Topic: Obama Calls Arizona Immigration Bill 'Misguided' | |
What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home? ![]() The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided???? The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status. ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)? I dont know about Oklahoma. I know in OHIO there is no such law. Many people dont have drivers license(or are on suspension), and most are told not to carry documents such as birth certificate or social security card on their person. Others who are not operating a vehicle or making purchases, leave their home without carrying extra baggage or paperwork with them. I have never heard of this law anywhere, but I will be sure in the future to research before deciding upon where to live. Required to carry ID just because I am not at my home seems far fetched and intrusive.... So how else are we going to know who belongs here??? If you know your ID number that is enough for them to go on. They look it upon a computer and your picture comes up on it. Also dragoness, you really need to evaluate your position this a lot more. First and foremost your attitude is that of a person that says "It is fine as long as it doesn't come into my house." Do us all a favor, watch the movie Dr. Zhivago. There is a scene in it where the doctor comes home to see a bunch of uniform wearing old people telling him he has to leave his house because it is too big for him and that he is entitled 35 sq meters of living space. Imagine loosing your house you earned to a pack of people who did nothing to earn such a home. America is our home, not Mexico's, not China's, not any other country's. Illegal immigrants are like squatters and we all have issues with them. What would you do if you came into your house and me and several people made ourselves at home in your house? OH! Your going to get mad? What if we invaded your house and brought guns? "Oh I'm going to call the police???" you would be dead before you got to the phone. What then??? Oh boo hoo, why did we let all those illegal immigrants in in the first place? They are squatters and they bring crime here in abundance as a natural consequence. Some illegals are good people trying to make a living like the rest of us but the rest of us live to the standard of the land and now you come along telling us we need to change that standard because it rubs your personal sensitivities wrong??? Take it to a granola chewing liberal who gives a damn. Your attacks of those of us who don't see your world view is childish to put it gently. Humans are more dangerous than you think. Look at the damage illegal immigration has caused already? How many more AMERICAN victims of illegal immigrants will it take for you to see we need to act on this rather than take this laissez-fair attitude of yours? Oh again, as long as it doesn't come into my house why should I care? Does that attitude actually do anything for you dating? |
Oh yea it is alright to give away our civil rights and encourage racial profiling so we can possibly catch a couple of illegals and harrass a whole bunch of hispanic citizens, NOT!! The bill or whatever it is complete craziness and only a prejudice person would agree with the damn thing. Yep. After really IS complete craziness to expect people in this country to obey it's laws. SPeaking of which...I'll be at your house soon. I'm just gonna walk in and take up residence and then complain about how bad things are in your house. Sound fair to you?? Of course not. But then again, sense isn't really a strong suit of the Liberals. I know, I know. You LOVE to claim that you aren't a Liberal. Got news for ya. You most certaily ARE a liberal. As a matter of fact, you are ( in a lot of your positions ) an EXTREME Liberal. Now, as I have told you before, there are times when I agree with you at least partially. In this instance, however, I feel the need to point out that the position of Peace, Love and Equality for all ( even people who have and continue to blatantly break the laws of this country ) is what is driving this country into the ground. I'll hand you your *** on a plate, you walk up in my joint. Not even the same thing. American ain't yours. As for a liberal, you don't even know what one is so how can I believe you know what I am? Only prejudice people will like that bill or law or whatever it is. People willing to give up their civil rights for hatred of other humans. That is sick. Aww...threatening violence?? How utterly Liberal of you. That's one of their favorite tactics. America isn't mine?? Who's, praytell, IS it then? I KNOW what a Liberal is, sweets. And you fit the bill PERFECTLY. You loathe humanity and think we are a scourge on the planet and would be perfectly happy if humans were wiped out completely so Mother Earth could " heal " herself. You want everyone treated equally...and if they CAN'T be treated equally, then you want to see the government give them handouts so that their feelings aren't hurt. By the way....since America isn't " mine "...and the Federal Laws don't seem to apply ( in your version of that little box you want to live in anyway ) then the Local and State laws that say your house and property are yours don't apply either. If America's laws don't count, then they had no power to allow states to form. Therefore, all state and local laws are null and void as well. That makes your house fair game just like you want America to be. You always want to have your cake and eat it too. But, unfortunately for you, it simply doesn't work that way. Well, you know not what a liberal is or what I am. I fight for humans constantly on these boards so you know not what you speak of. Again walk up in my joint and it will be the biggest regret of your life if you live through it. America don't belong to you or me, it is a nation of humans. Even the little space I have here can be invaded by the real owners of the land it sits on and that is the government of this country. The government can take me off of it and use it for whatever they want to. I know that. But a civilian ain't comin in here without my permission without losing body parts or worse. |
