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Topic: You Get What you Are.....More on Law of Attraction
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Tue 05/05/09 04:16 PM
Word soup does not make a theory, and again look back to my previous post. ITS UP TO YOU TO PROVE YOUR PREMISES, AND CONCLUSIONS, NOT ME.

I don't claim to have a scientific theory, although some people smarter than me agree with my conclusions...or I agree with theirs.. scientists.

It is NOT up to me to Prove my premises to you. If they are so outlandish and ridiculous then you should probably do as you usually do and not even consider them at all. Just laugh at them and move on down the line.:tongue: :wink:

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 04:20 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/05/09 04:22 PM

Its up to YOU to prove these theories not me, I get to pick apart your words and dig around in your statements making you justify everything, I am not the one making claims.


Why do you consider yourself the authority on the true nature of reality? Because you read a few science books? That's laughable. I don't claim to know the true nature of reality but I suspect you don't have a clue either, so you are not on any better ground than I am. In fact your sources all conflict with each other and much of it is wrong, plain and simple. If it were NOT wrong, they would have discovered the true nature of this reality.

Maybe some have, and just don't know how to break it to people. It would blow their minds.

Have you ever taken a philosophy course in your entire life?

And if you did.

Did you actually pass it?

I mean without bribing the instructor.

Actually what Jeremy states about philosphy is precisely HOW it is supposed to be conducted.

Philosophers don't typical accept things just because someone says its so.

Good for them. And scientists too. I certainly wouldn't expect them or anyone to accept anything I say. I know nothing of academic philosophy or science. I think sometimes college ruins true creative thought and locks people into modes of thinking that limits their imagination and creativity.

Imagination rules the world.

Have your laughs and move on-- don't even consider any of my mindless ramblings.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 04:25 PM

We create our own realities..... but they are only the dreams, of the dreamer, dreaming a dream.

You got it girl!! And I bet you are neither a scientists or a academic philosopher. drinker

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 04:43 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/05/09 04:49 PM
You see, if you want to argue or prove me wrong, I am willing to listen to your proof and consider it. Abra and Creative convinced me to reconsider the idea of the existence of a random factor at work and closed systems.

I agree that the random factor at work is the clash of closed systems that have never come into contact before. The energy exchanges in these events (cases) can cause havoc and unexpected events to arise. Each having their own separate causes, they come together to create a random event, and then that event starts a chain reaction to other events and so forth.

As far as a holographic model of reality, the evidence I have accumulated points to it. Combine the holographic model with the idea of a thought created universe and you have a thought projection that resembles a holographic three dimensional dream world, similar to the dream worlds our individual minds create when we sleep at night. How do you suppose we do that?

Do we create a three dimensional space complete with light, sound, people, plants, animals, mountains, skies, buildings etc. completely out of the information in our tiny little brains or are we connected to a mind that exists outside of the gray matter we call our brain? Can a brain dream if the tissue is kept alive in a jar? I don't think so.

I am not looking for someone to ridicule me. I get that all the time. I want to know if you really know something specific that refutes my idea and blows it out of the water. Saying that it does will not cut it James. You have to show me why it does coming from a common premise of understanding. You have not done that.

Jeromy just makes little remarks indicating how superior he believes his knowledge is and wants everyone to present proof to him for his approval --as if his approval is the final say in all these matters.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/05/09 04:48 PM

I know nothing of academic philosophy or science.

Well that explains it then.

You posted this in philosophy so we're attempting to address it as such.

No wonder we're not getting anywhere.

I think sometimes college ruins true creative thought and locks people into modes of thinking that limits their imagination and creativity.

Now who's whining?

Actually colleges usually divide things up into various subjects.

Philosophy is conducted based on reason and arguments of reason.

I'm sure that most colleges also have classes on creativity, art, fantasy, or what have you.

So to suggest that colleges ruin creative thought is to simply misunderstand how they divide up their subjects into categories.

I'm sure that most colleges have many classes on creativity, art, fictional writing and fantasy.

In fact, there are even colleges that focus specifically are the arts. bigsmile

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Tue 05/05/09 04:58 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/05/09 05:01 PM
So have you been to college? What kind of degree do you hold? I went for two years and was bored to tears.

