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Topic: What is wrong with being Gay?
msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 12:37 PM

God loves us all with no stipulations of who or what we are,Love is Love no matter how U slice it,although some people have a warped perception of a vengeful God!!flowerforyou

if you believe in God, then also believe in the perfect work of Creation,
God made Man and Woman, and that is perfect. :heart:
God made love and THAT is perfect!!!!And true love is what God wants us to live by, no matter with the opposite sex or the same Sex!!Its always amazing to me the people that point out the Bible preaches love and then turn around and say EXCEPT for.....(U can fill in the blank cause they have so many things they can twist his message).Sunsets and surises are perfect, Humans not so much!!!

but sex and love are not the same thing mikey, we can love children and siblings and everyone under the sun,, not the same as sleeping with them all though,,,

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 12:40 PM

You're looping in your explanations.. They don't really make much sense. People are born gay, straight or anything in between or outside of it. It's been scientifically proven. If you are so strongly religious you should see that it is God who shaped us this way.

Calling it a bad habit is just calling it something 'wrong', which is no different from calling it bad. On top of that, it suggests that it is something you 'learn' doing and can quit doing like smoking. You can hide it, but you'd only be lying to yourself.

And if God really is non-judgemental, then you shouldn't be either, but I have ym doubts about your God's view as you keep saying judgemental things.

That said, I guess the original poster got his/her answer... People dislike it because of what they're taught in their society. Not that it has to make sense. That means though, that you can realise they're way off and hope that they talk more sense in the next generation. Just enjoy yourself and be yourself, and nobody can do you any harm.

the 'born gay' theory has not been proven, its just one 'theory' of many,,,

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 12:41 PM
Bad or no bad, habit or no habit..my advice is don't go for what will shorten ur life or kill you.

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 12:47 PM

so I guess one of my dear friends that just happens to be a proud lesbian that served her country in Iraq and now works with special children (Autistic and downs syndrome)and donattes her spare time at a homeless shelter is NOT as good as an alcholic, abusive father that just happens to be a practicing Catholic in Gods eyes? that aint my God my dear, who in the Lords name would chose to be Gay with Judgemental hypocrites like U that claim U know the Lord and what he believes? give me my friend Sara anyday!!!

No. And this is one of the many confusing and sad things about the cultures insistance that we not have opinions (judgements) about what people do. The very notion that we should be 'defined' by what we feel or do in any given moment or collection of moments. If I say bisexual is what I am, and then someone says its a 'bad habit', its followed that they are saying I am 'wrong' or a 'bad person.'

If I say, more accurately, I have bisexual FEELINGS, than someone could say such feelings are not healthy and the 'attack' would not be seen against me personally. But our society says we must be defined by 'sexual preference' and we accept it. We are whatever our sexual preference is,,, as if humans have anything about them that cannot adapt and change as their environment or their conscious sees fit to.

To answer the question though, No, your lesbian friend is not better OR worse than anyone else who falls short,, that means all of us. She just isnt perfect either. None of us are. That is how the concept of us all being sinners, or for the non religious, all being imperfect comes in. Its much more loving (IMHO) than the judgemental society that would kill some for their crimes and let other starve for their weaknesses. It makes us all equally imperfect and equally capable of living each day to learn and grow into better versions of ourself.

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 12:48 PM
Been a gay is very wrong, cause God created women for a man when he discovered he was alone..so a man is main for a woman and not a man for a man...

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 12:58 PM

I'm Gay! Well I'm not gay, gay, but I'm happy gay.

Wait a minute, I'm not a happy gay either. Ok, how do I say this?

I'm happy! I'm not gay, but I'm happy. No no I got this all wrong.

Lets start again. I'm Gay!

No your not gay Michael, your happy!

Now I'm confused! Are you happy or gay?

I'm gappy!

Oh, why did they have to call it gay? Does this mean because I don't like boys I can't be happy?

Michael, you have it all wrong. You can like boys and not be gay.

But I don't like boys. Well I mean I like boys but I'm not gay.

What, your not happy? No, I'm not gay! I mean yes, I'm happy.

Oh, so your gay?

Here we go again!

I'm not gay, I'm happy!

Oh, so gays can't be happy?

No, I mean yes they can be happy but I'm not.

So, your not happy?

No, I'm not gay!

I mean yes, I'm gay, happy!

