansive nothingness.. If I was a God.. I'd create someone both because I could and because I had the simple desire to.


Well, more of a question.

Why, from a religious stand point, is a God not allowed to be bored nor vulnerable?

Why, from a non-religious stand point, does a 'need' make a God not-so-much because he has a 'need'?

Why, from an agnostic stand point, must they swear up and down that we could just be the cause of a series of coincidences over and over again that created us?

If God has vulnerability, it further explains why we all have so many different varieties of them. Why must he be that perfect ?

If God has no need how does that even make sense he is no longer God just because he can want, need, or desire something? Again.. makes no sense.

Agnostic.. is just one of the most dumbest things I've heard. It's just a coincidence that we are just the perfect range from the sun for life to flourish. Seriously? That means your life has no purpose it means nothing and those who believe this should just jump off a bridge because you aren't supposed to exist to begin with. So why even carry on?

I mean, we define God as: "The creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority."

Where in the definition of God does it actually state that he is never, not once, permitted to be 'vulnerable'? That he is not permitted to be bored? That he is not allowed to want, need, or desire anything.

That is what I actually meant by saying it's ludicrous.

I don't know if I believe that needing something, wanting something, or feeling bored or showing vulnerability is in, anyway, considered 'wrong'.


What sense does any of that even make?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 07:55 AM

Because he could. <---That is the logical reason.

It's like the fabric of a 'hero'.

He didn't have to run into that burning building, but he did, because he could.

Ok, maybe a bad example..

..and my lack of sleep isn't helping me conjure up a good analogy..

Heck, maybe he just wanted to decorate his infinite black space..
..and somehow, in the mix, we just 'happened'.

"could" only means one may have the ability to carry out a function...it doesn't provide a logical reason why they should

also that God accidently created The Universe would mean that he wasn't all knowing and therefore lack omniscience

a requirement to be a God is omniscience...it's in their Union's Contract

lmao.. Union Contract.

He could.
He did.
He doesn't need a reason.
He wouldn't have to answer to anyone.

..maybe that's your answer.

Maybe he made the universe and thought it was pretty.
Knew this planet would grow life on it and let it happen anyway.

Originally (Adam Eve days) he tried to change us from our destinated path, which he foresaw, but we wouldn't budge and still repeated what our destinies were supposed to be. Just said eff you's then. I gave you life. Gave you a chance to save yourselves from disaster, and you spit in my face.. so.. find out the hard way.

no photo
Tue 01/24/12 08:05 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 01/24/12 08:05 AM
I think trying to get into the psychology of a potential god is kinda taking this way to far.

The cosmological argument is much thinner.

no photo
Tue 01/24/12 08:06 AM

..but isn't that 'our' definition of loneliness?

I mean.. Hmm.. how to put it.

Well.. take me for example.

I'm lonely.

Yet at the same time; I do not need someone around me, but the idea itself won't deter me from associating with someone else.

claiming that you are lonely then at the same time claiming that you don't need someone around you...is clearly a contradiction ...and...er...perhaps ...ludicrous?

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 08:37 AM

..but isn't that 'our' definition of loneliness?

I mean.. Hmm.. how to put it.

Well.. take me for example.

I'm lonely.

Yet at the same time; I do not need someone around me, but the idea itself won't deter me from associating with someone else.

claiming that you are lonely then at the same time claiming that you don't need someone around you...is clearly a contradiction ...and...er...perhaps ...ludicrous?


no photo
Tue 01/24/12 08:55 AM

..but isn't that 'our' definition of loneliness?

I mean.. Hmm.. how to put it.

Well.. take me for example.

I'm lonely.

Yet at the same time; I do not need someone around me, but the idea itself won't deter me from associating with someone else.

claiming that you are lonely then at the same time claiming that you don't need someone around you...is clearly a contradiction ...and...er...perhaps ...ludicrous?



you claim that you are lonely but yet also claim that you do need anyone around you......wouldn't that be a clue why you are lonely

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 09:05 AM
Edited by Sin_and_Sorrow on Tue 01/24/12 09:47 AM

..but isn't that 'our' definition of loneliness?

