Topic: Prolifers??
ThomasJB's photo
Fri 06/12/09 10:52 AM

Ive been pro life forever, but after losing 2 babies, sometimes I have thought, maybe sometimes, we shouldnt make it happen. I have a perfect 10 year old son, that I wouldnt trade for anything, but I for sure have questioned my beliefs over time.

Bringing a life into the world is a big responsibility and not an easy decision to make. I would think doubts are healthy and to question one's beliefs is the only way to truly know what one believes.

DaveyB's photo
Fri 06/12/09 01:47 PM

for ONCE...I can say...I DIDN'T DO IT!!! I'm innocent THIS time laugh

You may not be guilty of it, but in no way are you innocent laugh. devil ... I think I love you flowerforyou laugh

EquusDancer's photo
Fri 06/12/09 01:47 PM
The OP already stated she's good with hunting and what-not, so ya gotta love selective pro-lifers.

But OP, and others who are pro-life, what have you done to put a stop to the use of Premarin mares? Mares purposely bred to have their urine milked to create hormones for menopausal women? The majority of those mares are forced into a terminated pregnancy so the farm factories don't have to pay to feed up the foals, only to be re-bred immediately, and used again, over and over, for their urine. They live in a stall the vast majority of their life, not able to get out even into a pasture.

The few factory farms who actually let the mares carry to term, only allow the foal the minimum time to be weaned off mama's milk, after she's been re-bred, of course, and then the babies are gotten rid of. Either to slaughterhouses, or if lucky into horse groups that are busting butt to get the Premarin factories shut down.

Or does your concern only run to human life, when we're already wildly overpopulated and can't take care of the lives already here?!

no photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:11 PM

The OP already stated she's good with hunting and what-not, so ya gotta love selective pro-lifers.

But OP, and others who are pro-life, what have you done to put a stop to the use of Premarin mares? Mares purposely bred to have their urine milked to create hormones for menopausal women? The majority of those mares are forced into a terminated pregnancy so the farm factories don't have to pay to feed up the foals, only to be re-bred immediately, and used again, over and over, for their urine. They live in a stall the vast majority of their life, not able to get out even into a pasture.

The few factory farms who actually let the mares carry to term, only allow the foal the minimum time to be weaned off mama's milk, after she's been re-bred, of course, and then the babies are gotten rid of. Either to slaughterhouses, or if lucky into horse groups that are busting butt to get the Premarin factories shut down.

Or does your concern only run to human life, when we're already wildly overpopulated and can't take care of the lives already here?!

Another huge problem that this world is dealing with. You are absolutely rightdrinker

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:25 PM

sorry for your loss :cry: :cry:

Questioning our beliefs is examine opposing viewpoints is to reinforce your beliefs or to shed light on other possibilities...

Ive been pro life forever, but after losing 2 babies, sometimes I have thought, maybe sometimes, we shouldnt make it happen. I have a perfect 10 year old son, that I wouldnt trade for anything, but I for sure have questioned my beliefs over time.

Well, after some time, I have found that my childrens fathers have not been everything they seemed to be. I had the perfect situation with my sons Dad, (so I thought) hes a Dr. made plenty of money, blah blah, sweet, nurturing, caring, everything seeming awesome. He turned out to be the biggest mess ever. I would suggest a woman be sure she herself is financially stable, and able to take care of herself, and children on her own very well before making sexual decisions, and planning birth. You can end up in a "meant to be" hell.

My biggest blessing is my son, but.. being divided between the two of us is not the funnest, most enjoyable, healthy thing for any of us.

earthytaurus76's photo
Fri 06/12/09 05:29 PM

Ive been pro life forever, but after losing 2 babies, sometimes I have thought, maybe sometimes, we shouldnt make it happen. I have a perfect 10 year old son, that I wouldnt trade for anything, but I for sure have questioned my beliefs over time.

Bringing a life into the world is a big responsibility and not an easy decision to make. I would think doubts are healthy and to question one's beliefs is the only way to truly know what one believes.

I also lost my child to a man who I later found out was too immature to be a father, never before shown. Im grateful this child did not survive (through natural causes) because honestly, it would have been a really bad situation.

Im ok with the miscarriage situation. I figure that God blessed me with these little souls for a short time, and I feel happy and blessed to have had them no matter what a short time it was.

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:35 AM

I believe you will find most prolifers believe that life begins at conception

Really????? Then the morning after pill is an abortion??????

That is exactly what the morning after pill is. It induces an abortion.

What did you think it did if not that?

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:36 AM


Then birth control(not contraception) is, also, a form of abortion?????

I believe you will find most prolifers believe that life begins at conception

Really????? Then the morning after pill is an abortion??????

Some would say so.

