Topic: You can't enter if you aren't... | |
![]() Anyone who wants to go, I'm boarding my spaceship and leaving in about a 1/2 hour! That's my choice! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Have a safe trip Sojourning...
Not to split hairs, but the greatest commandment was "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind and soul" This was the greatest of commandment. Second was "Love thy neighbor as thyself"...but that was a figurative statement, no literal statement. I don't think I have ever stated any sin as being good, or some sins greater then others, for if you believe the bible as the written word of God, they you have to accept it's judgements on all sinful behavior. I simple stated that I do not believe in gay marriage, I didn't say why or what caused me to believe that, you assumed that part. It was you that injected the bible or ones belief in it or not. You asked a question relating to heaven and I stated that in God's heaven, there will be no gay people...I did not write that, but that is what it says. Believe it or not. Just because one knows about the bible does not signify a particular belief in it as much as reading it does not signify your understanding of it...true As far as believing in the bible or not, you can or you don't have to , you can belive all the religions in the world and words of the universe, that is the great thing about can believe what you want, and I can accept that without a problem. And for Temptr, I never stated that it was a sin, I said that in the bible God says that it is a abomination, those weren't my words. Take the issue to him if you have a problem with it. Can all sins be forgiven, since I am not God, I cannot answer that other then to say what the general concensis is, Blastphamy is the only unforgivable sin, but you cannot be forgiven for a sin if you are continuing to live in that sin. My statements on communism only comes from information from my visits to USSR and other communist nations and listening to people that have lived under its tyranny, if it is what you want,great, but I will believe those that have actually lived under it for my source of understanding on the subject. "love the lord "your" god with all your heart mind and soul"??? that is right indeed, each love "their lord their god" with all it's heart, mind and soul??? SO EACH DECIDE THIS FOR ITSELF!!! HOW CAN ONE LOOK TO THE LEFT, AND SAY YOUR GOD IS NOT RIGHT, MINE IS??? IT SAID SERVE "YOUR" GOD??? THAT MEANS EACH ONE HAS IT'S OWN, AND THAT IS NOTHING MORE THAN WHAT IT'S MIND, HEART, AND SOUL BELIEVE??? so each does this itself, and it is only one making "it's god" as what should be served by "other's", which make one not able to follow the "second greatest" of love thy neighor as thyself"??? if you want to serve your god, then you are commanded to allow another to do as you wish, to TREAT IT AS YOU WISH TREATED??? DO YOU WISH TO SERVE YOUR GOD??? THEN HOW CAN YOU TRY TO MAKE A GAY SERVE YOUR GOD??? god was called "love" was it not??? so you follow your god, of distain for all other's that do not believe as you do, so follow "your god", and i will follow my god, the god of love for ALL, the one that loved the WHOLE WORLD, and we both will live happily ever after??? nay, what hate simply destroy itself, by hating??? human civilization has taught us that has it not??? who needs to read that in a book to see that??? your book the "god", the one that believe in distain and despise of other's as self righteousness and peace, does not ever live forever, and always loses, so get not to live forever??? you serve your belief to attain eternal life??? but eternal life is but only for what love "unconditionally", or as god does??? as "god" is eternal, and love eternal, without ending, without condition, and did it not say to do as god, to be as god??? so what give??? to serve not the "true god", which was god is "love", is to not love all then??? if your text hold any validity??? but, then how can it have validity, as "to love thy neighbor as thyself" is just "figurative", so then "sin is an abomination", is "figurative" as well??? i think i get how this works, lol... believe in what purpose and bolster one's own idea's and hearts wish, and the rest is "figurative", so meaningless??? that can lead to nothing more than selective hearing, which be only proving what words one wish to prove as true, to suite oneself??? exactely why all words in the universe are truth, lol... but i still am going to serve "my" god as i see fit, and the only one i see your text speak of, was "love for all"??? not sure which one you read into it, but hey, that's your choice??? there is one thing for sure, NO DISTAIN OF OTHER'S GETS INTO HEAVEN, AS HEAVEN IS "TOTAL LOVE AND UTOPIA", SO DISTAIN OF OTHER'S AS LESS THAN SELF WOULD NOT LIKE IT THERE, LOL??? and besides, what the hell is wrong with utopia, IF one know what it is??? it certainly could never be based on some humans as not as good as some others??? this in itself, is where utopian dreams first go into distain of another sec, and try to FORCE SOME HUMAN THING INTO WHAT ITSELF WISH FOR THEM??? it must be all as equal, or in inception, or it lead into first distain, and then in short time, become as hate??? indeed, your text said "ALL" WERE CHILDREN OF GOD", AND ONLY "WOULD BE DICTATOR'S" TRY TO DECIDE "WHO" TO DEEM AS GOOD AND SO WHO TO LOVE AND WELCOME AS A BROTHER AND FRIEND??? if all are children of god, then all got a god brain, and all got the god damn right to use it for itself!!!??? peace |
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 01:58 PM
'I have no regrets,' Carrie Prejean, 21, said today about the question that may have cost her the Miss USA crown and led to her being called a 'dumb *****'.
