Topic: NAACP gets owned by Tea Party over Rascism
msharmony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 05:31 PM

"I haven't seen it." shades

There is so much to say about the power of agenda and ignorance in that vid.

gets owned, seriously???

he didnt see a tape,, big deal,, the video was edited to where I also didnt see him present when the statement was made and dont know (as was said about cheneys apology) what happened outside of those edited snippets,,,, or whether in fact anybody 'called it out'

where did the NAACP call out racism, how about the whole SHERROD incident on the web? youtube snippets are not the best source for anything other than momentary snapshots,, I would dig deeper to find the truth ,,,,

'the NAACP is strongly against bias, discrimination, against anybody, of any race, of any gender, of any religion, anywhere, of any form, whether its a group corporation personal individual

if there has been some instances where there is somebody who has been associated with naacp with anything close to what is documented as relates to the numbers, the states, the heritage and associations connected to the tea party, I would love for ANYBODY to bring it to our attention and we will address it,,'

this person went to be disruptive and get a youtube snippet and the moderators were right to ask them to leave,,,,

He didn't have to see a tape, he was there, that's why I found in funny.
And, you're right. The videographer did go there to be disruptive.

he didnt see it, thats what he said and what he meant,,lol

they didnt ask if he was there,,,

MrIndependent's photo
Sun 10/24/10 05:33 PM

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 10/24/10 05:53 PM

"I haven't seen it." shades

There is so much to say about the power of agenda and ignorance in that vid.

gets owned, seriously???

he didnt see a tape,, big deal,, the video was edited to where I also didnt see him present when the statement was made and dont know (as was said about cheneys apology) what happened outside of those edited snippets,,,, or whether in fact anybody 'called it out'

where did the NAACP call out racism, how about the whole SHERROD incident on the web? youtube snippets are not the best source for anything other than momentary snapshots,, I would dig deeper to find the truth ,,,,

'the NAACP is strongly against bias, discrimination, against anybody, of any race, of any gender, of any religion, anywhere, of any form, whether its a group corporation personal individual

if there has been some instances where there is somebody who has been associated with naacp with anything close to what is documented as relates to the numbers, the states, the heritage and associations connected to the tea party, I would love for ANYBODY to bring it to our attention and we will address it,,'

this person went to be disruptive and get a youtube snippet and the moderators were right to ask them to leave,,,,

He didn't have to see a tape, he was there, that's why I found in funny.
And, you're right. The videographer did go there to be disruptive.

Funny how someone confronts the NAACP with real issues and get a taste of their own medicine and now they cry boo hoo tears because they were violated...

just like thy done to many other meetings and court proceedings.

can you hear me playing a tiny violin???

it is that small...

can ya hear it???

willing2's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:01 PM
Video: New Black Panther Party Leader, ” I hate white people… you want freedom you’re going to have to kill some Crackers”

July 7th, 2010

I am pretty sure this is not the America Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned… But He was a Republican that believed in real equality through civil disobedience… not killing white people. The DOJ doesn’t consider this hate speech?

The Mainstream Media has been silent on this story…. But if this was a Teaparty activist with a Bull Horn calling for Crack heads and Crack babies to be killed rather than Cracker to be killed… MSNBC, Jesse Jackson, and The Reverend Al Sharpton would be on scene with all the networks calling this “hate Speech”.

With all the mainstream networks calling tea party groups, “hate groups” they are being intellectually dishonest not to call King Samir Shabazz statements as “hate speech” as well.

