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Topic: If you think intelligent design should be taught in schools.
martymark's photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:00 PM
no other animal can even polish diamonds, proof positve that at least wealthy people did not evolve from apes!

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:02 PM

I have a degree in science..I understand microbiology.

i can tell you...we didnt evolve from nothing. God had a hand in it..our bodies are too complex.

God made us and he made the ground we walk on. We abuse it...and I belive he has forgiven and expected that.


When I went to college and studied science, I truly realized then that there was a God. Yes, our bodies are too complex and nothing is an accident.

So...you're saying that a human body is so much more complex than that of any other animal that it couldn't have possibly been the work of nature? Faulty reasoning. Name one thing that's too complex to be a result of nature/evolution/natural selection/what-have-you.

The human bodies and all animal bodies.

Hmm...example. The process of making urine is quite interesting. Also, all the cells and macrophages and red blood cells and those little pac man cells that help get rid of cellular wastes. All of the systems and how they work together is all quite amazing actually.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...little pac man cells? At least this isn't coming from the person who said they understand microbiology :laughing:

Urine production is actually quite simple. It's basically just based on osmosis, which is just diffusion across a membrane/barrier. Hell, dialysis machines can do it for you (not create urine, per se, but essentially the same function...rid the body of toxins). I could did out my IB HL bio notes and go more in depth, but I don't feel like it. Glomerulus is an awesome word, though ^^

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. At least you're not saying "humans aren't really animals;" you at least acknowledge that our bodies function in the same ways.

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:05 PM

no other animal can even polish diamonds, proof positve that at least wealthy people did not evolve from apes!

Yet shellfish make pearls...

Winx's photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:06 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 12/01/08 09:09 PM

I have a degree in science..I understand microbiology.

i can tell you...we didnt evolve from nothing. God had a hand in it..our bodies are too complex.

God made us and he made the ground we walk on. We abuse it...and I belive he has forgiven and expected that.


When I went to college and studied science, I truly realized then that there was a God. Yes, our bodies are too complex and nothing is an accident.

So...you're saying that a human body is so much more complex than that of any other animal that it couldn't have possibly been the work of nature? Faulty reasoning. Name one thing that's too complex to be a result of nature/evolution/natural selection/what-have-you.

The human bodies and all animal bodies.

Hmm...example. The process of making urine is quite interesting. Also, all the cells and macrophages and red blood cells and those little pac man cells that help get rid of cellular wastes. All of the systems and how they work together is all quite amazing actually.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...little pac man cells? At least this isn't coming from the person who said they understand microbiology :laughing:

Urine production is actually quite simple. It's basically just based on osmosis, which is just diffusion across a membrane/barrier. Hell, dialysis machines can do it for you (not create urine, per se, but essentially the same function...rid the body of toxins). I could did out my IB HL bio notes and go more in depth, but I don't feel like it. Glomerulus is an awesome word, though ^^

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. At least you're not saying "humans aren't really animals;" you at least acknowledge that our bodies function in the same ways.

Macrophages remind me of pac man - gobbling up all of the cellular debris.laugh

Urine production, waste production, sperm production all working in order is quite amazing to me.

Yes, the glomerulus is a cool word - that capillary tuft.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 12/01/08 09:09 PM

I have a degree in science..I understand microbiology.

i can tell you...we didnt evolve from nothing. God had a hand in it..our bodies are too complex.

God made us and he made the ground we walk on. We abuse it...and I belive he has forgiven and expected that.


When I went to college and studied science, I truly realized then that there was a God. Yes, our bodies are too complex and nothing is an accident.

So...you're saying that a human body is so much more complex than that of any other animal that it couldn't have possibly been the work of nature? Faulty reasoning. Name one thing that's too complex to be a result of nature/evolution/natural selection/what-have-you.

The human bodies and all animal bodies.

Hmm...example. The process of making urine is quite interesting. Also, all the cells and macrophages and red blood cells and those little pac man cells that help get rid of cellular wastes. All of the systems and how they work together is all quite amazing actually.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...little pac man cells? At least this isn't coming from the person who said they understand microbiology :laughing:

Urine production is actually quite simple. It's basically just based on osmosis, which is just diffusion across a membrane/barrier. Hell, dialysis machines can do it for you (not create urine, per se, but essentially the same function...rid the body of toxins). I could did out my IB HL bio notes and go more in depth, but I don't feel like it. Glomerulus is an awesome word, though ^^

Now, I have to give credit where credit is due. At least you're not saying "humans aren't really animals;" you at least acknowledge that our bodies function in the same ways.

