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Topic: Why is it?
Thomas3474's photo
Fri 11/28/08 05:34 AM
James 1:17 Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn't change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 11/28/08 05:38 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 11/28/08 05:43 AM

James 1:17 Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars. The Father doesn't change like the shifting shadows produced by the sun and the moon.

So then explain what you just posted? He claims he doesnt change yet changes his entire demeanor throughout the bible with impunity.

Please do so in your own words also. I am growing tired of people simply posting a lot of scripture. Any of us are capable of that. You need to make your OWN points if you wish to properly debate this.

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 11/28/08 05:52 AM
God has a love for people we can not understand because it is pure love.We can not imagine what God looks like because the bible says "if you saw Gods face it would kill you".It is safe to say that God watched and learned from people.In the bible God was surprised when Cain killed able.He said "what have you done"?Clearly God has feelings similar to humans.It also says in the bible that "God created man in his image".God once said "I am a jealous God".

God is very loving but also very strict.Sin corrupts Gods word.Sin=death.When people sin over and over,rebel over and over,it makes God very upset and angry.God will only forget,and forgive so much before in his anger for sin...destroy the people,the town,or in one case the whole world. which corrupts his word.

When God told Noah he would flood the earth and kill everyone in it Noah said "no please spare their lives".God said he would not flood the earth if Noah could find one good man or woman on the planet.Noah could not find a single one.

Jesus paid the price so God would not have to get upset or angry with us anymore.God gave us free will to do what we want good or evil.He sacrificed his son to die for sin so we wouldn't have to.

Krimsa's photo
Fri 11/28/08 06:05 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Fri 11/28/08 06:08 AM

God has a love for people we can not understand because it is pure love.We can not imagine what God looks like because the bible says "if you saw Gods face it would kill you"

I certainly dont understand his "love" which would appear to be the same way a child might have a "love" of his toys. In fact, god was so annoyed with humans that he attempted to wipe them off the face of the Earth. This sounds very much like a child who has decided to melt his GI Joe toy or burn helpless ants in the garden using a magnifying glass.

I dont care for that kind of "love" and you can keep it along with your invented premise of a male deity. The emotions of jealously and anger are incompatible with a being who is supposedly omniscient. They are however, perfectly compatible with a bunch of agenda driven men who were supposedly "divinely inspired." Pfft. :tongue:

Im not surprised that Cain killed Abel one bit. God liked Abel's dead animals he had brought for god as an offering MUCH more than Cain's fruits and vegetables he had worked very hard to grow. No explanation is given for this but my personal feeling is god preferred Abel's dead animals because of all the blood, gore, and horror involved with killing animals and sacrifice in general.

So in effect, god rejected Cain and he was sad. God caused Cain to take vengeance on his brother. Cain should have thought better of it, but god certainly played an instrumental role in creating that discourse between brothers.

Nice guy.

The rest is just blah blah conjecture.

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Sat 11/29/08 09:16 PM
Edited by BrandonJItaliano on Sat 11/29/08 09:17 PM

If Gods Face will kill you, then ah i think i have found the answer i was seeking

So God and Medusa are 1 in the same! I always knew God had a femine touch!

Krimsa's photo
Tue 12/02/08 01:55 AM
You might have meant that statement as a joke but you would not be that far off. The largest world religions today (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) all developed out of the Mediterranean region of the world and are very similar in many respects.

no photo
Wed 12/03/08 07:34 PM
Thomas, you have obviously not read your own posts lately if you think Abra is hateful.

'Your mind is a closed tighter than a gnats ass'.

Interesting, I would have said that of you, Thomas, though I might not have said it so crudely. I know Abra doesn't need defending, but your comment struck me because I just responded to a post of yours where you ridicule gays, liberals and atheists, and then ask why some don't understand why you might be hurt by Christian bashing... Empathy is a two way street, but as long as you hold so tightly to your beliefs, you don't seem capable of empathy to anyone other than a Christian, and maybe not even then.. hmmmm

After reading that it's ok by you if women are stoned, I see there is really nothing anyone can say to you. Your twisted and I doubt anyone could straighten your butt out. I just hope don't have children, I would feel so sorry for the repression you would subject them to. And I hope the heck you never have a girl especially.

Oh well I have had enough of twisted bible verses for one night, I think..

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