And here's the latest iteration of the ongoing story ... Gov. Brewer has SIGNED IT INTO LAW ... ! Arizona ROCKS ... ! Now let's see how many OTHER states will 'grow a pair' ... I'll bet ya that the li'l short-pants-wearing pretender who sits in the 'big boy' chair won't like this one damned bit ... but that's tough - we STILL have the 10th Amendment ... If the illegals don't like it, well ... there's always MEXICO to REturn to (hint, hint) ... Not everyone that is in this country without documents is from Mexico! True. In Arizona, Mexican and South American gangs and drug cartels are taking over many small towns. Phoenix has been named the US kidnap capital. 98% of the kidnaps are committed by hispanics. Arizona is a very popular drug route also. Please provide your sources. |
What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home? ![]() The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided???? The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status. ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)? I dont know about Oklahoma. I know in OHIO there is no such law. Many people dont have drivers license(or are on suspension), and most are told not to carry documents such as birth certificate or social security card on their person. Others who are not operating a vehicle or making purchases, leave their home without carrying extra baggage or paperwork with them. I have never heard of this law anywhere, but I will be sure in the future to research before deciding upon where to live. Required to carry ID just because I am not at my home seems far fetched and intrusive.... So how else are we going to know who belongs here??? If you know your ID number that is enough for them to go on. They look it upon a computer and your picture comes up on it. Also dragoness, you really need to evaluate your position this a lot more. First and foremost your attitude is that of a person that says "It is fine as long as it doesn't come into my house." Do us all a favor, watch the movie Dr. Zhivago. There is a scene in it where the doctor comes home to see a bunch of uniform wearing old people telling him he has to leave his house because it is too big for him and that he is entitled 35 sq meters of living space. Imagine loosing your house you earned to a pack of people who did nothing to earn such a home. America is our home, not Mexico's, not China's, not any other country's. Illegal immigrants are like squatters and we all have issues with them. What would you do if you came into your house and me and several people made ourselves at home in your house? OH! Your going to get mad? What if we invaded your house and brought guns? "Oh I'm going to call the police???" you would be dead before you got to the phone. What then??? Oh boo hoo, why did we let all those illegal immigrants in in the first place? They are squatters and they bring crime here in abundance as a natural consequence. Some illegals are good people trying to make a living like the rest of us but the rest of us live to the standard of the land and now you come along telling us we need to change that standard because it rubs your personal sensitivities wrong??? Take it to a granola chewing liberal who gives a damn. Your attacks of those of us who don't see your world view is childish to put it gently. Humans are more dangerous than you think. Look at the damage illegal immigration has caused already? How many more AMERICAN victims of illegal immigrants will it take for you to see we need to act on this rather than take this laissez-fair attitude of yours? Oh again, as long as it doesn't come into my house why should I care? Does that attitude actually do anything for you dating? From where I stand you stand in the wrong so why should I reevaluate my stance? If you are in favor of this bill you are in favor of Americans losing their civil rights for the hatred of other humans. That is wrong in my book. |
If you are in favor of this bill you are in favor of Americans losing their civil rights for the hatred of other humans. That is wrong in my book. I agree! |
And here's the latest iteration of the ongoing story ... Gov. Brewer has SIGNED IT INTO LAW ... ! Arizona ROCKS ... ! Now let's see how many OTHER states will 'grow a pair' ... I'll bet ya that the li'l short-pants-wearing pretender who sits in the 'big boy' chair won't like this one damned bit ... but that's tough - we STILL have the 10th Amendment ... If the illegals don't like it, well ... there's always MEXICO to REturn to (hint, hint) ... Not everyone that is in this country without documents is from Mexico! True. In Arizona, Mexican and South American gangs and drug cartels are taking over many small towns. Phoenix has been named the US kidnap capital. 98% of the kidnaps are committed by hispanics. Arizona is a very popular drug route also. Please provide your sources. Criminals targeted in U.S. "kidnap capital" Tim Gaynor PHOENIX Wed Oct 8, 2008 2:57pm EDT PHOENIX (Reuters) - The criminal underworld in the sun-baked Arizona capital of Phoenix has long enjoyed the hot money profits from illicit smuggling of drugs and people over the border from Mexico. U.S. | Lifestyle But now its members are living in fear as they are stalked by kidnappers after their proceeds, authorities say. Police in the desert city say specialized kidnap rings are snatching suspected criminals and their families from their homes, running them off the roads and even grabbing them at shopping malls in a spiraling spate of abductions. "Phoenix is ground zero for illegal narcotics smuggling and illegal human smuggling in the United States," said Phil Roberts, a Phoenix