Topic: Is the Bible repulsive?
skypoetone's photo
Tue 12/30/08 05:09 PM


You are at liberty to explain what you mean... how you think these vile scriptures are misinterpreted. Perhaps taken out of context, BUT I can assure you I have spent many years studying lots of religions and texts. My conclusions are not shooting from the hip.


everything in the bible, from beginning to end...

points to man's need for a Saviour.

All the vile stuff you the result of sin, separating man from God.

God Our Heavenly Father wants to bring us back home where we belong...with Him......

and has already provided a way...thru Christ Jesus.

Abba Father... is just waiting for us all to come home.

God Loves Us Very Much.

And misses His Creation who all were created to be in Fellowship with Him.
Not separated from Him..


Very sweet... if I could believe that, I don't because there's nothing to suppose it's true... What I read it that the bible God is a "God of War", that "slaves are acceptable", that "infanticide is acceptable", that "God" discriminates between the sexes by saying that "women should remain silent", that "Killing none virgins" is somehow to be blessed, that "Taking them as slaves/wives of those slaughtered is fine." Should I continues? NO if God loves UNCONDITIONALLY (and as I have said, this is my belief) then these things are totally UNACCAPTABLE.

no photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:25 PM

I waited 30 minutes to watch that video, and realized I had already read the arguments on the above websites. They both tend to make one think, but I would wager only if a person is open minded to begin with. I doubt anyone who seriously believes the bible is the word of god will find it even remotely enlightening.

AllenAqua's photo
Tue 12/30/08 07:57 PM
You love your children unconditionally but you can't stop them from going their own way in life. If they choose to not heed your warnings or respect your teachings, they can become destructive or self destructive. They aren't robots...

Niether are God's children...

no photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:27 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 12/30/08 09:29 PM

You love your children unconditionally but you can't stop them from going their own way in life. If they choose to not heed your warnings or respect your teachings, they can become destructive or self destructive. They aren't robots...

Niether are God's children...
OR . . . they might find there own way which is better.

If god is our father, then he is a deadbeat dad. He drops a son off a few thousand years ago and pretends that is actually going to change anything . . . . OK so god says: lets see, Ive been watching these people breed, live short horrid lives scratching out an existence, dying in childbirth living to maybe 20-30 years old, withering away and dying in the millions of plague and ALL GOING to hell or some other not so heavenly place for say . . . . . . 100K years (its possible humans have been around in our current iteration for 200K but 100K is plenty to get my point across) then I am going to send down my son . . . well me . . . and then I am going to arrange for my own death and as long as every living being that EVER comes along after this believes that I died to appease myself then they get to go to my magic house of love and friendliness.

Sigh such a pathetic ancient tale of a hateful manipulative shortsighted inefficient horrid designer with not the wit evolution gave a gnat.

/rant off.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 12:26 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/31/08 12:39 AM
Look I see many of the Christians becoming upset and resentful over this video. The fact of the matter is, EVERY passage that they took was quoted directly from scripture. No spin. That was the point they were making. The repulsive comment is based in how you view and interpret what these words mean which are claimed to be "the perfect word of god" yet it is clearly stating that women are second class citizens and that people who work on the Sabbath should be stoned to death. There is a point in the bible where a man is just out gathering firewood on the Sabbath and some villagers see this and take him to be stoned. Its sheer madness.

So what do the Christians have to say about that?

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:50 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 12/31/08 04:03 AM

You love your children unconditionally but you can't stop them from going their own way in life. If they choose to not heed your warnings or respect your teachings, they can become destructive or self destructive. They aren't robots...

Niether are God's children...
OR . . . they might find there own way which is better.

