Topic: Obama Calls Arizona Immigration Bill 'Misguided'
Dragoness's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:14 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 04/24/10 05:16 PM
Oh yea it is alright to give away our civil rights and encourage racial profiling so we can possibly catch a couple of illegals and harrass a whole bunch of hispanic citizens, NOT!!

The bill or whatever it is complete craziness and only a prejudice person would agree with the damn thing.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:23 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sat 04/24/10 05:24 PM
Naqturalized applicants, yes. MICA holders, no. My wife has been in the states for 25 years. Some of those years as an illegal. She fell into the last Amnesty and got her MICA. She also spoke no, 0, English when we first got together. I know many, many, many who don't speak it and have no intention learning.

That's where I see the need to have English as our primary language.

That would end wasting tax money for Gov. to translate everything and having taxpayers pay for their translators. Spanish or any other language outside of English has no business in conducting business in any Government facility.

English as a primary language has nothing to do with private sector business. Just in dealing with Government

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:24 PM
Edited by JustAGuy2112 on Sat 04/24/10 05:26 PM

Oh yea it is alright to give away our civil rights and encourage racial profiling so we can possibly catch a couple of illegals and harrass a whole bunch of hispanic citizens, NOT!!

The bill or whatever it is complete craziness and only a prejudice person would agree with the damn thing.


After really IS complete craziness to expect people in this country to obey it's laws.

SPeaking of which...I'll be at your house soon. I'm just gonna walk in and take up residence and then complain about how bad things are in your house.

Sound fair to you??

Of course not.

But then again, sense isn't really a strong suit of the Liberals.

I know, I know. You LOVE to claim that you aren't a Liberal.

Got news for ya. You most certaily ARE a liberal. As a matter of fact, you are ( in a lot of your positions ) an EXTREME Liberal.

Now, as I have told you before, there are times when I agree with you at least partially.

In this instance, however, I feel the need to point out that the position of Peace, Love and Equality for all ( even people who have and continue to blatantly break the laws of this country ) is what is driving this country into the ground.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:25 PM
We don't need to make a national language here in the states. We should be speaking more languages as a matter of fact.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:27 PM

We don't need to make a national language here in the states. We should be speaking more languages as a matter of fact.

Now see....on this point, I agree with you.

However, I DO think it would be a good thing if the people coming here would have at least a rudimentary grasp on English since it is STILL the predominate language spoken in the United States.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:27 PM

Oh yea it is alright to give away our civil rights and encourage racial profiling so we can possibly catch a couple of illegals and harrass a whole bunch of hispanic citizens, NOT!!

The bill or whatever it is complete craziness and only a prejudice person would agree with the damn thing.


After really IS complete craziness to expect people in this country to obey it's laws.

SPeaking of which...I'll be at your house soon. I'm just gonna walk in and take up residence and then complain about how bad things are in your house.

Sound fair to you??

Of course not.

But then again, sense isn't really a strong suit of the Liberals.

I know, I know. You LOVE to claim that you aren't a Liberal.

Got news for ya. You most certaily ARE a liberal. As a matter of fact, you are ( in a lot of your positions ) an EXTREME Liberal.

Now, as I have told you before, there are times when I agree with you at least partially.

In this instance,

Also, I'll want your SSN so I can get a job and welfare for my wife and 10 kids.

I'm grateful the OP found this topic. It will let us know we need to get those Pro-Amnesty libs out of office.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:30 PM

We don't need to make a national language here in the states. We should be speaking more languages as a matter of fact.

You are free to speak as many as you wish. Any Gov. facility that is funded by Taxpayers should be English speaking only. If someone needs a translator, let them pay for it.

I am fluent in 4 languages. How many do you speak?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:31 PM
Also, I'll want your SSN so I can get a job and welfare for my wife and 10 kids.

I'm grateful the OP found this topic. It will let us know we need to get those Pro-Amnesty libs out of office.'s gonna be too little too late.

There will be an Amnesty Bill passed before November.

They are already pushing for " reform " which just means that they are going to legalize 12 million illegals.

We will have no choice in the matter. Our voices will not be heard. They will use the same tactics to pass Amnesty as they did for the Health Care " reform ". They don't give a damn what the people want.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:31 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Sat 04/24/10 05:32 PM

Oh yea it is alright to give away our civil rights and encourage racial profiling so we can possibly catch a couple of illegals and harrass a whole bunch of hispanic citizens, NOT!!

The bill or whatever it is complete craziness and only a prejudice person would agree with the damn thing.


After really IS complete craziness to expect people in this country to obey it's laws.

SPeaking of which...I'll be at your house soon. I'm just gonna walk in and take up residence and then complain about how bad things are in your house.