To imply that I have no right to post to a philosophy forum unless I have a degree in it is ridiculous. The reason we are not getting anywhere is because you are just being snide and insulting. No surprise there.

College does ruin creative thought. It trains people to become cogs in a wheel and go out and get a job with the big corporation and be a team player. They don't want independent thinkers.

I had a friend who had what I wanted. She had a 4 year degree in art. She had a nice resume'. But she envied me. I could paint a pretty picture, she could not paint a thing. She said she learned nothing about creativity or painting in College. All she had to show for her four years was a degree and an impressive resume'

Doctors in college today are taught how to prescribe drugs. They know very little or anything about good nutrition and real health or natural herbs for cures. They prescribe expensive drugs to kill ring worm when a scraping of black walnut leaf will kill them instantly and drinking of black walnut tincher will kill worms in the stomach.

I have very little faith in college graduates as creative or progressive people. They are ready to get a job... that's about it.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/05/09 05:06 PM

I want to know if you really know something specific that refutes my idea and blows it out of the water. Saying that it does will not cut it James. You have to show me why it does coming from a common premise of understanding. You have not done that.

I feel that I have.

You're original claim is that we attract everything that happens to us on an individual basis. You have held in the past that this is the very basis of the "Law of Attraction". That it indeed is a law that states that we personally attract everything that happens to us.

My argument against that is that, if that were true then it would be impossible for anyone to do anything to you that you didn't not attract.

If you are robbed, or raped, or laid off from a company, your claim was that you attracted that to yourself.

Based on that ideal, I could run out and rape women at will, and claim, "Hey, don't look at me, THEY are attracting this reality!"

It MUST BE SO, because Jeanniebean says that nothing can happen to them that THEY aren't attracting to THEMSELVES!

Do you see how it can backfire?

Where's the free will of OTHER PEOPLE in all of this?

To claim that the person who is being raped attracted that event, basically removes the responsibilty of the rapist for having done something to someone that THEY didn't attract.

If we accept you're philosophy, then not only are there no victims, but there can be no criminals either!

This is my argument of why it make no sense to claim that everyone create their OWN reality whilst simultaneoulsy demanding that everyone has free will.

Something's got to give.

From a purely philosophical point of view I offered a long time ago that I can only see your philosophy working in the case of solipsism.

The lone dreamer. Where everyone in your dream is a fabrication of your dream. You are the SOLE consciouness. Everyone else is just a figment of your imagination.

But as soon as you demand that eveyone is a free will consciousness in their own right, then your claim that we all create our OWN reality breaks down.

That's my philosophical argument based on philsophical principles.

Yes, you Law of Attraction could work (but only in a solipsism dream).

Otherwise, you've got huge conflicting problems of free wills interacting.

That's just a sound professional philosophical argument.

From my point of view, you are the one who has never answered that.

You have never shown how we can each created our OWN reality whilst living in a world full of other free will conscious beings that directly interact with us yet aren't able to affect our reality unless we attract that effect.

I'm more than open to hearing any possible explanation of this.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 06:01 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/05/09 06:03 PM

I want to know if you really know something specific that refutes my idea and blows it out of the water. Saying that it does will not cut it James. You have to show me why it does coming from a common premise of understanding. You have not done that.

I feel that I have.

If you feel that you have then you are satisfied. I feel that you have not and I am not satisfied.

You're original claim is that we attract everything that happens to us on an individual basis. You have held in the past that this is the very basis of the "Law of Attraction". That it indeed is a law that states that we personally attract everything that happens to us.

My argument against that is that, if that were true then it would be impossible for anyone to do anything to you that you didn't not attract.

This is correct.

If you are robbed, or raped, or laid off from a company, your claim was that you attracted that to yourself.

Based on that ideal, I could run out and rape women at will, and claim, "Hey, don't look at me, THEY are attracting this reality!"

It MUST BE SO, because Jeanniebean says that nothing can happen to them that THEY aren't attracting to THEMSELVES!

Do you see how it can backfire?

Where's the free will of OTHER PEOPLE in all of this?

To claim that the person who is being raped attracted that event, basically removes the responsibilty of the rapist for having done something to someone that THEY didn't attract.

That's ridiculous. The rapist is just as responsible and more so, than the victim. They are both responsible. They both participated in the event. It removes no responsibility from anyone.