If god is our father, then he is a deadbeat dad. He drops a son off a few thousand years ago and pretends that is actually going to change anything . . . . OK so god says: lets see, Ive been watching these people breed, live short horrid lives scratching out an existence, dying in childbirth living to maybe 20-30 years old, withering away and dying in the millions of plague and ALL GOING to hell or some other not so heavenly place for say . . . . . . 100K years (its possible humans have been around in our current iteration for 200K but 100K is plenty to get my point across) then I am going to send down my son . . . well me . . . and then I am going to arrange for my own death and as long as every living being that EVER comes along after this believes that I died to appease myself then they get to go to my magic house of love and friendliness.

Sigh such a pathetic ancient tale of a hateful manipulative shortsighted inefficient horrid designer with not the wit evolution gave a gnat.

/rant off.


God coming to earth thru Jesus Christ, has ALREADY changed things..... and WON the Victory !!!

And God made it where YOU NOW can ALSO have a great Victory in your life too....

over every circumstance in your life.

And most important, God thru Jesus Christ ,

made a WAY for man to be RECONNECTED back into FELLOWSHIP and RELATIONHIP with GOD ALMIGHTY....

just like the way it was in the very beginning...

before the fall.

In fact, Jesus is the ONLY way back to the Father.

All one needs to do is just Believe and Recieve Jesus by FAITH...

just ask Jesus into your heart.
And mean it.

And that is when God steps in and gives you a BRAND SPANKING NEW BORN AGAIN SPIRIT...

making you NOW a BORN AGAIN CHILD OF GOD!!drinker <---coffeebigsmile

Jesus came to give you LIFE and Life more Abundant, Billy....

And Jesus wants YOU to have that


But you have to still first believe and recieve.

By Faith.flowerforyou

Jesus did it all..paid it all in full....on that cross...for us all.

He is just waiting on all of us to RECIEVE Him now...into our hearts....

Jesus....that free gift of grace offered up for all.

And Billy...all those people that believed in God ,BEFORE Jesus came?

Jesus took them BACK WITH HIM TO HEAVEN....when he AROSE from the grave !!!


Jesus did NOT forget all those souls BEFORE him... that TRUSTED in GOD.... before He came to earth.

Be Encouraged Now,Billy.flowerforyou

Love You, Precious.

So Does God.


no photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:21 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 12/31/08 04:25 AM
I did not see the pc won't co=operate. one is stoning today....

Jesus came and gave us a NEW Covenant,Krimsa.

stoning for instance,took place only in the old covenant, not the new


Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:27 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/31/08 04:30 AM one is stoning today....

Jesus came and gave us a NEW Covenant,Krimsa

Jesus never denounced the OT. In fact he said that he had come to uphold the Law. So we can only really surmise that what he meant by that is he has come to uphold the Law.

MS people are stoned today as a method of capital punishment. It still occurs in some parts of the world, especially to women in public. So we can thank the bible for that. It's just not happening in the US because our law (not adapted from the bible) forbids such gross abuse of humans.

Thats not the point. In the video they point out that the "word of god is perfect". That would indicate that it does to change to its followers. .

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:46 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 12/31/08 04:51 AM
Krimsa...Jesus did not come to denounce or do away with the law...

He came to FULFIL the Law.

Not by doing things the old way..

but offering a new and better way....

Krimsa..THIS is HOW Jesus FULFILLS the Law :

Jesus said , first...."Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy mind, and all thy soul...."

and Jesus also said secondly..."Love they Neighbor as thy self."

Krimsa..when a person does what Jesus fulfills the law...

cauase you see ,Krimsa...

WHEN someone loves the Lord with all their being like that.....

and when someone loves their neighbor as thyself....


There won't be no thoughts of stoning ,for instance.....

There will be just thoughts of love joy and peace towards all mankind.

BUT Krimsa....

the only way a person can actually LOVE the Lord thy God and thy neighbor like that, is...

by being born of God...cause on own own,we probably cant possibly love like that...

not until God Himself comes to dwell in us....thru God's Holy Spirit....

which can only happen when we ask Jesus into our hearts.

THEN are we able to love as God commanded......cause now, HE Loves THRU Us ...because He Lives IN Us.

Krimsa...when we Love God we keep His Commandments.
Out of LOVE for God.

