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Topic: Sticks and Stones
Kleisto's photo
Tue 04/12/11 11:03 PM

No matter what we believe the Scriptures are a good tool to learn from..

so ...er....when was the last time you stoned some unruly children and adulterers to death?

not since Jesus advised only those without sin to throw the stone,,,,

good thing Jesus didn't say those without sin go into the temple of the money changers and cast the first pew

Would not have made one difference. Jesus said this because not one person is without sin. All sins are equal. So what makes you any greater then another? What puts you on a higher level allowing you to judge another eg., casting stones at them? NOTHING does. We are all sinners, we have all fallen short of the glory of God. That is why Jesus said this. You are not greater then I, nor am I great then you. So if neither one of us is greater then the other, what would give us the authority to judge another? Absolutely nothing would give us that authority, nothing would give us that option, nothing would give us that righteousness of a judgment.

all sin equal huh?

John 19:11

11 Yahshua answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

Truly Miles.

Here's another one:

Matt.5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Least commandments? That implies that they aren't as important as a greater commandment. And since sin is nothing more than disobedience of commandments then sin too would need to be hierarchical.

Where this notion that all sin is equal comes from I'm not sure. But if it states that in the Bible then just add it to the very long list of contradictions and inconsistencies of these stories, because as you've already pointed out, these stories even have Jesus himself speaking of a 'lesser' and 'greater' sin.

So would Jesus have been unaware that all sins are equal? slaphead

Clearly this religion is riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies.


Moreover, Matthew 5:19 also flies in the very face of FORGIVENESS and the idea that the blood of Jesus will wash away your sins and your sins will be forgiven.

This is because in Matthew 5:19 Jesus speaks of people being 'greater' and 'lesser' in heaven based on the sins they have committed. Thus they cannot have been fully forgiven their sins if they are going to be continually held against them even in heaven.

Clearly heaven itself is not going to be the "paradise" that many Christians would like, because it's obviously going to contain a hierarchical society just like on Earth where some people are deemed to be "Greater" and some people are deemed to be "lesser".

This flies in the face of the idea that Jesus washes away all your sins and forgives them since he's clearly speaking here of holding them against a person in heaven.

Also, according to the Christians there's no way that said person could have gotten to heaven without having accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior which qualifies a person for having their sins washed away and forgotten.

So these stories are just riddled with contradiction, conflicts, and obviously made up lies.

There can be no question about it.

They simply shoot themselves in their own foot far too many times over.

Furthermore, if God is all forgiving and merciful, how can there be such a thing as an unforgiveable sin? The Bible teaches that as well.

We have our life time to choose weather we wish to worship God or not. If one deny's God their entire life, how can they ask for forgiveness? How can that sin be forgiven if they die before they get the chance to ask for it?

It shouldn't matter, either God is all forgiving or He's not. Simple as that.

sanelunasea's photo
Tue 04/12/11 11:12 PM
So the people brought a woman before Jesus and say, "We caught this woman committing adultery! Should we stone her?"

Jesus replies, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

From the crowd someone tosses a stone and nails the woman in the back of the head.

Jesus cries, "Very funny, Mother!"

ShiningArmour's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:29 AM
Edited by ShiningArmour on Wed 04/13/11 05:33 AM

No matter what we believe the Scriptures are a good tool to learn from..

so ...er....when was the last time you stoned some unruly children and adulterers to death?

not since Jesus advised only those without sin to throw the stone,,,,

good thing Jesus didn't say those without sin go into the temple of the money changers and cast the first pew

Would not have made one difference. Jesus said this because not one person is without sin. All sins are equal. So what makes you any greater then another? What puts you on a higher level allowing you to judge another eg., casting stones at them? NOTHING does. We are all sinners, we have all fallen short of the glory of God. That is why Jesus said this. You are not greater then I, nor am I great then you. So if neither one of us is greater then the other, what would give us the authority to judge another? Absolutely nothing would give us that authority, nothing would give us that option, nothing would give us that righteousness of a judgment.

all sin equal huh?

