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Topic: Atheism Weak or Strong
Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:41 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 01/27/09 09:42 AM

People were shot on the spot, imprisoned, if they did not obey Hitler.

Smiless even covered this...Smiless knows..he is from Germany.

Hitler's actions were that of a severe personality disorder...a sociopath .

Now Krimsa?

With all the sharing here, surely you "GOT IT" by now ?

That Hitler's actions were NOT those of a christian ?


All I have seen is that one side has provided quote after quote FROM HITLER regarding his beliefs, while the other side just repeats the same, tired, He wasn't a "true" member argument.

How can you make the claim that Hitler's actions were not those of a christian, when history indicates otherwise?
(the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Witch trails. . .)

The actions of a christain are demonstrated from the bible - NOT from History.

If that were the case, then we could not even hold Christianity accountable for any of these atrocities. We might as well not even teach school age children about these historic events because it makes Christianity appear "evil and manipulative." Lets just tear all of it out of every text book used in American public schools today. We can have a big book burning but only the sections detailing Hitler, the Crusades, the Witch Burning, Genocide in Rwanda, the Missions, Columbus because they all weren't "real Christians." huh

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:45 AM

I'm not making the blanket statement that all those who claim to be christains are not. But when someone who claims to be christian demonstrates by their actions that they're a walking contradiction, it's safe to doubt their claim.

Historically speaking, how would Hitler's actions have been incompatible with Christianity?

Ordering the extermination of over 6 million Jews would be a good place to start. Find that in the New Testament for me, and we'll go from there.

This comment makes no sense so I can not respond to it.

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 09:50 AM
This of course means that Joshua who slaughtered the people of the promised land and Jericho is evil, and not under the direction of God, who Christians claim is Jesus... even if he was not yet born in the flesh.

So I will dub Joshua, and Moses EVIL PEOPLE.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 10:00 AM
Moses was pretty evil; he killed an Egyptian and then buried him in the sand. happy

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 10:09 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/27/09 10:09 AM

Moses was pretty evil; he killed an Egyptian and then buried him in the sand. happy

I am sure he did a lot worse than that. But these characters are held in high esteem by Christians. Joshua practicing genocide is no better than Hitler. What would make him any better?

In fact he is worse than Hitler. He is a murderer and a thief. He was not even defending his people or his land. He was an invader. No better than a pirate.

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 10:11 AM
Yes that’s true and Moses didn’t exist. No where in any Egyptian hieroglyphs does it ever discuss anyone like him. The Egyptians documented everything. It’s all conjured up and fictititous.

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 10:14 AM

Yes that’s true and Moses didn’t exist. No where in any Egyptian hieroglyphs does it ever discuss anyone like him. The Egyptians documented everything. It’s all conjured up and fictititous.

Yep I agree, but he exists as a fictional character, held in high esteem.

And I don't think any of the characters in the New Testament existed either except in fiction, but they have become real to people so I speak of them as real to people who believe they are real.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:35 PM
Edited by AllenAqua on Tue 01/27/09 12:49 PM

Allen that is the second time you posted the same article. I looked up the man's site and he is a Christian. Not to mention that he uses not one actual quote that can be attributed to Adolph Hitler. Why is that do you think?

Hmmm... how odd. A christain demonstrating how Hitler was not a christain.

Now - would you prefer that we believe a non-christain trying to explain how he was one?

Who's intelligence is being insulted here?

Eljay, he had been caught in a lie and was claiming the writer of that article was an "agnostic historian."

This is the site with the article that states the author is agnostic.

Show me information that this author is a Christian before you call me a liar.


Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:52 PM
Prove to me that guy is not a Christian based on the contents of that website.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 01/27/09 01:00 PM

Prove to me that guy is not a Christian based on the contents of that website.

You're one of those that say the burden's on the one making the claim, aren't ya?

The article clearly states it at the bottom of the page. "agnostic"

Prove he IS a Christian. For that matter prove Hitler's a Christian.

You're the one making the grossly preposterous claim that he was a Christian...

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 01:03 PM
I have heard that Hitler was an illegitimate child of a Jew of the dragon race, and had the gene of the royal bloodlines who are called the sons of Cain. He was of the dragon race himself although not many people knew this. In the end he was insane and said to have been possessed and controlled by the reptilian elite of the fourth dimension. (Some would call them demons but they are just the reptilian race of earth bound aliens.)

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 01:23 PM
Oh for crying out loud! Anyone with half a brain can look at his site and see he is NO Agnostic. Gee, um do you think that is his own website and he can write whatever the hell he wants on it to try to make claim of some sort of "Pseudo Intellectuality”? Oh we all must respect him because he is a self proclaimed Agnostic? Think again.

“It is sometimes said that Hitler was a believer in God and specifically that he was a Christian or at least was brought up as a Catholic … (blahblah) … In conclusion, it is reasonable beyond doubt to say that Hitler was not at any stage of his life a Christian”

(Edward Bartlett-Jones, who says he’s an agnostic, at bede.org.uk, apparently an apologetics site)

Well, maybe when we all go to hell we can ask da man himself


Inkracer's photo
Tue 01/27/09 01:29 PM

For that matter prove Hitler's a Christian.

You're the one making the grossly preposterous claim that he was a Christian...

Krimsa has posted quote after quote, from Hitler's autobiography "Mein Kampf"

All you have posted is "this guy says. . ."

How/why is your "evidence" better then Krimsa's?