Police Department detective. "There's a lot of illegal cash out there in the valley, and a lot of people want to get their hands on it." Last year alone, Phoenix police reported 357 extortion-related abductions -- up by nearly half from 2005 -- targeting individuals with ties to Mexican smuggling rings. In addition, federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement police have also recorded cases of kidnappers snatching illegal immigrant day laborers off the street for ransom. Agents have also recorded a growing number of "virtual kidnappings," in which abductors cold-call an immigrant's family falsely claiming that they are holding them hostage. The tactic is used frequently Mexico, where abduction is a lucrative and sophisticated industry. BEATINGS AND TORTURE Each year, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are smuggled through Arizona from Mexico, most heading on to join relatives living and working in the shadows in towns and cities across the United States. The desert state also straddles a furiously trafficked corridor for drugs, especially marijuana, more than 400 tons of which were seized last year by the U.S. Border Patrol alone. Profits from the two crimes amount to billions of dollars. Police say the kidnappers are most often Mexican criminals, sometimes helped by local street gangs in Phoenix. They single out cash-flush targets from among the drug traffickers and "coyotes" -- as human smugglers are known -- in the criminal community. Cell members may trail identified targets for a couple of days, looking for the moment to pounce. Others may be asking around, looking for likely victims, often big spenders "who throw their money around" in bars and clubs, Roberts said. Aside from the smugglers themselves, victims have included their wives, girlfriends and even children. They are often held in darkened rooms where they are routinely beaten, tortured or sexually assaulted to extort a ransom that can range from $50,000 to $1 million. Police recordings of ransom calls reveal the kidnappers' brutality. In one 2006 call, the abductors had bound a victim with tape, placed him in a bathtub and called his ex-wife to demand money as they threatened him with a hacksaw. "I want you to understand something. I have him in the bathtub right now and I'm about to cut his (expletive) hand off," the kidnapper says. "Which hand do you want? The left or the right?" SNATCHED BY MISTAKE The surge in kidnappings has earned Phoenix the tag of U.S. "kidnap capital" among law enforcement authorities. ICE says the spike stems from tighter enforcement on the porous Arizona-Mexico border in recent years, which has made smuggling harder and load stealing, virtual kidnapping and targeted abductions a more attractive alternative. The Arizona Department of Public Safety, ICE and Phoenix police work closely together to combat human smuggling rings, especially those that use violence. Phoenix police also has a dedicated kidnapping team to tackle the growing wave of abductions, and officers say they are arresting more of the perpetrators. Investigators say the activity remains largely contained within the criminal underworld in the city as a "bad guy kidnapping bad guy" activity. But as the round of abductions continues across Phoenix, with as many as three kidnappings on one particularly busy day, police are concerned that innocent people will get hurt. In one recent kidnapping, a 14-year-old girl from south Phoenix was mistakenly picked up on the street by a gun-toting snatch squad looking for the daughter of a known drug dealer. The girl was subsequently released by her captors. "She happened to be standing outside in front of the home ... they grabbed her in broad daylight ... threw her in the vehicle and took off," said Roberts. "Here is the perfect example of a young girl who has nothing to do with this, her family has nothing to do with this, she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." |
Okay..... let's look at this hypothetical situation. Why don't we start detaining and tossing everyone in this country with brown eyes in concentration camps because they might be of an ethnicity that lends them to be here with out documentation... so this would include those from central and south america... arabic and muslim countries, africa... hhhmmmmmm.... OH! eastern european countries.... OH OH OH and don't forget Asia!
And maybe we should toss in that everyone with anything but blonde hair should be pulled over by the police also and questioned! YEAH! This would solve all of America's problems! |
What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home? ![]() The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided???? The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status. ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)? I dont know about Oklahoma. I know in OHIO there is no such law. Many people dont have drivers license(or are on suspension), and most are told not to carry documents such as birth certificate or social security card on their person. Others who are not operating a vehicle or making purchases, leave their home without carrying extra baggage or paperwork with them. I have never heard of this law anywhere, but I will be sure in the future to research before deciding upon where to live. Required to carry ID just because I am not at my home seems far fetched and intrusive.... So how else are we going to know who belongs here??? If you know your ID number that is enough for them to go on. They look it upon a computer and your picture comes up on it. Also dragoness, you really need to evaluate your position this a lot more. First and foremost your attitude is that of a person that says "It is fine as long as it doesn't come into my house." Do us all a favor, watch the movie Dr. Zhivago. There is a scene in it where the doctor comes home to see a bunch of uniform wearing old