I mean.. Hmm.. how to put it.

Well.. take me for example.

I'm lonely.

Yet at the same time; I do not need someone around me, but the idea itself won't deter me from associating with someone else.

claiming that you are lonely then at the same time claiming that you don't need someone around you...is clearly a contradiction ...and...er...perhaps ...ludicrous?



you claim that you are lonely but yet also claim that you do need anyone around you......wouldn't that be a clue why you are lonely


That's the answer you should expect when you only respond to 1/15th of what I wrote.


Never heard the term: "I'm happy in my loneliness."

Well, obviously not..

You are relating loneliness to a physical being.
Thus, the 'need' for the presence of another.

I am lonely. Yet I do not want someone around me.

From someone who takes the stand point of three totally illogical stand points, I figured you'd grasp this idea.

To believe anyone, even a God, is absolutely 100% perfect 100% of the time; is illogical.

To believe we were created by mere chance; is sad and illogical.

To believe that a God would never have a 'need' or 'desire' is illogical.

All which is just like saying, 'He created the universe because he had to have a logical reason to do so' is illogical in itself.

You don't 'need' a reason to do anything.
Just like a 'God' doesn't need a reason to do what he does or doesn't do.

Sometimes, you can just want to.
Sometimes, you just do it.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 09:06 AM

I think trying to get into the psychology of a potential god is kinda taking this way to far.

The cosmological argument is much thinner.

...too thin apparently, lol.

We love it complicated and complex. >:]

no photo
Tue 01/24/12 11:04 AM

I think trying to get into the psychology of a potential god is kinda taking this way to far.

The cosmological argument is much thinner.

not really...The Cosmological Argument asks for proof of cause by something that has no proof of existence ...

no proof of existence is the very reason why one has to venture into the psychology as to why a God with no needs is being accuse of having needs

no photo
Tue 01/24/12 11:06 AM

I am lonely. Yet I do not want someone around me.

if this was True of God then he would have no "need" to create the Universe

no photo
Tue 01/24/12 11:38 AM
Edited by funches on Tue 01/24/12 11:38 AM

You don't 'need' a reason to do anything.
Just like a 'God' doesn't need a reason to do what he does or doesn't do.

Sometimes, you can just want to.
Sometimes, you just do it.

can you name some of the things that you do without a logical reason?

and then let's see if they do indeed have a logical reason (need) behind them

no photo
Tue 01/24/12 01:34 PM

I think trying to get into the psychology of a potential god is kinda taking this way to far.

The cosmological argument is much thinner.

not really...The Cosmological Argument asks for proof of cause by something that has no proof of existence ...

no proof of existence is the very reason why one has to venture into the psychology as to why a God with no needs is being accuse of having needs

I agree with the first part, but not the second. No need to get into the psychology of a being that no evidence exists to support the existence of . . .

The argument really hinges on the original premise. That all things that begin to exist have a cause.

Causation under condition such as the big bang, or the realm of quantum mechanics is anything but intuitive, and trying to claim that all things must fall under our common sense notions of causation, or even any causation is hand waving.

Which is why the argument is not a good one.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 03:41 PM

I am lonely. Yet I do not want someone around me.

if this was True of God then he would have no "need" to create the Universe

Exactly! he wanted to.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 03:46 PM

You don't 'need' a reason to do anything.
Just like a 'God' doesn't need a reason to do what he does or doesn't do.

Sometimes, you can just want to.
Sometimes, you just do it.

can you name some of the things that you do without a logical reason?

and then let's see if they do indeed have a logical reason (need) behind them

Kick my cat off the bed some of the time.
Run around my block some of the time.
Randomly blurt things out in public.
Throw quarters at a dixie cup.
Watch tv upside down.
Do a Hawaii Five-0 slide across my mom's car when she parks i n the driveway.
Eat cereal with a fork over a spoon.
Collect bottle caps and then throw them away after never having used them for anything.
Eat the frosting out of all the Oreo's then eat the chocolate cookie part.

I could go on for hours..

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