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Topic: Gay Marriage should be legal!
Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:25 PM
Lindyy, would you like to address some of the questions posters have asked of you? Let’s begin with the following.

Since you are firm in your conviction that sex should only be between a man and a woman who are both fertile and capable of bearing children let me ask:

Do you agree that those who are infertile, too old, or unable to conceive should not be having sex?

What about marriage – is it implied, anywhere, in the law that only fertile and capable heterosexual couples should be married?

If they are married and they become too old or infertile and incapable, should they be stripped of all the legal rights they had as marriage partners? Why or why not?

Keeping it simple for you, we’ll stop here. I’ll add some more on another page.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:26 PM

I noticed you failed to respond to some of the questions of one of my posts.

I’ll try again.

What does God hate? What sins are equivalent to that of homosexuality?

Does God grant YOU the power to exercise the right of judgment over those whom you ‘believe’ are not following the rules as YOU have decided to understand them?

What punishment would YOU as judge bestow on any who have sinned? On what basis would you determine the extent and magnitude of punishment for those who commit a particular sin?

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:26 PM
Just a few more questions you ignored.

How can you be sure that God is on YOUR SIDE? What sins have you committed and what punishment have you had to bear for those sins?

I expect the answer to be something in connection with the sacrifice of Jesus. All you need do is repent and in Jesus name and sin dissolves. Your punishment is excused.

Yet, you feel it necessary to inflict punishment, in God’s place, on those you THINK have sinned. How often can you repent of the same sin (like judging others) before it is a “cry of wolf” to God’s ears?

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:27 PM

I have enjoyed most of this discussion but it has turned into one giant christianity vs gay rights thing. So I am going to bow out and hope that someday ALL people will be able to look past their own noses and see that even gay people have morals and are still human.

IT IS Chrisitanity vs gay rights – they are the one and only faction that prevents equality from being achieved. The most unfortunate thing about it is so many Christians are not threatened by equality but they suffer the “thorns and arrows” that are simply flung at a stereotype.

We can’t just dismiss the battle, so we have to know where the challenge lies and meet it whenever its in view.

A new friend of mine said it like this: I feel the need to speak up because if a seed can be planted in just ONE person, there is the opportunity for it to grow and I would add – and be passed on to others.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:27 PM
Since this is a dating site...

... I was wondering if the people who compulsively and obsessively argue are lonely?

Lonely – yes, but that will have to wait. I just take a break now and then from all the studying and stop in here. It’s a social outlet, a place to see what others in the world are thinking. A way to stay in touch, for the moment.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:27 PM

I am really very interested in your comment to the following. Please be sincere when you respond, I would like to think we are all having a conversation and not just an opinion stating party.

Now then, let’s consider the hermaphrodite. A child that is ‘judged’ to be – in error. Does God create errors? People must think so, because for many years people have had these children surgically altered – and who were they to determine what God had made should be corrected? And of those children who suffered the surgeon’s scalpel, those who redesigned to be one or the other sex – and then grew up to declare the error. The child who grew up as Andy likes guys, is he sinning? How do you know? What if he really was a he – a homosexual he? What if he wasn’t ? How do YOU know?

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:28 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Wed 12/10/08 06:32 PM
AGAIN, sigh.....the US Supreme Court INTERPRETS the Constitution.....

Ever the teacher. Interpretation suggests that the integrity of the Constitution is being maintained as it was meant to be understood. I did not say the U.S. Supreme Court MAKES Constitutional Amendments.

Hundreds (perhaps thousands) of cases do not make it to the US Supreme Court as they do not merit the need for the US Supreme Court as the US Supreme Court ruled that jurisdiciton belongs in the lower court.

Let me help you out here, I don’t want others to be misinformed.

The U.S Supreme Court has significant discretionary jurisdiction – they pick and choose what they WANT to year from a petition called a writ of certiorari. The Court receives more than 7,000 certiorair petitions per year and of those only about 75 to 85 get complete hearings and full written opinions.

Still I would think, cases that have the broadest sweeping effect with regards to the equal treatment of citizens should be in that list somewhere. If not one year than the next, or at the least somewhere within the last 30 years.

The US Supreme Court decides if the decision of a lower court erred in its decision according to the Constitution......

The U.S. Supreme Court can only decide this, if they hear the case.

If the US Supreme Court decides NOT to hear a case it is because they felt the case did not violate constitutional law......and YES.....many times they send the case BACK to the lower court as that is where the case should be decided.....ALL depends on what the case is about and if the lower courts erred in its opinion.

Your statement is in error and it is the mindset of one who have been TAUGHT a fallacy. Because a statement holds a bit of fact, does not make the entire statement correct. I would suggest reading something more up to date. I’m guessing we are near the same age, I’m discovering that what we were TAUGHT was what we were supposed to know not necessarily what is fact.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:29 PM
I am guided by the Holy Spirit and God's word....the Holy Bible...NO man manipulates me....that is an "excuse" people come up with to try to prove something that is false.....