It's not the same thing. Two different processes.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 09:39 AM
The idea of emergency contraception —-or a morning-after pill—- is based on a theory. Under this theory, if a woman has unprotected sexual intercourse (without use of contraception, contraception failure or cases of rape) and fears she may become pregnant, she can take large doses of birth control pills to prevent a pregnancy.

Emergency contraception, essentially, is a high dosage of the birth control pill. It is recommended for use after sexual intercourse, over a period of 72 hours, to achieve the goal of preventing pregnancy.

There are three different ways birth control pills are currently being promoted for this use: progesterone alone, estrogen alone, or both of these artificial steroids together. Again, these are the same steroids found in the typical birth control pill.

Two of the most commonly used emergency contraceptive pills are Preven and Plan B.

lulu24's photo
Sat 06/13/09 02:28 PM
the "morning-after pill" works similar to the birth control pill, since it is, in essence, the same thing.

the pill can work by A) preventing ovulation. this is actually how it most often works. however, if the body DOES ovulate, it also works by B) thickening the mucous, making it more difficult for the sperm to make it to the egg. if THAT doesn't work...well, there's C) the fact that it ALSO changes the lining of the uterus, making it more difficult for the fertilized egg to attach. it's C that is most in issue. it's also C that's most likely to be what is in effect for the "morning-after pill", as it may be too late to stop ovulation...but not necessarily too late to stop fertilization.

i myself will NOT use any form of birth control that prevents implantation of a fertilized ovum.

Totage's photo
Sat 06/13/09 02:31 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 02:57 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

Dan99's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:00 PM
I dont walk on grass in case i inadvertantly kill a blade of it.

But i did once kill a whale to save the plankton.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:02 PM
Edited by Giocamo on Sat 06/13/09 03:03 PM

yes, you do have a choice...thats the morality of this Country.... Thank God huh that your Momma was prolife.

I one knows the shoes of someone else and where they have walked, but does it change the fact that its still a child? NO!
Whether its through rape, incest or just an "regular" unwanted pregancy...the reasons to be there are horrible, I agree, BUT its still the same child...adoption, not abortion!

My mom is pro choice, so I can be glad she chose to have me.

Pro life means you respect all life so no death penalty and no wars, right?

You could actually take that to another level and stop killing animals for food too, right?

Pro all life or just those you choose are worthy?...So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

respect all " innocent " life...

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:06 PM

I dont walk on grass in case i inadvertantly kill a blade of it.

But i did once kill a whale to save the plankton.

LOL, I save spiders from myself by catching them and putting them outside so I don't have to kill them. Because if they get on me they are going to

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:09 PM

yes, you do have a choice...thats the morality of this Country.... Thank God huh that your Momma was prolife.

I one knows the shoes of someone else and where they have walked, but does it change the fact that its still a child? NO!
Whether its through rape, incest or just an "regular" unwanted pregancy...the reasons to be there are horrible, I agree, BUT its still the same child...adoption, not abortion!

My mom is pro choice, so I can be glad she chose to have me.

Pro life means you respect all life so no death penalty and no wars, right?

You could actually take that to another level and stop killing animals for food too, right?

Pro all life or just those you choose are worthy?...So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

respect all " innocent " life...

No life is innocent life. Anyone can birth a killer, rapist, etc....

Wars do not only kill guilty people.

People die by the hand of the state who are innocent.

The only way to guarentee you are 100% prolife is to respect all life, no eating it and no killing if any kind.

Totage's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:13 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

I do eat meat. But I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, etc. I don't believe in hunting simply to hunt. I believe if you hunt an animal, it should be for food, clothing, etc. I wasn't thinking about animals, insects, and other creatures when I typed that, I was thinking only of human life.

Dragoness's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:21 PM

Anyone else out here 100% prolife? Regardless the reasons of the pregnancy.............

I am 100% prolife!

So you don't eat meat, believe in wars, nor believe in the death penalty, just to name a few prolife philosophies?

I do eat meat. But I don't believe in war, the death penalty, abortion, etc. I don't believe in hunting simply to hunt. I believe if you hunt an animal, it should be for food, clothing, etc. I wasn't thinking about animals, insects, and other creatures when I typed that, I was thinking only of human life.

Good for you, at least you hold most of your integrity on this view.flowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:22 PM
I'll say again. if someone is pro-life then that is a choice for YOU...not for others. until you are in a position, you don't know how you would react. if someone is pro-choice...then that is a choice for THEM.

Giocamo's photo
Sat 06/13/09 03:29 PM

I'll say again. if someone is pro-life then that is a choice for YOU...not for others. until you are in a position, you don't know how you would react. if someone is pro-choice...then that is a choice for THEM.

when it comes to right vs wrong...I'll pick " right "...