Topic: Prolifers??
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Wed 06/17/09 07:19 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 06/17/09 07:21 AM

Is there anybody who thinks that abortion is a good thing? Not the right to an abortion, but an abortion itself? Good, we all agree.

Prolifers. Your goal is zero abortions, right?

Pro-choicers. You wouldn't be upset if there were zero abortions, would you?

So if abortions clinics were open and legal and nobody showed up, everyone would be happy, right?

Now suppose prolifers are successful at making all abortions illegal. Do you think there will still be abortions? Why yes, of course. Illegal ones. And trips to Canada and Mexico. So while prolifers have then succeeded at making abortion illegal, they have not succeeded at their stated goal of reducing abortions to zero. Far from it.

So what is left to do? The hard work of changing society's attitudes and practices. So that women(and girls) never get pregnant when they don't want to. So that abortion is not considered an acceptable alternative except in the rarest cases. That there will be help with your unwanted pregnancy.

All this takes time. And precious time has already been lost. Squabbling over Roe vs. Wade and various other laws at the state level. If both sides agree that zero abortions is the goal to shoot for, then why are we fighting and not getting to work?

Too much good sense for an emotional topic, I didn't get the sense any spittle was flying from your mouth so no one is going to pay attention.

yes, you do have a choice...thats the morality of this Country.... Thank God huh that your Momma was prolife.

I one knows the shoes of someone else and where they have walked, but does it change the fact that its still a child? NO!
Whether its through rape, incest or just an "regular" unwanted pregancy...the reasons to be there are horrible, I agree, BUT its still the same child...adoption, not abortion!

My mom is pro choice, so I can be glad she chose to have me.

Pro life means you respect all life so no death penalty and no wars, right?

You could actually take that to another level and stop killing animals for food too, right?

Pro all life or just those you choose are worthy?

i'm off to bed...but i can say that i, personally, am completely pro-life.

and yes, that means that i'm anti-death penalty, anti-war...and a complete vegetarian.

But are you pro government rule over a persons body?

I think what is not really talked about is the parallels that giving the government the rule of law to dictate what a person can do with there body.

China does this now. Do we really want to go down that path? I really do not think we do.

markumX's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:22 PM
i find it funny that those that pro claim to be pro life support the death penalty, unfeathered and unregulated rights to have guns, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

trubeliever's photo
Fri 07/03/09 05:07 PM

i find it funny that those that pro claim to be pro life support the death penalty, unfeathered and unregulated rights to have guns, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I am pro life, But I'm not for the death penalty, and Guns make me nervous but if you want one thats your business and wars unfortunally are necessary sometimes.

Winx's photo
Fri 07/03/09 05:08 PM
I'm pro-life and pro-choice.

trubeliever's photo
Fri 07/03/09 05:13 PM

I'm pro-life and pro-choice.

I know i will probably regret asking but how can u be both. (I cringe).

Winx's photo
Fri 07/03/09 05:16 PM
Edited by Winx on Fri 07/03/09 05:18 PM

I'm pro-life and pro-choice.

I know i will probably regret asking but how can u be both. (I cringe).

I would not have an abortion unless my life depended on it. I feel that it would be wrong for me to force my beliefs onto others.

That is my choice. I won't take your choice away from you.flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 07/03/09 07:36 PM

Let me see if I can bring this thread BACK to the general religion category. First When we talk about pro-life & pro-choice what are we really discussing? Are we discussing murder? Because many of the pro-choice faction do not believe they are committing murder. This is why all the hoopla over Roe v. Wade.

To please read the following and then I would like to hear from all of you in responce to the following questions.
1. Do you believe abortion at any time during a pregnancy is murder?
Please explain your answer.
2. Do you believe that murder and kill mean the same thing?
If you say no, please explaing how they are different.
3. Are humans the center of the universe? Are we the only animal
whose life counts for anything of importance?
4. A child is running toward you, maybe 7 years old, tears streaming down his face, yelling at you in another language. In his hand he holds a grenade, in your hand is a gun and next to you are children in your care, maybe one of your own. Do you shoot the boy holding the grenade? Please explain your actions?

To find evidence in the Bible that the right to choose abortion is morally wrong is an effort in futility, unless an individual begins with the belief that life predates conception or that conception is the manifestation of life which stems from the consciousness of God.

