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Topic: What is wrong with being Gay?
Arthurity's photo
Tue 11/01/11 02:22 PM

I'm not at all afraid -- If I'm not mistaken, I'm the only one here who's still somewhat calm and collected without issuing direct attacks on people. I won't say anything about the brain's evolution -- that's true.

All I can say is about why people keep switching their labels. There's a lot to be said about social constructs and rules that people (subconsciously) feel they need to follow. Deep rooted fears of disappointing certain figures, or being abandoned by them are major examples of this. I for example first fought this attraction to men because it was out of the ordinary, and I've already had enough experiences by then to feel somewhat afraid of being unwanted.
Then settled with bisexual for a while, and relapsed to straight again. However I seemed unable to really want a sexual relationship with women (even if I can care for them as much as for men). After a few lifechanging steps I finally stepped up and am an out-of-closet gay.
It's the same for gay men. A lot of them have deeprooted fears or hatred towards women, and for reasons in the past, can't bear being cose to them (imagine having a lousy mother, or women around you always lashing out and hurting you).

The list goes on. Do not think it is easy for anyone on this world to truly be themselves. Most aren't and are controlled largely by set rules and ideas to make their decisions for them.

your last sentence said it best... their are alot of people like me, and a lot of people like you...don't hit on straight people, and i'll never hit a gay...

Actually that's very tricky. You can't tell who's gay or not by just looking at them. Most of the time (yes, even if some people claim to have an innate gaydar). If you get hit on by a man don't take it personal ;) take it as a compliment since it takes most men a lot o courage to walk up to a fellow man and do it, so if that's ever happens you must've had something shiny going on. You can just kindly decline and say you don't swing that way.

lol...if it were only so easy... no means no...sometimes you have to get nasty with some, just like women have to do with some/most men...

Wow, guess I'm a bit naive then (or that dude just really hasn't gotten any for too long a time...). Well there's kinds of everyone, would be boring otherwise. Just hope you didn't get your image ruined. I swear we're not all horndogs *waves*

lol, i know your not all horndogs... but working between 3 gays bars at 2 in the morning pretty much ruined it for me... drunks are drunks, no matter the orientation...

Awwws, that's torture sometimes o.o I'm a bartender at this cozy restaurant/cafe and even then it's already hectic at times. Hard to imagine what you're going through sometimes XD

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 02:24 PM

I'm not at all afraid -- If I'm not mistaken, I'm the only one here who's still somewhat calm and collected without issuing direct attacks on people. I won't say anything about the brain's evolution -- that's true.

All I can say is about why people keep switching their labels. There's a lot to be said about social constructs and rules that people (subconsciously) feel they need to follow. Deep rooted fears of disappointing certain figures, or being abandoned by them are major examples of this. I for example first fought this attraction to men because it was out of the ordinary, and I've already had enough experiences by then to feel somewhat afraid of being unwanted.
Then settled with bisexual for a while, and relapsed to straight again. However I seemed unable to really want a sexual relationship with women (even if I can care for them as much as for men). After a few lifechanging steps I finally stepped up and am an out-of-closet gay.
It's the same for gay men. A lot of them have deeprooted fears or hatred towards women, and for reasons in the past, can't bear being cose to them (imagine having a lousy mother, or women around you always lashing out and hurting you).

The list goes on. Do not think it is easy for anyone on this world to truly be themselves. Most aren't and are controlled largely by set rules and ideas to make their decisions for them.

your last sentence said it best... their are alot of people like me, and a lot of people like you...don't hit on straight people, and i'll never hit a gay...

Actually that's very tricky. You can't tell who's gay or not by just looking at them. Most of the time (yes, even if some people claim to have an innate gaydar). If you get hit on by a man don't take it personal ;) take it as a compliment since it takes most men a lot o courage to walk up to a fellow man and do it, so if that's ever happens you must've had something shiny going on. You can just kindly decline and say you don't swing that way.

It's happened to me twice. The first time I was young and dumb and really didn't know how to handle it. The second time I was older and wiser and just took it in stride. Considered it a compliment because I really liked and respected the woman.:smile: We are still good friends. Does that mean I am evolving Harmony?:laughing:

Yes, yes it does.

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 02:25 PM

I'm not at all afraid -- If I'm not mistaken, I'm the only one here who's still somewhat calm and collected without issuing direct attacks on people. I won't say anything about the brain's evolution -- that's true.