Macrophages remind me of pac man - gobbling up all of the cellular debris.laugh

Urine production, waste production, sperm production all working in order in quite amazing to me.

there is a great deal about the human body and how it works that is very amazing.
And evolution itself is amazing.
our eye for one, it is actually upside down and backward.

Eljay's photo
Mon 12/01/08 10:16 PM

just look at the human race.

what is the oldest existing picture of a human that you can find??

i mean if you want to belief 'evolution' is correct..then we should continue to be evolving. we would be like this ever evolving species huh???

funny how most of us have two legs and two arms..
and when some deformaties occur..(webbed feet, downs syndrome, heart abnormalities..ETC) its usually becasue of some sort of genetic defect.

evolution makes no sense. we've looked like humans for far tooooo long.

We are continuing to evolve. You just aren't going to see a difference in only a matter of a few thousand years and you definitely aren't going to see a difference in the time photos have been around. Homo sapiens have only been around about 200,000 years. It takes MILLIONS of years to make a noticeable difference.

There were other hominids before us as well; ie. homo habilis, erectus, and georgicus. Their species died out as many others do.

Also, you do know that genetic "defects" are pretty good proof that evolution is real? If those webbed feet were somehow beneficial to that person, lets say ice caps melt and we get a Waterworld scenario, and their children had webbing as well a few million years from now we could have hominids with fins.


Please, give this a read:

I know I'm probably trying in vain here, y'all seem rather hopeless drinks

Contrary to the beliefs of certain people, humans did not evolve from chimps or gorillas or any other modern primate. We share common ancestors, that's all.

Evolution is taking place as we speak. Your children are different from you. And you're different from your parents. Right? Unless you want to argue about the reality of DNA...in that case frustrated frustrated

Take autism for example. Natural variation. Evolution? Yes, in the sense that it's a deviation form the "standard" human genetic makeup. Not, however, in the sense of it being necessarily "better" than the standard. Evolution doesn't have to be positive, it can just as easily be negative or neutral.

The appendix. Where do you think that came from? It's a vestigial organ that really has little use in the human body - yet in "lesser" species it serves a real purpose.

I once had a science teacher that theorized that humans would eventually lose their little toes and have much wider carpal tunnels, but I doubt this, as those traits really don't give anyone any benefit in the way of ultimate survival or reproduction. I have yet to hear of anyone dying from stubbing their toes or having carpal tunnel syndrome before they reached sexual maturity.

Evolution can take a long time, or it can take a short time. Look at dogs. The different breeds are proof positive of evolution.

I can't find a reasonable argument to the idea that there is observable proof that there is evolution amoungst the species. I don't know any adherant to Creationism (as one who believes in the Christian God) or I.D. (as a belief in any supernatural creator - as a Pantheist might believe) who would argue this point.


The extrapolation of this natural occurance backwards into time as an explination for the origin of those species is NOT fact, and in turn, is unprovable. There is an inordinate amount of presumption and unacceptable premises assumed to be fact in light of true science amoungst our academic instatutions - and amoungst scientists themselves - largly due to their faith in whatever world view they hold as opposed to what can be verified through scientific experimintation. The mere statement of the world being billions of years old is unprovable and unacceptable. There is no means to establish this as a truth without travelling back in time.

I don't think it's all that important that ID or evolution be taught in schools as much as I believe that Logic and logical fallacies are what should be taught. For most students blindly accept the word of teachers who pass illogical theories off as facts - as truth. Once unacceptable premises are taken as absolutes - anything can be demonstrated as "fact".

no photo
Mon 12/01/08 10:36 PM
Simply put:

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:29 PM
v We the People. Are we?

We have as our national language English.

But we now have all kinds of signs for foriegners to read in public places.


A small majority tells us what we want.

Agenda's are pushed going against our forefathers. Changing how our children think.

yet in this democratic process we elect public officials from a clerk to the president to carry out what we want.

A We the people concept. The Majority elects thier officials.

Do the Majority have the backing of Congree and state Govt. or from our Pres.?

No they do not. The civil rights act was good and need.

But as everything else has gone give it to congress to figure out and it gets all screwed up.

just look around you today.

Then we have no religion taught in school. The Basics,

The 10 commandments and such that all are created equal and that man was created.

We the people by statitics say this should be what Congress should legislate.

But it is not we allow uprisings of people and give them all kinds of attention and then our news and other outlets plays out the Bible believers are haters.

When really it is the other way around the small few have a childish fit scream bloody murder if things do not go thier way in a democratic process.