When Attorney General Eric Holder suddenly reversed course and had the DoJ dismiss the voter-intimidation case against two New Black Panther Party activists stemming from an incident in 2008 in Philadelphia, many questioned why the DoJ would quit a case it had already won. Attorneys within the DoJ wondered why the federal government had suddenly become disinterested in voter intimidation. Some, like Christian Adams, Asheesh Agarwal, and Mark Corallo have gone public with their outrage, and also wonder where the hell Congress has gone in its duty to oversee the executive branch and its enforcement of laws Congress passed.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:23 PM
from wikipedia
Laws concerning hate speech outside of obscenity, defamation and incitement to riot are illegal in the United States.[33][34][35] The United States federal government and state governments are broadly forbidden by the First Amendment of the Constitution from restricting speech.[36] Even in cases where speech encourages illegal violence, instances of incitement qualify as criminal only if the threat of violence is imminent.[37] This strict standard prevents prosecution of many cases of incitement, including prosecution of those advocating violent opposition to the government, and those exhorting violence against racial, ethnic, or gender minorities.[38]

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers may sometimes be prosecuted for tolerating "hate speech" by their employees, if that speech contributes to a broader pattern of harassment resulting in a "hostile or offensive working environment" for other employees.[39][40]

In the 1980s and 1990s, more than 350 public universities adopted "speech codes" regulating discriminatory speech by faculty and students.[41] These codes have not fared well in the courts, where they are frequently overturned as violations of the First Amendment.[42] Debate over restriction of "hate speech" in public universities has resurfaced with the adoption of anti-harassment codes covering discriminatory speech.[43]

[edit] See also


But even Mr. Coates did not offer specific evidence that the department acted improperly. For example, there is no evidence that [King Samir] Shabazz's actions were directed or incited by the party or its national leader; the party essentially repudiated Mr. Shabazz in a posting on its Web site and later suspended the Philadelphia chapter. The second Black Panther at the voting facility was a certified poll watcher and appears not to have verbally or physically attempted to intimidate voters.

Much of the controversy that has surrounded this case for more than a year has been fueled by partisan hyperbole, conspiracy theories and misinformation. Far from acting recklessly, the Justice Department did what every law enforcement entity is ethically obligated to do: press only those charges that are supported by evidence.

Chazster's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:31 PM

there IS an NAAWP , by the way, but

similar to how employers get called out for racism much more often than employees
its the implication that those with the most power have the most expected of them

and even then, how much of an IMPACT said racism has on others is a significant contributor to how 'passionate' a response it receives

BLACK PANTHERS get called out because they specifically(the new panthers not the original) use anti white rhetoric

NAACP focuses on pro equality , especially in an area where INEQUALITY is historically and systematically PROVEN to exist which impacted disproportionately certain SUB GROUPS of americans

the white majority in america has not had that historic necessity in AMERICA(as 'WHITES') and still does not and they also are not impacted if subgroups 'discriminate' the way that subgroups are impacted if the white majority discriminates

subgroups of whites do indeed have organizations and networks but 'whites' as a group in whole are understood to already have a whole COUNTRY in place primarily for THEIR benefit,,,

Well the current NAAWP is currently separatists and that goes against the point I am trying to make.

What? The whole country in place for white people? Thats laughable. The last time I checked I didn't get anything because I was white.

Anyway I want to make an important point right here and it is actually something Carlos Mencia used to say all the time.

You can't ask for special treatment and equality at the same time. By asking for something special you are separating yourself from the collective and thus moving away from equality. If you want to be special and keep your organizations and beliefs that other people owe you something because of race or any other thing then don't start asking for equality as well because then you are a hypocrite.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:34 PM

there IS an NAAWP , by the way, but

similar to how employers get called out for racism much more often than employees
its the implication that those with the most power have the most expected of them

and even then, how much of an IMPACT said racism has on others is a significant contributor to how 'passionate' a response it receives

BLACK PANTHERS get called out because they specifically(the new panthers not the original) use anti white rhetoric

NAACP focuses on pro equality , especially in an area where INEQUALITY is historically and systematically PROVEN to exist which impacted disproportionately certain SUB GROUPS of americans

the white majority in america has not had that historic necessity in AMERICA(as 'WHITES') and still does not and they also are not impacted if subgroups 'discriminate' the way that subgroups are impacted if the white majority discriminates

subgroups of whites do indeed have organizations and networks but 'whites' as a group in whole are understood to already have a whole COUNTRY in place primarily for THEIR benefit,,,

Well the current NAAWP is currently separatists and that goes against the point I am trying to make.