Can't we go back to talking football?

Gay football? No, happy football!

Oh, what's the use.
but, butt...I thought you liked me :cry:

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 12:59 PM

You're looping in your explanations.. They don't really make much sense. People are born gay, straight or anything in between or outside of it. It's been scientifically proven. If you are so strongly religious you should see that it is God who shaped us this way.

Calling it a bad habit is just calling it something 'wrong', which is no different from calling it bad. On top of that, it suggests that it is something you 'learn' doing and can quit doing like smoking. You can hide it, but you'd only be lying to yourself.

And if God really is non-judgemental, then you shouldn't be either, but I have ym doubts about your God's view as you keep saying judgemental things.

That said, I guess the original poster got his/her answer... People dislike it because of what they're taught in their society. Not that it has to make sense. That means though, that you can realise they're way off and hope that they talk more sense in the next generation. Just enjoy yourself and be yourself, and nobody can do you any harm.

no man is born gay, b'cos a man and woman can not have sex and gave birth to man atrect man, period!
Scientist, are human which are good in definding with they like,
besides, scientists are the most confused people.

Every time the question "is gay wrong" comes up there is always somebody citing "their" religious beliefs as proof that it is wrong! Give me a break Joy, it's not a religious question, it's a moral question! If the OP is comfortable with her sexual preference then , for her, it is right.....

What is wrong, IMO, is when someone, anyone, measure another by what they believe is right or wrong.....Live and let live!

Not even Preference!
It's Hardwired!
You'll destroy the Computer if you try to change it!
Nothing to do with Ethics,Morality or Religion!

AND FURTHERMORE!:laughing: Science HAS established homosexuality is neither an illness or a disability.. Mental health professionals HAVE established that homosexuality is NOT harmful, NOT undesirable, and DOES NOT require intervention!
No one, repeat no one has the right to judge another...Conrad is absolutely right, it is hardwired. Even if you insist on going with preference Joy, you don't have a right to judge, read your bible....

This is so wrong. Science hasnt established anything about illness or disability. That is the job of medical professionals. Mental health professionals have also not established anything about homosexuality. IN fact, they originally classed it as an illness until politics and lobbying forced them to remove it because they couldnt PROVE that it was an illness (not because they had proven it wasnt).

And we all have to judge. That is how we make our own decisions about right and wrong. We are just not to be hypocrites that condemn others for things we are ourself guilty of but not willing to be condemned for. We judge the health and logic of actions and words so we can make decisions about how to proceed in our own.

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:16 PM

You're looping in your explanations.. They don't really make much sense. People are born gay, straight or anything in between or outside of it. It's been scientifically proven. If you are so strongly religious you should see that it is God who shaped us this way.

Calling it a bad habit is just calling it something 'wrong', which is no different from calling it bad. On top of that, it suggests that it is something you 'learn' doing and can quit doing like smoking. You can hide it, but you'd only be lying to yourself.

And if God really is non-judgemental, then you shouldn't be either, but I have ym doubts about your God's view as you keep saying judgemental things.

That said, I guess the original poster got his/her answer... People dislike it because of what they're taught in their society. Not that it has to make sense. That means though, that you can realise they're way off and hope that they talk more sense in the next generation. Just enjoy yourself and be yourself, and nobody can do you any harm.

no man is born gay, b'cos a man and woman can not have sex and gave birth to man atrect man, period!
Scientist, are human which are good in definding with they like,
besides, scientists are the most confused people.

Every time the question "is gay wrong" comes up there is always somebody citing "their" religious beliefs as proof that it is wrong! Give me a break Joy, it's not a religious question, it's a moral question! If the OP is comfortable with her sexual preference then , for her, it is right.....

What is wrong, IMO, is when someone, anyone, measure another by what they believe is right or wrong.....Live and let live!

Not even Preference!
It's Hardwired!
You'll destroy the Computer if you try to change it!
Nothing to do with Ethics,Morality or Religion!

AND FURTHERMORE!:laughing: Science HAS established homosexuality is neither an illness or a disability.. Mental health professionals HAVE established that homosexuality is NOT harmful, NOT undesirable, and DOES NOT require intervention!
No one, repeat no one has the right to judge another...Conrad is absolutely right, it is hardwired. Even if you insist on going with preference Joy, you don't have a right to judge, read your bible....