Krimsa's photo
Tue 01/27/09 02:28 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Tue 01/27/09 02:36 PM
I’m posting this again as it was completely overlooked by all of the apologetics on these forums. Notice it states in the 1920s this {Programme} was established. So I’m not really buying the argument that the poor innocent Christian citizens had no idea what Hitler stood for and what he wanted to do. Here it is in black and white. It was clearly part of his platform and what he was running under.

From the earliest formation of the Nazi party and throughout the period of conquest and growth, Hitler expressed his Christian support to the German citizenry and soldiers. In the 1920s, Hitler's German Workers' Party (pre Nazi term) adopted a "Programme" with twenty-five points (the Nazi version of a constitution). In point twenty-four, their intent clearly demonstrates, from the very beginning, their stand in favor of a "positive" Christianity:

24. We demand liberty for all religious denominations in the State, so far as they are not a danger to it and do not militate against the morality and moral sense of the German race. The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not bind itself in the matter of creed to any particular confession. It combats the Jewish-materialist spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health from within only on the principle: the common interest before self-interest.

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 03:29 PM
So what are you trying to say?flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 01/27/09 03:40 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 01/27/09 03:46 PM
Simply that Hitler was "Christian."

The difference between "Christian" and "Jew" is that Christians accepted Jesus as the Messiah and the Jews rejected him.

Pure and simple.

And because the Jews were "anti-Christian" that made "Christians" anti-Jews.

It justified Hitlers hatred of the Jews using religious power and platform helping to engender hatred for Jews.

Now this tactic is a common one for inciting WAR.

Our own country is now in the process of engendering hatred against Muslims.

When are people going to wake up and stop hating whoever they are told to hate? When are they going to stop using their religious differences and beliefs as an excuse to slaughter each other and justify war?

Bickering who is right and who is wrong is what the powerful politicians love us to do as that is the beginning of manipulating us into war against each other.

In war, only the men who control the money get richer. They make money on both sides.

Wake up people. Please. sad :cry:

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 01/27/09 04:00 PM

For that matter prove Hitler's a Christian.

You're the one making the grossly preposterous claim that he was a Christian...

Krimsa has posted quote after quote, from Hitler's autobiography "Mein Kampf"

All you have posted is "this guy says. . ."

How/why is your "evidence" better then Krimsa's?

I don't care what Hitler said about himself.

Do you think he wasn't above a lie to promote his propaganda?

Define Christian- "One who seeks to be like Christ" "one who follows Christ's teachings"
"one who follows Christ's instruction"

The Holy bible is the only place to find the definition of a Christian.

Show me where Christians are told to hate.

Christianity is love God, love your neighbor.

Clearly Hitler did NOT behave as a Christian.

Christianity is love your enemy.

Any thing less is false Christianity. PERIOD!

False means false!

You can say "no true Scotsman" but you are in error.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 01/27/09 04:03 PM
Edited by AllenAqua on Tue 01/27/09 04:05 PM

Oh for crying out loud! Anyone with half a brain can look at his site and see he is NO Agnostic. Gee, um do you think that is his own website and he can write whatever the hell he wants on it to try to make claim of some sort of "Pseudo Intellectuality”? Oh we all must respect him because he is a self proclaimed Agnostic? Think again.

“It is sometimes said that Hitler was a believer in God and specifically that he was a Christian or at least was brought up as a Catholic … (blahblah) … In conclusion, it is reasonable beyond doubt to say that Hitler was not at any stage of his life a Christian”

(Edward Bartlett-Jones, who says he’s an agnostic, at bede.org.uk, apparently an apologetics site)

Well, maybe when we all go to hell we can ask da man himself


You can ask him... I won't be there...

Inkracer's photo
Tue 01/27/09 04:10 PM

Oh for crying out loud! Anyone with half a brain can look at his site and see he is NO Agnostic. Gee, um do you think that is his own website and he can write whatever the hell he wants on it to try to make claim of some sort of "Pseudo Intellectuality”? Oh we all must respect him because he is a self proclaimed Agnostic? Think again.

“It is sometimes said that Hitler was a believer in God and specifically that he was a Christian or at least was brought up as a Catholic … (blahblah) … In conclusion, it is reasonable beyond doubt to say that Hitler was not at any stage of his life a Christian”

(Edward Bartlett-Jones, who says he’s an agnostic, at bede.org.uk, apparently an apologetics site)

Well, maybe when we all go to hell we can ask da man himself


You can ask him... I won't be there...

"you tell me that I have sinned, you say that I am bound for hell, So once your judgment condemns you, I shall see you there."

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 01/27/09 04:26 PM

Oh for crying out loud! Anyone with half a brain can look at his site and see he is NO Agnostic. Gee, um do you think that is his own website and he can write whatever the hell he wants on it to try to make claim of some sort of "Pseudo Intellectuality”? Oh we all must respect him because he is a self proclaimed Agnostic? Think again.

“It is sometimes said that Hitler was a believer in God and specifically that he was a Christian or at least was brought up as a Catholic … (blahblah) … In conclusion, it is reasonable beyond doubt to say that Hitler was not at any stage of his life a Christian”

(Edward Bartlett-Jones, who says he’s an agnostic, at bede.org.uk, apparently an apologetics site)

Well, maybe when we all go to hell we can ask da man himself


You can ask him... I won't be there...

"you tell me that I have sinned, you say that I am bound for hell, So once your judgment condemns you, I shall see you there."

Your mistake because I judged no one... I don't even know you... It's the bible that tells me "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"

And no, you won't see me there...You don't have to go there either, it's up to you...I hope you don't go there...

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