John 19:11

11 Yahshua answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

Truly Miles.

Here's another one:

Matt.5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Least commandments? That implies that they aren't as important as a greater commandment. And since sin is nothing more than disobedience of commandments then sin too would need to be hierarchical.

Where this notion that all sin is equal comes from I'm not sure. But if it states that in the Bible then just add it to the very long list of contradictions and inconsistencies of these stories, because as you've already pointed out, these stories even have Jesus himself speaking of a 'lesser' and 'greater' sin.

So would Jesus have been unaware that all sins are equal? slaphead

Clearly this religion is riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies.


Moreover, Matthew 5:19 also flies in the very face of FORGIVENESS and the idea that the blood of Jesus will wash away your sins and your sins will be forgiven.

This is because in Matthew 5:19 Jesus speaks of people being 'greater' and 'lesser' in heaven based on the sins they have committed. Thus they cannot have been fully forgiven their sins if they are going to be continually held against them even in heaven.

Clearly heaven itself is not going to be the "paradise" that many Christians would like, because it's obviously going to contain a hierarchical society just like on Earth where some people are deemed to be "Greater" and some people are deemed to be "lesser".

This flies in the face of the idea that Jesus washes away all your sins and forgives them since he's clearly speaking here of holding them against a person in heaven.

Also, according to the Christians there's no way that said person could have gotten to heaven without having accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior which qualifies a person for having their sins washed away and forgotten.

So these stories are just riddled with contradiction, conflicts, and obviously made up lies.

There can be no question about it.

They simply shoot themselves in their own foot far too many times over.

Furthermore, if God is all forgiving and merciful, how can there be such a thing as an unforgiveable sin? The Bible teaches that as well.

We have our life time to choose weather we wish to worship God or not. If one deny's God their entire life, how can they ask for forgiveness? How can that sin be forgiven if they die before they get the chance to ask for it?

It shouldn't matter, either God is all forgiving or He's not. Simple as that.

God is all forgiving yes, However that sin, (The unpardonable one) Is the one exception.

If it's truly caused by one rejecting God their whole life, then that means they were never spirit filled which means the sin was never forgiven. And never will be. They are subject to eternal condemnation as Jesus put it.

If you want to be forgiven my friend all you need do is ask :wink:

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/13/11 05:43 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Wed 04/13/11 05:46 AM
An example of why I find the dogma of christianity so disturbing...

this happened last friday evening...

my youngest daughter aged 14....a creative, wise, compassionate, empathetic, confident and gentle young emerging woman....went to a 'Girl's Night' at the local church...baptist...australian baptist...(not the hallelujah revivalist kind...)...

the evening was marketed as a craft night for girl's to get together...where a milliner and a quilter would run a workshop...so far so good...

it was NOTHING to do with craft!...over 20 local girls went along with realistic expectations of being taught hat making and quilting, in a safe and gentle space...the local church hall.

The girls were subjected to a 2 hour session on how they SHOULD behave....what christ expects of them....with scripture rammed down their throats, delivered in a manner that was aggressive, and righteous.

My daughter asked an extremely valid question of one of the female speakers...what would she tell her daughter to do, if she was bullied physically and verbally at school...(high school)...the woman replied...."Why pray of course, ask Jesus to help you work through this."


So whilst her daughter is getting kicked in the head...she should pray to Jesus?

I was LIVID!!!

and told her so....how dare they market something as one thing, when it was a subversive attempt at deception so they could ram their beliefs down young impressionable emerging women's throats!!!

How dare they decide for these women what they need!

I have HUGE issues with the deceptions of your christian gods, demi gods, followers ....it's a cancer of the worst kind.

again and again...although I turn the other cheek...(and your demi-god did not come up with that catchphrase...)....and have allowed my children to explore different religions, and attend different faith's functions...

and every time without fail...the christian faiths leave us feeling defiled, devalued, and deceived.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:07 AM

God is all forgiving yes, However that sin, (The unpardonable one) Is the one exception.