people telling him he has to leave his house because it is too big for him and that he is entitled 35 sq meters of living space. Imagine loosing your house you earned to a pack of people who did nothing to earn such a home. America is our home, not Mexico's, not China's, not any other country's. Illegal immigrants are like squatters and we all have issues with them. What would you do if you came into your house and me and several people made ourselves at home in your house? OH! Your going to get mad? What if we invaded your house and brought guns? "Oh I'm going to call the police???" you would be dead before you got to the phone. What then??? Oh boo hoo, why did we let all those illegal immigrants in in the first place? They are squatters and they bring crime here in abundance as a natural consequence. Some illegals are good people trying to make a living like the rest of us but the rest of us live to the standard of the land and now you come along telling us we need to change that standard because it rubs your personal sensitivities wrong??? Take it to a granola chewing liberal who gives a damn. Your attacks of those of us who don't see your world view is childish to put it gently. Humans are more dangerous than you think. Look at the damage illegal immigration has caused already? How many more AMERICAN victims of illegal immigrants will it take for you to see we need to act on this rather than take this laissez-fair attitude of yours? Oh again, as long as it doesn't come into my house why should I care? Does that attitude actually do anything for you dating? From where I stand you stand in the wrong so why should I reevaluate my stance? If you are in favor of this bill you are in favor of Americans losing their civil rights for the hatred of other humans. That is wrong in my book. People we got ourselves a Globalist here! I do HATE humans! All flavors of them. I take people on an individual basis. I am so in favor of this bill like you don't even know. If it were legal for me to sit out on the border with a .50 caliber and shoot at illegal immigrants I would! Better yet I would run them down in a pickup truck to spare the bullets. Why don't you move to France and live in the nightmare their open door immigration got them! Better yet move to China. They are the ones taking over now! Want to complain about how bad we are? We try to make countries a better place and the locals screw it all up. Many privat foundations have tried where our government has failed. Israel didn't make Palestine a toilet. The locals did. Mexico? We sure didn't make the mess they are in, they did! So we are supposed to take on the world's surplus population and do what for them? Free rides for all of them while the rest of us support them? Spend you money on them, not mine. I am having a tough enough time making a living and feeding myself! Fuque humanity, instead of sending third world nations food we need to send them guns and birth control so they can thin themselves down and deal with their own crime problems. Why is America great? We used to be responsible. We didn't have 20 kids for the sake of having kids. Most of us don't victimize one another. We had standards to live up to that made us great and now this? You just set our nation back about fifty years! |
And here's the latest iteration of the ongoing story ... Gov. Brewer has SIGNED IT INTO LAW ... ! Arizona ROCKS ... ! Now let's see how many OTHER states will 'grow a pair' ... I'll bet ya that the li'l short-pants-wearing pretender who sits in the 'big boy' chair won't like this one damned bit ... but that's tough - we STILL have the 10th Amendment ... If the illegals don't like it, well ... there's always MEXICO to REturn to (hint, hint) ... Not everyone that is in this country without documents is from Mexico! True. In Arizona, Mexican and South American gangs and drug cartels are taking over many small towns. Phoenix has been named the US kidnap capital. 98% of the kidnaps are committed by hispanics. Arizona is a very popular drug route also. Please provide your sources. Criminals targeted in U.S. "kidnap capital" Tim Gaynor PHOENIX Wed Oct 8, 2008 2:57pm EDT PHOENIX (Reuters) - The criminal underworld in the sun-baked Arizona capital of Phoenix has long enjoyed the hot money profits from illicit smuggling of drugs and people over the border from Mexico. U.S. | Lifestyle But now its members are living in fear as they are stalked by kidnappers after their proceeds, authorities say. Police in the desert city say specialized kidnap rings are snatching suspected criminals and their families from their homes, running them off the roads and even grabbing them at shopping malls in a spiraling spate of abductions. "Phoenix is ground zero for illegal narcotics smuggling and illegal human smuggling in the United States," said Phil Roberts, a Phoenix Police Department detective. "There's a lot of illegal cash out there in the valley, and a lot of people want to get their hands on it." Last year alone, Phoenix police reported 357 extortion-related abductions -- up by nearly half from 2005 -- targeting individuals with ties to Mexican smuggling rings. In addition, federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement police have also recorded cases of kidnappers snatching illegal immigrant day laborers off the street for ransom. Agents have also recorded a growing number of "virtual kidnappings," in which abductors cold-call an immigrant's family falsely claiming that they are holding them hostage. The tactic is used frequently Mexico, where abduction is a lucrative and sophisticated industry. BEATINGS AND TORTURE Each year, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are smuggled through Arizona from Mexico, most heading on to join relatives living and working in the shadows in towns and cities across the United States. The desert state also straddles a furiously trafficked corridor