Topic: Why is it?
Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:56 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 11/26/08 04:58 AM
I said that Catholicism was the number one religion practiced in the world! Please read what I say! This is taken from that same website you copied and pasted!

Catholic Church 1,100,000,000 (Number of Adherents)

Also you are dead wrong on Wicca and Paganism.

"It is estimated that there are more than 750,000 Wiccans in the United States, making Wicca the fifth largest religion in the United States, behind Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism."

So much for it being "dead". What are you afraid its going to catch up? happy I could not care less about this matter and I certainly will have nothing to do with ANY form of organized religion Pagan or not by definition.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:03 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 11/26/08 05:10 AM
Krisma I have no problem with people being stoned to death for what ever crimes against God they created.If the bible says they should be stoned to death I also agree they should be stoned to death.In that time era stoning people to death was the preferred way to do a public execution(instead of be-heading,hanging,stabbing,etc.)there were surely more painful ways to die such as...being nailed to a cross and bleeding to death,being thrown into a lions lair and eaten,having your organs removed by the Romans,or being flogged to death.

So essentially you are saying that all of these reasons found in the bible to stone a person to death (including killing a woman because her husband perceives she is not a virgin at the time of her wedding is just fine with you?

Well that sir is disgusting. Think for yourself!

Let me explain something else to you about human biology and the female reproductive system. It is nearly impossible to tell whether or not a woman is a virgin because not all women have hymens. Even if they do have a hymen, it is possible to rupture it prior to intercourse. So that means sir, that plenty of young girls were wrongfully stoned to death because these idiots thought she was not a virgin at the time she was married.

Even if she wasnt a dam virgin, to stone a human being to death because perhaps she had been raped or is perceived to not be in a virginal state is inconceivable! Its barbaric!

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:06 AM

Voodoo and witchcraft???What are you smoking?They read verses from the bible.The don't read verses from any other book.The difference between Catholics and Christians is very small.We both worship the same God,we both believe in Jesus,we both read from the bible.The main difference is how the church service is conducted.Catholics also pray to the Virgin Mary where as Christians we don't.

Did you even read what I wrote before you had to jump in to be contradictory??? I was talking about the state of Louisiana!! Very often you will find a combination of Catholicism that is entwined with other native spirituality. You do understand that Louisiana has a diverse mixture of cultures residing there do you not? Crack a history book! There is a distinctive Cajun and Creole populace residing there. There is also a distinctive African American and Franco African representation.

This article goes into much more detail yet I just copied the start.

Beyond the official dogma and structures of the Catholic church, a wide range of folk religious practices has flourished, drawing upon African influences, medieval Catholicism, African-American belief and ritual systems, and Native American medicinal and belief systems.

Home altars with saints, statues, and holy water are widely used. Houses are trimmed with blessed palms or magnolias in the form of crosses over the doors. Creole Louisiana is probably best known for its association with voodoo (voudun in Haiti) as an Afro-Catholic set of religious practices.

Unlike Haiti, Louisiana Black Catholics have remained more connected to official church practices; thus African retentions are less marked. Still, within the context of the United States, Southern Louisiana Catholicism is unique. The practices of healers, spiritualists, and voodoo specialists who utilize an eclectic mix of prayers, candles, special saints, and charms for good or ill is carried on in settings that range from grossly commercial to private within neighborhoods and Communities.

Probably the strongest carrier of African-based religious tradition in both Creole and non-Creole Black communities in New Orleans are the spiritual churches. These locally based institutions emphasize spirit possession and ecstatic behavior as part of their service, and unlike such churches elsewhere, they utilize a wide range of Catholic saints and syncretic altars for power figures like Martin Luther King, Jr., St. Michael the Archangel, and Chief Blackhawk. In rural areas, the new charismatic Catholicism has also been Influential.