If it's truly caused by one rejecting God their whole life, then that means they were never spirit filled which means the sin was never forgiven. And never will be. They are subject to eternal condemnation as Jesus put it.

If you want to be forgiven my friend all you need do is ask :wink:

Forgiven for what?

For not supporting religious bigotry and spreading hatred in the name of Jesus Christ?

I'll pass on that. flowerforyou

I have no need to pacify the egos of arrogant Christians in order to have a loving relationship with God.

How arrogant can anyone be to go around telling people who God will love and who God will hate?

Yet that's all that some Christians ever seem to do. ohwell

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:16 AM

An example of why I find the dogma of christianity so disturbing...

this happened last friday evening...

my youngest daughter aged 14....a creative, wise, compassionate, empathetic, confident and gentle young emerging woman....went to a 'Girl's Night' at the local church...baptist...australian baptist...(not the hallelujah revivalist kind...)...

the evening was marketed as a craft night for girl's to get together...where a milliner and a quilter would run a workshop...so far so good...

it was NOTHING to do with craft!...over 20 local girls went along with realistic expectations of being taught hat making and quilting, in a safe and gentle space...the local church hall.

The girls were subjected to a 2 hour session on how they SHOULD behave....what christ expects of them....with scripture rammed down their throats, delivered in a manner that was aggressive, and righteous.

My daughter asked an extremely valid question of one of the female speakers...what would she tell her daughter to do, if she was bullied physically and verbally at school...(high school)...the woman replied...."Why pray of course, ask Jesus to help you work through this."


So whilst her daughter is getting kicked in the head...she should pray to Jesus?

I was LIVID!!!

and told her so....how dare they market something as one thing, when it was a subversive attempt at deception so they could ram their beliefs down young impressionable emerging women's throats!!!

How dare they decide for these women what they need!

I have HUGE issues with the deceptions of your christian gods, demi gods, followers ....it's a cancer of the worst kind.

again and again...although I turn the other cheek...(and your demi-god did not come up with that catchphrase...)....and have allowed my children to explore different religions, and attend different faith's functions...

and every time without fail...the christian faiths leave us feeling defiled, devalued, and deceived.

You should know better than to trust the Christians in the first place, they can be some of the most deceitful people you'll ever meet. They lie and misrepresent their intentions all the time in an effort to lure people in for their brainwashing dogma sessions.

Gandhi said it well, "I like your Jesus, but I don't like your Christians, your Christians are so unlike you Jesus".

And they often are!

They try to lay guilt trips on people and everything. They especially try to target the young and vulnerable. People who are easy to frighten, or people who are in desperate need of hope. They prey upon the weak. And they know precisely what they are doing too!

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:22 AM

You should know better than to trust the Christians in the first place, they can be some of the most deceitful people you'll ever meet. They lie and misrepresent their intentions all the time in an effort to lure people in for their brainwashing dogma sessions.

Gandhi said it well, "I like your Jesus, but I don't like your Christians, your Christians are so unlike you Jesus".

And they often are!

They try to lay guilt trips on people and everything. They especially try to target the young and vulnerable. People who are easy to frighten, or people who are in desperate need of hope. They prey upon the weak. And they know precisely what they are doing too!

James...the facilitator of the evening and the pastor of the church, I work with, we sit on many community group committees together....

I have the utmost respect for the work they do, and respect their human-ness...although we have differed vastly on belief structures, and had many interesting debates...

HOWEVER....both the pastor and the facilitator got a gobfull, and a letter written to the elders of the Diocese, as well as a formal complaint made to the school that these young girls attend...

this is a tiny village here...2500 people spread over a whole shire...(county)...and never in my wildest dreams could I have anticipated this event would be anything but as it was marketed as.

It has me in a state of alarm when dogma is bombarded on young people with them unaware of what they are being led into.

Deception is not the way to any godhead.

