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Topic: People Who Contact Me....
no photo
Wed 08/17/11 08:13 PM

I warned you earlier in this thread. The compatible ones have fled
leaving the flotsam and jetsam. and Dan.


Yeah, but Dan's got a kid.

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 06:46 AM
So, basically, what this is telling me is that there are two kinds of women in the world:

1.) Scammers

2.) 48-year-old single mothers with 3 (or more) kids ("AND THEY ARE MY WORLD"). OK, they're not always 48, but certainly in the ballpark.

Well, if this is true, then I can stop looking right now!

But I remember a time (and it's been awhile, so maybe my memory is faulty here) when there were (or seemed to be -- ?) other kinds of women in the world.

Or maybe (when I wasn't looking) we had another kind of Permian Extinction Event occurring. It's possible. It would explain a lot.

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 11:19 AM

But I remember a time (and it's been awhile, so maybe my memory is faulty here) when there were (or seemed to be -- ?) other kinds of women in the world.

Or maybe (when I wasn't looking) we had another kind of Permian Extinction Event occurring. It's possible. It would explain a lot.

My theory: They got married 10 yrs ago.

Sure, but some of us live through it and survive long enough to move on....

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 01:00 PM

But I remember a time (and it's been awhile, so maybe my memory is faulty here) when there were (or seemed to be -- ?) other kinds of women in the world.

Or maybe (when I wasn't looking) we had another kind of Permian Extinction Event occurring. It's possible. It would explain a lot.

My theory: They got married 10 yrs ago.

Also, by this time there should be a new batch who haven't been married yet. It's the natural (?) order of things.

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 01:42 PM

But I remember a time (and it's been awhile, so maybe my memory is faulty here) when there were (or seemed to be -- ?) other kinds of women in the world.

Or maybe (when I wasn't looking) we had another kind of Permian Extinction Event occurring. It's possible. It would explain a lot.

My theory: They got married 10 yrs ago.

Sure, but some of us live through it and survive long enough to move on....

Also, by this time there should be a new batch who haven't been married yet. It's the natural (?) order of things.

Move on? You mean divorce? Thats only what, 50%? Out of our small pool to start with....its reducing further and further....

New batch? Like the young ones who aren't interested in partners their age? Who share the same experiences that come with being a certain age at a certain time...sharing experiences...How much life experience did you have before deciding what you want from your partner?...we may find things to share....again...the pool does not get very much larger...

You're bringin me down man. I probably have just as many non negotiables, and that does not provide me with optimism.

Well, anybody who is still married is out of the eligible pool, anyway -- I'm not looking to break up anybody's situation.

And it seems like the divorced ones always come out of the divorce with x number of kids, and that's not what I'm looking for either.

The new batch -- well, I've always noticed that a certain number of the younger ones really don't want someone their own age, due to maturity issues, etc., and they tend to have a lot less baggage, too.

Problem is, it seems like their whole focus in life is to ACQUIRE that baggage -- makes no sense to me, but I suppose that's just the indoctrination kicking in.

So, on the off chance that there's someone out there who's younger and who hasn't bought into the life-means-nothing-unless-you-procreate gobbledegook, I try to keep myself available.

Not that it's looking like there's anyone like that out there....!

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 03:04 PM

Move on? You mean divorce? Thats only what, 50%? Out of our small pool to start with....its reducing further and further....

New batch? Like the young ones who aren't interested in partners their age? Who share the same experiences that come with being a certain age at a certain time...sharing experiences...How much life experience did you have before deciding what you want from your partner?...we may find things to share....again...the pool does not get very much larger...

You're bringin me down man. I probably have just as many non negotiables, and that does not provide me with optimism.

Well, anybody who is still married is out of the eligible pool, anyway -- I'm not looking to break up anybody's situation.

And it seems like the divorced ones always come out of the divorce with x number of kids, and that's not what I'm looking for either.

The new batch -- well, I've always noticed that a certain number of the younger ones really don't want someone their own age, due to maturity issues, etc., and they tend to have a lot less baggage, too.

Problem is, it seems like their whole focus in life is to ACQUIRE that baggage -- makes no sense to me, but I suppose that's just the indoctrination kicking in.

So, on the off chance that there's someone out there who's younger and who hasn't bought into the life-means-nothing-unless-you-procreate gobbledegook, I try to keep myself available.

Not that it's looking like there's anyone like that out there....!

My version is a man who does not devote his life to sports.

That is going to be tricky....

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 03:26 PM

Move on? You mean divorce? Thats only what, 50%? Out of our small pool to start with....its reducing further and further....