'By having to answer that question in front of a national audience, God was testing my character and faith. I'm glad I stayed true to myself,' she told Fox News today. Having negotiated earlier rounds of modelling in a swimsuit and evening gown, she was down to the final 15 and had to answer a single question from one of the panel of five judges. Prejean picked celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, who is openly gay and calls himself 'queen of all media'. Hilton asked her: 'Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalise same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?' Prejean paused for a moment before replying: 'Well, I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage.' She continued: 'And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. 'No offence to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be - between a man and a woman. Thank you very much. Unimpressed to say the least, Hilton promptely described Prejean as a 'dumb *****' on his blog. He went on to describe her as having 'half a brain' and said he would have stormed onto the stage and ripped off her tiara if she had won. Perez Hilton, who is openly gay and calls himself 'queen of all media'. Another Media grabbing controversy from the GLBT!! |
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 01:59 PM
Not to split hairs, but the greatest commandment was "Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, mind and soul" This was the greatest of commandment. Second was "Love thy neighbor as thyself"...but that was a figurative statement, no literal statement. I don't think I have ever stated any sin as being good, or some sins greater then others, for if you believe the bible as the written word of God, they you have to accept it's judgements on all sinful behavior. I simple stated that I do not believe in gay marriage, I didn't say why or what caused me to believe that, you assumed that part. It was you that injected the bible or ones belief in it or not. You asked a question relating to heaven and I stated that in God's heaven, there will be no gay people...I did not write that, but that is what it says. Believe it or not. Just because one knows about the bible does not signify a particular belief in it as much as reading it does not signify your understanding of it...true As far as believing in the bible or not, you can or you don't have to , you can belive all the religions in the world and words of the universe, that is the great thing about can believe what you want, and I can accept that without a problem. And for Temptr, I never stated that it was a sin, I said that in the bible God says that it is a abomination, those weren't my words. Take the issue to him if you have a problem with it. Can all sins be forgiven, since I am not God, I cannot answer that other then to say what the general concensis is, Blastphamy is the only unforgivable sin, but you cannot be forgiven for a sin if you are continuing to live in that sin. My statements on communism only comes from information from my visits to USSR and other communist nations and listening to people that have lived under its tyranny, if it is what you want,great, but I will believe those that have actually lived under it for my source of understanding on the subject. "love the lord "your" god with all your heart mind and soul"??? that is right indeed, each love "their lord their god" with all it's heart, mind and soul??? SO EACH DECIDE THIS FOR ITSELF!!! HOW CAN ONE LOOK TO THE LEFT, AND SAY YOUR GOD IS NOT RIGHT, MINE IS??? IT SAID SERVE "YOUR" GOD??? THAT MEANS EACH ONE HAS IT'S OWN, AND THAT IS NOTHING MORE THAN WHAT IT'S MIND, HEART, AND SOUL BELIEVE??? so each does this itself, and it is only one making "it's god" as what should be served by "other's", which make one not able to follow the "second greatest" of love thy neighor as thyself"??? if you want to serve your god, then you are commanded to allow another to do as you wish, to TREAT IT AS YOU WISH TREATED??? DO YOU WISH TO SERVE YOUR GOD??? THEN HOW CAN YOU TRY TO MAKE A GAY SERVE YOUR GOD??? god was called "love" was it not??? so you follow your god, of distain for all other's that do not believe as you do, so follow "your god", and i will follow my god, the god of love for ALL, the one that loved the WHOLE WORLD, and we both will live happily ever after??? nay, what hate simply destroy itself, by hating??? human civilization has taught us that has it not??? who needs to read that in a book to see that??? your book the "god", the