If everyone is responsible, then everyone is responsible to a certain unknown degree. It is a matter of vibrations being put forth.

If we accept you're philosophy, then not only are there no victims, but there can be no criminals either!

Then don't accept My philosopy.

But you are wrong. A "criminal" is a person who breaks the laws of society. There are definitely criminals, and within this mindset of society, there are also victims. But this thinking and definition is on the level of society and its laws and definitions.

In the spiritual sense, a criminal could be in worse shape than his victim. He may never get over it. He could be insane, he could be a psychopath, he could be a totally dysfunctional human because of his genes or upbringing. He could be a person who does not know love and has never been loved and cannot love others.

This is my argument of why it make no sense to claim that everyone create their OWN reality whilst simultaneously demanding that everyone has free will.

Something's got to give.

Why does something "got to give?" You disagree. So what? You have a right to disagree and to believe what you want.

Bad things happen because of the clash of different closed systems with their own "free will." But like vibrations attract like vibrations.

Vibrations of FEAR will attract like vibrations of FEAR. There is nothing more fearful than the criminal mind. The criminal mind has a deep seated fear that he cannot survive without his criminal acts. He has the fear of being known and the fear of being caught.

The vibration of FEAR will attract like vibrations of FEAR.

Anyone projecting vibrations of fear could attract a criminal. They could be fearful about anything, it does not matter what. They could be fearful of the speech they have to give that night or of loosing their job or of walking down a dark alley.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 06:27 PM
you dont have to prove anything JB whether someone believes you or not. personally i dont. Because if law of attraction as you call it, were so simple as you claim, our world would be in better condition for us to live in. there would be no death, or aging, sickness, disease nor war, famines or socialism, terrible crimes ,alien abductions,or poverty ,I mean really who wants to be poor and sick.

amputees would be able to think themselves a growth of a new limb. why dont you visit a nursing home, hospital or cancer center and preach your philosophies of law of attraction and see how it helps. maybe someone can get that kidney they need so they can get off dialysis or get that bone marrow they been waiting for.

I hope every infertile woman get her wish of conception so she can stop taking those treatments.And all those men with low count or no count sperm who want children, take JB advice and you can have eight babies in one shot just like the octuplet mom.

you keep selling dreams JB you seem to be prospering from it. And all you,her customers who keeps JB in business, see if she can keep you out of the furnace.surprised

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Tue 05/05/09 06:40 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/05/09 06:49 PM

you dont have to prove anything JB whether someone believes you or not. personally i dont. Because if law of attraction as you call it, were so simple as you claim, our world would be in better condition for us to live in. there would be no death, or aging, sickness, disease nor war, famines or socialism, terrible crimes ,alien abductions,or poverty ,I mean really who wants to be poor and sick.

Maybe one day the world will be a perfect place when people actually learn to think perfect thoughts. But they don't. They hate others, they fear others they think bad thoughts. You think about war, disease, famine, terrible crimes and you even mention it in this post which proves you ARE THINKING ABOUT IT. You watch the news every night and see all the bad things and that makes you think about them even more and believe even more that the world is this way. The world will manifest just the way people believe it is. The proof is in the pudding. Look around you. That is what people think about and have created.

When you get angry and fearful you send out the vibration of fear and anger.

You probably listen to the fear mongering about the swine flu and develop fear about that. People worry, they think about things they don't want and about things they fear. The give energy to those thoughts and they create the things they fear the most. That is how it works.

amputees would be able to think themselves a growth of a new limb. why dont you visit a nursing home, hospital or cancer center and preach your philosophies of law of attraction and see how it helps. maybe someone can get that kidney they need so they can get off dialysis or get that bone marrow they been waiting for.

I worked in a nursing home for four years. Guess what? Many of the people I took care of were people who spent their entire lives as nurses and nurses aids. They thought about it and observed it all their lives. After about four years I began to visualize myself in a nursing home just like them. I began to believe that was the natural order of things and that everyone eventually will end up there.

But that does not have to be the case. I quit that job and put those thoughts out of my mind as much as possible. People still bring them up everyday. They say... we are getting old, we are going to end up in a nursing home.... blah blah blah... they ARE THINKING THEMSELVES THERE.

