Topic: I thought it was a joke.....
Atlantis75's photo
Sat 05/21/11 06:48 PM

Schwarzenegger has saved us again.

Really? I thought he was busy boinking his housemaid and knocking her up like all the rest of the damn idiots. Now we know how he got elected...

Oh I know..haha, back then he defeated Lucifer, now it's Jesus who may gets shoved back in the clouds.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 05/21/11 07:06 PM
So all the Christians have been granted what they were promised tonight?

Yea, now we can all be happy together. They are happy now they got what they wanted and they don't have to "save" any more people anymore.

It is just too good to be true I am sure.grumble

humuh's photo
Sat 05/21/11 07:57 PM

this talk of Jesus coming on May 21.
Seems there are some who believe this.
Who are these people? I don't know much about it.
Revalation 9vs5 talks about this,man will not die but will be tormented they say.This will be for 5 months before the end on october21.The date is in accordance with the biblical calendar.......i don't know if other religions are in harmony with the christians on this perspective

Christians are NOT in "harmony" with nonsense.

There is a BIG difference between Christianity and Religiousity.

Acts 1 :7

And Jesus said unto them, "It is NOT for you to know the times or the

seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power".

According to scripture, "NO MAN knoweth the DAY NOR THE HOUR of

Christ's return."!!!

see Matthew 24:36


Read job24:1 times are not hidden from men. Daniel 12:4,8,9 this was done to increase men's knowledge.In the beginning was the word,which was God.Jesus is God then cannot hide anything from himself.Jesus is fully aware of the judgement day

wux's photo
Sat 05/21/11 08:46 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 05/21/11 08:49 PM

Schwarzenegger has saved us again.

Really? I thought he was busy boinking his housemaid and knocking her up like all the rest of the damn idiots. Now we know how he got elected...

How? He f-ed his way into office?

I've missed my calling. I am switching over into politics.

You see, my basketball career did not quite work out for me. Wilt... Wilt Chamberlain. My hero... Sniff....

Now it's Gorbachev and Lenin, my new heroes, the new strikers, the new breath of history.

(singing:) Forward, you proletar, forward, comrade...

wux's photo
Sat 05/21/11 08:53 PM
Edited by wux on Sat 05/21/11 08:55 PM

Jesus is God then cannot hide anything from himself.Jesus is fully aware of the judgement day

Heck, every man and his brother is aware of judgment day, at least of the concept, why would JC be kept in the dark about it?

If he can't hide anythign from himself, then he lacks the power to hide things from himself, so he is not all-powerful. But we know for a fact that he is all-powerful

So maybe he did hide this thing from himself. You never know for sure, until the next scripture is going to be written.

(sorry, Mark, it is not so much religiousity I am speaking from, but logic... and humour... please do not smite me Thou, with Thyne thunderbolt.)

no photo
Sat 05/21/11 09:27 PM

wux's photo
Sat 05/21/11 09:38 PM
Dear Parent,

Your Johnny was disrapting the class on several occasions today. And after school hours he raptured the hymens of several of his female class mates. Much to their rapturous delight.

Cheer_up's photo
Sat 05/21/11 09:40 PM
I Think this is a religious Topic no? but anyways i don't like to make fun of other people's religion even if they wrong on some points and right on some points but it seems a lot here are king of making fun of someone else's Religion what is sad ....myself i don't believe them either but some scriptures are in the bible but some do get mixed up as the bible states nobody knows the day or hour only God :)but still not good to make fun of others as i sure you wouldn't like people to make fun of you just my opinion cheers:thumbsup: each have a right to a opinion but mocking or making fun of a Religion for what they believe is not right no matter how strange you may think they are have a good day all :) oh that go's for weight,mental conditions,short,tall,blind,hearing impaired,too and so on people just make fun of others without ever thinking what if a person made fun of you ? just a thought would you feel? oh by the way never heard of this religion or this before today but sure don't believe it..but i guess its what they do oh well ... their choice cheers

no photo
Sat 05/21/11 09:50 PM
Relax, cheer. There's nothing wrong with a little laughing at all this rapture stuff. It's been all over the place recently and it does make me laugh. However, that doesn't mean I'm telling others how to think, or what to believe.

Cheer_up's photo
Sat 05/21/11 10:09 PM

Relax, cheer. There's nothing wrong with a little laughing at all this rapture stuff. It's been all over the place recently and it does make me laugh. However, that doesn't mean I'm telling others how to think, or what to believe.
i am relaxed all i am saying to their group maybe they serious but to me i don't believe it but i don't need to mock just my opinion ,oh and i never said your telling anyone what to think or what to believe :) just asking you something say someone made fun of your religion thats if you have 1 how you feel? or maybe you don't care lol but just my opinion when i see people laugh at another's religion :thumbsup:

no photo
Sat 05/21/11 10:14 PM

Relax, cheer. There's nothing wrong with a little laughing at all this rapture stuff. It's been all over the place recently and it does make me laugh. However, that doesn't mean I'm telling others how to think, or what to believe.
i am relaxed all i am saying to their group maybe they serious but to me i don't believe it but i don't need to mock just my opinion ,oh and i never said your telling anyone what to think or what to believe :) just asking you something say someone made fun of your religion thats if you have 1 how you feel? or maybe you don't care lol but just my opinion when i see people laugh at another's religion :thumbsup:

Well, I'm Jewish and not religious. People have made fun of both often. How do I feel? I don't care. If I feel like laughing at some outrageous religious claim, I'll do so as well. It isn't really that big of a deal.