one that believe in distain and despise of other's as self righteousness and peace, does not ever live forever, and always loses, so get not to live forever??? you serve your belief to attain eternal life??? but eternal life is but only for what love "unconditionally", or as god does??? as "god" is eternal, and love eternal, without ending, without condition, and did it not say to do as god, to be as god??? so what give??? to serve not the "true god", which was god is "love", is to not love all then??? if your text hold any validity??? but, then how can it have validity, as "to love thy neighbor as thyself" is just "figurative", so then "sin is an abomination", is "figurative" as well??? i think i get how this works, lol... believe in what purpose and bolster one's own idea's and hearts wish, and the rest is "figurative", so meaningless??? that can lead to nothing more than selective hearing, which be only proving what words one wish to prove as true, to suite oneself??? exactely why all words in the universe are truth, lol... but i still am going to serve "my" god as i see fit, and the only one i see your text speak of, was "love for all"??? not sure which one you read into it, but hey, that's your choice??? there is one thing for sure, NO DISTAIN OF OTHER'S GETS INTO HEAVEN, AS HEAVEN IS "TOTAL LOVE AND UTOPIA", SO DISTAIN OF OTHER'S AS LESS THAN SELF WOULD NOT LIKE IT THERE, LOL??? and besides, what the hell is wrong with utopia, IF one know what it is??? it certainly could never be based on some humans as not as good as some others??? this in itself, is where utopian dreams first go into distain of another sec, and try to FORCE SOME HUMAN THING INTO WHAT ITSELF WISH FOR THEM??? it must be all as equal, or in inception, or it lead into first distain, and then in short time, become as hate??? indeed, your text said "ALL" WERE CHILDREN OF GOD", AND ONLY "WOULD BE DICTATOR'S" TRY TO DECIDE "WHO" TO DEEM AS GOOD AND SO WHO TO LOVE AND WELCOME AS A BROTHER AND FRIEND??? if all are children of god, then all got a god brain, and all got the god damn right to use it for itself!!!??? peace To "argue" religion is like a game of tic-tac-toe. How can you make a valid point if another wishes not to believe in it's basic validity. "Lead by example" "You catch more ants with sugar" to "argue or attack" someones belief, will turn them against anything you may have to say from that point on. You've already lost! Spaceships leaving! |
Their claim is just another grab at Media attention and another shot at a great American Institution like the BSA! That is really sad. I have already stood for her right to say what ever she wants whether I like what she said or not. Gays don't all think alike nor do straights. I don't care about the BSA, never fought against their right to do whatever they wanted either. So Please Fanta, I wish you wouldn't characterize us all by what a few do and say. |
Try standing in her shoes, at that moment, burdened with appeasing EVERYONE, a nation! That is exactly why I thought it was an inappropriate question to ask of her. And if the judges didn't rip Perez a new one after the show I would be suprised. I personally have empathy for our new president as he faces much of the same kind of anxiety from the public, he can't win either way in most cases with so much anger and resentment out there. Opps. Off topic. I agree! Who, what, and why was an openly gay man picked to judge a woman's beauty pageant? Can you say, "NOT QUALIFIED!" A man can't do the job? I have no problem with the fact that he is openly gay, but I do have a problem with a loaded question like that, and judges going along with that question if they did. The man's intentions are what I would have questioned because he did a diservice to the gay community. Sure there maybe gays that will stand up for this clown, but I would wager not many, but I don't want to be judged by his actions. |
![]() Anyone who wants to go, I'm boarding my spaceship and leaving in about a 1/2 hour! That's my choice! ![]() ![]() ![]() I'd go if I could bring my two mini chihuahuas.. No room, then I have to stay.. lol |
Edited by
Tue 04/21/09 02:06 PM