I totally understand there is a huge melting pot of customs and cultures from around the world in Louisiana.I also understand that Louisiana is probably most famous for jazz and Voodoo.I also understand what you are saying when you say it is not uncommon for healers,witches,and others to say bible verses,wear crosses,and practice black magic.However this is a personal practice and a personal belief.

My rant was that this is not the customs of a local Catholic or Christian church in Louisiana or elsewhere.In short I know you are not going to see dead chickens hanging from the walls in a Catholic church,nor are you going to see pastors wearing a ton of medalions,trinkets,and perform spells using words from other books.Although their maybe unknown religions that combine both you certainly will not find it in a public church.

I doubt you will find a website of a church that does combine black magic,voodoo,and also teaches that Jesus Christ is king and there are no other Gods.

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:09 AM

Krisma I have no problem with people being stoned to death for what ever crimes against God they created.If the bible says they should be stoned to death I also agree they should be stoned to death.In that time era stoning people to death was the preferred way to do a public execution(instead of be-heading,hanging,stabbing,etc.)there were surely more painful ways to die such as...being nailed to a cross and bleeding to death,being thrown into a lions lair and eaten,having your organs removed by the Romans,or being flogged to death.

So essentially you are saying that all of these reasons found in the bible to stone a person to death (including killing a woman because her husband perceives she is not a virgin at the time of her wedding is just fine with you?

Well that sir is disgusting. Think for yourself!

I am thinking for myself.I am a Christian.If it is ok with God it is ok with me.God is the only person I ever need to judge me.There is no other.No person on this earth has more authority than God.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:15 AM

Voodoo and witchcraft???What are you smoking?They read verses from the bible.The don't read verses from any other book.The difference between Catholics and Christians is very small.We both worship the same God,we both believe in Jesus,we both read from the bible.The main difference is how the church service is conducted.Catholics also pray to the Virgin Mary where as Christians we don't.

Did you even read what I wrote before you had to jump in to be contradictory??? I was talking about the state of Louisiana!! Very often you will find a combination of Catholicism that is entwined with other native spirituality. You do understand that Louisiana has a diverse mixture of cultures residing there do you not? Crack a history book! There is a distinctive Cajun and Creole populace residing there. There is also a distinctive African American and Franco African representation.

This article goes into much more detail yet I just copied the start.

Beyond the official dogma and structures of the Catholic church, a wide range of folk religious practices has flourished, drawing upon African influences, medieval Catholicism, African-American belief and ritual systems, and Native American medicinal and belief systems.

Home altars with saints, statues, and holy water are widely used. Houses are trimmed with blessed palms or magnolias in the form of crosses over the doors. Creole Louisiana is probably best known for its association with voodoo (voudun in Haiti) as an Afro-Catholic set of religious practices.

Unlike Haiti, Louisiana Black Catholics have remained more connected to official church practices; thus African retentions are less marked. Still, within the context of the United States, Southern Louisiana Catholicism is unique. The practices of healers, spiritualists, and voodoo specialists who utilize an eclectic mix of prayers, candles, special saints, and charms for good or ill is carried on in settings that range from grossly commercial to private within neighborhoods and Communities.

Probably the strongest carrier of African-based religious tradition in both Creole and non-Creole Black communities in New Orleans are the spiritual churches. These locally based institutions emphasize spirit possession and ecstatic behavior as part of their service, and unlike such churches elsewhere, they utilize a wide range of Catholic saints and syncretic altars for power figures like Martin Luther King, Jr., St. Michael the Archangel, and Chief Blackhawk. In rural areas, the new charismatic Catholicism has also been Influential.

I totally understand there is a huge melting pot of customs and cultures from around the world in Louisiana.I also understand that Louisiana is probably most famous for jazz and Voodoo.I also understand what you are saying when you say it is not uncommon for healers,witches,and others to say bible verses,wear crosses,and practice black magic.However this is a personal practice and a personal belief.