New batch? Like the young ones who aren't interested in partners their age? Who share the same experiences that come with being a certain age at a certain time...sharing experiences...How much life experience did you have before deciding what you want from your partner?...we may find things to share....again...the pool does not get very much larger...

You're bringin me down man. I probably have just as many non negotiables, and that does not provide me with optimism.

Well, anybody who is still married is out of the eligible pool, anyway -- I'm not looking to break up anybody's situation.

And it seems like the divorced ones always come out of the divorce with x number of kids, and that's not what I'm looking for either.

The new batch -- well, I've always noticed that a certain number of the younger ones really don't want someone their own age, due to maturity issues, etc., and they tend to have a lot less baggage, too.

Problem is, it seems like their whole focus in life is to ACQUIRE that baggage -- makes no sense to me, but I suppose that's just the indoctrination kicking in.

So, on the off chance that there's someone out there who's younger and who hasn't bought into the life-means-nothing-unless-you-procreate gobbledegook, I try to keep myself available.

Not that it's looking like there's anyone like that out there....!

My version is a man who does not devote his life to sports.

That is going to be tricky....

Tell me. And just like you dont want kids, thats not where it ends. I want higher than a high school education. You want 160 or so IQ? Im not even reaching up there. Just more to contribute to a conversation than 'LOL'. Am I really asking too much? The answer is apparently "LOL"

Based on the 12,847.992,633 profiles I've read thus far, the answer is "I don't know what to write here."

I've had a hard time finding someone who can talk about anything above and beyond shoes and/or American Idol. It's difficult. I've had better conversations with hamsters WHILE they were running in their little wheels.

CheeryKylw's photo
Fri 08/19/11 03:41 PM
Hi Lex! I just joined myself and had a quick look at your profile and I too dont think youv written anything to suggest people write garbled comments to you. From past experience on a dating site too I also was not a fan of single answer replies as I felt there wasnt much of an effort their end to want to get to know you etc. You know?

I think if someone is looking to really get to know you theyd write more and care about putting the effort in. I dont know how much this has helped but it is my first posting, hehe. I suggest asking them up to 5 questions in a reply maybe and seeing if they answer at least 4 back! Shows their interested enough then!

Hope it helps, hi5!

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 03:45 PM

Hi Lex! I just joined myself and had a quick look at your profile and I too dont think youv written anything to suggest people write garbled comments to you. From past experience on a dating site too I also was not a fan of single answer replies as I felt there wasnt much of an effort their end to want to get to know you etc. You know?

I think if someone is looking to really get to know you theyd write more and care about putting the effort in. I dont know how much this has helped but it is my first posting, hehe. I suggest asking them up to 5 questions in a reply maybe and seeing if they answer at least 4 back! Shows their interested enough then!

Hope it helps, hi5!

Welcome to the site! I think you'll like it here -- lots of great people!

Yeah, I don't think I've got anything in my profile about the Manglish (mangled English) that's so prevalent in messages I receive, but I have been harping on it in the forums since about 1923. If you read enough of my posts, you'll notice that some of the same issues keep coming up, since I'm operating under some delusion that if I complain about it enough, someone will come along and say "But WAIT, there IS someone who's not like that!" which is a lot like waiting for someone to come along and say "But WAIT, here is a trillion dollars for you to go build a functional time machine with," which no one ever does.

So that paragraph really didn't accomplish anything. But it was fun to write, so I'm Ok with that.

CheeryKylw's photo
Fri 08/19/11 04:00 PM
Thanks for the welcome buddy and its nice to meet you Lex! As for having fun writing the paragraph, thats what its all about. Just enjoy buddy! And there are loads of people who arent like that, me being one of them! Lol. And Im sure theres a woman out there for you whos just waiting to start really cool convos with you!
Keep moving forward, thats my motto!

And btw Lex I personally found your profile a real interesting read! How you havent found someone on here is beyond me buddy. Your witty, friendly, funny and you know what makes a great relationship! Sorry to hear your past relationships were bad enough to be though of as eraseable, lets hope it all turns around for you now!

Lol, look at my huge message! Hehe anyways just wanted to keep you motivated buddy, keep moving forward! Hi 5!

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 04:18 PM

Thanks for the welcome buddy and its nice to meet you Lex! As for having fun writing the paragraph, thats what its all about. Just enjoy buddy! And there are loads of people who arent like that, me being one of them! Lol. And Im sure theres a woman out there for you whos just waiting to start really cool convos with you!
Keep moving forward, thats my motto!

And btw Lex I personally found your profile a real interesting read! How you havent found someone on here is beyond me buddy. Your witty, friendly, funny and you know what makes a great relationship! Sorry to hear your past relationships were bad enough to be though of as eraseable, lets hope it all turns around for you now!