What? The whole country in place for white people? Thats laughable. The last time I checked I didn't get anything because I was white.

Anyway I want to make an important point right here and it is actually something Carlos Mencia used to say all the time.

You can't ask for special treatment and equality at the same time. By asking for something special you are separating yourself from the collective and thus moving away from equality. If you want to be special and keep your organizations and beliefs that other people owe you something because of race or any other thing then don't start asking for equality as well because then you are a hypocrite.

thats probably the truest statement i've read yet...thats why i always gripe about the gays wanting extra rights all the time.

Seakolony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:38 PM

from wikipedia
Laws concerning hate speech outside of obscenity, defamation and incitement to riot are illegal in the United States.[33][34][35] The United States federal government and state governments are broadly forbidden by the First Amendment of the Constitution from restricting speech.[36] Even in cases where speech encourages illegal violence, instances of incitement qualify as criminal only if the threat of violence is imminent.[37] This strict standard prevents prosecution of many cases of incitement, including prosecution of those advocating violent opposition to the government, and those exhorting violence against racial, ethnic, or gender minorities.[38]

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers may sometimes be prosecuted for tolerating "hate speech" by their employees, if that speech contributes to a broader pattern of harassment resulting in a "hostile or offensive working environment" for other employees.[39][40]

In the 1980s and 1990s, more than 350 public universities adopted "speech codes" regulating discriminatory speech by faculty and students.[41] These codes have not fared well in the courts, where they are frequently overturned as violations of the First Amendment.[42] Debate over restriction of "hate speech" in public universities has resurfaced with the adoption of anti-harassment codes covering discriminatory speech.[43]

[edit] See also


But even Mr. Coates did not offer specific evidence that the department acted improperly. For example, there is no evidence that [King Samir] Shabazz's actions were directed or incited by the party or its national leader; the party essentially repudiated Mr. Shabazz in a posting on its Web site and later suspended the Philadelphia chapter. The second Black Panther at the voting facility was a certified poll watcher and appears not to have verbally or physically attempted to intimidate voters.

Much of the controversy that has surrounded this case for more than a year has been fueled by partisan hyperbole, conspiracy theories and misinformation. Far from acting recklessly, the Justice Department did what every law enforcement entity is ethically obligated to do: press only those charges that are supported by evidence.

Guess by todays standards martin luther king jr would ne brought up on charges, and so many more throughtout our brave and nobel history.....

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:47 PM

Video: New Black Panther Party Leader, ” I hate white people… you want freedom you’re going to have to kill some Crackers”

July 7th, 2010

I am pretty sure this is not the America Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned… But He was a Republican that believed in real equality through civil disobedience… not killing white people. The DOJ doesn’t consider this hate speech?

The Mainstream Media has been silent on this story…. But if this was a Teaparty activist with a Bull Horn calling for Crack heads and Crack babies to be killed rather than Cracker to be killed… MSNBC, Jesse Jackson, and The Reverend Al Sharpton would be on scene with all the networks calling this “hate Speech”.

With all the mainstream networks calling tea party groups, “hate groups” they are being intellectually dishonest not to call King Samir Shabazz statements as “hate speech” as well.

When Attorney General Eric Holder suddenly reversed course and had the DoJ dismiss the voter-intimidation case against two New Black Panther Party activists stemming from an incident in 2008 in Philadelphia, many questioned why the DoJ would quit a case it had already won. Attorneys within the DoJ wondered why the federal government had suddenly become disinterested in voter intimidation. Some, like Christian Adams, Asheesh Agarwal, and Mark Corallo have gone public with their outrage, and also wonder where the hell Congress has gone in its duty to oversee the executive branch and its enforcement of laws Congress passed.

Did you forget that we use " marks on other's work?

But good call, the SPLC are watching Shabazz too! You see the SPLC watches all the hate groups.

willing2's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:49 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sun 10/24/10 07:00 PM
Shabazz is an extreme nut with lots of followers as is this crackpot.