My rant was that this is not the customs of a local Catholic or Christian church in Louisiana or elsewhere.In short I know you are not going to see dead chickens hanging from the walls in a Catholic church,nor are you going to see pastors wearing a ton of medalions,trinkets,and perform spells using words from other books.Although their maybe unknown religions that combine both you certainly will not find it in a public church.

I doubt you will find a website of a church that does combine black magic,voodoo,and also teaches that Jesus Christ is king and there are no other Gods.

Thats not what I was saying! Read the article. You were denying its existence at all and I was simply pointing out the fallibility of your position.

Oh sorry I did find a website that clearly depicts this phenomena historically.

Thomas3474's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:22 AM
Edited by Thomas3474 on Wed 11/26/08 05:24 AM

I said that Catholicism was the number one religion practiced in the world! Please read what I say! This is taken from that same website you copied and pasted!

Catholic Church 1,100,000,000 (Number of Adherents)

Also you are dead wrong on Wicca and Paganism.

"It is estimated that there are more than 750,000 Wiccans in the United States, making Wicca the fifth largest religion in the United States, behind Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism."

So much for it being "dead". What are you afraid its going to catch up? happy I could not care less about this matter and I certainly will have nothing to do with ANY form of organized religion Pagan or not by definition.

I never said Catholicism wasn't the number 1 religion in the world.I said it wasn't in the United States because that is what we are talking about.Besides that Catholics follow the bible more strictly than Christians.By saying you like Catholics more than Christians simply because you do hate Christians is sounding kind of dumb.If you read my statistics you would find you are not 5th but 10th.Where did you get your information?

Am I afriad wiccan will catch up???Yeah ok... at 750,000 you have a whole lot of catching up to do to get past 224,437,959(that just the United states Christians).I know I will be dead and buried by the time you get up to 1,000,000.Also during the 14 years that poll was taken Christianity increased by 5%.Wiccan showed no growth.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 05:34 AM

I said that Catholicism was the number one religion practiced in the world! Please read what I say! This is taken from that same website you copied and pasted!

Catholic Church 1,100,000,000 (Number of Adherents)

Also you are dead wrong on Wicca and Paganism.

"It is estimated that there are more than 750,000 Wiccans in the United States, making Wicca the fifth largest religion in the United States, behind Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism."

So much for it being "dead". What are you afraid its going to catch up? happy I could not care less about this matter and I certainly will have nothing to do with ANY form of organized religion Pagan or not by definition.

I never said Catholicism wasn't the number 1 religion in the world.I said it wasn't in the United States because that is what we are talking about.Besides that Catholics follow the bible more strictly than Christians.By saying you like Catholics more than Christians simply because you do hate Christians is sounding kind of dumb.If you read my statistics you would find you are not 5th but 10th.Where did you get your information?

Am I afriad wiccan will catch up???Yeah ok... at 750,000 you have a whole lot of catching up to do to get past 224,437,959(that just the United states Christians).I know I will be dead and buried by the time you get up to 1,000,000.Also during the 14 years that poll was taken Christianity increased by 5%.Wiccan showed no growth.

That is what YOU are talking about. I was making a generalized comment about our Founding Fathers and NEVER was speaking directly to you. I was not even aware that you were participating on the thread quite frankly. It was you who quoted me and misinterpreted what I had said.

Your stats are from 2001! I went directly to your website. I was making a joke you ridiculous person. I was explaining that Catholics are the least removed from Paganism. I have clearly demonstrated this to be true.I also never said I 'hated Christians" That is you being paranoid/delusional. Grow up. Just because I am educated does not mean I hate Christians. happy

At 750,000 sir that makes Wicca the 5th largest religion in the US to date. It is also the fastest growing form of spirituality in the United States. These are facts. Do with it what you will. As stated I have no vested interest in this. I am not Wiccan. I doubt the Wiccans care either. Thats simply another difference between them and the Christian faction.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/26/08 06:55 AM
I truly hope Wicca never does catch up to Christianity as an organized religion as it will become just another corrupt, human-run organization. Unfortunately, that seems to be the direction it is going. One day Wicca will be just as oppressive as Christianity has been because it will be a "religion" run by power and money hungry individuals.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 07:17 AM
And you silly man, it says 10th on your stats because that is a listing of WORLD RELIGIONS and not a reflection of spirituality in the US.