I hope every infertile woman get her wish of conception so she can stop taking those treatments.And all those men with low count or no count sperm who want children, take JB advice and you can have eight babies in one shot just like the octuplet mom.

Lack of health, unhealthy lifestyles will create the state of your health. Eating unhealthy foods, drinking, smoking, etc. will deplete your immune system. My sister was infertile and could never have children. Guess what? She abused alcohol and drugs all her life... and she expects to have children.

you keep selling dreams JB you seem to be prospering from it. And all you,her customers who keeps JB in business, see if she can keep you out of the furnace.surprised

I prosper from it? I sell it? How so? I prosper only from what I create myself. I sell nothing having to do with the Law of Attraction. I give it away for people who care to improve their lot in life.

Furnace? What are you talking about? Are you preaching Hell and damnation? That's really funny.:wink:

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Tue 05/05/09 07:11 PM
Edited by smiless on Tue 05/05/09 07:20 PM
When talking about the Law of Attraction, I can't help to think about the possibility if we humans once had a sixth or seventh sense. I don't know why I always go back to this, but somehow this philosophy might have something connected to some senses that we may have had at one time.

I say this for a cat or a dog can (sense) fear in someone. If it is vibrations of energy or just that they can observe or smell the purpose to notice that their victim is in fear?

Perhaps the law of attraction is something humans had naturally at one time and is forgotten. Some supernatural force that only few can claim or use. I mean for almost a year now I seek enlightenment in Buddhism and find nothinglaugh

I think the mind can create bad days if it thinks negative. It is not responsible for everybodies day that is for sure, but it can have a domino effect if you spread your negative thoughts to others. Your mind can also tell itself that it can have a great day and really believe it to be great. I also think emotional intelligence has a big role in it also for those who are more street wise can deal with harder issues at hand. It is a combination of many traits we have to create our characteristics to determine our personalities.

Now from a philosophical mind one can only see that the laws of attraction wouldn't work for it doesn't have definite answers, yet how many times have extrodinary happenings occured in your lifetime that couldn't be explained.

We only know so much of ourselves such as how exactly the brain functions and why it does the things it does. Although we claim to know much, we don't know it all. It is a process as we speak.

In time hopefully we will have more answers and hopefully definite answers for philosophical minds that ask for absolutes.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:14 PM
you dont have to prove anything JB whether someone believes you or not. personally i dont. Because if law of attraction as you call it, were so simple as you claim, our world would be in better condition for us to live in. there would be no death, or aging, sickness, disease nor war, famines or socialism, terrible crimes ,alien abductions,or poverty ,I mean really who wants to be poor and sick.

amputees would be able to think themselves a growth of a new limb. why dont you visit a nursing home, hospital or cancer center and preach your philosophies of law of attraction and see how it helps. maybe someone can get that kidney they need so they can get off dialysis or get that bone marrow they been waiting for.

I made that point before too.

If the Law of Attraction were TRUE then we'd really need to be working hard against it.

What sense does that make?

That would be like claiming that there's a law of gravity, yet eveyone keeps floating in the air, so they need to be told about the law of gravity so they can come back down to earth. whoa

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Tue 05/05/09 07:29 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/05/09 07:32 PM
Some animals can regrow their limbs. I wonder why it is possible for them, and not for humans. I believe one day, we will be able to regrow limbs too. Probably in the far distant evolution of humanity.

As it stands, humans can't even keep their own negative thoughts and worry under control. It is because they have not learned to use the power of their will to direct where they will place their attention or decide what they will think about. They are distracted by appearances, and by other people's creations and by other people's beliefs that they have agreed with and adopted.

Have you ever noticed that miserable people like to sit around with other miserable people and compete about who is worse off than the next or who has had the worst life? If one person tells you about their petty problems you might want to tell them... oh that's nothing compared to My problems...

People LOVE their problems. Sometimes they won't turn loose of them because they use them as an excuse for their other problems.

Yet positive people like to hang out with other positive people. If a positive person consistently lives with and hangs out with extremely negative thinking sick people, he will either become like them or eventually have to leave to avoid becoming like them.