Cheer_up's photo
Sat 05/21/11 10:28 PM
Edited by Cheer_up on Sat 05/21/11 10:50 PM

Relax, cheer. There's nothing wrong with a little laughing at all this rapture stuff. It's been all over the place recently and it does make me laugh. However, that doesn't mean I'm telling others how to think, or what to believe.
i am relaxed all i am saying to their group maybe they serious but to me i don't believe it but i don't need to mock just my opinion ,oh and i never said your telling anyone what to think or what to believe :) just asking you something say someone made fun of your religion thats if you have 1 how you feel? or maybe you don't care lol but just my opinion when i see people laugh at another's religion :thumbsup:

Well, I'm Jewish and not religious. People have made fun of both often. How do I feel? I don't care. If I feel like laughing at some outrageous religious claim, I'll do so as well. It isn't really that big of a deal.
its not good to make fun of any Religion but i see cause you said people made fun of Jewish that you say its ok now for you to make fun???? well Thats ok i guess its kind of behind their back and they not watching and its up to you what you do but i guess this is what the worlds like now a days i see and you laugh at others is your opinion but do you laugh at fat people too? and make fun of them ? just curious?

no photo
Sun 05/22/11 08:09 AM

its not good to make fun of any Religion but i see cause you said people made fun of Jewish that you say its ok now for you to make fun???? well Thats ok i guess its kind of behind their back and they not watching and its up to you what you do but i guess this is what the worlds like now a days i see and you laugh at others is your opinion but do you laugh at fat people too? and make fun of them ? just curious?

The whole rapture thing was over the top. Yes, I laughed at it. That's it. I'm not attacking anyone for their beliefs. I happened to find this particular thing funny, though. I've said nothing behind anyone's back. Anyone can see what I've said here.

What on earth does this have to do with fat people?

You're getting upset because I laughed at the rapture silliness, yet you're going after me and not anyone else. Why is that?

rara777's photo
Sun 05/22/11 10:44 AM

Schwarzenegger has saved us again.

Really? I thought he was busy boinking his housemaid and knocking her up like all the rest of the damn idiots. Now we know how he got elected...

Your California tax dollars at work.surprised

Boink...Boink..:laughing: rofl

markecephus's photo
Sun 05/22/11 03:38 PM

I just wanted to point out, that the rapture has been delayed, due to technical difficulties. It should happen sometime within the next thousand years. I'll try and keep you updated.

That is all,


no photo
Sun 05/22/11 03:46 PM
Due to international travel logistics, I regretfully announce that the
GOD must cancel his ''end of the world'' performance tonight. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our fans. It has been rescheduled for a later date:p

no photo
Sun 05/22/11 03:47 PM

Relax, cheer. There's nothing wrong with a little laughing at all this rapture stuff. It's been all over the place recently and it does make me laugh. However, that doesn't mean I'm telling others how to think, or what to believe.
i am relaxed all i am saying to their group maybe they serious but to me i don't believe it but i don't need to mock just my opinion ,oh and i never said your telling anyone what to think or what to believe :) just asking you something say someone made fun of your religion thats if you have 1 how you feel? or maybe you don't care lol but just my opinion when i see people laugh at another's religion :thumbsup:

Well, I'm Jewish and not religious. People have made fun of both often. How do I feel? I don't care. If I feel like laughing at some outrageous religious claim, I'll do so as well. It isn't really that big of a deal.

no photo
Sun 05/22/11 04:27 PM

this talk of Jesus coming on May 21.
Seems there are some who believe this.
Who are these people? I don't know much about it.

I wasn't informed!! Was anyone at home when he turned up?? I didn't hear the doorbell, I swear... Ah well, he'll be back, I'm sure...

no photo
Sun 05/22/11 05:19 PM

this talk of Jesus coming on May 21.
Seems there are some who believe this.
Who are these people? I don't know much about it.

I wasn't informed!! Was anyone at home when he turned up?? I didn't hear the doorbell, I swear... Ah well, he'll be back, I'm sure...

He's not coming back.

no photo
Sun 05/22/11 05:24 PM

I just wanted to point out, that the rapture has been delayed, due to technical difficulties. It should happen sometime within the next thousand years. I'll try and keep you updated.

That is all,


rofl rofl rofl

Now cheer is going to show up again and lecture me for making fun of religion.