'I have no regrets,' Carrie Prejean, 21, said today about the question that may have cost her the Miss USA crown and led to her being called a 'dumb *****'. 'By having to answer that question in front of a national audience, God was testing my character and faith. I'm glad I stayed true to myself,' she told Fox News today. Having negotiated earlier rounds of modelling in a swimsuit and evening gown, she was down to the final 15 and had to answer a single question from one of the panel of five judges. Prejean picked celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, who is openly gay and calls himself 'queen of all media'. Hilton asked her: 'Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalise same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?' Prejean paused for a moment before replying: 'Well, I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage.' She continued: 'And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. 'No offence to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be - between a man and a woman. Thank you very much. Unimpressed to say the least, Hilton promptely described Prejean as a 'dumb *****' on his blog. He went on to describe her as having 'half a brain' and said he would have stormed onto the stage and ripped off her tiara if she had won. Perez Hilton, who is openly gay and calls himself 'queen of all media'. Another Media grabbing controversy from the GLBT!! Thanks for copying what was linked to in the last thread on this issue. I really was not interested in going back and redoing work that's been done. But it is obvious looking at this that the question was a lose rlose question. No matter how she answered the question she was going to have some people disagree probably at least 50%. I also saw where perez gave his excuse for a non-committed answer. But his so called answer did not answer the question at all, and certainly would not have been honest. And this article points out that many felt that this was a major black mark on her candidacy. so saying it did not cause her the title is at best in accurate. At the very least, it MIGHT have cost her the title. |
Their claim is just another grab at Media attention and another shot at a great American Institution like the BSA! That is really sad. I have already stood for her right to say what ever she wants whether I like what she said or not. Gays don't all think alike nor do straights. I don't care about the BSA, never fought against their right to do whatever they wanted either. So Please Fanta, I wish you wouldn't characterize us all by what a few do and say. These are methods the GLBT chose to use! I do not categorize all homosexuals into this group. Those who are members and subscribe to their methods do so on their own volition!! |
![]() Anyone who wants to go, I'm boarding my spaceship and leaving in about a 1/2 hour! That's my choice! ![]() ![]() ![]() I'd go if I could bring my two mini chihuahuas.. No room, then I have to stay.. lol Ok, the ARK is leaving! Everyone is invited, leave your politics and arguments on the ground, your individual choices however are welcome if not "imposed" on others. |
Have you ever read the "Communist Manafesto" ? It describes a world where everyone gets along, everyone is equal, everyone the same...Utopia!! I wouldn't mind the equality part or where everyone gets along, no need for everyone to be the same. That would be boring, but it might be nice if we stopped judging people by a book that is way out dated and questionable. |
Try standing in her shoes, at that moment, burdened with appeasing EVERYONE, a nation! That is exactly why I thought it was an inappropriate question to ask of her. And if the judges didn't rip Perez a new one after the show I would be suprised. I personally have empathy for our new president as he faces much of the same kind of anxiety from the public, he can't win either way in most cases with so much anger and resentment out there. Opps. Off topic. I agree! Who, what, and why was an openly gay man picked to judge a woman's beauty pageant? Can you say, "NOT QUALIFIED!" A man can't do the job? I have no problem with the fact that he is openly gay, but I do have a problem with a loaded question like that, and judges going along with that question if they did. The man's intentions are what I would have questioned because he did a diservice to the gay community. Sure there maybe gays that will stand up for this clown, but I would wager not many, but I don't want to be judged by his actions. which is why I don't like generalizing. just as you said...don't judge me by his actions is very true whether it is politics, gender, race, sexual preference, religion....unless someone knows ALL in the catagory...then not ALL are like that |