All I can say is about why people keep switching their labels. There's a lot to be said about social constructs and rules that people (subconsciously) feel they need to follow. Deep rooted fears of disappointing certain figures, or being abandoned by them are major examples of this. I for example first fought this attraction to men because it was out of the ordinary, and I've already had enough experiences by then to feel somewhat afraid of being unwanted.
Then settled with bisexual for a while, and relapsed to straight again. However I seemed unable to really want a sexual relationship with women (even if I can care for them as much as for men). After a few lifechanging steps I finally stepped up and am an out-of-closet gay.
It's the same for gay men. A lot of them have deeprooted fears or hatred towards women, and for reasons in the past, can't bear being cose to them (imagine having a lousy mother, or women around you always lashing out and hurting you).

The list goes on. Do not think it is easy for anyone on this world to truly be themselves. Most aren't and are controlled largely by set rules and ideas to make their decisions for them.

your last sentence said it best... their are alot of people like me, and a lot of people like you...don't hit on straight people, and i'll never hit a gay...

Actually that's very tricky. You can't tell who's gay or not by just looking at them. Most of the time (yes, even if some people claim to have an innate gaydar). If you get hit on by a man don't take it personal ;) take it as a compliment since it takes most men a lot o courage to walk up to a fellow man and do it, so if that's ever happens you must've had something shiny going on. You can just kindly decline and say you don't swing that way.

It's happened to me twice. The first time I was young and dumb and really didn't know how to handle it. The second time I was older and wiser and just took it in stride. Considered it a compliment because I really liked and respected the woman.:smile: We are still good friends. Does that mean I am evolving Harmony?:laughing:

Yes, yes it does.

Thanks, that what I think too!flowers


Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Tue 11/01/11 02:52 PM
Nobody is gonna be sent to hell for being gay. If someone has a problem with you being gay, maybe they need to take it out on a punchbag. I don't understand why some are against it. So, we have to accept each others skin colour, religion, yet we're allowed to put gay people down? How hypocritical. I'd rather not spend any time with bullies like that. Afterall, we're not in Africa, so it isn't illegal. Explain why someone is gay from the start of being born, if you're so clever? laugh Come on then, know it all. Tell us. :P laugh

navygirl's photo
Tue 11/01/11 02:53 PM

Does it really matter where you find happiness and satisfaction? Same sex relationships or heterosexual relationships?

Nope, it doesn't matter where you find happiness; just as long as you find it. flowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 11/01/11 02:58 PM

Does it really matter where you find happiness and satisfaction? Same sex relationships or heterosexual relationships?

It didn't matter during the 'gay nineties'. I guess it depends upon who 'you' are. It used to be that some people were 'gay' and weren't homosexual. Then there was this rolling stone who couldn't find any satisfaction. If you take into consideration that a rolling stone gathers no moss then can one have happiness without satisfaction? I used to live in Moss Point, Mississippi so you can see why this is important to me. For some in a heterosexual relationship same sex relationships can become boring. In other words, one can cop the attitude of this is the same sex we had yesterday and not be as happy or satisfied than they originally were. But if you consider that the most moss always grows on the north side in a forest one can find their way. I think the real question is whether you like a little moss or a lot of moss.:smile:

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 03:19 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

its not even that deep, if everyone was female we would die out too.

Its just that the parts were made to compliment each other sexually, the male and female parts

that is why the other are usually called 'alternative' because they arent in line with the NATURAL biology of the species...

not to mention the heightened risks of sodomy and how it trickles down to the rest of society,,,

i just consider it bad morals, not to mention bad judgement...

I agree with the bad judgment, as to morals, I think there is some of that and I think there is also alot of confusion in a society making wrong into right and right into wrong

it FEELS right, so it must BE right,,,thats the moral standard we promote,, and children are learning early on,, so how can we flaw when they grow into adults whose actions and words reflect what 'feels' right to them...

to some people, it feels "right" to cut themselves with razors... they get locked up for that, but they still say it is right...

You're comparing that to being gay? Really?

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 03:19 PM

There is nothing wrong with being gay.
says you... everyone has an opinion, and everyone's isn't necessarily right...

Just because you don't like gay people doesn't mean it's wrong for them to be gay.

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 03:20 PM

I'm not at all afraid -- If I'm not mistaken, I'm the only one here who's still somewhat calm and collected without issuing direct attacks on people. I won't say anything about the brain's evolution -- that's true.