Farrakhan has been a mentor and role model to many black radicals, among the most notable being Malik Zulu Shabazz and the late Khalid Abdul Muhammad.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 06:50 PM

there IS an NAAWP , by the way, but

similar to how employers get called out for racism much more often than employees
its the implication that those with the most power have the most expected of them

and even then, how much of an IMPACT said racism has on others is a significant contributor to how 'passionate' a response it receives

BLACK PANTHERS get called out because they specifically(the new panthers not the original) use anti white rhetoric

NAACP focuses on pro equality , especially in an area where INEQUALITY is historically and systematically PROVEN to exist which impacted disproportionately certain SUB GROUPS of americans

the white majority in america has not had that historic necessity in AMERICA(as 'WHITES') and still does not and they also are not impacted if subgroups 'discriminate' the way that subgroups are impacted if the white majority discriminates

subgroups of whites do indeed have organizations and networks but 'whites' as a group in whole are understood to already have a whole COUNTRY in place primarily for THEIR benefit,,,

Well the current NAAWP is currently separatists and that goes against the point I am trying to make.

What? The whole country in place for white people? Thats laughable. The last time I checked I didn't get anything because I was white.

Anyway I want to make an important point right here and it is actually something Carlos Mencia used to say all the time.

You can't ask for special treatment and equality at the same time. By asking for something special you are separating yourself from the collective and thus moving away from equality. If you want to be special and keep your organizations and beliefs that other people owe you something because of race or any other thing then don't start asking for equality as well because then you are a hypocrite.

I agree, which is why I dont agree with how some try to lesson the achievements of some by calling their requests 'special' instead of 'equal'

NAACP asks for no special privileges, they ask to be EQUALLY american as others with EQUAL resources and EQUAL access to justice and opportunities,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:00 PM

there IS an NAAWP , by the way, but

similar to how employers get called out for racism much more often than employees
its the implication that those with the most power have the most expected of them

and even then, how much of an IMPACT said racism has on others is a significant contributor to how 'passionate' a response it receives

BLACK PANTHERS get called out because they specifically(the new panthers not the original) use anti white rhetoric

NAACP focuses on pro equality , especially in an area where INEQUALITY is historically and systematically PROVEN to exist which impacted disproportionately certain SUB GROUPS of americans

the white majority in america has not had that historic necessity in AMERICA(as 'WHITES') and still does not and they also are not impacted if subgroups 'discriminate' the way that subgroups are impacted if the white majority discriminates

subgroups of whites do indeed have organizations and networks but 'whites' as a group in whole are understood to already have a whole COUNTRY in place primarily for THEIR benefit,,,

Well the current NAAWP is currently separatists and that goes against the point I am trying to make.

What? The whole country in place for white people? Thats laughable. The last time I checked I didn't get anything because I was white.

Anyway I want to make an important point right here and it is actually something Carlos Mencia used to say all the time.

You can't ask for special treatment and equality at the same time. By asking for something special you are separating yourself from the collective and thus moving away from equality. If you want to be special and keep your organizations and beliefs that other people owe you something because of race or any other thing then don't start asking for equality as well because then you are a hypocrite.

I agree, which is why I dont agree with how some try to lesson the achievements of some by calling their requests 'special' instead of 'equal'

that type of assessment ignores a history where people were treated SPECIAL, specially inferior,, therefore that SPECIAL caste of disenfranchised do need a long delayed effort that others have already been benefitting from since the inception of the country

its like crushing the foot of all blonde children and then telling them once they are adults that they have equal access to the races that others are running,,,when you give them a SPECIAL and UNEQUAL handicap, certain 'special' effort must then be made to make their resources truly equal by undoing the previous 'special' efforts to make sure they weren't

NAACP asks for no special privileges, they ask to be EQUALLY american as others with EQUAL resources and EQUAL access to justice and opportunities,,,

willing2's photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:10 PM

Night, ya'll!drinker

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:14 PM

Shabazz is an extreme nut with lots of followers as is this crackpot.

Farrakhan has been a mentor and role model to many black radicals, among the most notable being Malik Zulu Shabazz and the late Khalid Abdul Muhammad.

and to millions of non radicals too,,,

no photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:23 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Sun 10/24/10 07:24 PM

Shabazz is an extreme nut with lots of followers as is this crackpot.

