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Topic: Religion Endangers Humanity And Its Future
Thomas3474's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:54 PM

Religion Endangers Humanity And Its Future


"Religion has been a factor for humans to deal with throughout history. The oldest written records contain evidence of religious belief. Genetic studies have recently been done that even suggest that religion evolved with humanity. Through all this time, religion has had its uses. It has a binding factor that allows subjugated people to band together against their oppressors (or against the forces of nature), and can be useful in distributing help to those who need it most. However, it currently hinders humanity more than it helps. Governments have replaced religious charity with social welfare, and democracy has eliminated the majority of the need to band together against an oppressor or nature. What is left for religion to do? The answer is a sad one: interfere with the progress of humanity, to the point where it endangers the future of humanity. Throughout history, religion has been the leading cause of slavery, subjugation, prejudice, war, and a negatively impactful force against the progress of education. For humanity to continue to survive, religion must be mitigated to have no control over vast swaths of people who simply don’t know any better.

Religion is the leading cause of subjugation in human history. The further back in time that is looked upon, the more of an impact religion had on the day. Until the end of the 1800's and the beginning of the 1900's, it was generally illegal for women to participate in the running of nations and religions(1). The root cause of this is the Christian and Moslem religions(to name but two of the culprits over the last thousand years) depicting women as one of two things: vile creatures that must be controlled to avoid hellfire and brimstone(2); or simply lesser creatures that must be cared for by males(3). At its most extreme, in North America in the 1800's, women were burned at the stake for merely the suggestion that they were witches who cast magics on unsuspecting and upstanding members of the community. Even now, the big religions generally bar women from participating at a managerial level(4); though women have to some extent penetrated the political barrier(5,6); and some religious institutions and breakaways from the central church authority now accept female participation at higher levels(7).

There is also a propensity for religion to cause or encourage discriminatory behaviours. If there is one thing that every religion has in common at its core, it is the idea that it is the one true religion, and that all others are lies at best. At worst, other religions are the manipulations of a super being of incredible evil that wishes to consume the world and all humanity. The Christians believe that only the Christians have the right idea, and the Moslems believe that only the Moslems have the right idea. This also incorporates the Jews, the Wiccans, the Mormons, the Jehova’s Witnesses, the Scientologists, and more(8). All of these religions share the idea that they are the one and only true religion (though some of these religions may have a few followers whom are less devoted to scripture and hold the belief that every God in every religion is the same God by a different name, those people are vastly outnumbered by those who follow their religion devoutly). The result of this is that religions constantly come into conflict with other religions. Wars have sprung up based upon who’s god is the real god. An excellent example is the Crusades: a multi-century war (1095-1272) between three of the largest religious groups on in history (the Christians, Jews, and Moslems). Wars like this have occurred throughout history, and happen even today: as exemplified by the conflict between the extremist group Al Qaeda and the extremist nation of The United States of America; a conflict which has grown to include a significant proportion of the rest of the world.

Worst of all for the human species, however, is that religion has been a very common perpetrator in excusing extraordinarily bad management of the Earth and our lack of knowledge of it. For one example, a significant number of religious institutions and persons don’t accept that climate change is occurring. There has even been a published article that suggests more than 17,000 scientists stand against the idea climate change can or is controlled by humans, never minding the fact that the vast majority of the so-called "scientists" are anything but(9). The idea that a super being can control the Earth and its inhabitants to the point where the inhabitants cannot control the Earth themselves propagates among religious institutions. And if that isn’t enough, think tanks supported by churches and mosques spread the idea that the science of evolution is in crisis. Despite the fact that without the proven reality of evolution, medical technology would be nowhere near what it is today(10). Centuries ago these institutions suggested that the dinosaurs were fabricated, since God would never let one of its species die, and that message continues to this day(11). Today the offspring of those institutions fights the proven concepts of evolution and do their best to ensure that the global debate on climate change is as muddy as it could possibly be. Some even go so far as to say that the Earth is flat, ignoring solid science gathered against the idea over the past twenty five hundred plus years(12). The inevitable result of these activities is a fundamentally flawed view of the Earth by a significant proportion of the population. Many people literally believe that humanity is incapable of altering the Earth, and so business should continue as usual; despite proven science to the contrary. Many more people disbelieve evolution to the extent that they try to have it removed from educational programs, denying current and future students a chance at true understanding of the Earth and its life forms. These groups and groups like them will likely continue falsifying information until the day the last human dies from pollution overdose. Which is not to mention the near infinite number of dangers provided by our solar system alone, against which only an education and a solid basis in reality can a defense be provided.

While religion can be said to accomplish good things such as charity, it is not religion itself that accomplishes these things. It is the individuals that make up that religion, and make choices themselves, that truly accomplishes good things. With that and everything else in mind, it is clear that religion today no longer has a beneficial aspect to our species, and should be mitigated as efficiently, morally, and quickly as possible so that future generations of humans can exist."

Mastering the obvious....why is it so easy for me?

Yet another worthless I hate religion post which will eventually lead to Christian bashing and mud throwing.Stay tuned tomorrow for another post in the "Why Christians suck" series by Mingles favorite anti Chrisitan,anti religion poster.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:54 PM

my question is this....who supports our President??? he is Christian. so does that mean he is a danger because of this?

that answer is yes. a big danger. i say that because he uses his belief upon others to influnce for his own benefit. he has the majority of black people on his side because of him being black and because he can talk about god also, thats a plus for religious people. the more people on his side, makes it a hella lot easier for him to accomplish things.

what i mean by accomplishing things i am talking about the "north american union" which is the merging of unitedstates, mexico and canada.
or look up the amero its the new currency for the North american Union. its a lot of stuff.

why is "in god we trust on money" its all manipulating

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:56 PM

1 Million Muslims dead because of this man who was helped to be installed by god people. Thanks. Palin next? Yeah right, point is that with "values" voters we seem to repeating the same sordid history of chaos...Stalin, Hitler, and now the Neocons used religion but you can't just blame them as much as you should also blame the sheep who fall in line and obey.

