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Topic: What is wrong with being Gay?
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Fri 11/04/11 06:42 AM

education is a wonderful thing

Agreed; education and an open mind. What a wonderful world it would be if we all thought that way. bigsmile

attitudes are learned as much as the ABCs and 123s

they can also be unlearned & relearned

why would someone have an attitude that homosexual individuals would not be good parents? what is the fear?

most prejudice can be reduced to ignorance & fear...to overcome it we must ask fear of what? And become knowledgable

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 11/04/11 06:49 AM

education is a wonderful thing

Should be made compulsory

IDK where u are from but in the US it is - from age 5-17

Dose't seem to be working that well.
Millions of illiterate people according to stats in America.

IDK the stats as I have not worked in the field of education for some time. but it would not surprise me. Public education seems to be working less & less well all the time. It's more about business & politics than about students & learning - schools are warehousing bodies for working parents..pretty much

unless a child has support for learning and a structured environment that supports learning and education the chance of much success in school is slim. Many schools provide only the minimums - most education takes place in the home outside of school hours with what is learned in school as strictly a foundation only. If this isn't happening for your kids they will be less likely to excel later academically.

There is no profit in educating the masses any more. Technology has seen to it that masses of people are not going to be in a working situation but they still have to survive hence the false argument about the idle poor.

joy4gud's photo
Fri 11/04/11 06:53 AM

education is a wonderful thing

Agreed; education and an open mind. What a wonderful world it would be if we all thought that way. bigsmile

attitudes are learned as much as the ABCs and 123s

they can also be unlearned & relearned

why would someone have an attitude that homosexual individuals would not be good parents? what is the fear?

most prejudice can be reduced to ignorance & fear...to overcome it we must ask fear of what? And become knowledgable

hummm.. what a hopeless future for your generation, b'cos you don't have anything to offer them.

no photo
Fri 11/04/11 06:55 AM

Does it really matter where you find happiness and satisfaction? Same sex relationships or heterosexual relationships?

finding happiness and satisfaction are not always one emotional feeling. eating until you are satisfied doesn't always make you happy. being happy to have a sip of water doesn't always satisfy

as for sexual relationships, plenty of people are having sex and not happy or satisfied

some people look to be happy and satisfied right here right now. others believe that happiness and satisfaction will come in an afterlife. beliefs are not supposed to be labeled as right or wrong, yet many arguments are over just that, who is right and who is wrong. bottom line is your personal beliefs are personal, you decide for yourself what is acceptable or unacceptable and try not to force your conclusions on others

Optomistic69's photo
Fri 11/04/11 06:58 AM

education is a wonderful thing

Should be made compulsory

so does it mean that those that don't accept your lunatic madness are not educated?
Obviously you guys are fools.

That is bit OTT..... Lunatic Madness?

winterblue56's photo
Fri 11/04/11 07:01 AM

I was asking why sibling marriage shouldnt be LEGAL on the same grounds that homosexual marriage should,,,,

Answer = mentally retarded

I can't believe you even partnered the two scenerios noway

no photo
Fri 11/04/11 07:07 AM
Edited by sweetestgirl11 on Fri 11/04/11 07:07 AM

education is a wonderful thing

Agreed; education and an open mind. What a wonderful world it would be if we all thought that way. bigsmile

attitudes are learned as much as the ABCs and 123s

they can also be unlearned & relearned

why would someone have an attitude that homosexual individuals would not be good parents? what is the fear?

most prejudice can be reduced to ignorance & fear...to overcome it we must ask fear of what? And become knowledgable

hummm.. what a hopeless future for your generation, b'cos you don't have anything to offer them.

quite honestly past generations often have a good deal to offer the younger, it is usually the younger that is not interested in learning from elders in most western cultures. In the eastern and middle eastern & african this is not as true. There age is much respected.

but you have a point prejudice and ignorance are handed down from one generation to the next so we often rely on younger generations to counter and change prejudice and ignorance. I saw this happen with my own 2 eyes during the Civil Rights struggle, and it will remain true for other types of prejudice. The positive change comes through education of the young

winterblue56's photo
Fri 11/04/11 07:12 AM

Don't sweat it guys...You know what's said; The person with the most homophobia is the one who has internalized homofobic issues because they are really homosexuals themselves and are afraid of it. Don't be afraid of yourselves beloved...just be who you are.

Peace and light!flowerforyou


joy4gud's photo
Fri 11/04/11 07:25 AM

education is a wonderful thing

Agreed; education and an open mind. What a wonderful world it would be if we all thought that way. bigsmile

attitudes are learned as much as the ABCs and 123s

they can also be unlearned & relearned

why would someone have an attitude that homosexual individuals would not be good parents? what is the fear?

most prejudice can be reduced to ignorance & fear...to overcome it we must ask fear of what? And become knowledgable

hummm.. what a hopeless future for your generation, b'cos you don't have anything to offer them.

quite honestly past generations often have a good deal to offer the younger, it is usually the younger that is not interested in learning from elders in most western cultures. In the eastern and middle eastern & african this is not as true. There age is much respected.

but you have a point prejudice and ignorance are handed down from one generation to the next so we often rely on younger generations to counter and change prejudice and ignorance. I saw this happen with my own 2 eyes during the Civil Rights struggle, and it will remain true for other types of prejudice. The positive change comes through education of the young

then the situation is worst then i thought, when the young begin to teach the old.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 11/04/11 07:39 AM
At this time we feel that this subject has ran it's course and will be locking this thread up.

We all have our own opinions about how things should be. Just remember regardless what ones opinion is it is not that of another.

It is one thing to state ones opinion and another when you try to convince others it is the way all should think.

Regardless if one believes in a Higher Power or not we are all responsible for our own actions while on this earth and no one should judge another for their choices.

Life is about being happy with who you are and where you are within life. It is not about what others think of you.

So with that said just enjoy life being who you are. Never forget to have a open mind and heart when it comes to others...

Have a great day!!

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