for drugs, especially marijuana, more than 400 tons of which were seized last year by the U.S. Border Patrol alone. Profits from the two crimes amount to billions of dollars. Police say the kidnappers are most often Mexican criminals, sometimes helped by local street gangs in Phoenix. They single out cash-flush targets from among the drug traffickers and "coyotes" -- as human smugglers are known -- in the criminal community. Cell members may trail identified targets for a couple of days, looking for the moment to pounce. Others may be asking around, looking for likely victims, often big spenders "who throw their money around" in bars and clubs, Roberts said. Aside from the smugglers themselves, victims have included their wives, girlfriends and even children. They are often held in darkened rooms where they are routinely beaten, tortured or sexually assaulted to extort a ransom that can range from $50,000 to $1 million. Police recordings of ransom calls reveal the kidnappers' brutality. In one 2006 call, the abductors had bound a victim with tape, placed him in a bathtub and called his ex-wife to demand money as they threatened him with a hacksaw. "I want you to understand something. I have him in the bathtub right now and I'm about to cut his (expletive) hand off," the kidnapper says. "Which hand do you want? The left or the right?" SNATCHED BY MISTAKE The surge in kidnappings has earned Phoenix the tag of U.S. "kidnap capital" among law enforcement authorities. ICE says the spike stems from tighter enforcement on the porous Arizona-Mexico border in recent years, which has made smuggling harder and load stealing, virtual kidnapping and targeted abductions a more attractive alternative. The Arizona Department of Public Safety, ICE and Phoenix police work closely together to combat human smuggling rings, especially those that use violence. Phoenix police also has a dedicated kidnapping team to tackle the growing wave of abductions, and officers say they are arresting more of the perpetrators. Investigators say the activity remains largely contained within the criminal underworld in the city as a "bad guy kidnapping bad guy" activity. But as the round of abductions continues across Phoenix, with as many as three kidnappings on one particularly busy day, police are concerned that innocent people will get hurt. In one recent kidnapping, a 14-year-old girl from south Phoenix was mistakenly picked up on the street by a gun-toting snatch squad looking for the daughter of a known drug dealer. The girl was subsequently released by her captors. "She happened to be standing outside in front of the home ... they grabbed her in broad daylight ... threw her in the vehicle and took off," said Roberts. "Here is the perfect example of a young girl who has nothing to do with this, her family has nothing to do with this, she just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." Well, it sounds to me that Arizona needs to pass bills and laws and put funds into gangs and traffickers.... not by pulling over random people due to race profiling! |
Okay..... let's look at this hypothetical situation. Why don't we start detaining and tossing everyone in this country with brown eyes in concentration camps because they might be of an ethnicity that lends them to be here with out documentation... so this would include those from central and south america... arabic and muslim countries, africa... hhhmmmmmm.... OH! eastern european countries.... OH OH OH and don't forget Asia! And maybe we should toss in that everyone with anything but blonde hair should be pulled over by the police also and questioned! YEAH! This would solve all of America's problems! I love these slippery slope fallacies! Wake up, if you can't prove you are from here then maybe it is possible you don't belong here! I carry a driver's license with me 99.99% of the time because I have to identify myself as a legal vehicle operator. When I worked at LAX and McDonald Douglas I had to have an ID badge on my person! This whole profiling thing is a crock! How many white folks strap bombs to themselves and blow up bus stops in the name of Allah? This hypothesis is not a good one. Come up with a better one and MAYBE there can be some shred of credibility to his argument. 'If/ then' conditionals are such horse poo! |
Or maybe the US should be focusing on not allowing American business to exploit other countries economies and actually pay a living wage!?!
Or maybe we should not allow sweatshop products to be sold in the US? Or maybe Americans shouldn't been on unemployment and go work in the fields picking strawberries, instead of them being destroyed? WAKE UP PEOPLE! What you do everyday effects the whole world?!?!? When you go to Wal-mart and pay $5 for a shirt that only cost cents to make in another country, you supporting US business to exploit human beings! |
What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home? ![]() The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided???? The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status. ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)? I dont know about Oklahoma. I know in OHIO there is no such law. Many people dont have drivers license(or are on suspension), and most are told not to carry documents such as birth certificate or social security card on their person. Others who are not operating a vehicle or making purchases, leave their home without carrying extra baggage or paperwork with them. I have never heard of this law anywhere, but I will be sure in the future to research before deciding upon where to live. Required to carry ID just because I am not at my home seems far fetched and intrusive.... So how else are we going to know who belongs here??? If you know your ID number that is enough for them to go on. They look it upon a computer and your picture comes up on it. Also dragoness, you really need to evaluate your position this a lot more. First and foremost your attitude is that of a person that says "It is fine as long as it doesn't come into my house." Do us all a favor, watch the movie Dr. Zhivago. There is a scene in it where the doctor comes home to see a bunch of uniform wearing old people telling him he has to leave his house because it is too big for him and that he is entitled 35 sq meters of living space. Imagine loosing your house you earned to a pack of people who did nothing to earn such a home. America is our home, not Mexico's, not China's, not any other country's. Illegal immigrants are like squatters and we all have issues with them. What would you do if you came into your house and me and several people made ourselves at home in your house? OH! Your going to get mad? What if we invaded your house and brought guns? "Oh I'm going to call the police???" you would be dead before you got to the phone. What then??? Oh boo hoo, why did we let all those illegal immigrants in in the first place? They are squatters and they bring crime here in abundance as a natural consequence. Some illegals are good people trying to make a living like the rest of us but the rest of us live to the standard of the land and now you come along telling us we need to change that standard because it rubs your personal sensitivities wrong??? Take it to a granola chewing liberal who gives a damn. Your attacks of those of us who don't see your world view is childish to put it gently. Humans are more dangerous than you think. Look at the damage illegal immigration has caused already? How many more AMERICAN victims of illegal immigrants will it take for you to see we need to act on this rather than take this laissez-fair attitude of yours? Oh again, as long as it doesn't come into my house why should I care? Does that attitude actually do anything for you dating? From where I stand you stand in the wrong so why should I reevaluate my stance? If you are in favor of this bill you are in favor of Americans losing their civil rights for the hatred of other humans. That is wrong in my book. People we got ourselves a Globalist here! I do HATE humans! All flavors of them. I take people on an individual basis. I am so in favor of this bill like you don't even know. If it were legal for me to sit out on the border with a .50 caliber and shoot at illegal immigrants I would! Better yet I would run them down in a pickup truck to spare the bullets. Why don't you move to France and live in the nightmare their open door immigration got them! Better yet move to China. They are the ones taking over now! Want to complain about how bad we are? We try to make countries a better place and the locals screw it all up. Many privat foundations have tried where our government has failed. Israel didn't make Palestine a toilet. The locals did. Mexico? We sure didn't make the mess they are in, they did! So we are supposed to take on the world's surplus population and do what for them? Free rides for all of them while the rest of us support them? Spend you money on them, not mine. I am having a tough enough time making a living and feeding myself! Fuque humanity, instead of sending third world nations food we need to send them guns and birth control so they can thin themselves down and deal with their own crime problems. Why is America great? We used to be responsible. We didn't have 20 kids for the sake of having kids. Most of us don't victimize one another. We had standards to live up to that made us great and now this? You just set our nation back about fifty years! No, you keep us stuck in our racist ways of the last two centuries. |
Okay..... let's look at this hypothetical situation. Why don't we start detaining and tossing everyone in this country with brown eyes in concentration camps because they might be of an ethnicity that lends them to be here with out documentation... so this would include those from central and south america... arabic and muslim countries, africa... hhhmmmmmm.... OH! eastern european countries.... OH OH OH and don't forget Asia! And maybe we should toss in that everyone with anything but blonde hair should be pulled over by the police also and questioned! YEAH! This would solve all of America's problems! I love these slippery slope fallacies! Wake up, if you can't prove you are from here then maybe it is possible you don't belong here! I carry a driver's license with me 99.99% of the time because I have to identify myself as a legal vehicle operator. When I worked at LAX and McDonald Douglas I had to have an ID badge on my person! This whole profiling thing is a crock! How many white folks strap bombs to themselves and blow up bus stops in the name of Allah? This hypothesis is not a good one. Come up with a better one and MAYBE there can be some shred of credibility to his argument. 'If/ then' conditionals are such horse poo! I know many individuals that have driver's licenses and are undocumented immigrants. So, do you expect to be asked for your birth certificate everytime you are pulled over. Guess what, if someone is pulled over and doesn't have their driver's license .... they receive a ticket and are asked to show up in court. If you are driving without a license, then you breaking the law. If you are driving with a license you are not breaking the law, so why should you be pulled over because your physical features 'may' indicate that you don't have a driver's license. Cause believe me! I know a lot more Americans that are driving without a license and they are not getting pulled over! |
Well now, I DON'T shop at Walmart. There are laws against sweat shops here. Hell, my grandmother was a Lowell Girl. The fact is Unions drove out most of the work here. Benefits are assumed to be mandatory when they are not. A lot of people here are payed way to much for what they do. But equating this to illegal immigration is a fallacy of relevance.