Wicca is the 5th largest religion in the United States. I would imagine that in another country such as England, Wicca may possibly even rank higher.

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 11/26/08 07:22 AM

And you silly man, it says 10th on your stats because that is a listing of WORLD RELIGIONS and not a reflection of spirituality in the US.

Wicca is the 5th largest religion in the United States. I would imagine that in another country such as England, Wicca may possibly even rank higher.

Yep. Gerald Gardner was from England and basically started it there.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 08:17 AM
I found this also. Just about every website I have looked under for stats seems to list Wicca as the 5th largest organized religion in the US.

"Wicca is one of the largest of the minority religions in the United States. There are no reliable estimates of the number of Wiccans in this country. Our best estimate is on the order of 750,000. That would make Wicca about the 5th largest organized religion in the United States, behind Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. However it is virtually unknown by the general public. This is because almost all Wiccans hide their religious beliefs and practices. Those who allow their faith to be known publicly are very heavily persecuted in North America; on a per-capita basis, they are believed to be victimized more often than members of any other religious group. Many assaults, arson, economic attacks are reported yearly. There have even been shootings, one public mass stoning and one lynching in recent years!"

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:28 AM

I found this also. Just about every website I have looked under for stats seems to list Wicca as the 5th largest organized religion in the US.

"Wicca is one of the largest of the minority religions in the United States. There are no reliable estimates of the number of Wiccans in this country. Our best estimate is on the order of 750,000. That would make Wicca about the 5th largest organized religion in the United States, behind Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. However it is virtually unknown by the general public. This is because almost all Wiccans hide their religious beliefs and practices. Those who allow their faith to be known publicly are very heavily persecuted in North America; on a per-capita basis, they are believed to be victimized more often than members of any other religious group. Many assaults, arson, economic attacks are reported yearly. There have even been shootings, one public mass stoning and one lynching in recent years!"

Well, now that we know that the vast majority of Catholics are actaully Witches this makes the surveys incorrect anyway.

Witches probably constitute the bulk of humanity and they just aren't visible in surveys.

I wouldn't check the box marked Wicca on a survey.

In fact, usually check the box marked 'Other'.

I might check 'Buddhism/Taoism" if they have that option. I'm neither a Buddhist nor a Taoist, but their pantheistic philosophies come closest to my religious views.

The bottom line is that they don't have a box that I fit in.

I'm not even sure if I would want one.

I think religious surveys should have a box marked "NO ANSWER". Like this site has.

That's the box I'd check.

Because ultimately religion is a private matter and it's absurd for people to be saying, "My religion has more merit than yours because more idiots checked this checkbox!"

A LOT of people check the Christianity checkbox who aren't truly involved with the organized religion at all. Most of them have abandoned the churches, and even reject a lot of the Bible. They just want to keep Jesus as their Savior. So they check the box marked "Christianity".

It has nothing to do with supporting the religion actually.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:43 AM
Thomas wrote:

Christianity is not dying it's thriving.Your religion is dead.

Christianity already died. We're just watching the last gasps of the dying dragon.

Christianity killed itself by splitting up into so many denomination.

The fastest growing religion today in the USA is "Designer Christianity".

What is "Designer Christianity"?

It's the death of an organized religion.

The VAST MAJORITY of Christians in the USA do not attend church. In fact, they have even created the term "Chruchianity" to denounce the organized religion. That term is a Designer Christian term and it has actually made its way into many dictionaries already.

