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Topic: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Get Destroyed
Lpdon's photo
Wed 08/10/11 03:37 PM


I am reading the stuff on that Popular Mechanics site when I can find it in the maize of advertisements.

I also ordered the 9-11 debunking book by Popular Mechanics and a two other books:

"The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False."


"Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory."

I will spend some serious time on this information before I proceed with any further discussions on this subject.

I also downloaded the entire 565 page official 9-11 report. That's going to be hard to read.

Have you read all of that stuff yourself? Has anyone in this thread even read the official 565 page report? I doubt it. I haven't.

Yeah - I've read a fair bit of it. Enough to make it clear that
everything seen so far really is consistent with Al-Qaida hijacked
aircraft bringing down all the buildings. Structural damage on
impact plus fires weakened steel supports and down they came. The
mechanical engineers and architects are all in agreement on it.

Really despite the innuendo there is no actual evidence to support
any other conclusion.

Nothing linking any US officials to it. Bldg 7 damage and fires
weakened it to the point of collapse. No evidence of any other
explosives. Larry misquoted about pulling the firefighters from
the building etc. Some Israelis filming the event like everyone else
with a camcorder in Manhattan. There is nothing - no evidence that
there was any conspiracy despite all the rumors.

Larry wasn't "misquoted" he was video taped.
Building # 7 would never have fallen on its own in my opinion. Never.
The Israeli's were celebrating and actually said on television that they were there "to document the event." So they knew about it in advance.

You can't ignore details like that. And I doubt if you read the official report. It's over 500 pages long and probably not easy reading.

So I think you are full of it.laugh laugh

How do you know they were Isralei? They could have been palestenian's or their supporters. Talk about guillable.

Well that is a matter of record.:smile: They held these guys for 6 weeks. The only reason they let them go is because they were Israeli and two of them were Mossad.

Ya, some local Sheriff is gonna find out their Mosssad.......laugh They don't reveal that even under extreme torture, im sure they would just openly tell some donut eating cop. whoa

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 03:40 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 08/10/11 03:50 PM


I am reading the stuff on that Popular Mechanics site when I can find it in the maize of advertisements.

I also ordered the 9-11 debunking book by Popular Mechanics and a two other books:

"The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False."


"Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory."

I will spend some serious time on this information before I proceed with any further discussions on this subject.

I also downloaded the entire 565 page official 9-11 report. That's going to be hard to read.

Have you read all of that stuff yourself? Has anyone in this thread even read the official 565 page report? I doubt it. I haven't.

Yeah - I've read a fair bit of it. Enough to make it clear that
everything seen so far really is consistent with Al-Qaida hijacked
aircraft bringing down all the buildings. Structural damage on
impact plus fires weakened steel supports and down they came. The
mechanical engineers and architects are all in agreement on it.

Really despite the innuendo there is no actual evidence to support
any other conclusion.

Nothing linking any US officials to it. Bldg 7 damage and fires
weakened it to the point of collapse. No evidence of any other
explosives. Larry misquoted about pulling the firefighters from
the building etc. Some Israelis filming the event like everyone else
with a camcorder in Manhattan. There is nothing - no evidence that
there was any conspiracy despite all the rumors.

Larry wasn't "misquoted" he was video taped.
Building # 7 would never have fallen on its own in my opinion. Never.
The Israeli's were celebrating and actually said on television that they were there "to document the event." So they knew about it in advance.

You can't ignore details like that. And I doubt if you read the official report. It's over 500 pages long and probably not easy reading.

So I think you are full of it.laugh laugh

How do you know they were Isralei? They could have been palestenian's or their supporters. Talk about guillable.

Well that is a matter of record.:smile: They held these guys for 6 weeks. The only reason they let them go is because they were Israeli and two of them were Mossad.

Ya, some local Sheriff is gonna find out their Mosssad.......laugh They don't reveal that even under extreme torture, im sure they would just openly tell some donut eating cop. whoa

I posted links to plenty of news articles on this event. It is a matter of record. There is no argument. You have no argument except your silly sarcasm and ridicule. If you don't want to know the truth of what happened that is up to you. I'm just stating the facts.