If you put a completely sane person in an insane asylum, the person will eventually be just as insane as all the rest. IF he does not, he has not "adjusted" to his new community of insane people. If he does not adjust, he will not fit in. He will be an outcast. So he becomes insane, or at least allows himself to think he is insane and act insane to fit in.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:33 PM

Now from a philosophical mind one can only see that the laws of attraction wouldn't work for it doesn't have definite answers, yet how many times have extrodinary happenings accord in your lifetime that couldn't be explained.


Nothing has ever happened in my life that couldn't be explained by mere coincidence.

And while many people give a lot of supernatural weight to coincidence, mathematics has shown that what we often consider to be coincdiences are actually very likely to occur.

Moreover if some "Law of Attraction" were in affect, I would expect my positive thoughts, visulizations and hopes and dreams to become reality more often then not.

But that hasn't been the case by far. And I'm speaking of past history, this isn't some sort of 'affirmation' of future expectations like Jeannie keeps trying to claim.

My expectations of future events has always been far more positive than what has actually unfolded.

Thus violating the very concept of how the Law of Attraction is supposed to work.

In fact, I can cite many examples over the course of my life. I'll cite one right here.

I was once working for a company and I had worked my way up through the ranks. I got my foot in the door from having started as a 'temporary technician' on loan from a temporary worker company.

Within the first year I got hired on full-time, because of my attitude and abilty to perform. I worked my way up until I was the head of two laboratories.

I was working toward becoming a "Technologist" which is a very high position for this company. It was a shoe-in. All my superiors were all for it. I even knew which office I would move into. I VISUALIZED myself taking up residence in that office. I didn't even know anything about the "Law of Attraction". I was confident that I was going to get this position.

As far as I was concerned it was a done-deal.

But then the economy took a turn for the worse. The company changed management and the position that I thought I was going to get was totally deleted. As was I! I didn't have enough senority and I got laid off.

So there I went from a very positive expectation of having a really grand career, to standing in an unemployment line.

I didn't even whine about it!

I accept what reality brings!

But that's not the point. The point is that if the Law of Attraction had any validity I should have gotten that position.

The bottom line is that our thoughts DO NOT control our reality.

That's just the hardcore TRUTH of this universe.


Believe it or not. You're thoughts do not create your reality.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:35 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 05/05/09 07:41 PM

you dont have to prove anything JB whether someone believes you or not. personally i dont. Because if law of attraction as you call it, were so simple as you claim, our world would be in better condition for us to live in. there would be no death, or aging, sickness, disease nor war, famines or socialism, terrible crimes ,alien abductions,or poverty ,I mean really who wants to be poor and sick.

amputees would be able to think themselves a growth of a new limb. why dont you visit a nursing home, hospital or cancer center and preach your philosophies of law of attraction and see how it helps. maybe someone can get that kidney they need so they can get off dialysis or get that bone marrow they been waiting for.

I hope every infertile woman get her wish of conception so she can stop taking those treatments.And all those men with low count or no count sperm who want children, take JB advice and you can have eight babies in one shot just like the octuplet mom.

you keep selling dreams JB you seem to be prospering from it. And all you,her customers who keeps JB in business, see if she can keep you out of the furnace.surprised

"there would be no death, or aging, sickness, disease nor war, famines or socialism, terrible crimes ,alien abductions,or poverty ,I mean really who wants to be poor and sick"

huh Socialism is a natural disaster?huhIts a political philosophy.:smile: You don't seem to know thatflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:39 PM
Sorry , JB i dont buy it nor will i buy the pigs that your sellin. People do not create their cancers, or inability to hold a child in their wombs to full term, or planes crashing into buildings. That is unfair to say. Nobody wants anything horrible to happen to them or someone they love. Everyone wants life and prosperity, health and wealth if their sane. Who wouldnt. But the truth is no matter how much you wish upon a star, or throw coins into a fountain,you aint gonna always get what you want. in fact you may never get it. The Almighty administers His gifts to us as HE WILLS. not as I will, or you will, or anybody wills. AS HE WILLS. why? because HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS. He controls what? HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS SEEN and UNSEEN.