Farrakhan has been a mentor and role model to many black radicals, among the most notable being Malik Zulu Shabazz and the late Khalid Abdul Muhammad.

and to millions of non radicals too,,,

Don Imus says "Nappy headed hoes" on his show... RACIST!!!! Who loses his job.

Farrakhan who said "Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET? They got BET. They got our hair product people. They got Motown. Everything that we built, THEY got it. But the mind of Satan now is running the record industry. Running the movie industry. Running television."... NOT RACIST!!!! And a great mentor and role model for non-radicals?

Double standard much?

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:24 PM
I understand...

A lot of stupid and shortsighted people did stupid and shortsighted things in the early years of our country.

Getting special treatment will not change that (although it could cause collateral damage of its own).

Special treatment is not necessary.

I give two examples of a mistreated portion of our population that has mostly overcome the mistreatment.

Chinese immigrants in the 1800's.

Irish immigrants in the 1800's.

They both were enslaved and mistreated (remind yourself evertime you ride a train that you ride on their blood).

Yet both of THESE sub-races overcame without 'special' favors.

Content of charecter is something you earn. It is not garranteed by birth.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:28 PM

Shabazz is an extreme nut with lots of followers as is this crackpot.

Farrakhan has been a mentor and role model to many black radicals, among the most notable being Malik Zulu Shabazz and the late Khalid Abdul Muhammad.

and to millions of non radicals too,,,

Don Imus says "Nappy headed hoes" on his show... RACIST!!!! Who loses his job.

Farrakhan who said "Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET? They got BET. They got our hair product people. They got Motown. Everything that we built, THEY got it. But the mind of Satan now is running the record industry. Running the movie industry. Running television."... NOT RACIST!!!!/b] And a great mentor and role model for non-radicals?

Double standard much?

not a double standard for me, nappy headed ho is an insult, jewish owning bet is fact

the satan comments are extremist

the main difference here is Farrakhan has a different job description than Imus and Farrakhan does not have an employer who depends upon sponsors, Imus employer cut him loose to avoid losing MONEY and sponsors

there is noone to cut Farrakhan loose, he is self made and independent

no photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:30 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Sun 10/24/10 07:31 PM

not a double standard for me, nappy headed ho is an insult, jewish owning bet is fact

the satan comments are extremist

the main difference here is Farrakhan has a different job description than Imus and Farrakhan does not have an employer who depends upon sponsors, Imus employer cut him loose to avoid losing MONEY and sponsors

there is noone to cut Farrakhan loose, he is self made and independent

Farrakhan is supposed to be a man of God. Don Imus is a shock jock, he says insulting things all the time. It's what he gets paid for.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:41 PM

not a double standard for me, nappy headed ho is an insult, jewish owning bet is fact

the satan comments are extremist

the main difference here is Farrakhan has a different job description than Imus and Farrakhan does not have an employer who depends upon sponsors, Imus employer cut him loose to avoid losing MONEY and sponsors

there is noone to cut Farrakhan loose, he is self made and independent

Farrakhan is supposed to be a man of God. Don Imus is a shock jock, he says insulting things all the time. It's what he gets paid for.

so God will deal with Farrakhan and IMus employers dealt with him,,,

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 10/24/10 07:43 PM

not a double standard for me, nappy headed ho is an insult, jewish owning bet is fact

the satan comments are extremist

the main difference here is Farrakhan has a different job description than Imus and Farrakhan does not have an employer who depends upon sponsors, Imus employer cut him loose to avoid losing MONEY and sponsors

there is noone to cut Farrakhan loose, he is self made and independent

Farrakhan is supposed to be a man of God. Don Imus is a shock jock, he says insulting things all the time. It's what he gets paid for.

Aye he 'represents' as a man of god.

So let god judge him.

If he offends you turn the channel.

(Farrakhan is also a 'shock jock'... With out the nasty and bigoted rhetoric he would not be where he is today)