P.S. for the record, the members of Bohemian grove meet every year and they burn a giant owl wearing white robes and pointed hoods. These members are Presidents and politicians and many other influential and powerful people around the world.

I don't know why they wear white robes with pointed hoods but my mentioning them is certainly not "racist" like you accused in another thread, so you owe me an apology for calling racist.




Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world


Bestinshow's photo
Wed 08/10/11 03:54 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Wed 08/10/11 03:56 PM


I am reading the stuff on that Popular Mechanics site when I can find it in the maize of advertisements.

I also ordered the 9-11 debunking book by Popular Mechanics and a two other books:

"The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False."


"Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory."

I will spend some serious time on this information before I proceed with any further discussions on this subject.

I also downloaded the entire 565 page official 9-11 report. That's going to be hard to read.

Have you read all of that stuff yourself? Has anyone in this thread even read the official 565 page report? I doubt it. I haven't.

Yeah - I've read a fair bit of it. Enough to make it clear that
everything seen so far really is consistent with Al-Qaida hijacked
aircraft bringing down all the buildings. Structural damage on
impact plus fires weakened steel supports and down they came. The
mechanical engineers and architects are all in agreement on it.

Really despite the innuendo there is no actual evidence to support
any other conclusion.

Nothing linking any US officials to it. Bldg 7 damage and fires
weakened it to the point of collapse. No evidence of any other
explosives. Larry misquoted about pulling the firefighters from
the building etc. Some Israelis filming the event like everyone else
with a camcorder in Manhattan. There is nothing - no evidence that
there was any conspiracy despite all the rumors.

Larry wasn't "misquoted" he was video taped.
Building # 7 would never have fallen on its own in my opinion. Never.
The Israeli's were celebrating and actually said on television that they were there "to document the event." So they knew about it in advance.

You can't ignore details like that. And I doubt if you read the official report. It's over 500 pages long and probably not easy reading.

So I think you are full of it.laugh laugh

How do you know they were Isralei? They could have been palestenian's or their supporters. Talk about guillable.

Well that is a matter of record.:smile: They held these guys for 6 weeks. The only reason they let them go is because they were Israeli and two of them were Mossad.

Ya, some local Sheriff is gonna find out their Mosssad.......laugh They don't reveal that even under extreme torture, im sure they would just openly tell some donut eating cop. whoa
Well there ya go again makeing matter of fact statements with no facts at all.

I chose Fox news as a speCial treat to all their fans.
Fox News expose: Israelis had foreknowledge of 9-11

That fact that Israel had prior knowledge of 9\11 should not be a surprise to anyone. Don't forget, 5 Israeli Mossad agents were seen dancing, celebrating and filming on an adjacent building when the planes hit the WTC on 9\11. They were picked up by the NYPD and promptly sent home to Israel without any explanations regarding their behaviour and how they knew it was going to happen. Just how much involvement MOSSAD had in 9\11 is now being seriously discussed in the US.

News & Politics

Israel Fox 9\11 WTC spy Mossad agent espionage Zionism NYPD



no photo
Wed 08/10/11 04:15 PM

Well that is a matter of record.:smile: They held these guys for 6 weeks. The only reason they let them go is because they were Israeli and two of them were Mossad.

