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Topic: Atheism Weak or Strong
Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:50 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 01/27/09 08:50 AM

So in that case, every single Christian I cite as an example who has committed atrocities over the centuries you are simply going to insist was a "fraudulent Christian?" happy

You obviously need to read more of the New Testament.

Even ANY of it would be a start.

This coming from a guy who probably hasnt cracked the bible.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:52 AM

No True Scotsman

Why then was the German Christian population so smitten with Hitler then? Why did they wantonly choose to put him into power? It probably had nothing to do with the fact that he pitted the Christian German population against the Jews did it?

I can answer that as I learned it from a German woman who lived in that time during Hitler's reign.

Hitler was their Hero. The corrupt sect of Jews (not the religious ones) were taking over Germany. The Germans were treated poorly and were mostly poor and working for the rich Jews as servants.

When Hitler invaded Austria, he got rid of a cruel dictator and he was a hero of the German people there too.

Not all who call themselves "Jews" are truly of the Jewish faith or even Semitic Jews by blood.

The Bible even speaks of those who "claim to be Jews but are not; and are the synagogue of Satan."

This is not metaphoric. This is a literal clue as to what is going on inside the "Jewish" population.

Semitic religious Jews are the ones who are betrayed and persecuted, and the other Jews are the ones responsible for it.

They have been called also "The sons of Cain." Offspring of Satan. But they have the blood of the fallen angels who mated with human women in their veins.

So - you can now see with clarity how not all Catholics are christains.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:55 AM

Allen that is the second time you posted the same article. I looked up the man's site and he is a Christian. Not to mention that he uses not one actual quote that can be attributed to Adolph Hitler. Why is that do you think?

Hmmm... how odd. A christain demonstrating how Hitler was not a christain.

Now - would you prefer that we believe a non-christain trying to explain how he was one?

Who's intelligence is being insulted here?

Eljay, he had been caught in a lie and was claiming the writer of that article was an "agnostic historian."

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:56 AM

So would it be more to your liking if we tattooed a big "C" on the foreheads of all "true Christians." That would certainly alleviate the necessity of these prostrated arguments on public forums. There would be no confusion. :tongue:



"Narcissistic Personality Disorder"

Then you will maybe better understand how the people of germany were fooled by Hitler

MS I am well aware of how a sociopath is currently defined in modern psychiatric medicine. Incidentally many religious leaders have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Just an FYI kind of thing here.

If you scroll up a bit, I pasted the actual article 24 taken directly from the Nazi constitution. Now you tell me these Christians were not well aware of his intentions. I will await your response.

People were shot on the spot, imprisoned, if they did not obey Hitler.

Smiless even covered this...Smiless knows..he is from Germany.

Hitler's actions were that of a severe personality disorder...a sociopath .

Now Krimsa?

With all the sharing here, surely you "GOT IT" by now ?

That Hitler's actions were NOT those of a christian ?


no photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:57 AM
Adults who truly believe in a mediterrenean mythology is the problem of this world as we talk now.

Instead of using it for entertainment purposes people actually believe in it claiming that they know the absolute truth of a savior or a world end as some chant all the time.

I am fortunate to see in my lifetime that the younger generation in many countries have already bypassed mythology today and can see the difference between fantasy and reality in today's society.

I would say that the beginning of every mediterrenean mythology book written that a emblem "Rated R" should be posted on it and afterwords in big letters "This is a work of fiction" to save the planet from destroying mankind as we know it.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:58 AM

You don't have to be a "card carrying member" - but you can be sure, that if you order the extermination of over 6 million Jews, you aren't a card carrying member. That's just plain OBVIOUS! Your actions and words demonstrate whether you're a card carrying member or not.

. . . and back to the "No True Scotsman" argument. . .

Now, I'll ask you, as I have asked others.
You are nothing more than a mortal, who are you to decide who god accepts, and who he doesn't?

No - it is not the "No true scotsman". Your analogy is flawed. There is a clear cut definition of what a christain is according to the bible, and it's boundries to not shift to accomidate the claim. The difficuty you are having is that you are using the "No true scotsman" fallacy to support your claim that defining christainity is a boundry-less task. The scriptures will prove you wrong.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:59 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 01/27/09 09:00 AM

So would it be more to your liking if we tattooed a big "C" on the foreheads of all "true Christians." That would certainly alleviate the necessity of these prostrated arguments on public forums. There would be no confusion. :tongue:



"Narcissistic Personality Disorder"

Then you will maybe better understand how the people of germany were fooled by Hitler

MS I am well aware of how a sociopath is currently defined in modern psychiatric medicine. Incidentally many religious leaders have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Just an FYI kind of thing here.

If you scroll up a bit, I pasted the actual article 24 taken directly from the Nazi constitution. Now you tell me these Christians were not well aware of his intentions. I will await your response.

People were shot on the spot, imprisoned, if they did not obey Hitler.

Smiless even covered this...Smiless knows..he is from Germany.

