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Topic: Are Atheists Open for a Chat?
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Sat 03/19/11 01:31 PM
If the Bible were a History book, then it would be taught in history class.

It is, however, an example of some of the ways of life lived by people of the past and gives us incites into how they may have lived.

But the stories are symbolic, fictional, etc. Some may be based on actual events, but to what extent is hard to tell.

But it is not a history book.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:37 PM

If the Bible were a History book, then it would be taught in history class.

It is, however, an example of some of the ways of life lived by people of the past and gives us incites into how they may have lived.

But the stories are symbolic, fictional, etc. Some may be based on actual events, but to what extent is hard to tell.

But it is not a history book.

lol, this is a great example of what we spoke about earlier. Your truth is not my truth, thats fine with me.

Theology courses do indeed teach BIBLICAL history, whereas most formal mainstream schools teach anything from AMERICAN history to WORLD history,,etc,,,

the Bible is another history book, although it is not taught in MAINSTREAM history classes

no photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:45 PM
I don't have a lot of faith in regular history books either. They are written by the jerks who won the wars. laugh laugh laugh

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:45 PM

I don't have a lot of faith in regular history books either. They are written by the jerks who won the wars. laugh laugh laugh


freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:29 AM
"If the Bible were a History book, then it would be taught in history class."

Actually, the Bible used to be taught in public and private schools alike. However, there are some people who do no believe that the Bible should be taught from a historical perspective, even though much of what is documented in the Bible IS historical. I'm speaking strictly from a factual point of view.

I agree that is is not just a history book, but it is indeed historical.

Take Noah's Ark, for example. Ah, but that is the subject for another post.

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 03/21/11 09:55 AM
I think the Bible is kept out of public school because people want nothing at all to do with "Jesus"

We don't talk about him, we dislike nativity scenes, we want him taken out of our pledge of alegance, and off our money. Keeping him out of school is just another attempt to remove God from America

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:22 AM

I think the Bible is kept out of public school because people want nothing at all to do with "Jesus"

We don't talk about him, we dislike nativity scenes, we want him taken out of our pledge of alegance, and off our money. Keeping him out of school is just another attempt to remove God from America

No, it was taken out of public schools because it is not a fact, it is a religion.

The only reason it was ever in public schools (ages ago) was that it was the only book available to teach people to read.

Removing "The Bible" is NOT removing God.

There you go again, proving my accusation that Christian think they OWN GOD.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:25 AM
People don't seem to be able to get it into their thick heads that a religion based government is not a good idea. If a dominant religion decided to force people to worship its chosen God ... it might not be the God you want.

It could even be Satan.

Point is, freedom of religion means that you don't have to bow down to a golden calf if you don't want to. So don't try to change that or you might be worshiping Allah.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:31 AM
Jeanniebean writes:

"People don't seem to be able to get it into their thick heads that a religion based government is not a good idea."

You are kidding, right? ALL of our documents were founded on religion. In fact, to state this opinion shows you do not have an understanding of the history of the United States. It's like when people say that there should be a separation of Church and State because this is stated in the Constitution.

That is a lie.

Nowhere is the separation of Church and State mentioned in ANY founding documents. This country was founded on the basis of religion. If you don't believe that America should be based on religion, you don't believe in America.

But, from a historical perspective, we are based in religion. You might not like it or accept it, but that is the truth.

When you write, "The only reason it was ever in public schools (ages ago) was that it was the only book available to teach people to read."

So, in 1960, when the Bible was in public schools, there were no other books? I guess Mark Twain never existed?

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:35 AM

Jeanniebean writes:

"People don't seem to be able to get it into their thick heads that a religion based government is not a good idea."

You are kidding, right? ALL of our documents were founded on religion. In fact, to state this opinion shows you do not have an understanding of the history of the United States. It's like when people say that there should be a separation of Church and State because this is stated in the Constitution.

That is a lie.

Nowhere is the separation of Church and State mentioned in ANY founding documents. This country was founded on the basis of religion. If you don't believe that America should be based on religion, you don't believe in America.

But, from a historical perspective, we are based in religion. You might not like it or accept it, but that is the truth.

When you write, "The only reason it was ever in public schools (ages ago) was that it was the only book available to teach people to read."

So, in 1960, when the Bible was in public schools, there were no other books? I guess Mark Twain never existed?

I am 62 years old. I went to school in 1960 and never was the Bible allowed to be taught in school. I don't know what schools you are talking about. Maybe in some back woods southern state...?

You are kidding, right? ALL of our documents were founded on religion.

You need to do a little bit more studying.

What I am talking about is FREEDOM OF RELIGION. That is what our Country was all about. It was not Freedom to practice just Christianity...