Copyright 2002 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.
ABC News

SHOW: 20/20 (10:00 PM ET) - ABC

June 21, 2002 Friday

HEADLINE: Five Israeli men arrested soon after 9/11 might have been working for Israeli intelligence, but likely did not know beforehand about the attacks
Announcer: From Times Square in New York, Barbara Walters and John Miller. BARBARA WALTERS, co-host: Good evening, and welcome to 20/20.
Tonight, a very important 20/20 investigation into a very ugly story that's made its way around the world since September 11th. The story is that Israel knew more than it would like to admit about the terrorist attack in this coun-try. It's a rumor, but in some Arab countries--including Saudi Arabia, which I visited earlier this year--even educated people told me that they believe it is absolutely true. So how could such a rumor take hold? And John, I know that you have been looking into this now for months.
JOHN MILLER, co-host: We have. And when you try to trace the roots of this rumor, all roads seem to lead to the arrest of of group of Israeli men on the very day of the attacks, men who seemed coincidentally to be in the right place at the right time, and behaving strangely. Why did they become the focus of months of investigation by the FBI and the CIA? Why were they repeatedly asked by the FBI if they had any advance knowledge of the attacks, and in fact, did they? Surprisingly, the tip that led to the arrests of these five men did not come from a spy satellite, it came from a New Jersey housewife.
(VO) On the morning of September 11th, Maria--who asked us not to use her last name--was home preparing for her day, when she got a call from a friend who lived upstairs in the same New Jersey high-rise.
MARIA: She was sitting when she heard a noise, at the same time she felt like it--it shook--like the building shook, she said. She called me immediately. She said, 'You know, there's--there's something wrong, look at your window by the twin towers.' So I grab my binoculars and I could see the towers from my window. And this is where I, you know, I'm looking. I saw the smoke from the top, just from the top of the towers.
MILLER: (VO) After watching for a little while, something caught Maria's at-tention in the parking lot below her window.
MARIA: Like a few minutes must have gone on, and all of a sudden down there I see this van park. And I see three guys on top of the van, and I'm trying, you know, to look at the building but what caught my attention, they seemed to be taking a movie.
MILLER: (VO) Maria says the three young men were kneeling on the roof of a white van. It was parked right here. They were taking pictures of each other with the World Trade Center burning in the background.
MARIA: And I could see that they were, like, happy, you know? They--they--they weren't--they didn't look shocked to me, you know? They didn't look shocked. I thought it was very strange.
MILLER: (VO) Maria found the behavior so suspicious she wrote down the li-cense plate number. She and her husband, Pat, called the police. Soon police and the FBI were on the scene. The license plate was traced to a van owned by a company called Urban Moving. A state-wide alarm was transmitted over the police radio. Deputy Chief ROBERT DEL PRIORE (Weehawken Police Department): It stated in--in effect, to be on the lookout for an Urban Movers van with a license plate number that was given out.
MILLER: (VO) Around 4 PM that day, this white Chevy van was stopped by police near Giants Stadium in New Jersey. Inside it were five men, all in their 20s. These grainy photos of the event were taken by a man who witnessed the scene from a nearby hotel.
(OC) The van was stopped right here. Police pulled the five men out at gun point and handcuffed them. And almost immediately, police say, there was plenty to be suspicious of. One of the men had $4700 in cash hidden in his sock. An-other was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for police was when the five men identified themselves as being Israeli.
(VO) According to Officer Scott DeCarlo's police report, one of the passen-gers told him, "We were on the West Side Highway in New York City during the in-cident," not behind Maria's apartment building in New Jersey. The driver told them, 'We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.' The men ranged in age from 22 to 27. The driver was Sivan Kurzberg. The other passengers included his brother, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The men, who all said they worked for Urban Moving, were taken to this new Jersey State Police Station and questioned by the FBI.
(OC) ABC News has learned that after the five men were taken to jail, the en-tire case was transferred out of FBI's criminal division and into its foreign counterintelligence section, which is responsible for espionage cases. One rea-son for the shift, according to our sources, is that the FBI believed Urban Mov-ing may have provided a cover for agents of Israeli intelligence. Urban Moving is owned by Dominic Suter (ph), an Israeli businessman. After the five men were arrested in one of his vans, the FBI got a warrant and searched the company's offices.
Ms. PAULINE STEPKOVICH: (ph) The FBI was here hours. Hours.
MILLER: (VO) Pauline Stepkovich, who lives right across the street from Urban Moving, watched as federal investigators went in and out of the building.
Ms. STEPKOVICH: Two SUVs were filled up with between nine and 12 boxes and computers.