Hitler's actions were that of a severe personality disorder...a sociopath .

Now Krimsa?

With all the sharing here, surely you "GOT IT" by now ?

That Hitler's actions were NOT those of a christian ?


Oh and Invisible (who is from Germany) and fully acknowledged the reality that Hitler was a catholic, her opinion means nothing? I did not read Smiless comment so I can not speak to that. Invisible is FROM Germany. You also have not spoken to article 24 yet. I’m waiting.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:00 AM

So according to Allen Aqua, the entire German population were idiots or fake Christians.

What about Christians who work for the good of humanity? Catholic charities etc...Let me guess your response. They are all "true Christians?" laugh

This reminds me of an argument I had in second grade with a class mate.

What do their actions show? And it isn't "the charities" who are christains - it is the people within those charities. It's what they do. Not the group as a whole.

Inkracer's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:01 AM

People were shot on the spot, imprisoned, if they did not obey Hitler.

Smiless even covered this...Smiless knows..he is from Germany.

Hitler's actions were that of a severe personality disorder...a sociopath .

Now Krimsa?

With all the sharing here, surely you "GOT IT" by now ?

That Hitler's actions were NOT those of a christian ?


All I have seen is that one side has provided quote after quote FROM HITLER regarding his beliefs, while the other side just repeats the same, tired, He wasn't a "true" member argument.

How can you make the claim that Hitler's actions were not those of a christian, when history indicates otherwise?
(the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Witch trails. . .)

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:01 AM

So according to Allen Aqua, the entire German population were idiots or fake Christians.

What about Christians who work for the good of humanity? Catholic charities etc...Let me guess your response. They are all "true Christians?" laugh

This reminds me of an argument I had in second grade with a class mate.

What do their actions show? And it isn't "the charities" who are christains - it is the people within those charities. It's what they do. Not the group as a whole.

So in other words, you will pick and choose who is a "true Christian" based on what you feel is deserving of that label at any given moment.

No True Scotsman.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:03 AM

Hitler was a Catholic. To me, and I suspect many people, that would make him a Christian.

That is a problem, because it demonstrates that you are unclear on the concept of what a christain is. Why is that? How can you at least not know how one becomes a christain? I'm not saying you have to become one yourself - but if you are going to argue these points with those who know EXACTLY what is necessary to become a christain, you should at least be as knowledgeable about the topic as those who you claim to know at least as much as they do.

Eljay that is a pointless, childlike argument. We are dealing with 1930s Germany and not what you personally have decided it means to be a Christian. Once again I beg you to look up "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

Pointless? You are unclear on the concept. Yo take your definition of what a christain is from everywhere else but the source. All I want to know is WHY? Why do you have such a difficult time not getting the definition of what a christian is from the bible. You quote the writings of those who rationalize the definition and hold that opinion as your own. You don't see a problem with that? If you think about it - it is the very thing which you and others hold objection to. That christains blindly follow their pastors, and can't think for themselves. Yet you get your definition of christianity from those who aren't even christains.

I have repeatedly told you what MY PERSONAL DEFINITION of a Christian is. I did not "get that from someone else". Holy crap. The balls on you to make such statements.

What has your "Personal definition" got to do with the actual definition? You think because you've got an uninformed opinion about somoething that it becomes it's definition?

You may not have got your persona definition from someone else - but you definitely did not get it from the source.

And THAT's what's crap.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:05 AM

Well that doesn’t change the fact that Hitler was a Catholic. He was not a "Born Again". I have not looked up Born Again Christians from a historical stand point but right now I feel safe in saying that the concept did not even exist yet during the era that Hitler came to power. There was however two very strong Christian forces present in Germany. The Protestant and the Catholic Churches. Hitler's eventual goal was to find a religious leader who would reunite the two churches under the Third Reich once he had won the war. It never occurred to him that he would lose.

The concept of "Born again" has been around for about two thousand years now.

Actually longer if you think about it. It doesn't mean it is true though. It is either a possiblity or pure imagination, but in your case a truth to believe in.

It's biblical. Doesn't matter if I believe it - it can be demonstrated as historical. Just like the concept of Zeus. This was not invented in the 20th century. It's been around a while.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:08 AM
How is this an "uniformed opinion?"

Krimsa's personal definition of a Christian.

Any person who accepts Jesus Christ as their lord and savior and who also professes to hold the belief that Jesus is the son of God.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:10 AM

Hitler was a Catholic. To me, and I suspect many people, that would make him a Christian.

That is a problem, because it demonstrates that you are unclear on the concept of what a christain is. Why is that? How can you at least not know how one becomes a christain? I'm not saying you have to become one yourself - but if you are going to argue these points with those who know EXACTLY what is necessary to become a christain, you should at least be as knowledgeable about the topic as those who you claim to know at least as much as they do.