Selective processing, a mind like a steel trap – what gets in has no “logical” way out and the only thing that gets in is whatever fits your previously held perspective. Strong convictions should be tempered with some form of logic as unfortunately steel traps have little growth potential.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:36 PM
I don't think she will answer your questions, Red, she hasn't answer similar ones I have asked. And I have been thinking that since she really really believes what she believes, those questions will not be ones she can answer from her prespective. Just an assumption of course because she hasn't answered the harder questions.

I too would like to know. If she is willing to answer them.

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:41 PM

Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked.

Because Christians LACK RESPECT and TOLERANCE of others.
They think they are GOD's Gift to the World.

I am here to B!t3* slap the sense back into them and knock them off their high horse.

Did you know that Divorce rate is high, but it is higher among Christians than non-christians.

My point is Christianity is a lot MORE than what is presented by the Republican Party and what they do has NO substance and it is a fake. Someone should take their Jesus endorsement away from them. They have no right to use God like that.

OH YES WE DO!! Jesus has to us to go forth and spead the Gospel........


I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist.

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:45 PM

I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist.

OH Geeeez, now you've gone and done it SeaMonster. Your dead, I'll be back to help pick up the pieces. where do you want your ashes spread.. grin!

kaadeshka's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:47 PM

I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist.

OH Geeeez, now you've gone and done it SeaMonster. Your dead, I'll be back to help pick up the pieces. where do you want your ashes spread.. grin!

Perhaps over the sea? :wink: oops offtopic

Winx's photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:51 PM

Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked.

Because Christians LACK RESPECT and TOLERANCE of others.
They think they are GOD's Gift to the World.

I am here to B!t3* slap the sense back into them and knock them off their high horse.

Did you know that Divorce rate is high, but it is higher among Christians than non-christians.

My point is Christianity is a lot MORE than what is presented by the Republican Party and what they do has NO substance and it is a fake. Someone should take their Jesus endorsement away from them. They have no right to use God like that.

OH YES WE DO!! Jesus has to us to go forth and spead the Gospel........


I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist.

noway noway

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 06:57 PM

Christianity.....ALWAYS getting attacked.

Because Christians LACK RESPECT and TOLERANCE of others.
They think they are GOD's Gift to the World.

I am here to B!t3* slap the sense back into them and knock them off their high horse.

Did you know that Divorce rate is high, but it is higher among Christians than non-christians.

My point is Christianity is a lot MORE than what is presented by the Republican Party and what they do has NO substance and it is a fake. Someone should take their Jesus endorsement away from them. They have no right to use God like that.

OH YES WE DO!! Jesus has to us to go forth and spead the Gospel........


I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist.
Me and sea, bit by bit . . . yes sir we will!

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:08 PM
boo2 - who knows, she may simply have to think before she writes. We'll see.

I've read the whole thread, originally I was going to stay out of it so I'm sorry if it seemed I ignored anybody. Some just drop in, drop and opinion and leave, I've been known to do that, but I hate to do that on a subject that's so important.

Overall this was an interesting thread and because the subject matter tends to bring out more of one's personality, I think I know some of you better. Who knew how well some of you could express yourself - for either side of this debate. Real life makes forums more personal, nice getting to know you all.


Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:17 PM

boo2 - who knows, she may simply have to think before she writes. We'll see.

I've read the whole thread, originally I was going to stay out of it so I'm sorry if it seemed I ignored anybody. Some just drop in, drop and opinion and leave, I've been known to do that, but I hate to do that on a subject that's so important.

Overall this was an interesting thread and because the subject matter tends to bring out more of one's personality, I think I know some of you better. Who knew how well some of you could express yourself - for either side of this debate. Real life makes forums more personal, nice getting to know you all.


ARE you through now?

NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE has to answer any question from anyone in these forums.......Can you understand that?

Silence is Golden.

From my perspective you and Boo2u are simply trying to incite an argumentive/hate/bashing situtation to which I refuse to be a part of.


Lindyy's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:19 PM

I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist.

noway noway

noway noway noway noway Well, apparently Winx and I agree on something....:heart: :heart:

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:20 PM
Back atcha Red, I too have been very impressed by the posters to this topic. Well informed and compassionate for the most part. I have run an all women's forum for the last 16 years, and never saw this depth of conversation on this topic.

Winx's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:23 PM

I don't understand why you hate gays so much when it has been proven that jesus himself was a homosexual and had a relationship with john the baptist.

noway noway

noway noway noway noway Well, apparently Winx and I agree on something....:heart: :heart:

I'm saying that Jesus wasn't gay and wasn't with John the Baptist.

I didn't think that was what you were saying.

Btw, I thought that we already agreed on some things.

Seamonster's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:26 PM
ok he may have not been like flaming gay but one thing that is proven.
is that mary was a hermaphotite. Now that much we know for a fact.

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