MILLER: (VO) Dominic Suter's attorney confirms that the FBI removed boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives from Urban Moving. He insists his client answered all of the FBI's questions. But a few days later, when the FBI wanted to interview Mr. Suter again, he was gone. Our 20/20 cameras took these pictures inside Urban Moving some three months later. And as you can see, it looked like Suter shut down the business in a big hurry. Cell phones and personal effects were lying around Suter's office, the phones were still connected with hundreds of messages waiting. There were job applications to be processed, and the property of dozens of families packed in the warehouse. Dominic Suter's company closed down in such a hurry, some of their customers, like Frank Crisp (ph), were left hanging.
Mr. FRANK CRISP: They were--they were really short on the--on the phone, and it was like they wanted to get off and--and get out.
MILLER: (VO) Dominic Suter cleared out of his New Jersey home, too, and he'd put it up for sale. Suter and his family had returned to Israel. We called him there, but he refused to talk to us about Urban Moving. Was Israeli intelligence using Urban Moving as a cover?
(OC) And if not, why did the company suddenly shut down after the five em-ployees arrested? Why did the owner abruptly leave the country, leaving behind a significant investment, a thriving business, and a lot of unhappy customers? The FBI needed answers to three important questions: Who were these men? What brought them to that parking lot on the morning of September 11th? And did they have any advanced knowledge of what was going to happen that day?
Mr. STEVE GORDON: So you got a group of guys that are taking pictures on top of a roof, of the World Trade Center, they're speaking a foreign language, they got two passports on them, one's got a wad of cash on him and they've got box cutters. Now that's a scary situation.
MILLER: (VO) Steve Gordon was the attorney for the five Israeli detainees. We interviewed him back in October, shortly after 20/20 began investigating this incident. (OC) So who are these kids, and how did they get entangled in this?
Mr. GORDON: They're five young kids who--who left Israel, tried to leave a war zone, if you so will. They came to America. They came here, initially, for a vacation. They came here to work and they started work for a moving company.
MILLER: Now, the witness that we interviewed said that they were acting very strangely.
Mr. GORDON: If her story is to be believed, then of course I don't believe I nor anybody else would--would condone any type of behavior.
MARIA: You know, they're laughing. They're laughing. One of them, I no-ticed, distinctively, put his hand on top of the other guy why they're filming, on top of his shoulder.
Mr. GORDON: Indeed, I did ask them about that, and they denied celebrating, they denied rejoicing.
MILLER: So were they horsing around?
Mr. GORDON: They were not horsing around. And the very first question that I asked Mr. Ellner was, 'Tell me what--what happened.' He said, 'We were taking pictures.' Were they smiling in those photographs? Perhaps they were smiling.
MILLER: (VO) Sources tell 20/20 the FBI developed film from a camera taken from the Israelis, and that it shows the three on top of the white van were smiling and appeared to be clowning around. The five Israelis were held at this federal jail for allegedly overstaying their visas.
(OC) In fact, within two weeks, an immigration judge routinely ordered them deported. But that is when, according to sources who spoke to 20/20, the FBI and CIA put a hold on the case. And over the next two months, some of the men were held in solitary confinement, questioned repeatedly and some of them were given up to seven lie detector tests. Clearly this was more than your average immigration case.
(OC) So when they were being questioned and when they were being polygraphed, what were the questions they were being asked?
Mr. GORDON: I believe the questions surrounded what they were doing in Amer-ica, what were they--were doing on September 11th with regard to whether or not they actually had any involvement in the World Trade Center incident. They were asked questions if they had ever been approached by or hired by any non-United States intelligence community.
MILLER: (VO) Since their arrest, there has been plenty of speculation and ru-mor about who these men were and what they were doing that morning. Eventually The Forward, a respected Jewish newspaper in New York, reported that the FBI concluded that at least two of them were Mossad operatives. That is, agents of Israeli intelligence.
Mr. VINCE CANNISTRARO: When the federal investigators checked the names of the people who had been arrested through a national intelligence database, some of the names came up as hits.
MILLER: (VO) Vince Cannistraro is a former chief of operations for counter-terrorism with the Central Intelligence Agency. Now he's a consultant with ABC News. He says many in the US intelligence community believe that some of the men arrested in the white van were in the US working for Israeli intelligence. They speculate that Urban Moving was being used by Israel as an intelligence front.
Mr. CANNISTRARO: ...set up or exploited for the purpose of launching an op-eration, an intelligence operation, against radical Islamics in the area, par-ticularly in the New Jersey/New York area.
MILLER: (VO) Under the scenario, the spying operation was not aimed against the United States, but at penetrating or monitoring radical fund-raising and support networks in Muslim communities like Patterson, New Jersey, which was one of the places where several of the hijackers lived in the months prior to 9/11.