The Bible is filled with passages which relate to the taking of a life, murder. There are also many passages in which a character talks about their ‘life’ in the womb, or their ‘life’ in the spirit, which is predating conception, as in the examples of Psalm 139:13-16 and Jeremiah 1:5 talking about life prior to conception and life in the womb, respectively. In some passages a single word is used as empirical prove of human life in the womb as in Luke 1:44 “and the babe leaped in my womb for joy.” The key word, to Biblical pro-life individuals, is the word “babe”. Presumably a baby is a full fledged human life, and of course if the Bible is infallible than exchanging the word fetus and baby must mean that God considers a fetus a human life.
If you start with the premise that human life begins with conception, or even before, than purposely taking action which would interrupt the pregnancy would be considered murder. Therefore, Biblical supporter of pro-life, have already decided what life is- and when it begins. To Biblical pro-lifer’s, the only evidence which is required to support their pro-life stance is the Biblical evidence which pertains to murder.

The argument over abortion was never really about murder, it is about when life begins, we are quite simply arguing two completely different things. There is common ground between the two sides, as Biblical pro-life argues that murder is wrong and so do most other people, including pro-choice individuals. Still the argument is placed on two different levels with the Biblical pro-life faction arguing that murder is wrong while pro-choice people are trying to argue on the premise that murder can only be applied to viable fetus, a fetus in which there is likelihood that survival can be sustained outside the womb.

Today, many Bible passages are used to support the Biblical pro-life view.
Judges 13:1-7
Psalm 51:5
Numbers 5:1-40
Luke 2:12, 16 (2:12)
Luke 1:32-41 (1:41)
Jeremiah 1:1-9
Judges 13:1-7
Genesis 2
Ezekiel 37
Acts 20:28

Many of these verses, and all the verses that are used, are supporting evidence for the belief that murder is wrong.

The real issue is not about murder, it is about when life begins. A few places in the Bible deal with the idea of pre-existence, or poetically refer to life in the womb. But a person must first believe that the Bible is infallible, and that all words must be interpreted only in support of the infallible belief.

This is extremely problematic because no person alive today even attempts to live in accordance with the commands of an infallible Bible.

The result is a commitment to beliefs which is dogmatically supported, to the point where offhand self-justification (rationalizing) or just deliberate misrepresentation is the only possible way to defend the Biblical pro-life view.

trubeliever's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:32 PM
First thank you Winx it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be.

Now how to begin: You are right if u dont believe in the Bible then u just do whatever works for u but for me I do believe and i believe it all.
1. I believe God creats us in the womb and noone has the righ to kill what He has created and I think life begings at conception.
2.Murder is when u intentually kill someone. and Kill well that can mean the same depends on the situation.
3.I as a human am the center of the universe because God loves me (humans) more than all the other things.
4.I have no idea what i would do and hope i am never in that position to find out but if you did kill that child, no i would not consider it murder because that is defending yourself.
If someone were coming at me wether that be with gun, knife, grenade I do feel like it would be me or them and i tell u I love me alot and I chose ME.
But you will not agree with me because u dont believe. You are trying to understand a book which I believe was annointed by God and is ment for believers to learn from. You cant possibly understand it. If i didnt answer your question right I'm sorry I done my best.

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:35 PM
pro cheeseburger.. mmmmm

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 07/05/09 07:37 PM
I'm Christian...but I'm pro-choice because I believe not to push my views on others. And I do know there are circumstances (that unless you are put in) that people have NO idea how they will react. so therefore....I'm not going to sit in judgment of others

earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:01 PM
Either way you believe, abortion is going nowhere, they not going to abolish it. Personal prefrence is nice to hear, but I have no worries, God is in control, I am not.

If you really believe that God has a place in anything, you must know that all we can do is educate why about one or the other.

God is all poweful, and can make anything happen. Yesssss.... we have free will, but what is to happen will happen.

I would just encourage anyone who believes to pray.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 07/05/09 08:07 PM

I'm pro-life and pro-choice.

I know i will probably regret asking but how can u be both. (I cringe).

I would not have an abortion unless my life depended on it. I feel that it would be wrong for me to force my beliefs onto others.

That is my choice. I won't take your choice away from you.flowerforyou

I was going to say something simular.

You said it better.