Lol, look at my huge message! Hehe anyways just wanted to keep you motivated buddy, keep moving forward! Hi 5!

I keep thinking that, somewhere on this site, there's some really intelligent ubernerd-girl trying to muster up the gumption (and mustard) to send me a note that will totally demolish the preconceptionary omnitypes I've been dealing with. Oh, yes, that would be good.

Of course, as a sci-fi writer, my connection with reality is somewhat tenuous to begin with.

no photo
Fri 08/19/11 06:33 PM

How you havent found someone on here is beyond me buddy.

I know, it boggles the mind. If I put up a picture of me holding a fish, and if I misspelled half of my words, I'd probably have five or six exes on here already.

no photo
Sat 08/20/11 08:15 AM

How much life experience did you have before deciding what you want from your partner?

Not that much, really. I was about 22 when I understood what my priorities were, and what they were going to continue to be.

My real problem was that I didn't stick to my guns for so long after that. It took me years before I realized that it was OK to be alone, that one didn't have to be in a relationship in order to survive. And I compromised a lot of my standards during that time, and always to my own detriment.

no photo
Sat 08/20/11 06:01 PM

Hi Lex

Just rolled back into town so I'm looking forward to getting caught up. Don't find a girl friend before I get a chance to read through the thread OK? Hate to find I missed out on a wedding or sometime.

Michael, I just wanted to check in here, because it's been a few days since you posted this. Just wanted to reassure you that I haven't found anybody yet.

no photo
Sat 08/20/11 06:18 PM

Hi Lex

Just rolled back into town so I'm looking forward to getting caught up. Don't find a girl friend before I get a chance to read through the thread OK? Hate to find I missed out on a wedding or sometime.

Michael, I just wanted to check in here, because it's been a few days since you posted this. Just wanted to reassure you that I haven't found anybody yet.

He better hurry!

I don't think he needs to rush anything. My calculations indicate that I should run across someone compatible in February of 2435, right after the next Ice Age.

no photo
Sat 08/20/11 06:27 PM

Hi Lex

Just rolled back into town so I'm looking forward to getting caught up. Don't find a girl friend before I get a chance to read through the thread OK? Hate to find I missed out on a wedding or sometime.

Michael, I just wanted to check in here, because it's been a few days since you posted this. Just wanted to reassure you that I haven't found anybody yet.

He better hurry!

I don't think he needs to rush anything. My calculations indicate that I should run across someone compatible in February of 2435, right after the next Ice Age.

compatible comshmaddible

Solar flares, or perhaps a radioactive meteor strike, might cause hyperevolution (I'm relying on Stephen Jay Gould's punctuated equilibrium and cladogenesis here) which could result in the eventual birth of a woman who wouldn't try to change me into a cardboard cutout. That's my hope, anyway.

no photo
Sat 08/20/11 06:37 PM

You could get tagether with a gal with low intelligence, who's lookin to make babies and is always trina put Coke in your glass (just to see if you notice) and tries to change you,

Been there, done that. It gets tedious after the 90th time. This is basically my entire relationship history rolled up into a few words.

but its turned into a little joke and you chuckle over it. But...she also brings you tape and grey ball points?

I'd love it! But they never have that much consideration or discretion. In the end, the only thing they really care about is repetitive biology. I could just as easily date a tree shrew.

no photo
Sat 08/20/11 06:38 PM

Ya, Im not buyin it either.

It was fun tho, ya?

Makes me think -- about what COULD be out there....

But....reality, and all that....

no photo
Sun 08/21/11 06:56 PM
Still nothing, Michael. Just thought you'd like to know!


no photo
Sun 08/21/11 07:11 PM
Well Lex you make some very Valid points. And I agree wholeheartedly. I was born in, what do you call it Indiantucky? Sorry I never contacted you personally, I live too far away. And now am in a relationship. However I would like to tell you now That I enjoy the responses from you in the forums. And don't feel bad sweetie. We all get those illegible, unreadable garble from someone from in some far off place you've NEVER heard of. Hell I got one today form some moron in Nigeria (yes believe it or not he admitted it) saying something to the effect of how wonderful I seem, and I am the marrying type. (note- my profile says I am in a relationship now and only here for the forums and my freinds) I almost fired back with a barrage of comments on what a complete imbecile he was and maybe he should try learning english before contacting someone who uses it as their priamry language. Then I though better of it and decided to just delete it, as I'm sure any words bigger then 5 letters would confuse him. So Dear Lex try and keep the faith, and remember those of us in the forums Love Ya. flowerforyou happy

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