Mr. CANNISTRARO: Israeli government has been concerned about activity of radical Islamic groups in the United States. There could be a support apparatus to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two groups which are conducting the majority of the suicide bombings in Israel.
MILLER: (VO) The suspicion that some of the young men might be with Israeli intelligence, coupled with the account of their odd behavior on the van, raised serious questions for investigators.
Mr. CANNISTRARO: The fear of some of the FBI investigators in this particular case was that this group had some advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 9/11. And once they understood that there was an Israeli connection--an Is-raeli intelligence connection--they became very disturbed, because the implica-tion was that the Israelis may have had some advanced knowledge of the events of 9/11 and hadn't told us.
MILLER: (VO) For the FBI, deciphering the truth about the five Israelis proved to be difficult. One of them, Paul Kurzberg, refused to take a lie de-tector test. But after 10 weeks in jail he did take the polygraph and failed it. One of his lawyers later told us Kurzberg had been reluctant to take the test because he had once work for Israeli intelligence in another country. Later, he took a second polygraph test. His lawyer says the results were more favorable. Sources tell 20/20, after high-level negotiations between Israeli and US gov-ernment officials, a settlement was worked out. And after 71 days, the five Is-raelis were taken out of jail, put on a plane and deported back home. 20/20 traveled to Israel to try and meet the five young men and ask them, were they part of an Israeli intelligence operation in the United States. We went to a small town outside of Jerusalem to meet Paul Kurzberg.
Mr. PAUL KURZBERG: (Through translator) I went to work over there because, I don't know, the situation here is not the best.
MILLER: (VO) This is Kurzberg's younger brother, Sivan, who was one of the three men on top of the van that morning.
Mr. SIVAN KURZBERG: (Through translator) They took away two months of my life. During that time I was supposed to be on a trip that I had planned when I started my military service.
MILLER: (VO) Although Paul and Sivan would not talk with us about the inci-dent, Sivan and two of the other detainees did go on an Israeli talk show after their return. Oded Ellner denied they were laughing or happy that today.
Mr. ODED ELLNER: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) Nothing of the kind, the fact of the matter is, we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event.
MILLER: (VO) Ellner also complained that they had been mistreated and sub-jected to repeated interrogations.
Mr. ELLNER: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) And at that point, we were taken for another round of questioning, this time related to our alleg-edly being members of Mossad.
MILLER: (VO) Their attorney in Israel is Ram Horvitz.
Mr. RAM HORVITZ: This story about the five boys being connected with Israeli intelligence is the most stupid and ridiculous story that I ever heard, and it is nonsense. I don't know who invented this story.
Mr. MARK REGAV: These men were not involved in any way in any intelligence operation in the United States.
MILLER: (VO) Mark Regav, the spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington, goes even further to say the issue was never even discussed with the US offi-cials.
Mr. REGAV: These five Israelis were not involved in any intelligence opera-tion in the United States. And the Americans, the American intelligence au-thorities, have never raised this issue with us. The story is simply false.
MILLER: (VO) Source tell 20/20 there is still debate within the FBI over whether or not the young men were spies. But many in the US intelligence commu-nity believe that some of the men were engaged in espionage for Israel. However, sources also tell us, even if they were spies, there was no evidence to conclude they had advanced knowledge of the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
Mr. CANNISTRARO: The investigation, at the end of the day, after all of the polygraphs, all of the field work, all of the cross-checking, the intelligence work, concluded that they probably did not have advanced knowledge of 9/11.
WALTERS: John, so the FBI has concluded that these men did not have any ad-vanced knowledge of the attack on the Trade Center.
MILLER: And they seem to be comfort with that conclusion.
WALTERS: OK. Then what were they doing looking at the World Trade Center then?
MILLER: They say that they read about the attack on the Internet, went to the roof of the moving company, couldn't really see it, and then went to the higher ground to get a better view and to take pictures.
WALTERS: Well, all right, but why were they smiling?
MILLER: Well, that's been the most difficult question. And the only explana-tions we've had, both from the lawyer and from the Israeli government, is chalk-ing that up just to immature conduct.
WALTERS: But the bottom line is, that there is no evidence that these men knew about the attacks in advance.
MILLER: No. And I think the FBI and the CIA spent a great deal of time try-ing to drill down to that answer and found no proof of that.
WALTERS: Well, I hope that we have put this rumor to rest once and for all.
MILLER: We've certainly tried.
WALTERS: We'll be right back.