Stop patting yourself on the back JB giving yourself credit for things you have no control over. You really think its you blessing yourself? Think again. You dont know what tomorrow will bring you. In fact TOMORROW is not promised you JB. or anyone.Who said your Tomorrow will ever come for you. Its not up to you. get over yourself. Your just a vapor of smoke. a poof. a blade of grass that withers. You cannot even control your own bladder . Give praise to Him who keeps you and gives you all things. He who supplies all your needs according to His Riches and Glory.He who gives you a sound mind so you can think good things. In fact that is what HE COMMANDS us to do. Think on things that are pure and lovely etc.

I hope you get it, if not now then someday. And I hope you then tell all your followers the same because people eternal lives are at stake and your misleading them. Your setting people up for major disappointments and possible psychological disorders. dont you care?sad2

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:41 PM

As it stands, humans can't even keep their own negative thoughts and worry under control. It is because they have not learned to use the power of their will to direct where they will place their attention or decide what they will think about. They are distracted by appearances, and by other people's creations and by other people's beliefs that they have agreed with and adopted.

Have you ever noticed that miserable people like to sit around with other miserable people and compete about who is worse off than the next or who has had the worst life? If one person tells you about their petty problems you might want to tell them... oh that's nothing compared to My problems...

People LOVE their problems. Sometimes they won't turn loose of them because they use them as an excuse for their other problems.

Yes, I have noticed that very many people are indeed like that.

This is a HUGE part of the reason that I've become a hermit. laugh

I agree that people who harp on their problems are most likely going to wallow in misery. Perhaps in that sense they are creating their own reality.

But it doesn't automatically follow from this that people who have positive thoughts create their entire siutations.

I'm certain that having positive thoughts and being constructive and positive is better than sitting around complaining about life.

But it doesn't automatically follow from this that our thoughts create our reality.

They can and do have an affect on our behvior which affects our reality.

But that's a far cry from the need to create any "Law of Attraction"

Like Jeremy said a few pages back, "These are the same observations that Buddhism makes".

Yes our thoughts and actions affect our lives.

But create our reality? That's a bit of stretch.

In fact, that's a HUGE jump.

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:41 PM
In otherwords your actions and your surroundings create your results and we have no influence in them. Well at least not in the sense of how the laws of attraction explains it.

One can think positive the whole time and still can get negative results because of the peoples reactions.

Yet there are many people around the world that claim to have experienced the supernatural and that such findings as the law of attraction really work or whatever faith system they hold.

Is this just wishful thinking, delusions, or hoping for better days?

In the end what merit does the supernatural really have. Can it be possible that supernatural events can happen that we cannot explain yet truly exist?

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:43 PM

Sorry , JB i dont buy it nor will i buy the pigs that your sellin. People do not create their cancers, or inability to hold a child in their wombs to full term, or planes crashing into buildings. That is unfair to say. Nobody wants anything horrible to happen to them or someone they love. Everyone wants life and prosperity, health and wealth if their sane. Who wouldnt. But the truth is no matter how much you wish upon a star, or throw coins into a fountain,you aint gonna always get what you want. in fact you may never get it. The Almighty administers His gifts to us as HE WILLS. not as I will, or you will, or anybody wills. AS HE WILLS. why? because HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS. He controls what? HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS SEEN and UNSEEN.

Stop patting yourself on the back JB giving yourself credit for things you have no control over. You really think its you blessing yourself? Think again. You dont know what tomorrow will bring you. In fact TOMORROW is not promised you JB. or anyone.Who said your Tomorrow will ever come for you. Its not up to you. get over yourself. Your just a vapor of smoke. a poof. a blade of grass that withers. You cannot even control your own bladder . Give praise to Him who keeps you and gives you all things. He who supplies all your needs according to His Riches and Glory.He who gives you a sound mind so you can think good things. In fact that is what HE COMMANDS us to do. Think on things that are pure and lovely etc.

I hope you get it, if not now then someday. And I hope you then tell all your followers the same because people eternal lives are at stake and your misleading them. Your setting people up for major disappointments and possible psychological disorders. dont you care?sad2

"The Almighty administers His gifts to us as HE WILLS. not as I will, or you will, or anybody wills. AS HE WILLS. why? because HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS. He controls what? HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS SEEN and UNSEEN."

spock HE controls little kids getting kidnapped and killed?spock

no photo
Tue 05/05/09 07:46 PM
Does He do anything to stop it from happening Mirror?

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