Then again the overwhelming majority of people want the 10 commandments and some morality taught in school.

The cry babies do not want thier behavior taught as immorral..

Plain and simple. We want to be right. We will raise Hell if we do not get our immorral behavior accepted as truth.. Even taught that the Bible teaches this.

Isaiah said.. in the end of the age men will be boastfull, lovers of them ownselves, disobiedient to thier parents. Teaching things they ought not to. Evil will be called good and good will be called evil.

As I said before people are starting to be called haters of mankind because they believe in the bible.

Prophecy is being fullfilled before our eyes .

So Brethern do not think this is an odd thing but instead a conclusion of seeing and learning what is to come and far worse.

back to the democratic process the majority of the people want religion back in the schools as a basic morality issue.

See for yourselves....

265.300.000 inhab.
- Usual statistics: 22-26% Catholic, 16% Baptist, 6% Methodist, 4% Lutheran, 2% Presbyterian but in total the Protestants
are the 31.8-40%, 1.5-1.9% Orthodox, 2.6% Jewish... The usual self adscriptions are: 56% Protestant ( 6% So. Baptists,
10% other Baptists, 9% Methodists, 6% Lutherans, 3% Pentacostalists, 3% Presbyterians, 2% Episcopalians, 1% Church
of Christ and an 11% in none of these); 26% as Catholics; 1% is Mormon; and according to The 1998 Britannica Book of
Year, the non-christians are: 8.8% Nonreligionists, 2% Muslim (with Black Muslims), 2% Jewish, 0.7% Buddhists, 0.3%
Hindus, 0.3% Atheists, 1% other religionists.

Over 50% believe thier is a man in the clouds who watches us.

Who has given us an instruction manual to live by.

All i ask and I believe most believers of the Holy Scriptures would also.

Is the 10 Commandments should be taught.

Morality is very important for you to learn to get along and make it in this world.

That sex is a very special thing that we are give to reproduce abd have children between a man and a woman..

Donkeyism does not fit here.

So cry all you want because you want your way like any SPOILED BRAT.

You just show the real mentality of your moral instincts.


Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:29 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Mon 12/01/08 11:31 PM
v We the People. Are we?

We have as our national language English.

But we now have all kinds of signs for foriegners to read in public places.


A small majority tells us what we want.

Agenda's are pushed going against our forefathers. Changing how our children think.

yet in this democratic process we elect public officials from a clerk to the president to carry out what we want.

A We the people concept. The Majority elects thier officials.

Do the Majority have the backing of Congress and state Govt. or from our Pres.?

No they do not. The civil rights act was good and need.

But as everything else has gone give it to congress to figure out and it gets all screwed up.

just look around you today.

Then we have no religion taught in school. The Basics,

The 10 commandments and such that all are created equal and that man was created.

We the people by statitics say this should be what Congress should legislate.

But it is not we allow uprisings of people and give them all kinds of attention and then our news and other outlets plays out the Bible believers are haters.

When really it is the other way around the small few have a childish fit scream bloody murder if things do not go thier way in a democratic process.

Then again the overwhelming majority of people want the 10 commandments and some morality taught in school.

The cry babies do not want thier behavior taught as immorral..

Plain and simple. We want to be right. We will raise Hell if we do not get our immorral behavior accepted as truth.. Even taught that the Bible teaches this.

Isaiah said.. in the end of the age men will be boastfull, lovers of them ownselves, disobiedient to thier parents. Teaching things they ought not to. Evil will be called good and good will be called evil.

As I said before people are starting to be called haters of mankind because they believe in the bible.

Prophecy is being fullfilled before our eyes .

So Brethern do not think this is an odd thing but instead a conclusion of seeing and learning what is to come and far worse.

back to the democratic process the majority of the people want religion back in the schools as a basic morality issue.

See for yourselves....

265.300.000 inhab.
- Usual statistics: 22-26% Catholic, 16% Baptist, 6% Methodist, 4% Lutheran, 2% Presbyterian but in total the Protestants
are the 31.8-40%, 1.5-1.9% Orthodox, 2.6% Jewish... The usual self adscriptions are: 56% Protestant ( 6% So. Baptists,
10% other Baptists, 9% Methodists, 6% Lutherans, 3% Pentacostalists, 3% Presbyterians, 2% Episcopalians, 1% Church
of Christ and an 11% in none of these); 26% as Catholics; 1% is Mormon; and according to The 1998 Britannica Book of
Year, the non-christians are: 8.8% Nonreligionists, 2% Muslim (with Black Muslims), 2% Jewish, 0.7% Buddhists, 0.3%
Hindus, 0.3% Atheists, 1% other religionists.

