Topic: I thought it was a joke..... | |
I have an announcement to make. The end of world, or rapture will not begin tomorrow. I know this because i have unsettled bills, and there is no darn way i'll get out of that! That is all.. as you were. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I for sure know the world ain't ending tomorrow... I am still married! World won't end till I am finally free! Then, my first day as a truly single woman enjoying her new found freedom? BAM! World explodes... Because that, my dears.... Is just my luck... |
By what calendar has this date been calculated? Cause we changed it a few times. Plus what about leap years has anyone accounted for that?
Oh man this is tooooo funny. It's like Y2K all over again... Where's the party, I'll bring the VODKA! |
I thought the world was supposed to end on 12/12/12?
I thought the world was supposed to end on 12/12/12? That ain't happening either, i'll still owe money.. lol |
I know my daughter is not much of a cook,but just because she invited me to dinner tomorrow I don't think her cooking is bad enough to blow up the world....but hey we will see.
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I know my daughter is not much of a cook,but just because she invited me to dinner tomorrow I don't think her cooking is bad enough to blow up the world....but hey we will see. ![]() ![]() |
I guess I need to make a beer run........
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I know my daughter is not much of a cook,but just because she invited me to dinner tomorrow I don't think her cooking is bad enough to blow up the world....but hey we will see. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
| won't end's my son's Birthday....and that just wouldn't work out..
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I have an announcement to make. The end of world, or rapture will not begin tomorrow. I know this because i have unsettled bills, and there is no darn way i'll get out of that! That is all.. as you were. I concur, also because of a personal, but highly irrefutable reason. Last night as I was getting ready to go to bed and getting down to play with myself, a winged (and rather well-hung) Inka Monkey God from the Seventeenth Serpentine century came to me, asked me for my lose change, and said that the end of the world will be postponed... he cited technical difficulties and too much rain in Montexalcuma county. He was especially miffed, he said, that most Earthlings mix up Sex-Crazed Monkey Gods with Irish leprechauns. He said if it was true, then half the world could boast of Inka ancestry, which they don't. He said the Leprechauns give love a bad name, and make the world believe it's the doing of Monkeys. Then he ripped off (literally) a stone gargoyle from the alabaster roof of my castle and they flew off into the sunset, wing-in-wing. |
| won't end's my son's Birthday....and that just wouldn't work out.. ![]() Jeeze... any self-respecting teen-ager would be PROUD to have the world end on his birthday. But MOM would not hear of it... naturally. |
By what calendar has this date been calculated? Cause we changed it a few times. Plus what about leap years has anyone accounted for that? Oh man this is tooooo funny. It's like Y2K all over again... Where's the party, I'll bring the VODKA! The Inka calendar is the one used this time. And leap years are marked on it as leopard years. You see, leopards leap. That's part of their job description. |
Edited by
Fri 05/20/11 05:28 PM
I guess I need to make a beer run........ ![]() And I need to go for a pure prune-run pun... thanks for reminding me. Because you don't want to face the last day of your world with a constipation. It is just not done. (Is the last day of the world also the first day of the rest of our lives?) |
Families divided as some people believe world will self-destruct on Saturday
© Monica Lopossay/New York Abby Haddad Carson and Robert Carson say Saturday is Judgment Day; the children, Joseph, Faith and Grace, right, do not. The Haddad children of Middletown, Md., have a lot on their minds: school projects, SATs, weekend parties. And parents who believe the earth will begin to self-destruct on Saturday. The three teenagers have been struggling to make sense of their shifting world, which started changing nearly two years ago when their mother, Abby Haddad Carson, left her job as a nurse to "sound the trumpet" on mission trips with her husband, Robert, handing out tracts. They stopped working on their house and saving for college. Last weekend, the family traveled to New York, the parents dragging their reluctant children through a Manhattan street fair in a final effort to spread the word. "My mom has told me directly that I'm not going to get into heaven," Grace Haddad, 16, said. "At first it was really upsetting, but it's what she honestly believes." Thousands of people around the country have spent the last few days taking to the streets and saying final goodbyes before Saturday, Judgment Day, when they expect to be absorbed into heaven in a process known as the rapture. Nonbelievers, they hold, will be left behind to perish along with the world over the next five months. With their doomsday T-shirts, placards and leaflets, followers - often clutching Bibles - are typically viewed as harmless proselytizers from outside mainstream religion. But their convictions have frequently created the most tension within their own families, particularly with relatives whose main concern about the weekend is whether it will rain. Kino Douglas, 31, a self-described agnostic, said it was hard to be with his sister Stacey, 33, who "doesn't want to talk about anything else." "I'll say, 'Oh, what are we going to do this summer?' She's going to say, 'The world is going to end on May 21, so I don't know why you're planning for summer,' and then everyone goes, 'Oh, boy,' " he said. The Douglas siblings live near each other in Brooklyn, and Mr. Douglas said he could not wait until Sunday - "I'm going to show up at her house so we can have that conversation that's been years in coming." Ms. Douglas, who has a 7-year-old, said that while her family did not see the future the way she did, her mother did allow her to put a Judgment Day sign up on her house. "I never thought I'd be doing this," said Ms. Douglas, who took vacation from her nanny job this week but did not quit. "I was in an abusive relationship. One day, my son was playing with the remote and Mr. Camping was on TV. I thought, This guy is crazy. But I kept thinking about it and something told me to go back." more here |
so she told her kids they are not going to heaven... where do these fools come from?
He ain't coming. My Jewdar says no big Jewish people in the sky are coming down tomorrow... Careful... because did you know that the messiah is actually 5'1"? Moses himself never rose above 4'10" in stature. Goliath was the veritable equivalent to an NBA star of today at 5'8", and David, a mere 2'4" teen-ager. The tower Babel was two stories high, and mount of Ararat was at a staggeringly dizzying elevation of 12 feet above sea level. People (Elia, for instance) took to the sky in burning chariots easily, since the top of the atmosphere at the time was at an accessible height of 32 feet. Manna did not burn up on their descent in the atmosphere, like some brittle and yummy meteor, coz the fall was off a height of no more than 66 feet altogether. |
It is your tomorrow, here, already, has been for almost 11 hours....and unless he's travelling a big white bus, with a blue canoe on the roof, (parked outside my house)...
it ain't happening today. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 05/20/11 06:31 PM
I thought the world was supposed to end on 12/12/12? If you ask me, the world ought to have ended at the same time that it started. |
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so she told her kids they are not going to heaven... where do these fools come from? That's a darn good question, i won't go in to my beliefs, as this is a light hearted and fun thread. All i can say, is that i'll see you all back here on Sunday, and i'll also see you, on January 1 2013. Lord willing, of course. ![]() |