2smileloudly's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:28 AM
I agree with you...
Christianity is such a ....rediculous belief, and I don't want it forced upon me either :(
the world would be so much better off if we could put Jesus where he belongs... in a history book of fictional stories with the other 2800 gods that mankind has created over time...
Many people just have a need to believe in something that becomes responsible for their life events....Maybe try being stronger and responsible for yourself :)

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/13/11 06:40 AM

I agree with you...
Christianity is such a ....rediculous belief, and I don't want it forced upon me either :(
the world would be so much better off if we could put Jesus where he belongs... in a history book of fictional stories with the other 2800 gods that mankind has created over time...
Many people just have a need to believe in something that becomes responsible for their life events....Maybe try being stronger and responsible for yourself :)

Excuse me???

try being stronger and responsible for myself?

How so?

because I escorted my daughter to a so called craft night, and discovered it was dogmatic bullcrap?

How am I NOT responsible for myself?

I am furious at the deception used on young women!

Not me!...I didn't go looking to be 'saved'!!!rofl

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 07:35 AM
you will be assimulated ..resistance is futile ..we are "Organized Religion"

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 04/13/11 09:44 AM
"My daughter asked an extremely valid question of one of the female speakers...what would she tell her daughter to do, if she was bullied physically and verbally at school...(high school)...the woman replied...."Why pray of course, ask Jesus to help you work through this." "

In keeping with prayer for the bullies.

'Jesus please forgive these christians for bullying your daughter and the other young ladies that attended their event.'


Bullies come in all shapes and sizes.

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 10:46 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 04/13/11 10:49 AM

I share your outrage for the deception that the churches engage in to seduce the youth. One of my pet peeves is Christian rock. A tool designed to cater to Christian youth who are sick of traditional church music. It is another brainwashing tool.

I hate Christian rock.

The churches are desperate to keep the youth in the flock. The children today are much wiser and more enlightened than they. You have to trap them when they are very young and brainwash them.

And they will all smile and put on that "nice" and "loving" persona pretending to be innocent and kind.

It's a trap. RUN!!! LOL

Don't be fooled.

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/13/11 11:25 AM
I am lost. I wasnt there, so my question is sincere and not judgmental.

But why would one send their teen to a church function and not expect it to have a church environment and theme?

why would that be cause for offense? am I missing something here,,,sad sad sad

IF my asian neighbor invited my teen for a 'boys night', I might expect that along with things for boys they would also have some traditional asian things happening ,,,,,,,asian food, discussion on asian culture

if I sent him to an asian home, why would I then take offense at the asians for being their normal self, with their normal culture and discussions?

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 11:34 AM

I am lost. I wasnt there, so my question is sincere and not judgmental.

But why would one send their teen to a church function and not expect it to have a church environment and theme?

why would that be cause for offense? am I missing something here,,,sad sad sad

IF my asian neighbor invited my teen for a 'boys night', I might expect that along with things for boys they would also have some traditional asian things happening ,,,,,,,asian food, discussion on asian culture

if I sent him to an asian home, why would I then take offense at the asians for being their normal self, with their normal culture and discussions?

Well because they billed the event, apparently, as an arts and crafts night. DUH!

But yes, if you send your kid to church for arts and crafts, you should realize that the arts and crafts part of it is just BAIT.

In other words, you should know by now, that the church has an agenda ----> and its not arts and crafts. That's just how they operate.

So why doesn't the church just be honest and state what the agenda is in the first place? Because they would probably not get as many people to come.

I remember going to a summer camp sponsored by our church when I was a child. My parents and me both expected a fun filled week of fun and camping. Instead our days were spent in one class after another being fed a bunch of dogma. We had very little fun and camping adventures at all the entire week. My mom said if she had known what they were doing she would have come and gotten us.

It was not a fun summer camp, it was a week long brain washing church service in the mountains where we were held captive.

2smileloudly's photo
Wed 04/13/11 11:43 AM
Wed 04/13/11 06:40 AMQUOTE:

I agree with you...
Christianity is such a ....rediculous belief, and I don't want it forced upon me either :(
the world would be so much better off if we could put Jesus where he belongs... in a history book of fictional stories with the other 2800 gods that mankind has created over time...
Many people just have a need to believe in something that becomes responsible for their life events....Maybe try being stronger and responsible for yourself :)

Excuse me???
try being stronger and responsible for myself?
How so?
because I escorted my daughter to a so called craft night, and discovered it was dogmatic bullcrap?
How am I NOT responsible for myself?
I am furious at the deception used on young women!
Not me!...I didn't go looking to be 'saved'!!!