Bush Talks about Crusade on Sep 16-2001


so either Obama is just as evil because of his religion or not all that are religious are bad.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:57 PM
His religion is one of the things I held against Obama but he was still a better choice than McCain.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 07:59 PM

1 Million Muslims dead because of this man who was helped to be installed by god people. Thanks. Palin next? Yeah right, point is that with "values" voters we seem to repeating the same sordid history of chaos...Stalin, Hitler, and now the Neocons used religion but you can't just blame them as much as you should also blame the sheep who fall in line and obey.

Bush Talks about Crusade on Sep 16-2001


so either Obama is just as evil because of his religion or not all that are religious are bad.

i wouldnt say hes evil. hes being controled by someone more powerful than he is. this is a corperate world. money controls people and companies.

obama gets orders from the men incharge at the federal reserve. they are the ones who creates the currency for the entire nation. they control what happens in the country. not the president. the president enforces the laws, not make them.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:03 PM
my problem is this....I don't see how people can talk about how bad a religion is but support the man in charge of our country that happens to be that religion. That would seem more proof to me that just because he is Christian doesn't mean it will necessarily effect his job

But who is to say an Atheist president wouldn't let his/her beliefs guide his/her decisions????

As I said...Stalin was Atheist when he was in power and got rid of all of the churches. In the US that would go against our constitution, so I would go for ANYONE that would do that. I would have a problem with a Christian president trying to get rid of other beliefs.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:04 PM
Religion is a bad influence on people.

The concepts of religion are made to appear for the greater good but they are not.

They are divisive, create superiority complexes, make people do evil things in the name of god, etc...

Lots of issues with the effects of religion on man.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:07 PM

Religion is a bad influence on people.

The concepts of religion are made to appear for the greater good but they are not.

They are divisive, create superiority complexes, make people do evil things in the name of god, etc...

Lots of issues with the effects of religion on man.

exactly my point.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:09 PM
The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

no photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:13 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

organized religion infact does not include atheists.

I contend we are both atheists, I just belive in ONE fewer god than you do. when you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:15 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

They only did that for a purpose during a trial.

It still doesn't classify as a religion.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:15 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

organized religion infact does not include atheists.

I contend we are both atheists, I just belive in ONE fewer god than you do. when you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

It doesn't bother me whether you dismiss my beliefs. They are my beliefs. I'm only speaking of my beliefs...I'm not telling you that you are wrong for not believing as you do.

Atheists churches aren't organized religion?

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:17 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Tue 01/19/10 08:22 PM

Religion is a bad influence on people.

The concepts of religion are made to appear for the greater good but they are not.

They are divisive, create superiority complexes, make people do evil things in the name of god, etc...

Lots of issues with the effects of religion on man.

True in many ways, but the same can be said of the State. I find the State much more dangerous because of its direct influence on the lives of individuals. Religion on the other hand, can simply be ignored in most cases.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:17 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

organized religion infact does not include atheists.

I contend we are both atheists, I just belive in ONE fewer god than you do. when you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

It doesn't bother me whether you dismiss my beliefs. They are my beliefs. I'm only speaking of my beliefs...I'm not telling you that you are wrong for not believing as you do.

Atheists churches aren't organized religion?

Atheist do not have churches, what would be the purpose? LOL

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:19 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

organized religion infact does not include atheists.

I contend we are both atheists, I just belive in ONE fewer god than you do. when you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

I think that may be too deep for some to understand.:thumbsup:

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:19 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

organized religion infact does not include atheists.

I contend we are both atheists, I just belive in ONE fewer god than you do. when you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

It doesn't bother me whether you dismiss my beliefs. They are my beliefs. I'm only speaking of my beliefs...I'm not telling you that you are wrong for not believing as you do.

Atheists churches aren't organized religion?

Atheist do not have churches, what would be the purpose? LOL

Atheist DO have churches. the purpose is to meet and discuss the Atheist belief

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:22 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

organized religion infact does not include atheists.

I contend we are both atheists, I just belive in ONE fewer god than you do. when you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

It doesn't bother me whether you dismiss my beliefs. They are my beliefs. I'm only speaking of my beliefs...I'm not telling you that you are wrong for not believing as you do.

Atheists churches aren't organized religion?

Atheist do not have churches, what would be the purpose? LOL

Okay, I guess I am wrong here. Apparently they have called their meeting places churches to be facetious.

LOL they sure do have a sense of humor.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:23 PM

The Supreme Court ruled that Atheism is a religion as well. Atheists have a belief that they follow as well as churches.

organized religion infact does not include atheists.

I contend we are both atheists, I just belive in ONE fewer god than you do. when you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

It doesn't bother me whether you dismiss my beliefs. They are my beliefs. I'm only speaking of my beliefs...I'm not telling you that you are wrong for not believing as you do.

Atheists churches aren't organized religion?

Atheist do not have churches, what would be the purpose? LOL

Atheist DO have churches. the purpose is to meet and discuss the Atheist belief

Atheism isn't a belief, it is logic.

centered's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:23 PM

They only did that for a purpose during a trial.

It still doesn't classify as a religion.

You have to define "religion". For example, do you consider Buddhism a religion?

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 01/19/10 08:23 PM
here is an article about an Atheist church near me in Dallas


A 'Church for the Unchurched' provides community and moral support without God.

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