Who, what, and why was an openly gay man picked to judge a woman's beauty pageant? Can you say, "NOT QUALIFIED!" But they know fashion so much more than you straight guys!!!! wow...stereotyping obviously humor is not your strong suit. obviously you speak without knowing or without anything to back it up come on, that was a joke, people say it all the time, and in many ways it's the truth. I need a gay guy to come and decorate my house, any takers? Any with the courage to offer.. grin! This was suppose to be funny. |
boo...I disagree with you on the joke. I have a great sense of humor but some things aren't funny to me
I wonder if she would have gotten so much flack if she had not added the "in my country" part? Interesting question... Probably because people were so stuck on the basic answer I doubt they would have heard anything else. And I think that's true whether they support gay marriage or not. Most of the audience applauded her answer. At the worst one could only say half booed and half applauded. The question was posed by a gay judge! This is why I stated earlier, It was just another grab at media attention by the GLBT! There is no reason to suspect that the results of the beauty contest would have been any different had the question not been asked! Damn it that is so not fair. I don't know who applauded and who did not and frankly don't care, because one gay judge did as he did, does not mean that the gay community was grabbing for attention and saying that Fanta, really bites. Maybe he was in particular but don't put that crap on me or other gays. |
What you and others want more then equality is acceptance, and they cannot pass any law that can make that happen... So you really don't know me...huh That is absolutely not true, I don't want or need your acceptance. Might be nice but no one in their right mind expect that. Please get you facts right. We want equality in the right to marry, that is all. |
'I have no regrets,' Carrie Prejean, 21, said today about the question that may have cost her the Miss USA crown and led to her being called a 'dumb *****'. 'By having to answer that question in front of a national audience, God was testing my character and faith. I'm glad I stayed true to myself,' she told Fox News today. Having negotiated earlier rounds of modelling in a swimsuit and evening gown, she was down to the final 15 and had to answer a single question from one of the panel of five judges. Prejean picked celebrity blogger Perez Hilton, who is openly gay and calls himself 'queen of all media'. Hilton asked her: 'Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalise same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?' Prejean paused for a moment before replying: 'Well, I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage.' She continued: 'And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. 'No offence to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be - between a man and a woman. Thank you very much. Unimpressed to say the least, Hilton promptely described Prejean as a 'dumb *****' on his blog. He went on to describe her as having 'half a brain' and said he would have stormed onto the stage and ripped off her tiara if she had won. Perez Hilton, who is openly gay and calls himself 'queen of all media'. Another Media grabbing controversy from the GLBT!! As I said he is a jack a$$, but what are you when you paint the whole gay community as grabbing media attention. And worse you keep repeating it. Oh well you won't be alone on in that judgement. IT's always the same old tired crap we keep having to fight and Perez just made it a bit more difficult. |
Why do we concern ourselves so much with the "effect" instead of the source and agenda of their creator?
Hilton was wrong in his actions! Not because he was gay! Not because he was or wasn't a good religious or political advocate. To mention such a thing at all, using a "POSITION OF AUTHORITY" at a multi-racial, multi-denominational, mutli-cultured event to promote ANY agenda other than young ladies competing in a pageant for honors, thereby taking away from it and stirring up hostilities, THAT'S WRONG! I would have publicly pulled him from his position and had him escorted from the premises. Because of his actions, not his beliefs or choices. That would have been the statement I would like to have seen made. |
The only name I said was that of an organization whose methods are controversial and designed to attack for the sake of media attention no matter who or what organization is harmed by their methods!
Not once did I say boo said or did anything. Perhaps you are being a tad bit defensive! Are you a member of the GLBT? I really have no idea! |