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 04:45 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 08/10/11 04:46 PM
Not really very conclusive. If they were Israeli intelligence, I am sure the government or Mossad would deny it. I have also read that they were dressed like Arabs. But I guess Israeli's dress like Arabs all the time, right? :tongue:

"Mr. ODED ELLNER: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) Nothing of the kind, the fact of the matter is, we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event. "

s1owhand's photo
Wed 08/10/11 04:50 PM

Not really very conclusive. If they were Israeli intelligence, I am sure the government or Mossad would deny it. I have also read that they were dressed like Arabs. But I guess Israeli's dress like Arabs all the time, right? :tongue:

"Mr. ODED ELLNER: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) Nothing of the kind, the fact of the matter is, we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event. "


Document the event - like record it on a camcorder like half the
rest of the world. OK. So what big deal!


no photo
Wed 08/10/11 05:05 PM
so no one knew anything in advance.

yet they took out massive amounts of insurance against terrorism two

months before the attacks.

some offices were cleared out completely.

the pentagon wing that they hit was under construction

rockafellers got front row seats in a building nearby

all kind of illegal trading went on right before the planes hit


people of congress have stopped paying their taxes now

they have taken out the key ingredient in fertilizer to make food grow

(no its not nitrogen)noway


no photo
Wed 08/10/11 06:07 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Wed 08/10/11 06:10 PM

Not really very conclusive. If they were Israeli intelligence, I am sure the government or Mossad would deny it. I have also read that they were dressed like Arabs. But I guess Israeli's dress like Arabs all the time, right? :tongue:
"Mr. ODED ELLNER: (Through translator, from Israeli talk show) Nothing of the kind, the fact of the matter is, we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event. "

not really very conclusive, so no one can say they were, no one can say they were not. there is no fact

your attempt to prove a point by bolding letters is why people get confused. in brackets you will see the answer was given by a translator, who may or may not have been able to use words that would state he had prior knowledge. it leaves too much gray area to use as a fact

this statement is given by an israeli who may or may not be bias
Mr. REGAV: These five Israelis were not involved in any intelligence opera-tion in the United States. And the Americans, the American intelligence au-thorities, have never raised this issue with us. The story is simply false.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:37 PM
Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

Kleisto's photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:41 PM

Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

Gee I wonder why.......maybe because it was NEVER INTENDED TO BE STOPPED? Just a thought........

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:53 PM

Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

Gee I wonder why.......maybe because it was NEVER INTENDED TO BE STOPPED? Just a thought........

I do believe I've had enough of this, I don't have the energy for this bullcrap anymore. Think whatever you want, you'll have to face reality soon enough.

ok kleisto, when you said this were you lying

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:22 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 08/11/11 12:24 AM

Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

Gee I wonder why.......maybe because it was NEVER INTENDED TO BE STOPPED? Just a thought........