This is so wrong. Science hasnt established anything about illness or disability. That is the job of medical professionals. Mental health professionals have also not established anything about homosexuality. IN fact, they originally classed it as an illness until politics and lobbying forced them to remove it because they couldnt PROVE that it was an illness (not because they had proven it wasnt).

And we all have to judge. That is how we make our own decisions about right and wrong. We are just not to be hypocrites that condemn others for things we are ourself guilty of but not willing to be condemned for. We judge the health and logic of actions and words so we can make decisions about how to proceed in our own.

To each his or her own Harmony...I stand by my post...Judge on sugar!

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:28 PM
most of us do (stand by our posts)

if there isnt significant reason presented for us to do otherwise,,,

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:28 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:30 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

its not even that deep, if everyone was female we would die out too.

Its just that the parts were made to compliment each other sexually, the male and female parts

that is why the other are usually called 'alternative' because they arent in line with the NATURAL biology of the species...

not to mention the heightened risks of sodomy and how it trickles down to the rest of society,,,

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:30 PM

You're looping in your explanations.. They don't really make much sense. People are born gay, straight or anything in between or outside of it. It's been scientifically proven. If you are so strongly religious you should see that it is God who shaped us this way.

Calling it a bad habit is just calling it something 'wrong', which is no different from calling it bad. On top of that, it suggests that it is something you 'learn' doing and can quit doing like smoking. You can hide it, but you'd only be lying to yourself.

And if God really is non-judgemental, then you shouldn't be either, but I have ym doubts about your God's view as you keep saying judgemental things.

That said, I guess the original poster got his/her answer... People dislike it because of what they're taught in their society. Not that it has to make sense. That means though, that you can realise they're way off and hope that they talk more sense in the next generation. Just enjoy yourself and be yourself, and nobody can do you any harm.

no man is born gay, b'cos a man and woman can not have sex and gave birth to man atrect man, period!
Scientist, are human which are good in definding with they like,
besides, scientists are the most confused people.

Every time the question "is gay wrong" comes up there is always somebody citing "their" religious beliefs as proof that it is wrong! Give me a break Joy, it's not a religious question, it's a moral question! If the OP is comfortable with her sexual preference then , for her, it is right.....

What is wrong, IMO, is when someone, anyone, measure another by what they believe is right or wrong.....Live and let live!

Not even Preference!
It's Hardwired!
You'll destroy the Computer if you try to change it!
Nothing to do with Ethics,Morality or Religion!

AND FURTHERMORE!:laughing: Science HAS established homosexuality is neither an illness or a disability.. Mental health professionals HAVE established that homosexuality is NOT harmful, NOT undesirable, and DOES NOT require intervention!
No one, repeat no one has the right to judge another...Conrad is absolutely right, it is hardwired. Even if you insist on going with preference Joy, you don't have a right to judge, read your bible....

so your saying she shouldn't say her feelings? she can judge, just like your judging her now... she has every right to her opinion, as you do...

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:31 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

its not even that deep, if everyone was female we would die out too.

Its just that the parts were made to compliment each other sexually, the male and female parts

that is why the other are usually called 'alternative' because they arent in line with the NATURAL biology of the species...

not to mention the heightened risks of sodomy and how it trickles down to the rest of society,,,

i just consider it bad morals, not to mention bad judgement...

msharmony's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:34 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

its not even that deep, if everyone was female we would die out too.

Its just that the parts were made to compliment each other sexually, the male and female parts

that is why the other are usually called 'alternative' because they arent in line with the NATURAL biology of the species...

not to mention the heightened risks of sodomy and how it trickles down to the rest of society,,,

i just consider it bad morals, not to mention bad judgement...

I agree with the bad judgment, as to morals, I think there is some of that and I think there is also alot of confusion in a society making wrong into right and right into wrong

it FEELS right, so it must BE right,,,thats the moral standard we promote,, and children are learning early on,, so how can we flaw when they grow into adults whose actions and words reflect what 'feels' right to them...

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:34 PM

You're looping in your explanations.. They don't really make much sense. People are born gay, straight or anything in between or outside of it. It's been scientifically proven. If you are so strongly religious you should see that it is God who shaped us this way.

Calling it a bad habit is just calling it something 'wrong', which is no different from calling it bad. On top of that, it suggests that it is something you 'learn' doing and can quit doing like smoking. You can hide it, but you'd only be lying to yourself.