Sound fair to you??

Of course not.

But then again, sense isn't really a strong suit of the Liberals.

I know, I know. You LOVE to claim that you aren't a Liberal.

Got news for ya. You most certaily ARE a liberal. As a matter of fact, you are ( in a lot of your positions ) an EXTREME Liberal.

Now, as I have told you before, there are times when I agree with you at least partially.

In this instance, however, I feel the need to point out that the position of Peace, Love and Equality for all ( even people who have and continue to blatantly break the laws of this country ) is what is driving this country into the ground.

I'll hand you your *** on a plate, you walk up in my joint.

Not even the same thing. America ain't yours or mine for that matter.

As for a liberal, you don't even know what one is so how can I believe you know what I am?

Only prejudice people will like that bill or law or whatever it is.

People willing to give up their civil rights for hatred of other humans. That is sick.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:38 PM

Oh yea it is alright to give away our civil rights and encourage racial profiling so we can possibly catch a couple of illegals and harrass a whole bunch of hispanic citizens, NOT!!

The bill or whatever it is complete craziness and only a prejudice person would agree with the damn thing.


After really IS complete craziness to expect people in this country to obey it's laws.

SPeaking of which...I'll be at your house soon. I'm just gonna walk in and take up residence and then complain about how bad things are in your house.

Sound fair to you??

Of course not.

But then again, sense isn't really a strong suit of the Liberals.

I know, I know. You LOVE to claim that you aren't a Liberal.

Got news for ya. You most certaily ARE a liberal. As a matter of fact, you are ( in a lot of your positions ) an EXTREME Liberal.

Now, as I have told you before, there are times when I agree with you at least partially.

In this instance, however, I feel the need to point out that the position of Peace, Love and Equality for all ( even people who have and continue to blatantly break the laws of this country ) is what is driving this country into the ground.

I'll hand you your *** on a plate, you walk up in my joint.

Not even the same thing. America ain't yours or mine for that matter.

As for a liberal, you don't even know what one is so how can I believe you know what I am?

Only prejudice people will like that bill or law or whatever it is.

People willing to give up their civil rights for hatred of other humans. That is sick.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Here we go again with the,"if you are against Illegals breaking our laws, you're a hater and prejudiced."slaphead

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:39 PM

Oh yea it is alright to give away our civil rights and encourage racial profiling so we can possibly catch a couple of illegals and harrass a whole bunch of hispanic citizens, NOT!!

The bill or whatever it is complete craziness and only a prejudice person would agree with the damn thing.


After really IS complete craziness to expect people in this country to obey it's laws.

SPeaking of which...I'll be at your house soon. I'm just gonna walk in and take up residence and then complain about how bad things are in your house.

Sound fair to you??

Of course not.

But then again, sense isn't really a strong suit of the Liberals.

I know, I know. You LOVE to claim that you aren't a Liberal.

Got news for ya. You most certaily ARE a liberal. As a matter of fact, you are ( in a lot of your positions ) an EXTREME Liberal.

Now, as I have told you before, there are times when I agree with you at least partially.

In this instance, however, I feel the need to point out that the position of Peace, Love and Equality for all ( even people who have and continue to blatantly break the laws of this country ) is what is driving this country into the ground.

I'll hand you your *** on a plate, you walk up in my joint.

Not even the same thing. American ain't yours.

As for a liberal, you don't even know what one is so how can I believe you know what I am?

Only prejudice people will like that bill or law or whatever it is.

People willing to give up their civil rights for hatred of other humans. That is sick.

Aww...threatening violence?? How utterly Liberal of you. That's one of their favorite tactics.

America isn't mine?? Who's, praytell, IS it then?

I KNOW what a Liberal is, sweets. And you fit the bill PERFECTLY. You loathe humanity and think we are a scourge on the planet and would be perfectly happy if humans were wiped out completely so Mother Earth could " heal " herself.

You want everyone treated equally...and if they CAN'T be treated equally, then you want to see the government give them handouts so that their feelings aren't hurt.

By the way....since America isn't " mine "...and the Federal Laws don't seem to apply ( in your version of that little box you want to live in anyway ) then the Local and State laws that say your house and property are yours don't apply either. If America's laws don't count, then they had no power to allow states to form. Therefore, all state and local laws are null and void as well. That makes your house fair game just like you want America to be.

You always want to have your cake and eat it too. But, unfortunately for you, it simply doesn't work that way.

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:43 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 04/24/10 05:52 PM

What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home?slaphead

The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided????

The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status.

ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)?
I have been required to carry ID since I signed up for the draft. IT'S THE LAW

I dont know about Oklahoma. I know in OHIO there is no such law. Many people dont have drivers license(or are on suspension), and most are told not to carry documents such as birth certificate or social security card on their person. Others who are not operating a vehicle or making purchases, leave their home without carrying extra baggage or paperwork with them. I have never heard of this law anywhere, but I will be sure in the future to research before deciding upon where to live. Required to carry ID just because I am not at my home seems far fetched and intrusive.... even prisoners of war only have to provide name and rank,,,,,

willing2's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:49 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sat 04/24/10 05:52 PM
Every state, I have been pulled over in, every reality cop show where someone is pulled over in, the first thing they ask for is Driver's license, registration and insurance.

I find it extremely hard to believe there is a state that doesn't require you carry a picture ID.

tanyaann's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:53 PM
I do not think when someone is stopped by a police officer they should have to provide proof of citizenship. I do not have to carry a passport or documentation of my birth, so why should anyone else!

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:53 PM

Every state, I have been pulled over in, every reality cop show where someone is pulled over in, the first thing they ask for is Driver's license, registration and insurance.

I find it extremely hard to believe there is a state that doesn't require you carry a picture ID.

You must have drivers license and registration and proof of insurance when DRIVING A CAR. I am speaking about requiring it at ALL TIMES (walking to the park,, the store, hanging out in your friends yard,,,,etc,,,)

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:54 PM

What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home?slaphead

The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided????

The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status.

Intrusive, perhaps.

But you do, indeed, have to have ID on you. If you don't, the police have the right to detain you until they can determine who you are.

ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)?
I have been required to carry ID since I signed up for the draft. IT'S THE LAW

I dont know about Oklahoma. I know in OHIO there is no such law. Many people dont have drivers license(or are on suspension), and most are told not to carry documents such as birth certificate or social security card on their person. Others who are not operating a vehicle or making purchases, leave their home without carrying extra baggage or paperwork with them. I have never heard of this law anywhere, but I will be sure in the future to research before deciding upon where to live. Required to carry ID just because I am not at my home seems far fetched and intrusive.... even prisoners of war only have to provide name and rank,,,,,

tanyaann's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:54 PM

And here's the latest iteration of the ongoing story ... Gov. Brewer has SIGNED IT INTO LAW ... ! Arizona ROCKS ... ! Now let's see how many OTHER states will 'grow a pair' ... I'll bet ya that the li'l short-pants-wearing pretender who sits in the 'big boy' chair won't like this one damned bit ... but that's tough - we STILL have the 10th Amendment ... If the illegals don't like it, well ... there's always MEXICO to REturn to (hint, hint) ...

Not everyone that is in this country without documents is from Mexico!

tanyaann's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:55 PM

Every state, I have been pulled over in, every reality cop show where someone is pulled over in, the first thing they ask for is Driver's license, registration and insurance.

I find it extremely hard to believe there is a state that doesn't require you carry a picture ID.

You must have drivers license and registration and proof of insurance when DRIVING A CAR. I am speaking about requiring it at ALL TIMES (walking to the park,, the store, hanging out in your friends yard,,,,etc,,,)

I do believe since the patriot act, you are required to carry picture identification such as a driver's license, state id, or military id.

willing2's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:58 PM
Edited by willing2 on Sat 04/24/10 06:01 PM

And here's the latest iteration of the ongoing story ... Gov. Brewer has SIGNED IT INTO LAW ... ! Arizona ROCKS ... ! Now let's see how many OTHER states will 'grow a pair' ... I'll bet ya that the li'l short-pants-wearing pretender who sits in the 'big boy' chair won't like this one damned bit ... but that's tough - we STILL have the 10th Amendment ... If the illegals don't like it, well ... there's always MEXICO to REturn to (hint, hint) ...

Not everyone that is in this country without documents is from Mexico!

True. In Arizona, Mexican and South American gangs and drug cartels are taking over many small towns.

Phoenix has been named the US kidnap capital. 98% of the kidnaps are committed by hispanics.

Arizona is a very popular drug route also.

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/24/10 05:59 PM

Every state, I have been pulled over in, every reality cop show where someone is pulled over in, the first thing they ask for is Driver's license, registration and insurance.

I find it extremely hard to believe there is a state that doesn't require you carry a picture ID.

You must have drivers license and registration and proof of insurance when DRIVING A CAR. I am speaking about requiring it at ALL TIMES (walking to the park,, the store, hanging out in your friends yard,,,,etc,,,)

I do believe since the patriot act, you are required to carry picture identification such as a driver's license, state id, or military id.

I have been looking it up and still dont find such a requirement ,,,,

the patriot was more of an act to give permission to snoop into PRIVATE documents ,,I dont think it covered public ID cards,,,