I do believe I've had enough of this, I don't have the energy for this bullcrap anymore. Think whatever you want, you'll have to face reality soon enough.

ok kleisto, when you said this were you lying

Eh so sue me, I come back, I come back. If I don't, I don't. Let's not get off topic, what I do or don't do is not up for debate, and I won't respond to any comments about it after this. Let's keep this to the matter at hand.

The fact is, if these people were being outright TOLD several years PRIOR to this alleged terrorist attack, and they did NOTHING, that should be a HUGE red flag that something is very wrong here.

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:30 AM

Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

Gee I wonder why.......maybe because it was NEVER INTENDED TO BE STOPPED? Just a thought........

I do believe I've had enough of this, I don't have the energy for this bullcrap anymore. Think whatever you want, you'll have to face reality soon enough.

ok kleisto, when you said this were you lying

Eh so sue me, I come back, I come back. If I don't, I don't. Let's not get off topic, what I do or don't do is not up for debate, and I won't respond to any comments about it after this. Let's keep this to the matter at hand.

The fact is, if these people were being outright TOLD several years PRIOR to this alleged terrorist attack, and they did NOTHING, that should be a HUGE red flag that something is very wrong here.

a HUGE red flag is someone who posts nonsense as facts, or gets upset because their view isn't seen as "right", or TROLLS threads just to stir the pot. so to stick to the topic one should contribute facts to support one's view, or ask questions that can be answered (not questions meant to go round in circles). some people would like to know the truth and welcome solid information to consider

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:37 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 08/11/11 12:38 AM

Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

Gee I wonder why.......maybe because it was NEVER INTENDED TO BE STOPPED? Just a thought........

I do believe I've had enough of this, I don't have the energy for this bullcrap anymore. Think whatever you want, you'll have to face reality soon enough.

ok kleisto, when you said this were you lying

Eh so sue me, I come back, I come back. If I don't, I don't. Let's not get off topic, what I do or don't do is not up for debate, and I won't respond to any comments about it after this. Let's keep this to the matter at hand.

The fact is, if these people were being outright TOLD several years PRIOR to this alleged terrorist attack, and they did NOTHING, that should be a HUGE red flag that something is very wrong here.

a HUGE red flag is someone who posts nonsense as facts, or gets upset because their view isn't seen as "right", or TROLLS threads just to stir the pot. so to stick to the topic one should contribute facts to support one's view, or ask questions that can be answered (not questions meant to go round in circles). some people would like to know the truth and welcome solid information to consider

Some people do wanna know the truth yes, but I don't see many here......most seem comfortable just believing what the government says.

Oh and on being upset when views aren't seen as "right", I believe there's a black kettle pot in your future.........

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:42 AM

Some people do wanna know the truth yes, but I don't see many here......most seem comfortable just believing what the government says.

then post what you know. if you can open one persons eyes, maybe, just maybe, you will have opened the eyes of someone much more influential than you. by that i mean someone who can influence others better than you, so that they will open more and more eyes. if you believe in something and it is truth, i guarantee i guarantee that if you talk the truth, eventually the right person will hear it. (bulldog double guarantee - patent pending) but if what you speak is falsehood, you need to be smart enough to shut the duck up and get right

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:44 AM

Oh and on being upset when views aren't seen as "right", I believe there's a black kettle pot in your future.........

if you know something post it. i'm not scared to admit when i'm wrong

Kleisto's photo
Thu 08/11/11 01:16 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Thu 08/11/11 01:28 AM

Oh and on being upset when views aren't seen as "right", I believe there's a black kettle pot in your future.........

if you know something post it. i'm not scared to admit when i'm wrong

Myself and Jeannie HAVE been, but no one seems to wanna hear it. What exactly do you want? The information is all out there, some of it in plain sight no less.