Over 50% believe thier is a man in the clouds who watches us.

Who has given us an instruction manual to live by.

All i ask and I believe most believers of the Holy Scriptures would also.

Is the 10 Commandments should be taught.

Morality is very important for you to learn to get along and make it in this world.

That sex is a very special thing that we are give to reproduce abd have children between a man and a woman..

Donkeyism does not fit here.

So cry all you want because you want your way like any SPOILED BRAT.

You just show the real mentality of your moral instincts.


RoseaLibido's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:38 PM
Edited by RoseaLibido on Mon 12/01/08 11:39 PM
personally, i really don't see the point in arguing about this
kind of subject from a Christian point of view. i'm pretty
sure we're all familiar with the verses "don't cast your
pearls before the swine" and "if they refuse to listen, kick
the dust off your sandals and move on." (excuse the no
citations. can't remember them.)

i can understand your plight to argue your point in a
chatroom, but to me, it simply seems futile.

why bother telling someone the truth of Christ two or three
times, when there are so many people who haven't even heard it

sorry if this seems like i'm criticizing my fellow
Christians... probably i am. but still. i don't see the point
of arguing what should be taught in schools here, rather than
somewhere where it can be more effective for the Lord's
purposes. that's simply my personal opinion.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 12/01/08 11:50 PM

personally, i really don't see the point in arguing about this
kind of subject from a Christian point of view. i'm pretty
sure we're all familiar with the verses "don't cast your
pearls before the swine" and "if they refuse to listen, kick
the dust off your sandals and move on." (excuse the no
citations. can't remember them.)

i can understand your plight to argue your point in a
chatroom, but to me, it simply seems futile.

why bother telling someone the truth of Christ two or three
times, when there are so many people who haven't even heard it

sorry if this seems like i'm criticizing my fellow
Christians... probably i am. but still. i don't see the point
of arguing what should be taught in schools here, rather than
somewhere where it can be more effective for the Lord's
purposes. that's simply my personal opinion.


You have your verses right.

Yes it may seem futile.

It is not casting your pearls before swine that is so much deeper.

If you will read about this site I believe they claim it is the largest in the world for members.

Thier are alot of people who come on you never hear from or post they just watch.

Wanting to see what is said.

I know this to be true because I get emails from them.

Spreading the Evangel is speaking the words of Yahweh.

His words are Spirit and only Spirit can channge the heart, Blessing in All That You Do.. In Yahweh's Shalom....Miles

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 12/02/08 12:25 AM
So far no animals have evolved from one thing to another in the entire time we have been studying them.Everything else is just theory isn't it?

SharpShooter10's photo
Tue 12/02/08 03:24 AM

biggrin My twelve year old just got home from school. I asked her how we we were made. she said our mommys and daddys. i said no silly how did the human race get started? she said adam and eve.
I then asked her who put adam and eve here? and she said God.

I told her never to forget that. This SHOULD be reinforced in schools. BUT since its not, I can reinforce it in my home.biggrin

right, and you can reinforce that the world is flat and that the best way to get though life is to not think and just live by fear.

She sould be fine, the world needs more ditch diggers anyway.
God is love, not fear, the term "fear" the Lord should really be translated "to revere" which is what it means

no photo
Tue 12/02/08 05:38 AM

biggrin My twelve year old just got home from school. I asked her how we we were made. she said our mommys and daddys. i said no silly how did the human race get started? she said adam and eve.
I then asked her who put adam and eve here? and she said God.

I told her never to forget that. This SHOULD be reinforced in schools. BUT since its not, I can reinforce it in my home.biggrin

right, and you can reinforce that the world is flat and that the best way to get though life is to not think and just live by fear.

She sould be fine, the world needs more ditch diggers anyway.

Christians have never accepted that the earth is flat. Those Christians in the past who pushed that belief were ex-communicated. One of the first Christians to be ex-communicated was excommunicated for teaching that the earth was flat. Humans have known for 2400 years that the earth was not flat. The claim that people believed in a flat earth during the middle ages is used to make Christians look stupid. But it works the other way, because what is exposed is that you don't know an obvious historical fact.

Seamonster's photo
Tue 12/02/08 05:44 AM

So far no animals have evolved from one thing to another in the entire time we have been studying them.Everything else is just theory isn't it?

I sujest you read up on what a theory realy is.
It is just a theory that the earth revolves around the sun.
Evolution is as sound a theory.