How can you even dare to compare the two? |
What's Hussein got to hide and why wouldn't he want all those pesky illegals sent home? ![]() The new measure requires police officers to stop any person they suspect of being an illegal alien and ask them for proof of their immigration status. In addition, the law would punish people who hire or transport illegal aliens.<<This part is already Federal Law. Hussein finds Federal Law misguided???? The new laws says if you rob a bank, beat your wife, slap your neighbor, get stopped for breaking the law, you have to prove your status. ok,, if a crime has been committed.. status seems more reasonable,,, what does the law say about what constitutes 'status' and at what times do we have to carry this? Will showing my drivers license be enough and does this mean I have to carry ID on me at all times(whether driving or not)? I dont know about Oklahoma. I know in OHIO there is no such law. Many people dont have drivers license(or are on suspension), and most are told not to carry documents such as birth certificate or social security card on their person. Others who are not operating a vehicle or making purchases, leave their home without carrying extra baggage or paperwork with them. I have never heard of this law anywhere, but I will be sure in the future to research before deciding upon where to live. Required to carry ID just because I am not at my home seems far fetched and intrusive.... So how else are we going to know who belongs here??? If you know your ID number that is enough for them to go on. They look it upon a computer and your picture comes up on it. Also dragoness, you really need to evaluate your position this a lot more. First and foremost your attitude is that of a person that says "It is fine as long as it doesn't come into my house." Do us all a favor, watch the movie Dr. Zhivago. There is a scene in it where the doctor comes home to see a bunch of uniform wearing old people telling him he has to leave his house because it is too big for him and that he is entitled 35 sq meters of living space. Imagine loosing your house you earned to a pack of people who did nothing to earn such a home. America is our home, not Mexico's, not China's, not any other country's. Illegal immigrants are like squatters and we all have issues with them. What would you do if you came into your house and me and several people made ourselves at home in your house? OH! Your going to get mad? What if we invaded your house and brought guns? "Oh I'm going to call the police???" you would be dead before you got to the phone. What then??? Oh boo hoo, why did we let all those illegal immigrants in in the first place? They are squatters and they bring crime here in abundance as a natural consequence. Some illegals are good people trying to make a living like the rest of us but the rest of us live to the standard of the land and now you come along telling us we need to change that standard because it rubs your personal sensitivities wrong??? Take it to a granola chewing liberal who gives a damn. Your attacks of those of us who don't see your world view is childish to put it gently. Humans are more dangerous than you think. Look at the damage illegal immigration has caused already? How many more AMERICAN victims of illegal immigrants will it take for you to see we need to act on this rather than take this laissez-fair attitude of yours? Oh again, as long as it doesn't come into my house why should I care? Does that attitude actually do anything for you dating? From where I stand you stand in the wrong so why should I reevaluate my stance? If you are in favor of this bill you are in favor of Americans losing their civil rights for the hatred of other humans. That is wrong in my book. People we got ourselves a Globalist here! I do HATE humans! All flavors of them. I take people on an individual basis. I am so in favor of this bill like you don't even know. If it were legal for me to sit out on the border with a .50 caliber and shoot at illegal immigrants I would! Better yet I would run them down in a pickup truck to spare the bullets. Why don't you move to France and live in the nightmare their open door immigration got them! Better yet move to China. They are the ones taking over now! Want to complain about how bad we are? We try to make countries a better place and the locals screw it all up. Many privat foundations have tried where our government has failed. Israel didn't make Palestine a toilet. The locals did. Mexico? We sure didn't make the mess they are in, they did! So we are supposed to take on the world's surplus population and do what for them? Free rides for all of them while the rest of us support them? Spend you money on them, not mine. I am having a tough enough time making a living and feeding myself! Fuque humanity, instead of sending third world nations food we need to send them guns and birth control so they can thin themselves down and deal with their own crime problems. Why is America great? We used to be responsible. We didn't have 20 kids for the sake of having kids. Most of us don't victimize one another. We had standards to live up to that made us great and now this? You just set our nation back about fifty years! No, you keep us stuck in our racist ways of the last two centuries. You are SOO fuquing funny! I'm going to take a bong hit in your honor! |
Okay..... let's look at this hypothetical situation. Why don't we start detaining and tossing everyone in this country with brown eyes in concentration camps because they might be of an ethnicity that lends them to be here with out documentation... so this would include those from central and south america... arabic and muslim countries, africa... hhhmmmmmm.... OH! eastern european countries.... OH OH OH and don't forget Asia! And maybe we should toss in that everyone with anything but blonde hair should be pulled over by the police also and questioned! YEAH! This would solve all of America's problems! I love these slippery slope fallacies! Wake up, if you can't prove you are from here then maybe it is possible you don't belong here! I carry a driver's license with me 99.99% of the time because I have to identify myself as a legal vehicle operator. When I worked at LAX and McDonald Douglas I had to have an ID badge on my person! This whole profiling thing is a crock! How many white folks strap bombs to themselves and blow up bus stops in the name of Allah? This hypothesis is not a good one. Come up with a better one and MAYBE there can be some shred of credibility to his argument. 'If/ then' conditionals are such horse poo! I know many individuals that have driver's licenses and are undocumented immigrants. So, do you expect to be asked for your birth certificate everytime you are pulled over. Guess what, if someone is pulled over and doesn't have their driver's license .... they receive a ticket and are asked to show up in court. If you are driving without a license, then you breaking the law. If you are driving with a license you are not breaking the law, so why should you be pulled over because your physical features 'may' indicate that you don't have a driver's license. Cause believe me! I know a lot more Americans that are driving without a license and they are not getting pulled over! |