Hi Jess642 :)

I agree with you, I am sorry about how I wrote the last sentence in my post above, it was poorly written, I was in a hurry and proof read it toooo quickly .. I was referring to christians and others who should try to be stronger and responsible for themselves, not push their responsibilities, choices and consequences onto an imaginary god... I would be upset just like you were :)

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/13/11 11:52 AM

I am lost. I wasnt there, so my question is sincere and not judgmental.

But why would one send their teen to a church function and not expect it to have a church environment and theme?

why would that be cause for offense? am I missing something here,,,sad sad sad

IF my asian neighbor invited my teen for a 'boys night', I might expect that along with things for boys they would also have some traditional asian things happening ,,,,,,,asian food, discussion on asian culture

if I sent him to an asian home, why would I then take offense at the asians for being their normal self, with their normal culture and discussions?

Well because they billed the event, apparently, as an arts and crafts night. DUH!

But yes, if you send your kid to church for arts and crafts, you should realize that the arts and crafts part of it is just BAIT.

In other words, you should know by now, that the church has an agenda ----> and its not arts and crafts. That's just how they operate.

So why doesn't the church just be honest and state what the agenda is in the first place? Because they would probably not get as many people to come.

I remember going to a summer camp sponsored by our church when I was a child. My parents and me both expected a fun filled week of fun and camping. Instead our days were spent in one class after another being fed a bunch of dogma. We had very little fun and camping adventures at all the entire week. My mom said if she had known what they were doing she would have come and gotten us.

It was not a fun summer camp, it was a week long brain washing church service in the mountains where we were held captive.

I disagree about it being bait

If I invite others children to my home to have arts and crafts, it by no means should imply that they will MERELY be exposed to arts and crafts in some type of un opinionated , un structured, vacuum.

the structure and the environment in which we would do arts and crafts would still include those discussions I have with my own children in my home and those age appropriate things I include in activities with my own children

if I want kids to be exposed to JUST arts and crafts, I most likely will send them to some official arts and crafts STORE, or class,,,,

its all good though,,,I just wasnt understanding,,,,

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/13/11 11:53 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 04/13/11 11:55 AM

you will be assimulated ..resistance is futile ..we are "Organized Religion"

well, resistance might be harder if you go INTO A CHURCH,,,

seriously, chances of not hearing about God decrease significant when one enters a church

much like chances of not smelling and seeing meat decrease when one enters a steak house

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 11:58 AM

you will be assimulated ..resistance is futile ..we are "Organized Religion"

well, resistance might be harder if you go INTO A CHURCH,,,

seriously, chances of not hearing about God decrease significant when one enters a church

much like chances of not smelling and seeing meat decrease when one enters a steak house

Thanks for the warning. laugh laugh laugh laugh

msharmony's photo
Wed 04/13/11 11:59 AM
anytime,, goofs like me enjoy sharing,,:tongue:

no photo
Wed 04/13/11 12:26 PM

I am lost. I wasnt there, so my question is sincere and not judgmental.

But why would one send their teen to a church function and not expect it to have a church environment and theme?

why would that be cause for offense? am I missing something here,,,sad sad sad

IF my asian neighbor invited my teen for a 'boys night', I might expect that along with things for boys they would also have some traditional asian things happening ,,,,,,,asian food, discussion on asian culture

if I sent him to an asian home, why would I then take offense at the asians for being their normal self, with their normal culture and discussions?

MsHarmony...perhaps your neighbors are simple americans of asian decent...why assume they will be different than any other american

but anyway since you brought it up...asians do find the liver of the puffer fish a delicacy...if the liver is not sliced or cook perfectly it can kill when eaten......would you like to know that they will be serving this to your child or you don't mind since according to you it's asian food

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