There is no freedom if people are forced to worship a golden calf. There is no freedom if women are forced to wear a burka. And there is no freedom if people are expected or forced to worship the Christian God.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:45 AM
JeannieBean writes:

"I am 62 years old. I went to school in 1960 and never was the Bible allowed to be taught in school. I don't know what schools you are talking about. Maybe in some back woods southern state...?"

Now, you are insulting Southerners? I'm from New York. You may not remember being taught the Bible in 1960 but that may be because you are starting to forget things. In 1962, the Bible was taken out of public schools. Before that, it was in public schools.

You say that I have to do more studying about our founding documents not being steeped in religion. Are you kidding me?

You name me a document from our Founding Fathers, and I will show you where religion is dominant. The Declaration of Independence? The Constitution? Name it, and I'll show you.

"What I am talking about is FREEDOM OF RELIGION. That is what our Country was all about. It was not Freedom to practice just Christianity..."

Absolutely. You have the ability to worship freely. However, Christianity is the basis of this country. Again, you name the document from our Founding Fathers, and i will show you where this occurs.

"There is no freedom if people are forced to worship a golden calf. There is no freedom if women are forced to wear a burka. And there is no freedom if people are expected or forced to worship the Christian God."

I agree with you here. However, that does not mean that Christianity is used as the basis for this country.

Again, if you disagree, you point to me the document where you'd like for me to show this to you, and I gladly will.

P.S. There is NO mention in the Constitution about the Separation of Church and State.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:49 AM
Nevertheless, separation of Church and state is a matter of law.

Deal with it.

Or you may one day be worshiping Allah.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:51 AM
There was never any classes or any Bible in any of my schools.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:52 AM
Jeanniebean writes:

"Nevertheless, separation of Church and state is a matter of law. Deal with it."

As an American, I render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. And so, I accept this. I was merely responding to your comment of, "People don't seem to be able to get it into their thick heads that a religion based government is not a good idea." Somehow, people believe that this country was not founded in Christianity. That simply is not the case.

"Or you may one day be worshiping Allah."

Never. For me, there is only one way, and that is through Christ. Allah and Yahweh are NOT the same God, despite what some people state.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:53 AM
JeannieBean writes:

"I am 62 years old. I went to school in 1960 and never was the Bible allowed to be taught in school. I don't know what schools you are talking about. Maybe in some back woods southern state...?"

Now, you are insulting Southerners?

Only if you consider that an insult.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:54 AM
I think most Southerners would find it offensive to be called "back woods." I'm not from the South, so I can't speak personally.

On the other hand, I had you pegged as someone in her late 40s. You do look good for 62.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:58 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 03/21/11 10:59 AM

I think most Southerners would find it offensive to be called "back woods." I'm not from the South, so I can't speak personally.


Have you ever been in the "back woods?" They do have back woods there. You know, where all the gators live and stuff.

On the other hand, I had you pegged as someone in her late 40s. You do look good for 62.

I work out. bigsmile Thanks.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:08 AM
"Why? Have you ever been in the "back woods?" They do have back woods there. You know, where all the gators live and stuff."

I have been to the South. It's a nice part of the country. However, it also has a negative connotation.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:21 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 03/21/11 11:24 AM

I think the Bible is kept out of public school because people want nothing at all to do with "Jesus"

We don't talk about him, we dislike nativity scenes, we want him taken out of our pledge of alegance, and off our money. Keeping him out of school is just another attempt to remove God from America

I think we went from two extremes, that as a christian are equally offensive to me. From MANDATING people learn the bible to REFUSING to allow the bible in at all.

The bible is a time tested document. Whether people believe in it or not. It is a VALUABLE resource. IT is a uniting factor of BILLIONS upon the earth, and it is a valuable living guide for MOST Americans. To DENY it in schools is a move that stigmatizes it in society. It is as much a unifier as language, but we have no problem with keeping English in schools AND allowing other types of language there too. The christian community is as prevelant in our country as the LGBT and we have no problem including their story and their struggle into our curriculums.

The problem I have is that we can have NO type of relgion in school anymore because we are so terrified of offending people.We have stigmatized christianity this way just as sure as not permitting LGBT references in school was stigmatizing that community. This is excluding people the same way those who are in favor of it accuse religion of doing.

There should be no harm in teaching the bible just as it is. Explaining that it is the best selling book in the world and a guide that many people live by and teaching it from that standpoint. But too many people have come to have disdain for anything biblical or christian.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:23 AM
I agree with you 100% Msharmony. Why not make an elective class in school on religion, and the different books that make up different religions? Why forbid the Bible in school?

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