Well now, I DON'T shop at Walmart. There are laws against sweat shops here. Hell, my grandmother was a Lowell Girl. The fact is Unions drove out most of the work here. Benefits are assumed to be mandatory when they are not. A lot of people here are payed way to much for what they do. But equating this to illegal immigration is a fallacy of relevance. How can you even dare to compare the two? Because when AMERICAN businesses are exploiting other countries work forces... and driving down there economies... along with trade tariffs and other stuff.... you don't expect people to be looking for work? You do not expect people to want to support their families? So, let's confine you to your state... allow companies to come in and set up shop. And no pay a living wage. And tell you to provide for your family, but oh wait! You can't find work outside of your statet. You have to stay there! **** that sh#t! You would go where you could work, where you could feed your children... where you were not subjected to brutal work conditions and not even get paid enough to live! |
Okay..... let's look at this hypothetical situation. Why don't we start detaining and tossing everyone in this country with brown eyes in concentration camps because they might be of an ethnicity that lends them to be here with out documentation... so this would include those from central and south america... arabic and muslim countries, africa... hhhmmmmmm.... OH! eastern european countries.... OH OH OH and don't forget Asia! And maybe we should toss in that everyone with anything but blonde hair should be pulled over by the police also and questioned! YEAH! This would solve all of America's problems! I love these slippery slope fallacies! Wake up, if you can't prove you are from here then maybe it is possible you don't belong here! I carry a driver's license with me 99.99% of the time because I have to identify myself as a legal vehicle operator. When I worked at LAX and McDonald Douglas I had to have an ID badge on my person! This whole profiling thing is a crock! How many white folks strap bombs to themselves and blow up bus stops in the name of Allah? This hypothesis is not a good one. Come up with a better one and MAYBE there can be some shred of credibility to his argument. 'If/ then' conditionals are such horse poo! I know many individuals that have driver's licenses and are undocumented immigrants. So, do you expect to be asked for your birth certificate everytime you are pulled over. Guess what, if someone is pulled over and doesn't have their driver's license .... they receive a ticket and are asked to show up in court. If you are driving without a license, then you breaking the law. If you are driving with a license you are not breaking the law, so why should you be pulled over because your physical features 'may' indicate that you don't have a driver's license. Cause believe me! I know a lot more Americans that are driving without a license and they are not getting pulled over! No not fake id's. 5 forms of identification is what is required in the state of michigan to get a driver's license. And in the state of michigan, if you are driving without your license, you may be arrested and have your car impounded, fingerprinted and released with a ticket and court date. But guess what, a lot of individuals who are pulled over without a license are let go with a ticket, if a licensed driver is with them. |
OH, so our founding fathers fought to make a safe place, we maintain it, and now we have to open our doors to everyone who wants to come here because we are supposed to have such big hearts?
Come on, your argument lacks any kind of structure at all. Now you resort to a deductive and generalized fallacy? NO, People living in sh$t home countries need to take charge and fix their own home before coming here to wreck ours. Sorry! Not buying it. |
Okay..... let's look at this hypothetical situation. Why don't we start detaining and tossing everyone in this country with brown eyes in concentration camps because they might be of an ethnicity that lends them to be here with out documentation... so this would include those from central and south america... arabic and muslim countries, africa... hhhmmmmmm.... OH! eastern european countries.... OH OH OH and don't forget Asia! And maybe we should toss in that everyone with anything but blonde hair should be pulled over by the police also and questioned! YEAH! This would solve all of America's problems! I love these slippery slope fallacies! Wake up, if you can't prove you are from here then maybe it is possible you don't belong here! I carry a driver's license with me 99.99% of the time because I have to identify myself as a legal vehicle operator. When I worked at LAX and McDonald Douglas I had to have an ID badge on my person! This whole profiling thing is a crock! How many white folks strap bombs to themselves and blow up bus stops in the name of Allah? This hypothesis is not a good one. Come up with a better one and MAYBE there can be some shred of credibility to his argument. 'If/ then' conditionals are such horse poo! I know many individuals that have driver's licenses and are undocumented immigrants. So, do you expect to be asked for your birth certificate everytime you are pulled over. Guess what, if someone is pulled over and doesn't have their driver's license .... they receive a ticket and are asked to show up in court. If you are driving without a license, then you breaking the law. If you are driving with a license you are not breaking the law, so why should you be pulled over because your physical features 'may' indicate that you don't have a driver's license. Cause believe me! I know a lot more Americans that are driving without a license and they are not getting pulled over! No not fake id's. 5 forms of identification is what is required in the state of michigan to get a driver's license. And in the state of michigan, if you are driving without your license, you may be arrested and have your car impounded, fingerprinted and released with a ticket and court date. But guess what, a lot of individuals who are pulled over without a license are let go with a ticket, if a licensed driver is with them. To go fishing in California you are required to wear your fishing license! You think getting a ticket for no DL is bad? Look up the fines for fishing without a license! Sorry but I hear this a lot, those are the rules, tough! On top of that a DL is a privilege in ALL 50 states, not a right. |