All I can say is about why people keep switching their labels. There's a lot to be said about social constructs and rules that people (subconsciously) feel they need to follow. Deep rooted fears of disappointing certain figures, or being abandoned by them are major examples of this. I for example first fought this attraction to men because it was out of the ordinary, and I've already had enough experiences by then to feel somewhat afraid of being unwanted.
Then settled with bisexual for a while, and relapsed to straight again. However I seemed unable to really want a sexual relationship with women (even if I can care for them as much as for men). After a few lifechanging steps I finally stepped up and am an out-of-closet gay.
It's the same for gay men. A lot of them have deeprooted fears or hatred towards women, and for reasons in the past, can't bear being cose to them (imagine having a lousy mother, or women around you always lashing out and hurting you).

The list goes on. Do not think it is easy for anyone on this world to truly be themselves. Most aren't and are controlled largely by set rules and ideas to make their decisions for them.

your last sentence said it best... their are alot of people like me, and a lot of people like you...don't hit on straight people, and i'll never hit a gay...

Are you able to tell by looking at someone if they're gay or straight 100% of the time?

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 03:24 PM

Nobody is gonna be sent to hell for being gay. If someone has a problem with you being gay, maybe they need to take it out on a punchbag. I don't understand why some are against it. So, we have to accept each others skin colour, religion, yet we're allowed to put gay people down? How hypocritical. I'd rather not spend any time with bullies like that. Afterall, we're not in Africa, so it isn't illegal. Explain why someone is gay from the start of being born, if you're so clever? laugh Come on then, know it all. Tell us. :P laugh

Who knows for sure what will send us to hell, I cant even tell ya what sends people to jail,, as many people break 'laws' but never see 'punishment' or justice

thats really not the issue though

permanent and natural skin color is PURELY BIOLOGICAL, its not affected by nurture or nature, but merely by genetics

religion is a matter of choice, and it is a belief system, we dont have to agree with anyone elses religion to accept their right to it

religious people are 'put down' all the time for how their beliefs are viewed (as in this very thread), so it is apparently 'allowed' in the course of discussing opinions

I would not condone putting people down or bullying people, both those are activities we have a CHOICE in and I dont condone them in any way

likewise, a LIFESTYLE is a choice and I dont condone or approve of all lifestyles,, this is different though from bullying or putting people down on any personal level..

wux's photo
Tue 11/01/11 03:35 PM

And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

Plenty other things have no explanations:

1. The trilobite population explosion in the early peocene era.
2. Earthworms singing old Bee Gees tunes like "Massachussetts" on full moon.
3. George Bush having got reelected.
4. The gap between GAP and GOP -- and it is widening.

This is just the icy tip of the mountain of inexplicable things.

Homosexual love is God made, if you believe in God. Since everything is God-made. There is nothing on earth that God did not make, I should believe you should believe. So why did He make homosexual love? There is an easy explanation: Because we don't know what His reason was.

So keep saying that homosexual love is crazy, but keep remembering that God made it, and then re-examine the issue and re-evaluate your ideas, and re-align your position with the Creator in mind.

wux's photo
Tue 11/01/11 03:41 PM

...scussing opinions

I would not condone putting people down or bullying people, both those are activities we have a...

I fully agree with you.

Unless Aunt Madge has dysentry, and little Johnny broke his leg; or else there is a general mouth-and-foot-odour epidemic. In those instances, putting people down is actually humanitarian.

navygirl's photo
Tue 11/01/11 03:41 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

Maybe our species should die out if we are going around being so judgemental. What right do we have to survive as species when we go our attacking others because of their sexual preference? We truly are a disgusting race. :angry:

Optomistic69's photo
Tue 11/01/11 04:41 PM
Nothing wrong with being Gay. Not many on Mingle for some reason given that one in four are supposed to be gay.....Just wondering

ybcat1's photo
Tue 11/01/11 10:28 PM

Does it really matter where you find happiness and satisfaction? Same sex relationships or heterosexual relationships?

It matters to me. I am a straight woman. Even if a gay woman found me attractive I just couldn't go there.

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 11/01/11 10:57 PM
There is nothing wrong with being happy.happy I get happy a lot.:smile:

joy4gud's photo
Wed 11/02/11 04:09 AM

Does it really matter where you find happiness and satisfaction? Same sex relationships or heterosexual relationships?

Absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, it is no different than being hetero or bi.

Welcome to the site.

yes! There is nothing wrong, it's just a bad habit like smoking. happy

joy4gud's photo
Wed 11/02/11 04:36 AM

You're looping in your explanations.. They don't really make much sense. People are born gay, straight or anything in between or outside of it. It's been scientifically proven. If you are so strongly religious you should see that it is God who shaped us this way.

Calling it a bad habit is just calling it something 'wrong', which is no different from calling it bad. On top of that, it suggests that it is something you 'learn' doing and can quit doing like smoking. You can hide it, but you'd only be lying to yourself.

And if God really is non-judgemental, then you shouldn't be either, but I have ym doubts about your God's view as you keep saying judgemental things.

That said, I guess the original poster got his/her answer... People dislike it because of what they're taught in their society. Not that it has to make sense. That means though, that you can realise they're way off and hope that they talk more sense in the next generation. Just enjoy yourself and be yourself, and nobody can do you any harm.

no man is born gay, b'cos a man and woman can not have sex and gave birth to man atrect man, period!
Scientist, are human which are good in definding with they like,
besides, scientists are the most confused people.

Every time the question "is gay wrong" comes up there is always somebody citing "their" religious beliefs as proof that it is wrong! Give me a break Joy, it's not a religious question, it's a moral question! If the OP is comfortable with her sexual preference then , for her, it is right.....

What is wrong, IMO, is when someone, anyone, measure another by what they believe is right or wrong.....Live and let live!

Not even Preference!
It's Hardwired!
You'll destroy the Computer if you try to change it!
Nothing to do with Ethics,Morality or Religion!

AND FURTHERMORE!:laughing: Science HAS established homosexuality is neither an illness or a disability.. Mental health professionals HAVE established that homosexuality is NOT harmful, NOT undesirable, and DOES NOT require intervention!
No one, repeat no one has the right to judge another...Conrad is absolutely right, it is hardwired. Even if you insist on going with preference Joy, you don't have a right to judge, read your bible....

i may not have the right to judge, (though iam judging anyone) but i have the right to correct bad habit.... oops

no photo
Wed 11/02/11 04:46 AM

You're looping in your explanations.. They don't really make much sense. People are born gay, straight or anything in between or outside of it. It's been scientifically proven. If you are so strongly religious you should see that it is God who shaped us this way.

Calling it a bad habit is just calling it something 'wrong', which is no different from calling it bad. On top of that, it suggests that it is something you 'learn' doing and can quit doing like smoking. You can hide it, but you'd only be lying to yourself.

And if God really is non-judgemental, then you shouldn't be either, but I have ym doubts about your God's view as you keep saying judgemental things.

That said, I guess the original poster got his/her answer... People dislike it because of what they're taught in their society. Not that it has to make sense. That means though, that you can realise they're way off and hope that they talk more sense in the next generation. Just enjoy yourself and be yourself, and nobody can do you any harm.

no man is born gay, b'cos a man and woman can not have sex and gave birth to man atrect man, period!
Scientist, are human which are good in definding with they like,
besides, scientists are the most confused people.

Every time the question "is gay wrong" comes up there is always somebody citing "their" religious beliefs as proof that it is wrong! Give me a break Joy, it's not a religious question, it's a moral question! If the OP is comfortable with her sexual preference then , for her, it is right.....

What is wrong, IMO, is when someone, anyone, measure another by what they believe is right or wrong.....Live and let live!

Not even Preference!
It's Hardwired!
You'll destroy the Computer if you try to change it!
Nothing to do with Ethics,Morality or Religion!

AND FURTHERMORE!:laughing: Science HAS established homosexuality is neither an illness or a disability.. Mental health professionals HAVE established that homosexuality is NOT harmful, NOT undesirable, and DOES NOT require intervention!
No one, repeat no one has the right to judge another...Conrad is absolutely right, it is hardwired. Even if you insist on going with preference Joy, you don't have a right to judge, read your bible....

i may not have the right to judge, (though iam judging anyone) but i have the right to correct bad habit.... oops

You have the right to correct "YOUR" bad habit(s)...

Udemesco's photo
Wed 11/02/11 04:52 AM

God loves us all with no stipulations of who or what we are,Love is Love no matter how U slice it,although some people have a warped perception of a vengeful God!!flowerforyou

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