Now....What are His Commandments again ?

Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and mind and soul.....

Love they neighbor as thyself.

Those 2 commandments of God FUFILLS it all.

When we LOVE like that..who is gonna have room for hate..or stoning....



Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 04:54 AM
So that would mean that god's word is imperfect and unjust. He laid down a bunch of irrational laws detailed in the OT then sent his son to be nailed to a pole in order to somehow reverse these laws (which was not terribly successful based on Christian behavior up until the modern day)

Is that how it works?

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:10 AM

That's Not how it works, Krimsa.

The bible is not that cut and dry.

As we ALL learn and grow...



THE WORD will become clearer and

clearer...over Time.

Be Blessed Now, Precious....Have a Great Day Now!!!drinker


no photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:14 AM

It is written down, it's there in black on white, how is time going to change it?

The only thing time does as we grow in understanding, it makes it more repulsive to people.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:20 AM
I agree with Invisible on that MS. Its written there. That is what this video is dealing with. The fact that the bible is written down and some of what is written down is repulsive. Most rational people would at least take issue with it. I think thoughtful Christians should take issue with it! Especially if they are going to claim some sort of allegiance to a book that tells us to stone people who have to work Sundays. Or that condones slavery of humans. Or that essentially tells us that women (half of humanity) are not of equal value to men.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:28 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 12/31/08 05:29 AM


Old Covenant :

a people cut off from God , trying to keep the law , in order to try and get back to God...failed miserably...

New Covenant:

Jesus came ...whose soul purpose in coming was to SAVE mankind ......

and TO CLOSE THE breach(that sin caused)

between man and God....once and for all.....

so man could be restored into Fellowship with God once more.


no photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:33 AM

I agree with Invisible on that MS. Its written there. That is what this video is dealing with. The fact that the bible is written down and some of what is written down is repulsive. Most rational people would at least take issue with it. I think thoughtful Christians should take issue with it! Especially if they are going to claim some sort of allegiance to a book that tells us to stone people who have to work Sundays. Or that condones slavery of humans. Or that essentially tells us that women (half of humanity) are not of equal value to men.

New Covenant changed that.... more stoning today....

women have an important role in the body of christ....etc etc etc...

Read the new testament , starting today, Krimsa....gotta run Precious...


Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:34 AM
Old Covenant :

a people cut off from God , trying to keep the law

Well where did those laws come from? Were those men like Moses just playing at being divinely inspired? How can you pick and choose who is divinely inspired and who isnt? huh

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:38 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/31/08 05:44 AM
Oh yeah we all know how the NT goes, Saul Paul and Corinthians. Just lovely. Do you want me to to start quoting NT passages? Its not as if it gets better in the NT. If anything it gets worse. The OT was in part based in custom and cultural Law. The NT is attempting to reach a much broader audience.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 06:11 AM
If people only could get to the point when they see everyone as human, not as belonging to this religion or that.
But it's a hard bite to swallow for some because they think their religion makes them better than others.ohwell

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:06 AM
Doesn't matter what anyone says or write, when you don't know where your place is in this world it is easy to have faith since you just have to believe not ask questions, faith is blind that's why so many believe, it's so much easier to believe without knowing.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 07:09 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 12/31/08 07:12 AM

If anyone thinks he/she is better than others,

that person probably just has religion.

Christianity is about joining Jesus....

and therefore becoming born of God.

Christianity is Not just about joining another religion.

At all.

Jesus is the Saviour for the Whole World...

for all mankind...people of every religion.

Not just for some people.

Again...When one becomes a christian,

that person joins Jesus(not just another religion)....

because he/she has become born again(born of God)....

which is what a true christian is.

Sure...christians still go to church ....

but they go to church now to worship God....

and there is a love flowing there...and God's Presence felt....

cause a relationship with God is there in the worship...

and not just religion.

And also,Invisible...

God is no respector of persons....

He loves all mankind...equally the same.