I believe all life is precious.
I will not force someone else to choose my way.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 11:04 AM
It really comes down to reproductive rights, its a whole package and I guarantee no one wants the government to own your reproductive system.

no photo
Fri 07/10/09 02:10 PM
I am 100% but I don't believe "choice" should be taken away from the person. I may not agree with it and I would encourage more education on the matter but I do understand there ARE those who really do come to a point where they really have no choice.

Then, I have dated and spoken with those whom chose to do it and it IS a difficult choice and experience to go with. That is what many whom object do not seem to understand....

Having an abortion for 99.99999% of the women who go in is a HEART-WRENCHING in experience not just because of possible pressure from boyfriends/girlfriends/family/friends but because the experience itself is extremely draining and you really do end up feeling very very empty.

These women, I mean, are in no way doing this as some form of birth control and those who protest this just do not get this.

I may not LIKE it but as good as adoption has become we live in a society where even adoption is becoming more and more difficult, the prospect of all of it is also extremely difficult and draining.

Having an Abortion is a very harsh experience and it isn't fair for others to simply 'hate' someone for making such a difficult choice.

I'm a prolifer more in the sense that I think the education should be made more readily available(oddly enough, it still effing isn't) as well as counseling made easier to access.

SVImager's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:57 AM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% proChoice... but I admire people who are 100% ProLife regardless of reasons of pregnancy.

SVImager's photo
Fri 07/17/09 09:58 AM

I'm pro-life and pro-choice.

Than you are Pro-Choice.

MadroxKran's photo
Fri 07/17/09 04:33 PM

Not rly

no photo
Fri 07/17/09 06:04 PM
I think it is a personal decision and it is not up to government to pass laws one way or another about what a woman does or does not do when she is faced with an unwanted pregnancy.

Morality should not be forced upon other people. Legally, a child is not a person until it is born and takes its first breath. So pro lifers should apply their morality to their own lives and stop trying to force feed it to others by bombing clinics and killing doctors. Those people who do that or support that are murderers and domestic terrorists.

Also I know countless self proclaimed pro-lifers who actively support the war, and the death penalty and they have no grounds to claim themselves to be "prolife."

Between the two, I feel that pro-choice people are a lot more gentle and trustworthy than so-called pro-lifers who march on clinics carrying signs and pass out pictures of dead babies to young girls. Frankly those kind of people scare me.

Winx's photo
Fri 07/17/09 07:24 PM

First thank you Winx it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be.

Now how to begin: You are right if u dont believe in the Bible then u just do whatever works for u but for me I do believe and i believe it all.
1. I believe God creats us in the womb and noone has the righ to kill what He has created and I think life begings at conception.
2.Murder is when u intentually kill someone. and Kill well that can mean the same depends on the situation.
3.I as a human am the center of the universe because God loves me (humans) more than all the other things.
4.I have no idea what i would do and hope i am never in that position to find out but if you did kill that child, no i would not consider it murder because that is defending yourself.
If someone were coming at me wether that be with gun, knife, grenade I do feel like it would be me or them and i tell u I love me alot and I chose ME.
But you will not agree with me because u dont believe. You are trying to understand a book which I believe was annointed by God and is ment for believers to learn from. You cant possibly understand it. If i didnt answer your question right I'm sorry I done my best.

Thank you, Trubeliever. I didn't know why you would think that my answer would be a scary one. lol

I, too, am a Christian. But...I don't feel that I have the right to take someone's choice away just because it wouldn't be my choice.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 07/18/09 03:25 PM
1st In the Bible Yahweh says he knew Jeremiah in the womb.

So he must see it as life.

2nd we want our cakke and eat it to.

3rd women have a choice to terminate a fetus or baby whatever you want to call it.

4th thier is suuppose to be equal justice in the law.

5 A drunk hits a car with a pregnant woman in it.

The baby dies.

Now the law says it was a human being and the drunk is charged with 2nd degree murder.

So if we want to define a human being then we must have equality in the law.

we do not a woman has more rights over a human being because it is inside her.

The drunk is charged because if he would not of hit the car most likely a baby would be born.

If something will grow into anything like a fetus to become a breathing baby and grow from thier.

Why don't we do like china did for birth control.

Wrong sex the baby is killed.

Is thier really a difference? Shalom...Miles