The Designer Christians renounce Chruchianity, and aren't even concerned with the details of the Bible. They pretty much accept Jesus as their personal Savior. They sweep the God of Abraham and the Old Testament under the carpet and act like its irrelevant. Many of them say that Jesus represents the NEW COVENANT. And therefore the Old Testament is irrelative, save or maybe the 10 Commandments.

Most Designer Christians accept evolution as fact.

Most Designer Christians believe individual freedom of Choice.

They accept Jesus at his word that we should not judge the choices of others.

Most Designer Christians have no problem with same-gender love.

In fact some Designer Christians have already opened Gay Churches.

Designer Christianity is simple:

Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, do as ye will and harm none. Judge no others.

This is the fastest growing religion in the USA.

It doesn't show up on the surveys because Designer Christians still check the box marked "Christianity"

Where it shows up is in the pews.

The church is dead my friend. Organized Christianity is on it's way out. bigsmile

Don't let the surveys fool you because they don't truly reflect what's actually going on.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:51 AM

Krisma I have no problem with people being stoned to death for what ever crimes against God they created.If the bible says they should be stoned to death I also agree they should be stoned to death.In that time era stoning people to death was the preferred way to do a public execution(instead of be-heading,hanging,stabbing,etc.)there were surely more painful ways to die such as...being nailed to a cross and bleeding to death,being thrown into a lions lair and eaten,having your organs removed by the Romans,or being flogged to death.

This is truly sick sir.

All you are saying here is that you are truly blind sheep.

If a priest you trusted told you to burn a woman at the stake for being a witch you'd comply because you believe it to be the will of God?

This is precisely the mentality that your religion creates.

This is precisely why your religion is so dangerous. It creates mindless sheep who will do whatever their religious leaders tell them because they erroneously believe that it is the will of God.

You, my friend, are a perfect example of why your religion is a threat to decent men and women around the world who are not of your horrid faith.

Try Witchcraft for a change.

"Do as ye will and harm none"

You can't be stoning sinners to death as a witch and simultaneously claim to be doing God's will.

God's will is that we harm none.

Witchcraft cannot be used to justify violence in the name of God.

Christianity CAN and IS used to justify horrific violence in the name of God.

Nuff said.

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:07 PM

I said that Catholicism was the number one religion practiced in the world! Please read what I say! This is taken from that same website you copied and pasted!

Catholic Church 1,100,000,000 (Number of Adherents)

Also you are dead wrong on Wicca and Paganism.

"It is estimated that there are more than 750,000 Wiccans in the United States, making Wicca the fifth largest religion in the United States, behind Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism."

So much for it being "dead". What are you afraid its going to catch up? happy I could not care less about this matter and I certainly will have nothing to do with ANY form of organized religion Pagan or not by definition.
FYI, the muslim religion is the most practiced religion in the world!

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:10 PM
Well woudnt you need to take that up with Thomas? huh Or are you simply playing bar back to him since you are a Christian?

martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:16 PM

Well woudnt you need to take that up with Thomas? huh Or are you simply playing bar back to him since you are a Christian?
If this is directed at me, I am curious what it is that makes you assume that I am a "christian"?

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:40 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 11/26/08 12:40 PM
You quoted me! Who else would it be directed at? And to answer your question;

5' 9"

Hair color
Body type

White / Caucasian

Marital Status

Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home


Christian - Other

Want Children?


martymark's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:42 PM

You quoted me! Who else would it be directed at? And to answer your question;

5' 9"

Hair color
Body type

White / Caucasian

Marital Status

Have Children?
Yes, they live away from home


Christian - Other

Want Children?

did you notice the "other" part under the description, or did you just choose to over look that for the sake of trying to start an argument?

Krimsa's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:51 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 11/26/08 12:55 PM
If you choose Christian it automatically says "other" presumably because there are many denominations of Christianity. If you were not Christian, then you would have chosen accordingly. Unless you are simply masquerading as a Christian and picking fights. Besides I never started an argument with you. It was you who quoted me. Do you expect me not to respond to you sir? huh