And if God really is non-judgemental, then you shouldn't be either, but I have ym doubts about your God's view as you keep saying judgemental things.

That said, I guess the original poster got his/her answer... People dislike it because of what they're taught in their society. Not that it has to make sense. That means though, that you can realise they're way off and hope that they talk more sense in the next generation. Just enjoy yourself and be yourself, and nobody can do you any harm.

you people keep saying it has been scientifically proven... that, sir, is a lie set forth by the gays themselves...why don't you show me how that can possibly be proven?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:36 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

its not even that deep, if everyone was female we would die out too.

Its just that the parts were made to compliment each other sexually, the male and female parts

that is why the other are usually called 'alternative' because they arent in line with the NATURAL biology of the species...

not to mention the heightened risks of sodomy and how it trickles down to the rest of society,,,

i just consider it bad morals, not to mention bad judgement...

I agree with the bad judgment, as to morals, I think there is some of that and I think there is also alot of confusion in a society making wrong into right and right into wrong

it FEELS right, so it must BE right,,,thats the moral standard we promote,, and children are learning early on,, so how can we flaw when they grow into adults whose actions and words reflect what 'feels' right to them...

to some people, it feels "right" to cut themselves with razors... they get locked up for that, but they still say it is right...

Arthurity's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:41 PM
Scientists have conducted brain activity scans, and it's shown that the more active zones for certain triggers with gay men are different from straight men, and more similar to that of straight women. It's same the other way around.

Excuse me for not providing a source and black/white result for this, but I'm simply relaying what I know and have seen in various docusmentaries. And I'm sure there's other similar tests.

That being said, I frankly do not care how this discussion ends. All I can say is that you are entitled to your own opinion, as long as you don't force it on others who disagree. They have reasons for sticking to their opinion. be that justified or not, they aint gonna listen.
We have spoken our mind, and even that happened in a volatile manner (goes for me too to a degree, as response to the religious ideas), and we should leave it at that if we aren't capable of having a mature discussion without reverting to acting like kids who have a fight over whose dad owns whose.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:41 PM

There is nothing wrong with being gay.
says you... everyone has an opinion, and everyone's isn't necessarily right...

no photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:43 PM

No, nothing is wrong, it's just a bad habit. happy
Wellcome to Mingle2! waving
would you like to expand on that "Bad-Habit" Statement?

God made man and woman, not man and man or woman and woman.
And there is no explaination on earth that can justify these act.
It is from the pit of hell. what

preach on girl... if everyone was gay, our species would die out...

its not even that deep, if everyone was female we would die out too.

Its just that the parts were made to compliment each other sexually, the male and female parts

that is why the other are usually called 'alternative' because they arent in line with the NATURAL biology of the species...

not to mention the heightened risks of sodomy and how it trickles down to the rest of society,,,

i just consider it bad morals, not to mention bad judgement...
And I consider those that dont accept others for who they are dont care about others unless they fit in their "beliefs" as being pretty niave in the way God wants us to work in this world,when is the last time a gay person changed your life? Maybe he or she is the one that taught U in school and the teacher U learned the most from and U didnt know they were Gay!!! Has one EVER tried to make U Gay? I am so glad I dont have YOUR "morals" or judgement of people that may not be the way we are but accept them as Human beings!!!

mightymoe's photo
Tue 11/01/11 01:44 PM

Scientists have conducted brain activity scans, and it's shown that the more active zones for certain triggers with gay men are different from straight men, and more similar to that of straight women. It's same the other way around.

Excuse me for not providing a source and black/white result for this, but I'm simply relaying what I know and have seen in various docusmentaries. And I'm sure there's other similar tests.

That being said, I frankly do not care how this discussion ends. All I can say is that you are entitled to your own opinion, as long as you don't force it on others who disagree. They have reasons for sticking to their opinion. be that justified or not, they aint gonna listen.
We have spoken our mind, and even that happened in a volatile manner (goes for me too to a degree, as response to the religious ideas), and we should leave it at that if we aren't capable of having a mature discussion without reverting to acting like kids who have a fight over whose dad owns whose.

don't cry or get scared... you said it is a proven fact, i disagree...there is no way to prove that, as the brain changes throughout our lifetime... when you find the "gay" gene, then you can say how gays are born that way... many gays have stopped being gay, and vice versa... so how would you explain that?

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