Eljay that is a pointless, childlike argument. We are dealing with 1930s Germany and not what you personally have decided it means to be a Christian. Once again I beg you to look up "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

Pointless? You are unclear on the concept. Yo take your definition of what a christain is from everywhere else but the source. All I want to know is WHY? Why do you have such a difficult time not getting the definition of what a christian is from the bible. You quote the writings of those who rationalize the definition and hold that opinion as your own. You don't see a problem with that? If you think about it - it is the very thing which you and others hold objection to. That christains blindly follow their pastors, and can't think for themselves. Yet you get your definition of christianity from those who aren't even christains.

Eljay the problem with that is there are people who consider themselves Christians that you do not consider to be true Christians. Therefore, you are calling them liars and it becomes a matter of opinion, theirs against yours.

Opinions.... everybody has one.

But I do understand what you are saying. If it be the gospel truth, then there are "Those who claim to be Christian but are not, and are the synagogue of Satan"

I believe this to be true. The most evil people with the most evil intentions hide in sheep clothing among the sheep and the flock has more wolves in sheep's clothing than sheep.

Henceforth one has to assume that everyone who calls them self 'Christian' must be under suspicion and not to be believed. (or trusted.)

You will know them by their deeds. But do not believe their proclemations.


I'm not making the blanket statement that all those who claim to be christains are not. But when someone who claims to be christian demonstrates by their actions that they're a walking contradiction, it's safe to doubt their claim.

Hitler is a good example of this. Jim Jones would fall into that catagory. Charles Manson.
I don't have any difficulty doubting their claim of being christains. But even as a christian, I know that no one goes a day without sinning. It is the repeated actions and the denial that those actions are wrong that brings about doubt. It doesn't boil down to an opinion - but an observation.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:11 AM

So in that case, every single Christian I cite as an example who has committed atrocities over the centuries you are simply going to insist was a "fraudulent Christian?" happy

You obviously need to read more of the New Testament.

Even ANY of it would be a start.

This coming from a guy who probably hasnt cracked the bible.

You should be a comedian. You wouldn't be willing to put a wager on this statement of yours - would you?

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:13 AM
I'm not making the blanket statement that all those who claim to be christains are not. But when someone who claims to be christian demonstrates by their actions that they're a walking contradiction, it's safe to doubt their claim.

Historically speaking, how would Hitler's actions have been incompatible with Christianity?

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:14 AM

People were shot on the spot, imprisoned, if they did not obey Hitler.

Smiless even covered this...Smiless knows..he is from Germany.

Hitler's actions were that of a severe personality disorder...a sociopath .

Now Krimsa?

With all the sharing here, surely you "GOT IT" by now ?

That Hitler's actions were NOT those of a christian ?


All I have seen is that one side has provided quote after quote FROM HITLER regarding his beliefs, while the other side just repeats the same, tired, He wasn't a "true" member argument.

How can you make the claim that Hitler's actions were not those of a christian, when history indicates otherwise?
(the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Witch trails. . .)

The actions of a christain are demonstrated from the bible - NOT from History.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:16 AM

So according to Allen Aqua, the entire German population were idiots or fake Christians.

What about Christians who work for the good of humanity? Catholic charities etc...Let me guess your response. They are all "true Christians?" laugh

This reminds me of an argument I had in second grade with a class mate.

What do their actions show? And it isn't "the charities" who are christains - it is the people within those charities. It's what they do. Not the group as a whole.

So in other words, you will pick and choose who is a "true Christian" based on what you feel is deserving of that label at any given moment.

No True Scotsman.

You do not understand what "No true Scotsman" means.

Eljay's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:17 AM

I'm not making the blanket statement that all those who claim to be christains are not. But when someone who claims to be christian demonstrates by their actions that they're a walking contradiction, it's safe to doubt their claim.

Historically speaking, how would Hitler's actions have been incompatible with Christianity?

Ordering the extermination of over 6 million Jews would be a good place to start. Find that in the New Testament for me, and we'll go from there.

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:19 AM

I'm not making the blanket statement that all those who claim to be christains are not. But when someone who claims to be christian demonstrates by their actions that they're a walking contradiction, it's safe to doubt their claim.

Hitler is a good example of this. Jim Jones would fall into that catagory. Charles Manson.
I don't have any difficulty doubting their claim of being christains. But even as a christian, I know that no one goes a day without sinning. It is the repeated actions and the denial that those actions are wrong that brings about doubt. It doesn't boil down to an opinion - but an observation.

I will probably assume most people are not "true Christians" until they walk in the ways taught by Jesus, which are the ways of love.

I know some 'Christians" who live by love who are not actually involved with religion at all nor do they claim to be Christian or that Jesus is the savior.

Love is the savior.

God is love after all. You can't tell me a person who practices Love and goodness is going to hell just because they don't buy into the Biblical picture of Jesus or God.

"Jesus" is simply a symbolic name, and an ideal that represents the salvation of the Path of LOVE.

One can follow that idea and that path without ever having read the Bible or gone to church.

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