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 08/11/11 01:24 AM
Edited by Bestinshow on Thu 08/11/11 01:27 AM

Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

March 2001 - Italian intelligence warns of an al Qaeda plot in the United States involving a massive strike involving aircraft, based on their wiretap of al Qaeda cell in Milan.
July 2001 - Jordanian intelligence told US officials that al-Qaeda was planning an attack on American soil, and Egyptian intelligence warned the CIA that 20 al Qaeda Jihadists were in the United States, and that four of them were receiving flight training.
August 2001 - The Israeli Mossad gives the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US and say that they appear to be planning to carry out an attack in the near future.
August 2001 - The United Kingdom is warned three times of an imminent al Qaeda attack in the United States, the third specifying multiple airplane hijackings. According to the Sunday Herald, the report is passed on to President Bush a short time later.
September 2001 - Egyptian intelligence warns American officials that al Qaeda is in the advanced stages of executing a significant operation against an American target, probably within the US.
In her testimony to the 9/11 Commission, Condoleezza Rice stated that "the threat reporting that we received in the spring and summer of 2001 was not specific as to time nor place nor manner of attack. Almost all the reports focused on al Qaeda activities outside the United States." However, on August 6, 2001, the President's Daily Briefing, entitled Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US warned that bin Laden was planning to exploit his operatives' access to the U.S. to mount a terrorist strike:
FBI information... indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country, consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attack.

Rice responded, when being asked about the PDB at the Commission hearings, that "it wasn't something that we felt we needed to do anything about".


Lpdon's photo
Thu 08/11/11 03:49 AM

Israel did have intelligence of a possible terrorist attack and even gave us the names of MULTIPLE hijackers involved in 9/11, the information was given while Bill Clinton was President and NEVER passed on.

March 2001 - Italian intelligence warns of an al Qaeda plot in the United States involving a massive strike involving aircraft, based on their wiretap of al Qaeda cell in Milan.
July 2001 - Jordanian intelligence told US officials that al-Qaeda was planning an attack on American soil, and Egyptian intelligence warned the CIA that 20 al Qaeda Jihadists were in the United States, and that four of them were receiving flight training.
August 2001 - The Israeli Mossad gives the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US and say that they appear to be planning to carry out an attack in the near future.
August 2001 - The United Kingdom is warned three times of an imminent al Qaeda attack in the United States, the third specifying multiple airplane hijackings. According to the Sunday Herald, the report is passed on to President Bush a short time later.
September 2001 - Egyptian intelligence warns American officials that al Qaeda is in the advanced stages of executing a significant operation against an American target, probably within the US.
In her testimony to the 9/11 Commission, Condoleezza Rice stated that "the threat reporting that we received in the spring and summer of 2001 was not specific as to time nor place nor manner of attack. Almost all the reports focused on al Qaeda activities outside the United States." However, on August 6, 2001, the President's Daily Briefing, entitled Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US warned that bin Laden was planning to exploit his operatives' access to the U.S. to mount a terrorist strike:
FBI information... indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country, consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attack.

Rice responded, when being asked about the PDB at the Commission hearings, that "it wasn't something that we felt we needed to do anything about".


The only actual information we recieved was in 1999\2000 was from the Mossad about an imminant attack on us soil with 2-+ hijackers. Even game the names of most all of the Hijackers and Atta and Bin Laden. What did Clinton do with it? Squish it.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/11/11 06:29 AM

Oh and on being upset when views aren't seen as "right", I believe there's a black kettle pot in your future.........

if you know something post it. i'm not scared to admit when i'm wrong

Myself and Jeannie HAVE been, but no one seems to wanna hear it. What exactly do you want? The information is all out there, some of it in plain sight no less.

Neither of you have provided a single shred of credible evidence
of anything!!


Just videos and suppositions, half-baked theories, people filming
the event, quotes taken out of context...


Those things are not "evidence".


Meanwhile you IGNORE all the actual physical evidence and all the
expert reports which completely discredit the conspiracy theories!


It's a good time.


At least Jeannie says she is going to read the scientific reports
with an open mind. I'm sure if she does that she will realize that
all the conspiracy theories are indeed a big load of bunk.


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