Seamonster's photo
Tue 12/02/08 05:54 AM

biggrin My twelve year old just got home from school. I asked her how we we were made. she said our mommys and daddys. i said no silly how did the human race get started? she said adam and eve.
I then asked her who put adam and eve here? and she said God.

I told her never to forget that. This SHOULD be reinforced in schools. BUT since its not, I can reinforce it in my home.biggrin

right, and you can reinforce that the world is flat and that the best way to get though life is to not think and just live by fear.

She sould be fine, the world needs more ditch diggers anyway.

Christians have never accepted that the earth is flat. Those Christians in the past who pushed that belief were ex-communicated. One of the first Christians to be ex-communicated was excommunicated for teaching that the earth was flat. Humans have known for 2400 years that the earth was not flat. The claim that people believed in a flat earth during the middle ages is used to make Christians look stupid. But it works the other way, because what is exposed is that you don't know an obvious historical fact.

well Galileo and copernicus will be glad to here that.
Because when Galileo spent the last yrs. of his life locked up by the christian church because of his ideas on the universe didnt jive with the bible he will be glad to know that it didnt realy happen.

no photo
Tue 12/02/08 05:57 AM

So far no animals have evolved from one thing to another in the entire time we have been studying them.Everything else is just theory isn't it?

I sujest you read up on what a theory realy is.
It is just a theory that the earth revolves around the sun.
Evolution is as sound a theory.

The Law of Gravity explains how gravity interacts with objects.

The Theory of Gravity explains what makes gravity work.

So the fact that the earth rotates around the sun is based on the Law of Gravity, not the Theory of Gravity.

With the recent confirmation that E=MC2, we might not have a theory of gravity too much longer. The confirmation proves that the gravity of an object is based upon the engergy in the object, with the nucleus of an atom only making up 5% of the atoms weight while the rest of the mass is from the energy holding the atom together.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 12/02/08 05:58 AM

So does that mean you don't like me Cat? frown
It's ok i like you anyhoo ohwell bigsmile

lol, idk you, ive just seen winx in a lotta debates in the past few months..Ive seen you around also, u do seem fairly intelligent also...so ya I could say i like ya. dont mess with my kids, my man, or my money..and i got no problemlol. I do enjoy intelligent conversation and differing opinion. I find if i try to keep an open mind i learn things. this thread I leraned something about a flying spaghetti monster. lmao. it reassures my own faith also. (not in the spaghettii monster btw, lol)flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

catwoman96's photo
Tue 12/02/08 06:07 AM

biggrin My twelve year old just got home from school. I asked her how we we were made. she said our mommys and daddys. i said no silly how did the human race get started? she said adam and eve.
I then asked her who put adam and eve here? and she said God.

I told her never to forget that. This SHOULD be reinforced in schools. BUT since its not, I can reinforce it in my home.biggrin

right, and you can reinforce that the world is flat and that the best way to get though life is to not think and just live by fear.

She sould be fine, the world needs more ditch diggers anyway.

i teach my child to think. i teach her to be honest and respectful. i talk to her about God. i talk to her about angels. and in no way do I teach my child to live by fear. To belive in God is to not live in fear. actually its the complete opposite. I cant imagine living without having Jesus in my heart and as my savior. and in the state of the world today, i belive that morality is OBVIOUSLY on a decline (im not perfect..Im not saying this to sound self rightous)....we all could use help. If her school reinforced more than it currently does, i believe children would benefit. they should also be saying the pledge of allegiance everyday in school. it bothers me that they dont do that.

no photo
Tue 12/02/08 06:08 AM

well Galileo and copernicus will be glad to here that.
Because when Galileo spent the last yrs. of his life locked up by the christian church because of his ideas on the universe didnt jive with the bible he will be glad to know that it didnt realy happen.

Your understanding of history really is flawed.

Copernicus proposed a heliocentric solar system.

Galileo later repeated Copernicus's claim.

The Catholic church punished Galileo for making the claim, because they had incorporated Aristotle's geocentric theory into their theology. Since it was part of their theology, they were in the position of having to refute any science that contradicted a geocentric universe.

When Galileo was punished, the Church had already split due to the work of Martin Luther. So by no strech of the imgination can all of Christianity be blamed for Galileo's imprisonment. Beyond that, nobody who punished Galileo is still alive and it's wrong to hold one person guilty for the crimes of another. And beyond that, neither Copernicus or Galileo suggested that the earth was a sphere, because that was a well accepted fact long before they were born.

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